Category:Religious texts
Biblical canon

Table of Contents

Agnostics Bibles

By William A. Schultz
  • [ A . The Nature of Dogmatic Assertions]
  • [ B . The Agnostic Dogma]
  • [ C . The Universalist Dogma]
  • [ D . The Utilitarian Dogma]
  • [ E . The Equality Dogma]
  • [ F . The Freedom Dogma]
  • [ G . The Mutual Duty Dogma]
  • [ H . The Imperfection Dogma]
  • [ I . The Exception Dogma]
  • [ J . The Dangerous Knowledge Dogma]
  • [ A . The Nature of Religious Principles]
  • [ B . The Fundamental Principle]
  • [ C . The Principle of Paucity]
  • [ D . The Principle of Consequences]
  • [ E . The Principle of Avoidance of Tyranny]
  • [ F . The Principle of Tolerance]
  • [ G . The Principle of The Supremacy of Science]
  • [ H . The Principle of XXXXX]
  • [ A . The Nature of Rules For Life]
  • [ B . The Golden Rule]
  • [ C . The Rules of Privacy and Intervention]
  • [ D . The Rules of Development]
  • [ E . X The Rule of Cooperation]
  • [ F . The Rule of Honesty]
  • [ G . The Rules of Virtue and Vice]
  • [ H . The Rules of Distinctions]
  • [ I . The Rules For Moral Choices]
  • [ J . The Rules of Individual Responsibility]
  • [ K . The Rules Of Community Service]
  • [ L . The Rules of Human Sexuality]
  • [ A . What Is A "Tribe" And Why Do I Want To Join One?]
  • [ B . The Rules of Early Childhood Development]
  • [ C . The Rules of Family Composition]
  • [ D . The Rules of Tribal Composition]
  • [ E . The Rules of Family and Tribal Responsibility]
  • [ F . The Rules For Support of Young Relationships]
  • [ G . XXXXX]
  • [ H . XXXXX]
  • [ A . Rules For Tribal Courts]
  • [ B . Rules For Church Symbols]
  • [ A . Nature of this Advice and Commentary]
  • [ B . A Commentary On Property]
  • [ C . A Commentary On "Progress"]
  • [ D . A Commentary On Motivation]
  • [ E . xxx]
  • [ A . Nature of the Great Debates]
  • [ B . Should We Encourage Young Committed Relationships?]
  • [ C . Do Depictions of Proscribed Conduct CAUSE Proscribed Conduct?]
  • [ A . Agnostic]
  • [ B . Anthropomorphic]
  • [ C . Atheist]
  • [ D . XXXXX]
  • [ E . Church]
  • [ F . XXXXX]
  • [ G . Contemporary]
  • [ H . Civilization]
  • [ I . Culture]
  • [ J . XXXXX]
  • [ K . Dogma]
  • [ L . Faith]
  • [ M . Fundamentalism]
  • [ N . XXXXX]
  • [ O . Principle]
  • [ P . XXXXX]
  • [ Q . Rule]
  • [ R . XXXXX]
  • [ S . Tribe]
  • [ T . XXXXX]
  • [ U . Wisdom]
  • [ V . XXXXX]

Agnostic Bible (2009)

By John Higgs
By Emperor Lu Bu

Book One: Beginnings

Atheist Bibles

The Quotable Atheist: Ammunition for Non-Believers, Political Junkies, Gadflies, and Those Generally Hell-Bound (2006)

Edited by Jack Huberman

The Atheist’s Bible: An Illustrious Collection of Irreverent Thoughts (2007)

By Joan Konner

The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever (2007)

Edited by Christopher Hitchens

The Atheist Bible: Knowledge is Power! (2015)

By Daniel S. Fletcher

The Anti-Bible: For Atheists, Freethinkers, and Christians Who Know Better (2016)

By Ivan Green

Humanist Bibles

The Good Book: A Humanist Bible (2011)

Made by A. C. Grayling

Epistle to the Reader











The Lawgiver



The Good

Judeo-Christian Bibles

Click on the religion/sect column to see how that religion/sect orders its canon.

(Oriental Orthodox)

Torah  ("Instruction" or "Teaching")

Pentateuch  ("Five Books")

Nevi'im  ("Prophets")

Nevi'im Rishonim  ("Former Prophets")

Nevi'im Aharonim  ("Latter Prophets")


Ketuvim  ("Writings")

Sifrei Emet  ("Books of Truth")


Hamesh Megillot  ("The Five Scrolls")

  • Megillat Qoheleth  ("The Scroll of the Gatherer" (trad. trans. as "Teacher" or "Preacher"))

The Gospels  ("Good News")

Unnamed (Apocalypses)

Jewish Tanakh

Tanakh Bible
(Jewish) (Mormon) (Protestant) (Roman Catholic) (Eastern Orthodox) (Oriental Orthodox)
The Old Testament
Torah  ("Instruction" or "Teaching") Pentateuch  ("Five Books")
Nevi'im  ("Prophets") Prophetic books
Nevi'im Rishonim  ("Former Prophets")
Nevi'im Aharonim  ("Latter Prophets")
Ketuvim  ("Writings") Wisdom books Poetic books
Sifrei Emet  ("Books of Truth")
Hamesh Megillot  ("The Five Scrolls")
  • Megillat Qoheleth  ("The Scroll of the Gatherer" (trad. trans. as "Teacher" or "Preacher"))
Unnamed (Historical books) Historical books
Mishnah  ("Study by Repetition")
Seder Zeraim  ("Seeds")
Seder Moed  ("Festival")
Seder Nashim  ("Women")
Seder Nezikin  ("Damages")
Seder Kodashim  ("Holies")
Seder Tohorot  ("Purities")
Gemara  [Note: not all masekhtot (tractates) have Gemara]
See also:
Torah Pentateuch
(Samaritan) (Jewish) (Mormon) (Protestant) (Roman Catholic) (Eastern Orthodox) (Oriental Orthodox)
See also:
Date Abbr. Title by language
Arabic Hebrew Aramaic Greek Latin English
Latinised Arabic
Latinised Hebrew
Latinised Aramaic
Latinised Gutenberg Bible
(1454 or 1455)
Peak Collection Douay–Rheims Bible
(NT 1582, OT1 1609, OT2 1610)
King James Version
New American Bible With
Revised New Testament (1986)
Peak Collection
B. C. E.
C. E.
(# Festivals)
[The ORDINAL Masekhet of]
סדר מועד
Masekhet TITLE
[The ORDINAL Masekhet of]
Seder Moed
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του TITLE
[The ORDINAL Tractate of the]
Προγραμματισμένη Παραγγελία
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu TITLE
ORDINAL Tractatu de
Festis Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of TITLE
The ORDINAL Tractate of the
Order of Festivals
In the Mishnah
B. C. E.
C. E.
(1 Seeds)
מסכת ברכות
[The First Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Berakhot
[The First Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Μπερακότ
[The First Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Benedictionibus
Primo Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Blessings
The First Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
(2 Seeds)
מסכת פאה
[The Second Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Pe'ah
[The Second Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Πιά
[The Second Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Anguli
Secunda Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of the Corner
Referring to the Corner of the Fileld
The Second Tractate of the

Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
C. E.
(3 Seeds)
מסכת דמאי
[The Third Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Demai
[The Third Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Ντέιι
[The Third Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
Tertius Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Agricultural Produce
About Which There Is a Doubt
Whether It Has Been Properly Tithed
The Third Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
(4 Seeds)
מסכת כלאיים
[The Fourth Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Kil'ayim
[The Fourth Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Κιλιέιμ
[The Fourth Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Species Hybrido
Quartus Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Hybrid Species
The Fourth Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
(5 Seeds)
מסכת שביעית
[The Fifth Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Shevi'it
[The Fifth Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Σέβιτ
[The Fifth Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Septimus Annus
Quintum Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of the Seventh Year
The Fifth Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
(6 Seeds)
מסכת תרומות
[The Sixth Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Terumot
[The Sixth Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Δωρεές
[The Sixth Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Donationibus
Sextus Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Donations
Also known as
The Tractate of Priestly Dues
The Sixth Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
(7 Seeds)
מסכת מעשרות
[The Seventh Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Ma'aserot
[The Seventh Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του
Φόροι του δέκατου
[The Seventh Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Decimas
Septima Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Tithes
The Seventh Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
2nd Tithe
(Ma'aser Sheni)
(8 Seeds)
מסכת מעשר שני
[The Eighth Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Ma'aser Sheni
[The Eighth Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Μαίσερ Σένι
[The Eighth Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu
Alteris Decumis Exigendis
Sexto Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of the Second Tithe
The Eighth Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
(9 Seeds)
מסכת חלה
[The Ninth Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Challah
[The Ninth Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Χαλά
[The Ninth Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Massam
Nono Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Dough
The Ninth Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
(10 Seeds)
מסכת ערלה
[The Tenth Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Orlah
[The Tenth Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Ορλά
[The Tenth Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Obuiare Curaret Arbores
Decimus Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of the Blockage of Trees
The Tenth Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
(11 Seeds)
מסכת ביכורים
[The Eleventh Masekhet of]
סדר זרעים
Masekhet Bikkurim
[The Eleventh Masekhet of]
Seder Zeraim
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Μπικκουρίμ
[The Eleventh Tractate of the]
Παραγγελία του Σπόροι
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Primum Fructus
Undecimus Tractatu de
Semina Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of the First Fruits
The Eleventh Tractate of the
Order of Seeds
In the Mishnah
(1 Festivals)
מסכת שבת
[The First Masekhet of]
סדר מועד
Masekhet Shabbat
[The First Masekhet of]
Seder Moed
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Σαμπάτ
[The First Tractate of the]
Προγραμματισμένη Παραγγελία
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Sabbatum
Primo Tractatu de
Festis Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Shabbat
Also known as
The Tractate of the Sabbath
The First Tractate of the
Order of Festivals
In the Mishnah
(2 Festivals)
מסכת עירובין
[The Second Masekhet of]
סדר מועד
Masekhet Eruvin
[The Second Masekhet of]
Seder Moed
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Έρβιν
[The Second Tractate of the]
Προγραμματισμένη Παραγγελία
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Mixturis
Secunda Tractatu de
Festis Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Mixtures
The Second Tractate of the
Order of Festivals
In the Mishnah
(3 Festivals)
מסכת פסחים
[The Third Masekhet of]
סדר מועד
Masekhet Pesachim
[The Third Masekhet of]
Seder Moed
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Εβραϊκό Πάσχα
[The Third Tractate of the]
Προγραμματισμένη Παραγγελία
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Pascha
Tertius Tractatu de
Festis Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Passover
The Third Tractate of the
Order of Festivals
In the Mishnah
(4 Festivals)
מסכת שקלים
[The Fourth Masekhet of]
סדר מועד
Masekhet Shekalim
[The Fourth Masekhet of]
Seder Moed
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Σέκελς
[The Fourth Tractate of the]
Προγραμματισμένη Παραγγελία
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Siclis
Quartus Tractatu de
Festis Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of Shekels
The Fourth Tractate of the
Order of Festivals
In the Mishnah
(5 Festivals)
מסכת יומא
[The Fifth Masekhet of]
סדר מועד
Masekhet Yoma
[The Fifth Masekhet of]
Seder Moed
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του η Ημέρα
[The Fifth Tractate of the]
Προγραμματισμένη Παραγγελία
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Dies
Quintum Tractatu de
Festis Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of the Day
Also known as
The Tractate of the Day of Atonement
The Fifth Tractate of the
Order of Festivals
In the Mishnah
(6 Festivals)
מסכת סוכה
[The Sixth Masekhet of]
סדר מועד
Masekhet Sukkah
[The Sixth Masekhet of]
Seder Moed
[In the Mishnah]
Η πραγματεία του Σουκά
[The Sixth Tractate of the]
Προγραμματισμένη Παραγγελία
Στο Μισνά
In Tractatu Umbraculum
Sextus Tractatu de
Festis Ordo
De Mischna
The Tractate of the Booth
The Sixth Tractate of the
Order of Festivals
In the Mishnah

Mormon Bible

Tanakh Bible
(Jewish) (Mormon) (Protestant) (Roman Catholic) (Eastern Orthodox) (Oriental Orthodox)
The Old Testament
Torah  ("Instruction" or "Teaching") Pentateuch  ("Five Books")
Unnamed (Historical books) Historical books
Nevi'im Rishonim  ("Former Prophets")
Ketuvim  ("Writings") Wisdom books Poetic books
Sifrei Emet  ("Books of Truth")
Hamesh Megillot  ("The Five Scrolls")
  • Megillat Qoheleth  ("The Scroll of the Gatherer" (trad. trans. as "Teacher" or "Preacher"))
Nevi'im  ("Prophets") Prophetic books
Nevi'im Aharonim  ("Latter Prophets")
  • Megillat Eikhah  ("The Scroll of How")
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Translated out of the Original Greek: and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty’s Special Command
The Gospels  ("Good News")
Unnamed (Apostolic history)
New Testament letters (also known as Epistles)
Pauline corpus (also known as the Pauline epistles)[e]
The catholic letters (also known as the Catholic epistles)
Unnamed (Apocalypses)
The Book of Mormon  (1830)
Another Testament of Jesus Christ
Small Plates of Nephi
Contribution of Mormon
Unnamed (Words)
Mormon's abridgment of the Large Plates of Nephi
Unnamed (Mormon's record)
Additions by Moroni

See also

Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Latter Day Saints:
Carefully Selected From the Revelations of God
The Pearl of Great Price  (updated 1878)

Protestant Bible

Tanakh Bible
(Jewish) (Mormon) (Protestant) (Roman Catholic) (Eastern Orthodox) (Oriental Orthodox)
The Old Testament
Torah  ("Instruction" or "Teaching") Pentateuch  ("Five Books")
Unnamed (Historical books) Historical books
Nevi'im Rishonim  ("Former Prophets")
Ketuvim  ("Writings") Wisdom books Poetic books
Sifrei Emet  ("Books of Truth")
Hamesh Megillot  ("The Five Scrolls")
  • Megillat Qoheleth  ("The Scroll of the Gatherer" (trad. trans. as "Teacher" or "Preacher"))
Nevi'im  ("Prophets") Prophetic books
Nevi'im Aharonim  ("Latter Prophets")
The Books Called Apocrypha Appendix
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Translated out of the Original Greek and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised by His Majesty’s Special Command
The Gospels  ("Good News")
Unnamed (Apostolic history)
New Testament letters (also known as Epistles)
Pauline corpus (also known as the Pauline epistles)[e]
The catholic letters (also known as the Catholic epistles)
Unnamed (Apocalypses)

Roman Catholic Bible

Tanakh Bible
(Jewish) (Mormon) (Protestant) (Roman Catholic) (Eastern Orthodox) (Oriental Orthodox)
The Old Testament
Torah  ("Instruction" or "Teaching") Pentateuch  ("Five Books")
Unnamed (Historical books) Historical books
Nevi'im Rishonim  ("Former Prophets")
Ketuvim  ("Writings") Wisdom books Poetic books
Sifrei Emet  ("Books of Truth")
Hamesh Megillot  ("The Five Scrolls")
  • Megillat Qoheleth  ("The Scroll of the Gatherer" (trad. trans. as "Teacher" or "Preacher"))
Nevi'im  ("Prophets") Prophetic books
Nevi'im Aharonim  ("Latter Prophets")
The New Testament
The Gospels  ("Good News")
Unnamed (Apostolic history)
New Testament letters (also known as Epistles)
Pauline corpus (also known as the Pauline epistles)[e]
The catholic letters (also known as the Catholic epistles)
Unnamed (Apocalypses)

Eastern Orthodox Bible

NOTE:  This editor, being not in possession of an Eastern Orthodox Bible, is far less certain of the titles in this section than in those above.
Tanakh Bible
(Jewish) (Mormon) (Protestant) (Roman Catholic) (Eastern Orthodox) (Oriental Orthodox)
The Old Testament
Torah  ("Instruction" or "Teaching") Pentateuch  ("Five Books")
Unnamed (Historical books) Historical books
Nevi'im Rishonim  ("Former Prophets")
Ketuvim  ("Writings") Wisdom books Poetic books
Sifrei Emet  ("Books of Truth")
Hamesh Megillot  ("The Five Scrolls")
  • Megillat Qoheleth  ("The Scroll of the Gatherer" (trad. trans. as "Teacher" or "Preacher"))
Nevi'im  ("Prophets") Prophetic books
Nevi'im Aharonim  ("Latter Prophets")
The New Testament
The Gospels  ("Good News")
Unnamed (Apostolic history)
New Testament letters (also known as Epistles)
Pauline corpus (also known as the Pauline epistles)[e]
The catholic letters (also known as the Catholic epistles)
Unnamed (Apocalypses)

Oriental Orthodox Bible

See also

Books by title

Cento Vergilianus de laudibus Christi

Date Abbr. Title by language
Arabic Hebrew Aramaic Greek Latin English
Latinised Arabic
Latinised Hebrew
Latinised Aramaic
Latinised Gutenberg Bible
(1454 or 1455)
Peak Collection Douay–Rheims Bible
(NT 1582, OT1 1609, OT2 1610)
King James Version
New American Bible With
Revised New Testament (1986)
Peak Collection
B. C. E.
Baʿal دورة البعل עלילות בעל וענת The Baʿal Cycle
Also known as
The Epic of Baʿal
Keret אגדת כרת Legenda Keret
Item nota quod
Et Epic Regis de Keret de Hubur
The Legend of Keret
Also known as
The Epic of King Keret of Hubur
Aqhat אגדת אקהת The Tale of Aqhat
Also known as
The Epic of Aqhat
C. E.
(53 Jerome) eplaſcï Jezonîmî p ad Paulinū pzeſbitezū deomībus díuínluſ tazielibzis· Capîtulum Pzînuī
Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymi
ad Paulinum II Antiochenum
Epistle of
Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus
to Paulinus II of Antioch
C. E.
plogus īpenthateurūmoiſi
Prologo in Pentateuchum
Prologue to the Pentateuch
B. C. E.
Genesis سفر التكوين Sfr al-Tkwyn سفر التكوين Sfr al-Tkwyn ספר בראשית ܣܦܪܐ ܕܒܪܝܬܐ Το Βιβλίο της Γένεσης To Biblío tes Génesis Genesis Liber Genesis
Ad verbum in Hebraice
In Principio
The Booke of Geneſis,
in Hebrew Bereſith.
The Firſt Booke of Moſes,
called Geneſis.
The Book of Genesis The Book of Genesis
Known more literally in Hebrew as
In the Beginning
سفر الخروج Sfr al-Khrwj سفر الخروج Sfr al-Khrwj ספר שמות
(Also known as
ספר אקסודוס)
Το Βιβλίο της Εξόδου To Biblío tes Exódu Exodus Libro Nomina
Liber Exodus
The Booke of Exodvs.
In Hebrew Veelleſemoth.
The Second Booke of Moſes,
called Exodus.
The Book of Exodus The Book of Names
Commonly known as
The Book of Exodus
B. C. E.
سفر اللاويين سفر اللاويين Sfr al-Lāwyyn ספר ויקרא
(Also known as
ספר שבט לוי)
Το Βιβλίο του Λευιτικόν To Biblío tu Levitikón LSVI Et Vocavit Autem
Liber Leviticus
The Booke Leviticvs,
in Hebrew Vaicra.
The Third Booke of Moſes,
called Leuiticus.
The Book of Leviticus And He Called
Commonly known as
The Book of Leviticus
B. C. E.
سفر العدد سفر العدد ספר במדבר
(Also known as
ספר מספרים)
Το Βιβλίο των Αριθμών To Biblío ton Arithmón Numeri Libro Deserto
Ad verbum in Hebraice
In Deserto

et vulgo quod in Græca et Anglica
Liber Numeri
The Booke Nvmeri (or Nvmbers)
in Hebrew Vaiedabber.
The Fovrth Booke of Moſes,
called Numbers.
The Book of Numbers The Book of the Desert
Known more literally in Hebrew as
In the Desert

and commonly known in Greek and English as
The Book of Numbers
B. C. E.
سفر التثنية سفر التثنية ספר דברים
(Also known as
ספר חוק שני)
Deuteronomium Libro Verba
Liber Deuteronomii
The Booke of Devteronomie,
in Hebrew Elle Haddebarim.
The Fifth Booke of Moſes,
called Deuteronomie.
The Book of Deuteronomy The Book of Words
Commonly known as
The Book of Deuteronomy
C. E.
prologus bū Jeronī presſbuei in librum Josue
Prologus in Librum Josue
Prologue to the Book of Jehoshua
Who He Calls Joshua
B. C. E.
سفر يشوع سفر يشوع ספר יהושע Iosue Libro Iehoshue
Liber Iosue
The Booke of Ioſve,
in Hebrew Iehoſva.
The Booke of Ioſhua. The Book of Joshua The Book of Jehoshua
Commonly known as
The Book of Joshua
B. C. E.
Judges سفر القضاة سفر القضاة ספר שופטים Iudicum Liber Iudicum The Booke of Ivdges,
in Hebrew Sophetim.
The Booke of Iudges. The Book of Judges The Book of Judges
B. C. E.
سفر راعوث سفر راعوث מגילת רות Ruth Volumen Rut
Volumen Ruth
The Booke of Rvth. The Booke of Ruth. The Book of Ruth The Scroll of Rut
Commonly known as
The Scroll of Ruth
C. E.
prologus in lîbros regum. Hieronymus’s
Prologus Galeatus
Item nota quod
Hieronymus’s Prologus in Libros Regum
Helmeted Prologue
Also known as
Hieronymus’s Prologue to the Books of Kings
B. C. E.
1 Shmuel
(1 Samuel)
(1 Kings)
سفر صموئيل سفر صموئيل ספר שמואל Regum I Libro Shmuel
Vulgo dividuntur
Primus et Secundus Libris Samuelis
In dixerunt Septuaginta
Primus et Secundus Libri Regum
The Firſt Booke of Samvel,
Which We Cal
the Firſt of Kinges.
The Firſt Booke of Samuel,
otherwiſe called,
The firſt Booke of the Kings.
The First Book of Samuel The Book of Shmuel
Commonly divided into two parts known as
The First and Second Books of Samuel
Known in the Septuagint as
The First and Second Books of Kings
2 Shmuel
(2 Samuel)
(2 Kings)
Regum II The Second Booke of Samvel,
Which We Cal
the Second of Kinges.
The Second Booke of Samuel,
otherwiſe called,
The ſecond Booke of the Kings.
The Second Book of Samuel
1 Kings
(3 Kings)
سفر الملوك سفر الملوك ספר מלכים Regum III
(Mislabelled REGUM II in first instance)
Libro Regum
Volgo, extra Hebraice
Primus et Secundus Libri Regum
In dixerunt Septuaginta
Tertium et Quartum Libri Regum
The Third Booke of Kinges;
According to the Hebrewes
the Firſt of Malachim.
The Firſt Booke of the Kings,
commonly called
The third Booke of the Kings.
The First Book of Kings The Book of Kings
Commonly divided outside of Hebrew into two parts known as
The First and Second Books of Kings
Known in the Septuagint as
The Third and Fourth Books of Kings
2 Kings
(4 Kings)
Regum IIII The Fovrt Booke of Kinges:
According to the Hebrewes,
the Second of Malachim.
The Second Booke of the Kings,
commonly called,
The fourth Booke of the Kings.
The Second Book of Kings
C. E.
prologus in librum paralipomenon primū [indecipherable] . Hieronymus’s
Prologus in Librum Paralipomenon
Item nota quod
Hieronymus’s Prologus in Liber Chronicarum
Prologue to the Paralipomena
Also known as
Hieronymus’s Prologue to the Book of Chronicles
B. C. E.
1 Chronicles
(1 Paralipomena)
سفر اخبار الايام سفر أخبار الأيام דברי הימים Palipome I Liber Chronicarum
Ad verbum in Hebraice
De Rebu ex Diebus
Volgo, extra Hebraice
Primus et Secundus Libri Chronicorum
In dixerunt Septuaginta
Primus et Secundus Libri Paralipomenon
The Firſt Booke of Paralipomenon.
In Hebrew, Dibre Haiamim.
The Firſt Booke of the Chronicles. The First Book of Chronicles The Book of Chronicles
Known more literally in Hebrew as
The Matters of the Days
Commonly divided outside of Hebrew into two parts known as
The First and Second Books of Chronicles
Known in the Septuagint as
The First and Second Books of Ommissions
2 Chronicles
(2 Paralipomena)
Palipome II The Second Booke of Paralipomenon.
In Hebrew, Dibre Haiamim.
The Second Booke of the Chronicles. The Second Book of Chronicles
C. E.
pſacio beau Jeronum pſbuezi in librū esſre
Prologus in Librum Esdre
Prologue to the Books of Esdre
B. C. E.
(Esdras Βˊ)
سفر عزرا سفر عزرا ספר עזרא Esdre I
(Mislabelled ESDER I in first instance)
Liber Esdræ The Firſt Booke of Eſdras. Ezra. The Book of Ezra The Book of Ezra
(Esdras Βˊ (Continued))
سفر نحميا
(Originally part of
سفر عزرا)
سفر نحميا
(Originally part of
سفر عزرا)
ספר נחמיה
(Originally part of
ספר עזרא)
Esdre II Liber Nehemiæ
(In principio, in parte
Liber Esdræ)
The Booke of Nehemias.
which alſo is called:
The Second of Eſdras
The Booke of Nehemiah. The Book of Nehemiah The Book of Nehemya
Commonly known as
The Book of Nehemiah
(Originally part of
The Book of Ezra)
B. C. E.
C. E.
1 Esdras
(Esdras Αˊ)
عزرا الاول عزرا الأول עזרא החיצוני Esdre III Græcæ Liber Esdræ
Quoque nota ut Primus Liber Esdræ
In Vulgata, nota ut Tertius Liber Esdræ
The Third Booke of Eſdras. I. Eſdras. The Greek Book of Esdras
So-named despite uncertainty as to its original language

Also known as the First Book of Esdras
Known in the Vulgate as the Third Book of Esdras
C. E.
2 Esdras عزرا الثانى عزرا الثاني חזון עזרא
(Also known as
אפוקליפסה של עזרא)
Esdre IIII Apocalypsis Iudaica Esdræ
Item nota quod Latinam Liber Esdræ
Quoque nota ut Secundus Liber Esdræ
In Vulgata, nota ut Quartus Liber Esdræ
The Fovrth Booke of Eſdras. II. Eſdras. The Jewish Apocalypse of Ezra
Also known as the Latin Book of Esdras,
so-named as the original Hebrew is lost,
and as the first two chapters are not Jewish in origin

Also known as the Second Book of Esdras
Known in the Vulgate as the Fourth Book of Esdras
B. C. E.
Tobit سفر طوبيا سفر طوبيا ספר טוביה Το Βιβλίο του Τωβίτ To Biblío tu Tobít Tobie Liber Tobiæ The Booke of Tobias. Tobit. The Book of Tobit The Book of Tobit
B. C. E.
سفر يهوديت سفر يهوديت ספר יהודית Το βιβλίο της Ιουδίθ To Biblío tes Iudíth Iudith Liber Iudith The Booke of Ivdith. Ivdeth. The Book of Judith The Book of Yehudit
Commonly known as
The Book of Judith
B. C. E.
Esther سفر استير سفر أستير מגילת אסתר Η Κύλιση της Εσθήρ E Kúlise tes Esthér Hester
(Long version,
I think.)
Volumen Esther
(Versio longa, interpositus.)
The Booke of Eſther.
(Long version, appended to conclusion.)
The Booke of Eſther.
(Short version.)
The Book of Esther
(Long version, interspersed.)
The Scroll of Esther
(Long version, interspersed.)
B. C. E.
The reſt of the Chapters of the Booke of Eſther,
which are found neither in the Hebrew,
nor in the Calde.
B. C. E.
1 Maccabees سفر المكابين الاول سفر المكابيين الأول ספר מקבים א Machabeorum I Liber Primus Maccabæorum The Firſt Booke of Macabees. The firſt booke of the Maccabees. The First Book of Maccabees The First Book of the Maccabees
c. 124
B. C. E.
2 Maccabees سفر المكابين الثانى سفر المكابيين الثاني ספר מקבים ב Machabeorvm II Liber Secundus Maccabæorum The Second Booke of Machabees. The ſecond booke of the Maccabees. The Second Book of Maccabees The Second Book of the Maccabees
B. C. E.
3 Maccabees سفر المكابين الثالث سفر المكابين الثالث ספר מקבים ג Liber Tertio Maccabæorum The Third Book of the Maccabees
B. C. E.
C. E.
4 Maccabees سفر المكابين الرابع سفر المكابين الرابع ספר מקבים ד Liber Quartum Maccabæorum The Fourth Book of the Maccabees
c. 70
C. E.
5 Maccabees سفر المكابين الخامس سفر المكابيين الخامس ספר מקבים ה Liber Quinto Maccabæorum
Quoque nota ut
Libro Arabica Maccabæorum
The Fifth Book of the Maccabees
Also known as
The Arabic Book of the Maccabees
B. C. E.
سفر أيوب سفر أيوب ספר איוב Iob Liber Iob The Booke of Iob. The Booke of Iob. The Book of Job The Book of Iyov
Commonly known as
The Book of Job
B. C. E.
Psalms 1–150 سفر المزامير مزمور ספר תהילים ܡܙܡܘܪܐ Το Βιβλίο των Ψαλμών To Biblío ton Psalmón Psalteriū
(150, I think)
Liber Psalmorum  (CLV )
Ad verbum in Hebraice
Libro Laudes
(Vide quoque: Psalmus CLI, Psalmi CLII–CLV)
The Booke of Pſalmes.  (150 ) The Booke of Pſalmes.  (150 ) The Book of Psalms  (150 ) The Book of Psalms  (155 )
Known more literally in Hebrew as
The Book of Praises
Psalm 151 מזמור קנ"א Ψαλμός 151 Psalmós 151
Psalms 152–155 מזמורי קנ"א-קנ"ד ܡܙܡܘܪܐ
Ψαλμοί 152–155 Psalmoí 152–155
B. C. E.
صلاة منسى صلاة منسى תפילת מנשה Η Προσευχή του Μανασσή E Proseyché tu Manassé Orano manaſſe regis uida-rū raptus teneret ī babilone
Oratio Attribuitur Manassæ The Prayer of Manaſſes King of Ivda,
When He Was Held Captive in Babylon.
The prayer of Manaſſes King of Iuda,
when he was holden captiue in Babylon.
The Prayer Attributed to
Menasheh ben Hizqiyah
Commonly known as
The Prayer Attributed to Manasseh
B. C. E.
Proverbs سفر الأمثال سفر الأمثال ספר משלי Το βιβλίο των Παροιμιών To Biblío ton Paroimión Parabole Liber Proverbiorum The Booke of Proverbes,
Which the Hebrewes Cal Miſle.
The Proverbes. The Book of Proverbs The Book of Proverbs
So-named in Greek, Latin, and English
despite containing more than just proverbs
C. E.
Prologue to the Scroll of Kohelet
B. C. E.
سفر الجامعة سفر الجامعة מגילת קהלת Eccleſiaſtes, in Hebrew Called Coheleth. Eccleſiaſtes, or the Preacher. The Book of Ecclesiastes The Scroll of Kohelet
Commonly known as
The Scroll of Ecclesiastes
B. C. E.
Song سفر نشيد الأنشاد سفر نشيد الأنشاد מגילת שיר השירים Salamons Canticle of Canticles,
Which in Hebrew is Called Sir Haſirim.
The Song of Solomon. The Song of Songs The Scroll of the Song of Songs
B. C. E.
C. E.
Wisdom سفر الحكمة سفر الحكمة ספר חוכמה The Booke of Wiſdom. The Wiſedome of Solomon. The Book of Wisdom The Book of Wisdom
B. C. E.
(Prologue 132 B. C. E.)
Sirach سفر يشوع بن سيراخ سفر بن سيراخ ספר בן סירא Eccleſiaſticvs of Ieſvs the Sonne of Sirach. The Wiſdome of Ieſus the ſonne of Sirach,
Or Eccleſiaſticus.
The Book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) The Book of ben Sirach
Also known as
Liber Ecclesiasticus
B. C. E.
1 Isaiah
(Isaiah 1–39)
سفر اشعيا سفر إشعيا ספר ישעיהו The Prophecie of Iſaie.
(Iſaie I., Iſaie XL., Iſaie LVI.)
The Booke of the Prophet Iſaiah.
(Iſaiah i., Iſaie xl., Iſaie lvj.)
The Book of Isaiah The Original Book
of Isaiah ben Amoz
Also referred to as
(Isaiah 1–39)
B. C. E.
2 Isaiah
(Isaiah 40–55)
The Second Book
Attributed to Isaiah ben Amoz
Also referred to as
(Isaiah 40–55)
c. 515
B. C. E.
3 Isaiah
(Isaiah 56–66)
The Third Book
Attributed to Isaiah ben Amoz
Also referred to as
(Isaiah 56–66)
B. C. E.
Jeremiah سفر ارميا سفر إرميا ספר ירמיהו The Prophecie of Ieremie. The Booke of the Prophet Ieremiah. The Book of Jeremiah The Book of Jeremiah
B. C. E.
Lamentations سفر المراثى سفر مراثي إرميا מגילת איכה The Threnes,
that is to ſay,
The Lamentations of Ieremie the Prophet.
The Lamentations of Ieremiah. The Book of Lamentations The Scroll of Lamentations
C. E.
Babylonian Captivity Apocryphon de Captivitate Babylonis Apocryphon of the Babylonian Captivity
(Later reworked by Christians into
The Fourth Book of Baruch,
see below)
1 Baruch
سفر باروخ ספר ברוך The Prophecie of Barvch. Barvch. The Book of Baruch The First Book of Baruch
Commonly called
The Book of Baruch
B. C. E.
Epistle of Jeremiah
(Baruch 6)
رسالة ارميا
(6 ارميا)
رسالة إرميا
(6 إرميا)
איגרת ירמיהו Ieremie by his epiſtle forwarneth the Iewes,
that they shal be captiues in Babylon:
and after ſeuentie yeares shal be releaſed:
3. exhorting them, al that time to auoid idolatrie:
7. largely shewing the vanitie of idols.

(Barvch VI)
The Epiſtle of Ieremie.
(Barvch VI)
The Letter of Jeremiah
Against Idolatry
(Baruch 6)
The So-Called Epistle
Attributed to Jeremiah
(Commonly included as chapter six of
The First Book of Baruch)
2 Baruch 'חזון ברוך א The Second Book of Baruch
Also called
The Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch
The Letter of Baruch to the Nine and a Half Tribes
3 Baruch 'חזון ברוך ב The Third Book of Baruch
Also known as
The Greek Apocalypse of Baruch
4 Baruch The Fourth Book of Baruch
Also known as
Paralipomena of Jeremiah
Ezekiel سفر حزقيال سفر حزقيال ספר יחזקאל Το Βιβλίο του Ιεζεκιήλ To Biblío tu Iezekiél The Prophecie of Ezechiel. The Booke of the Prophet Ezekiel. The Book of Ezekiel The Book of Ezekiel
Daniel سفر دانيال سفر دانيال ספר דניאל The Prophecie of Daniel. The Booke of Daniel. The Book of Daniel The Book of Daniel
תפילת עזריה ושירת שלושת הנערים בכבשן That vvhich folovveth I found
not in the Hebrevve volumes.

(Daniel III:24–90)
The Song of the three holy children,
which followeth in the third Chapter of Daniel after this place,
[And they walked in the midſt of the fire, praiſing God, and
bleſsing the Lord.]  That which followeth is not in the Hebrew;
to wit, [Then Azarias ſtood vp]
vnto theſe wordes, [And Nabuchodonoſor.]
(Daniel 3:24–90)
(Daniel 3:24–90)
(Daniel 13)
מעשה שושנה Two old iudges ouercomen with carnal consupiſcence,
tempt chaſte Suſanna: 22. who conſtantly reſiſting,
27. is by them falſly accuſed, 41. & condemned of adultrie.
45. Daniel conuinceth them of falſe teſtimonie,
60. and they are punished with death.

(Daniel XIII)
The hiſtorie of Suſanna,
ſet apart from the beginning of Daniel,
becauſe it is not in Hebrew,
as neither the narration of Bel and the Dragon.
Susanna's Virtue
(Daniel 13)
The Story of Susanna
(Daniel 13)
(Daniel 14)
בל והתנין Daniel detecteth the fraud of Bels prieſtes:
who pretend that Bel eateth much meate:
21. for which they are ſlaine, and the idol deſtroyed.
22. Likewiſe he deſtroyeth a dragon,
which the Babylonians held for a god.
27. He is ca into the lake of ſeuen lions.
32. whither Habacuc miraculouſly bringeth him meate:
39. the lions hurt him not: & his accuſers are deuoured.

(Daniel XIIII)
The hiſtory of the deſtruction of
Bel and the Dragon,
cut off from the end of Daniel.
Bel and the Dragon
(Daniel 14)
Bel and the Dragon
(Daniel 14)
Hosea سفر هوشع سفر هوشع ספר הושע Το Βιβλίο του Ωσηέ To Biblío tu Oseé The Prophecie of Oſee. Hoſea. The Book of Hosea The Book of Hosea
Joel سفر يوئيل سفر يوئيل ספר יואל Το Βιβλίο του Ιωήλ To Biblío tu Ioél The Prophecie of Ioel. Ioel. The Book of Joel The Book of Joel
Amos سفر عاموس سفر عاموس ספר עמוס Το Βιβλίο του Αμώς To Biblío tu Amós The Prophecie of Amos. Amos. The Book of Amos The Book of Amos
Obadiah سفر عوبديا سفر عوبديا ספר עובדיה Το Βιβλίο του Αβδιού To Biblío tu Abdioý The Prophecie of Abdias. Obadiah. The Book of Obadiah The Book of Obadiah
Jonah سفر يونان سفر يونان ספר יונה Το Βιβλίο του Ιωνά To Biblío tu Ioná The Prophecie of Ionas. Ionah. The Book of Jonah The Book of Jonah
Micah سفر ميخا سفر ميخا ספר מיכה Το Βιβλίο του Μιχαΐα To Biblío tu Michaḯa The Prophecie of Micheas. Micah. The Book of Micah The Book of Micah
Nahum سفر ناحوم سفر ناحوم ספר נחום Το Βιβλίο του Ναούμ To Biblío tu Naoým The Prophecie of Nahvm. Nahvm. The Book of Nahum The Book of Nahum
Habakkuk سفر حبقوق سفر حبقوق ספר חבקוק Το Βιβλίο του Αββακούμ To Biblío tu Abbacoým The Prophecie of Habacvc. Nabakkvk. The Book of Habakkuk The Book of Habakkuk
Zephaniah سفر صفنيا سفر صفنيا ספר צפניה Το Βιβλίο του Σοφονία To Biblío tu Sophanía The Prophecie of Sophonias. Zephaniah. The Book of Zephaniah The Book of Zephaniah
Haggai سفر حجى سفر حجاي ספר חגי Το Βιβλίο του Αγγαίου To Biblío tu Aggaíoy The Prophecie of Aggevs. Haggai. The Book of Haggai The Book of Haggai
Zechariah سفر زكريا سفر زكريا ספר זכריה Το Βιβλίο του Ζαχαρία To Biblío tu Zacharhía The Prophecie of Zacharias. Zechariah. The Book of Zechariah The Book of Zechariah
Malachi سفر ملاخى سفر ملاخي ספר מלאכי Το Βιβλίο του Μαλαχία To Biblío tu Malachía The Prophecie of Malachie. Malachi. The Book of Malachi The Book of Malachi
C. E.
(John the Baptist)
The Life of the Holy Man
John the Baptist
According to Serapion of Thmuis
C. E.
(Joseph the Carpenter)
The History of Joseph the Carpenter
Attributed to the Apostles
of Jesus Christ
C. E.
Matthew انجيل متى Ānjyl Mtyāʼ إنجيل متى ʼNjyl Mtyāʼ הבשורה על-פי מתי ܟܪܘܙܘܬܐ ܕܡܬܝ Το Κατά Ματθαίον Ευαγγέλιον To Katá Matthaíon Eyaggélion The Holy Goſpel of Ieſvs Chriſt
According to Matthew.
The Goſpel According to S. Matthew. The Gospel According to Matthew The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Matthew the Apostle
C. E.
Infancy Matthew
(includes Nativity)
The Infancy Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Matthew the Apostle

Prologued with an epistle attributed to Hieronymus
Originally known as
The Book of the Birth of the Blessed Mary
and the Infancy of the Saviour
Known colloquially as the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
(A work known as the Book of the Birth of Saint Mary, also known as the Gospel of the Nativity of Mary, was later derived from this gospel, and consisted of the early part of this text)
C. E.
Mark انجيل مرقس Ānjyl Mrqs إنجيل مرقس ʼNjyl Mrqs הבשורה על-פי מרקוס ܟܪܘܙܘܬܐ ܕܡܪܩܘܣ Το Κατά Μάρκον Ευαγγέλιον To Katá Márkon Eyaggélion The Holy Goſpel of Ieſvs Chriſt
According to Marke.
The Goſpel according to S. Marke. The Gospel According to Mark The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Mark the Evangelist
To which is appended
the Shorter Ending,
the Longer Ending,
and the Freer Logion
with notation
C. E.
John انجيل يوحنا Ānjyl Yjḥnā إنجيل يوحنا ʼNjyl Yjḥnā הבשורה על-פי יוחנן ܟܪܘܙܘܬܐ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ Το Κατά Ιωάννην Ευαγγέλιον To Katá Ioánnen Eyaggélion The Holy Goſpel of Ieſvs Chriſt
According to Iohn.
The Goſpel according to S. Iohn. The Gospel According to John The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to John the Apostle
C. E.
Hebrews’ Gospel إنجيل العبرانيين إنجيل العبرانيين A Gospel of Jesus Christ
According to Hebrews
C. E.
Thomas إنجيل توما إنجيل توما The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Thomas the Apostle
C. E.
Infancy Thomas
(G1 Infancy Thomas)
(Infancy Thomas Αˊ)
The First Greek
Infancy Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Thomas the Israelite
Also known as
The Stories Attributed to
Thomas the Israelite Philosopher
Concerning the Works
of the Childhood of the Lord
The Account
Attributed to Thomas the Israelite Philosopher
of the Infancy of the Lord
Or, The Infancy Gospel of Jesus Christ Attributed to Thomas the Israelite: Greek Text Α
Infancy Thomas (Continued)
(G2 Infancy Thomas)
(Infancy Thomas Βˊ)
The Second Greek
Infancy Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Thomas the Apostle
Also known as
The Writing Attributed to Thomas the Apostle
Concerning the Childhood of the Lord
The Writing Attributed to Thomas the Apostle
Concerning the Conversation of the Lord
in His Childhood
Or, The Infancy Gospel of Jesus Christ Attributed to Thomas the Israelite: Greek Text Β
Infancy Thomas (Continued)
(L. Infancy Thomas)
The Latin
Infancy Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Thomas
Also known as
The Treatise of the Boyhood of Jesus
Attributed to Thomas
Or, The Infancy Gospel of Jesus Christ Attributed to Thomas the Israelite: Latin Text
C. E.
Marcion إنجيل مرقيون إنجيل مرقيون The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Paul the True Apostle
By Marcion of Sinope
Known by Marcionites as
The Gospel of the Lord
C. E.
(Simon Peter)
إنجيل بطرس إنجيل بطرس The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Simon Peter the Apostle
C. E.
G. Egyptians إنجيل المصريين اليوناني إنجيل المصريين اليوناني The Greek Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to the Egyptians
lost Four Heavenly Realms The Gospel of the
Four Heavenly Realms
Also known as
The Gospel of the Four Heavenly Regions
The Gospel of the Four Corners of the World
C. E.
Nazarenes A Gospel of Jesus Christ
for the Nazarenes
C. E.
Truth إنجيل الحقيقة إنجيل الحقيقة The Homily of Truth
Commonly known as
The Gospel of Truth
C. E.
(Mary Magdalene?)
The Gospel of Mary the Disciple
Suggested by some to be
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene the Disciple
C. E.
Gospel of James
(Infancy James)
إنجيل يعقوب إنجيل يعقوب הבשורה על-פי יעקב The Gospel of Mary
the Mother of Jesus Christ
According to James
Also known as
The Birth of Mary the Holy Mother of God
Also known as
The Infancy Gospel of Jesus Christ According to James
The Protoevangelium According to James
lost Ebionites The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to the Ebionites
By Epiphanius of Salamis
(Possibly the same as The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to the Twelve Apostles; see below)
lost Twelve The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to the Twelve Apostles
unknown S. Twelve The Syriac Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to the Twelve Apostles
C. E.
(Judas Iscariot)
إنجيل يهوذا إنجيل يهوذا הבשורה של יהודה The Gospel of
Judas Iscariot the Apostle
C. E.
Philip إنجيل فيليب إنجيل فيليب The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to Philip the Apostle
lost Perfection The Gospel of Perfection
unknown Great Invisible Spirit
(C. Egyptians)
The Holy Book of the Egyptians
About the Great Invisible Spirit
Also known as
The Coptic Gospel of Jesus Christ
Attributed to the Egyptians
modern forgery Wife إنجيل زوجة المسيح The Gospel Referencing Jesus’s Wife
C. E.
Jefferson The Life and Morals of
Jesus of Nazareth
Extracted textually from the Gospels
in Greek, Latin, French & English
Compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Commonly known as the Jefferson Bible
Also known as the Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth According to Thomas Jefferson
Or, the Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth Compiled by Thomas Jefferson
C. E.
Acts 29
انجيل لوقا Ānjyl Lūqā إنجيل لوقا ʼNjyl Lūqā הבשורה על-פי לוקאס ܟܪܘܙܘܬܐ ܕܠܘܩܐ Το Κατά Λουκάν Ευαγγέλιον To Katá Lukán Eyaggélion The Holy Goſpel of Ieſvs Chriſt
According to Lvke.
The Goſpel according to S. Luke. The Gospel According to Luke The Gospel of Jesus Christ and
the Acts of His Apostles
Attributed to Luke the Evangelist
To which is appended
the so-called Lost Chapter
with notation
اعمال الرسل أعمال الرسل מעשי השליחים ܦܪܟܣܝܣ ܕܫܠܝܚܐ Οι Πράξεις των Αποστόλων Oi Práxes ton Apostólon The Actes of the Apoſtles. The Actes of the Apoſtles. The Acts of the Apostles
C. E.
1 Hermas
2 Hermas
3 Hermas
راعي هرمس راعي هرمس Ο Ποιμήν του Ερμά The Shepherd of Hermas

Which Is Divided Into Three Parts Known As

The First Book of Hermas
Containing His Visions

The Second Book of Hermas
Containing His Mandates

(or Commands)

The Third Book of Hermas
Containing His Parables

(or Similitudes)

These divisions are sometimes known simply as
The Visions of Hermas
The Mandates (or Commands) of Hermas
The Parables (or Similitudes) of Hermas

Romans رسالة إلى أهل روما האיגרת אל הרומאים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܪܗܘܡܝܐ Η Επιστολή του Αποστόλου Παύλου προς Ρωμαίους E Epistolé tu Apostólu Paýlu pros Rhomaíus The Epiſtle of Pavl the Apoſtle
to the Romanes.
The Epiſtle of Pavl the Apoſtle
to the Romanes.
The Letter to the Romans The Epistle of Paul the Apostle
to the Romans
1 Corinthians الرسالة الأولى
إلى أهل كورنثوس
האיגרת הראשונה אל הקורינתים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܩܘܪܢܬܝܐ Η Πρώτη Επιστολή του Αποστόλου Παύλου και Σωσθένες προς Κορινθίους E Próte Epistolé tu Apostólu Paýlu kai Sosthénes pros Korinthíus The Firſt Epiſtle of Pavl to the Corinthians. The Firſt Epiſtle of Paul the Apoſtle
to the Corinthians.
The First Letter to the Corinthians The First Epistle
of Paul the Apostle and Sosthenes
to the Corinthians
2 Corinthians الرسالة الثانية إلى أهل كورنثوس האיגרת השנייה אל הקורינתים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܩܘܪܢܬܝܐ ܕܬܪܬܝܢ Η Δεύτερη Επιστολή του Αποστόλου Παύλου και Τίμοθι προς Κορινθίους E Deýtere Epistolé tu Apostólu Paýlu kai Tímothi pros Korinthíus The Second Epiſtle of Pavl
to the Corinthians.
The Second Epiſtle of Paul the Apoſtle
to the Corinthians.
The Second Letter to the Corinthians The Second Epistle
of Paul the Apostle and Timothy
to the Corinthians
3 Corinthians الرسالة الثالثة إلى كورنثوس האיגרת השלישית אל הקורינתים Η Τρίτη Επιστολή Αποδίδεται στον Αποστόλου Παύλου προς Κορινθίους E Tríte Epistolé Apodídetai ston Apostólu Paýlu pros Korinthíus The Third Epistle
Attributed to Paul the Apostle
to the Corinthians
Galatians الرسالة إلى أهل غلاطية האיגרת אל הגלטים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܓܠܛܝܐ Η Επιστολή του Αποστόλου Παύλου προς Γαλάτες E Epistolé tu Apostólu Paýlu pros Galátes The Epiſtle of Pavl to the Galatians. The Epiſtle of Paul to the Galatians. The Letter to the Galatians The Epistle of Paul the Apostle
to the Galatians
Ephesians الرسالة إلى أهل أفسس האיגרת אל האפסים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܐܦܣܝܐ The Epiſtle of Pavl to the Epheſians. The Epiſtle of Pavl the Apoſtle
to the Epheſians.
The Letter to the Ephesians The Epistle
Attributed to Paul the Apostle
to the Ephesians
Philippians الرسالة إلى أهل فيلبي האיגרת אל הפיליפים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܦܝܠܝܦܣܝܐ The Epiſtle of Pavl to the Philippians. The Epiſtle of Pavl the Apoſtle
to the Philippians.
The Letter to the Philippians The Epistle
of Paul the Apostle and Timothy
to the Philippians
Colossians الرسالة إلى أهل كولوسي האיגרת אל הקולוסים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܩܘܠܣܝܐ The Epiſtle of Pavl to the Coloſſians. The Epiſtle of Pavl the Apoſtle
to the Coloſſians.
The Letter to the Colossians The Epistle
Attributed to Paul the Apostle
to the Colossians
1 Thessalonians الرسالة الأولى إلى أهل تسالونيكي האיגרת הראשונה אל התסלוניקים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܬܣܠܘܢܝܩܝܐ The Firſt Epiſtle of Pavl
to the Theſſalonians.
The Firſt Epiſtle of Paul the Apoſtle
to the Theſſalonians.
The First Letter to the Thessalonians The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle
to the Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians الرسالة الثانية إلى أهل تسالونيكي האיגרת השנייה אל התסלוניקים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܬܣܠܘܢܝܩܝܐ ܕܬܪܬܝܢ The Second Epiſtle of Pavl
to the Theſſalonians.
The Second Epiſtle of Paul the Apoſtle
to the Theſſalonians.
The Second Letter to the Thessalonians The Second Epistle
Attributed to Paul the Apostle
to the Thessalonians
1 Timothy الرسالة الأولى إلى تيموثاوس האיגרת הראשונה אל טימותיוס ܐܓܪܬܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܛܝܡܬܐܘܣ The Firſt Epiſtle of Pavl to Timothee. The Firſt Epiſtle of Paul the Apoſtle
to Timothie.
The First Letter to Timothy The First Epistle
Attributed to Paul the Apostle
to Timothy
2 Timothy الرسالة الثانية إلى تيموثاوس האיגרת השנייה אל טימותיוס ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܛܝܡܬܐܘܣ ܕܬܪܬܝܢ The Second Epiſtle of Pavl to Timothee. The Second Epiſtle of Paul the Apoſtle
to Timothie.
The Second Letter to Timothy The Second Epistle
Attributed to Paul the Apostle
to Timothy
Titus الرسالة إلى تيطس האיגרת אל טיטוס ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܛܛܘܣ The Epiſtle of Pavl to Titvs. The Epiſtle of Paul to Titus. The Letter to Titus The Epistle
Attributed to Paul the Apostle
to Titus
Philemon الرسالة إلى فليمون האיגרת אל פילימון ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܦܝܠܡܘܢ The Epiſtle of Pavl to Philemon. The Epiſtle of Paul to Philemon. The Letter to Philemon The Epistle of Paul the Apostle
to Philemon
Hebrews الرسالة إلى العبرانيين האיגרת אל העברים ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܠܘܬ ܥܒܪܝܐ Η Επιστολή προς Εβραίους E Epistolé pros Ebraíus The Epiſtle of Pavl the Apoſtle
to the Hebrevves.
The Epiſtle of Pavl the Apoſtle
to the Hebrewes.
The Letter to the Hebrews The Epistle to the Hebrews
James رسالة يعقوب איגרת יעקב ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܝܥܩܘܒ The Catholike Epiſtle of Iames the Apoſtle. The Generall Epiſtle of Iames. The Letter of James The Catholic Epistle of James
1 Peter رسالة بطرس الأولى איגרת פטרוס הראשונה ܐܓܪܬܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܦܛܪܘܣ The Firſt Epiſtle of Peter the Apoſtle. The Firſt Epiſtle generall of Peter. The First Letter of Peter The First Catholic Epistle
Attributed to Peter the Apostle
2 Peter رسالة بطرس الثانية איגרת פטרוס השנייה ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܬܪܬܝܢ ܕܦܛܪܘܣ The Second Epiſtle of Peter the Apoſtle. The Second Epiſtle generall of Peter. The Second Letter of Peter The Second Catholic Epistle
Attributed to Peter the Apostle
1 John رسالة يوحنا الأولى איגרת יוחנן הראשונה ܐܓܪܬܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ The Firſt Epiſtle of Iohn the Apoſtle. The Firſt Epiſtle generall of Iohn. The First Letter of John The First Catholic Epistle
Attributed to John the Evangelist
2 John رسالة يوحنا الثانية איגרת יוחנן השנייה ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܬܪܬܝܢ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ The Second Epiſtle of Iohn the Apoſtle. The ſecond Epiſtle of Iohn. The Second Letter of John The Second Catholic Epistle
Attributed to John the Evangelist
3 John رسالة يوحنا الثالثة איגרת יוחנן השלישית ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܬܠܬ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ The Third Epiſtle of Iohn the Apoſtle. The third Epiſtle of Iohn. The Third Letter of John The Third Catholic Epistle
Attributed to John the Evangelist
Jude رسالة يهوذا איגרת יהודה ܐܓܪܬܐ ܕܝܗܘܕܐ The Catholike Epiſtle of Ivde the Apoſtle. The Generall Epiſtle of Iude. The Letter of Jude The Catholic Epistle of Jude
C. E.
Epistle of Barnabas رسالة برنابا The Catholic Epistle
Attributed to Barnabas
C. E.
1 Clement The First Epistle
Attributed to Clement of Rome
to the Corinthians
C. E.
2 Clement The Second Epistle
Attributed to Clement of Rome
to the Corinthians
Likely more accurately known as
The Sermon Attributed to Clement of Rome

Revelation رؤيا يوحنا Rʼyāʼ Ywḥnā رؤيا يوحنا Rʼyāʼ Ywḥnā חזון יוחנן מפטמוס ܓܠܝܢܐ ܕܝܘܚܢܢ Η Αποκάλυψη του Ιωάννη της Πάτμου E Apocálypse tou Ioánne tes Pátmu The Apocalypſe of Iohn the Apoſtle. The Revelation of Sc. E. Iohn the Diuine. The Revelation to John The Apocalypse of John of Patmos

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r In the New American Bible With Revised New Testament (1986), the Books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth come after the Pentateuch but before the Historical books.  "The historical books include 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 and 2 Maccabees.  To these are added the special literary group of Tobit, Judith, and Esther."  The section containing the Books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth appears to be unnamed.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n What is labelled here The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children does not appear with any specific label in the New American Bible With Revised New Testament (1986), and this editor does not know how or even if it is labelled in the Bible of the Eastern Orthodox Church.  The majority of chapter three of the Book of Daniel in the New American Bible With Revised New Testament is labelled The Fiery Furnace, and this work is incorporated into that majority section.  In the Apocrypha of the Authorized King James Version with Apocrypha (2008), it is titled simply The Song of the Three Holy Children.
  3. ^ a b c d e f This editor does not know what the Bible of the Eastern Orthodox Church titles that which is labelled here as The History of Susanna.  In the Apocrypha of the Authorized King James Version with Apocrypha (2008), it is titled The History of Susanna, while in the New American Bible With Revised New Testament (1986), it is labelled Susanna's Virtue.  Other possible titles include The Story of Susanna and Susanna and the Elders.
  4. ^ a b c d e f This editor does not know what the Bible of the Eastern Orthodox Church titles that which is labelled here as Bel and the Dragon.  In the Apocrypha of the Authorized King James Version with Apocrypha (2008), it is titled The History of the Destruction of Bel and the Dragon, Cut Off From the End of Daniel, while in the New American Bible With Revised New Testament (1986), it is labelled Bel and the Dragon.
  5. ^ a b c d e The Epistle to the Hebrews should not be considered part of the Pauline corpus, but is included nonetheless.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t According to the New American Bible With Revised New Testament (1986), "Four of the letters in the Pauline corpus (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon) are called the 'Captivity Epistles' because in each of them the author speaks of being in prison at the time of writing."
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o According to the New American Bible With Revised New Testament (1986), "Three [of the letters in the Pauline corpus] (1–2 Timothy and Titus) are known as the 'Pastoral Epistles' because, addressed to individuals rather than communities, they give advice to disciples about caring for the flock."
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o According to the New American Bible With Revised New Testament (1986), the three Epistles of John "are closely related to the fourth gospel and thus belong to the Johannine corpus." Isaiah 1 Kings (3 Kings)

Unificationist Scriptures

By Sun Myung Moon and early disciple Hyo Won Eu

Part I

Part II

  • Book 1: True God
  • Book 2: True Parents
  • Book 3: True Love
  • Book 4: True Family
  • Book 5: Earthly Life and the Spirit World
  • Book 6: Our Life and the Spiritual Realm
  • Book 7: Etiquette and Ceremonies
  • Book 8: Sin and Restoration Through Indemnity
  • Book 9: Blessed Family
  • Book 10: The Way in the Completed Testament Age
  • Book 11: The Root of the Universe
  • Book 12: The Pacific Rim Providence
  • Book 13: Restoration of the True God’s Homeland
  • Book 14: A Life of True Filial Piety
  • Book 15: The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk
  • Book 16: True Families and the Family Pledge
  • Book 1. The Principles of True Peace
  • Book 2. God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom
  • Book 3. The Mission of Religion in Achieving God’s Ideal
  • Book 4. The True Family Movement
  • Book 5. Absolute Values and a New World Order
  • Book 6. The Role of Women in Creating the Ideal World
  • Book 7. The World of the Culture of Heart
  • Book 8. The Reunification of Korea and World Peace
  • Book 9. The Role of Nations in Realizing World Peace
  • Book 10. True Parents, the Hope of God and Humankind

Cham Bumo Gyeong


By Steve Wells

Holy Bible: Best God Damned Version: The Books of Moses (2015)

By Steve Ebling

See also


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