Welcome to the UserPage of Abby724 This content is meaningful only on Wikipedia.org
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Wikipedia vandalism information ![]() Low to moderate level of vandalism
3.62 RPM according to EnterpriseyBot 01:10, 7 March 2025 (UTC) You have reached the userpage of Abby724. I've been associated with Wikipedia since May 2005 as an anonymous user, registered in November 2005, and edited for the first time as a registered user on May 27, 2005. I've recently...I've recently been working extensively on the article Enzai: Falsely Accused. I've mainly fixed grammar, added statements, and took out statements that I couldn't verify. I've also added the American cover art and moved a few pictures. A little real lifeFilipino who doesn't know tagalog very much. Yes, English was my first language. I really needed to know English, because at the age of four (and a half), I was going to America. I was pretty much taught mostly English, few cases of taglish. Still in school... |
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