Do not add personal information about other contributors to Wikipedia without their explicit permission. Wikipedia operates on the principle that every contributor has the right to remain completely anonymous. Posting personal information about another user is strictly prohibited under Wikipedia's harassment policy. Wikipedia's policy on this issue is strictly enforced and your edits have been reverted and/or suppressed, not least because such information can appear on web searches. Wikipedia's privacy policy is to protect the privacy of every user, including you. Persistently adding personal information about other contributors will result in being blocked from editing.

How to use:
references a specific article{{subst:Uw-pinfo|Article|Additional text}}
adds text onto the end of the message
- Please remember to substitute the template using
rather than{{Uw-pinfo}}
. - To give greater detail to your message, you may add the article and some additional text to the end of the template. If such article or additional text includes a URL or anything which includes an equal sign ("="), it may break the parser's function unless you prefix the article or the text with a named template parameter. Use "
" if the article contains an equals sign and use "2=
" if the additional text contains an equals sign (such as a URL). - Please refer to the index of message templates before using any template on user talk pages to warn a user. Applying the best template available for your purpose may help reduce confusion from the message you are sending.
- Find examples of this template substed onto User talk pages using this advanced search link. (Patience; this may take a while.)
- This standardized template conforms to guidelines by the user warnings project. You may discuss the visual appearance of these standardized templates (e.g. the image in the top-left corner) at the user warning talk page.
- This is the documentation for the {{Single notice}} standardized template, as used by several single-level user warnings or notice templates. It is located at Template:Single notice/inner( talk links history).
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