This template creates a link to a volume or a collection at Austrian Literature Online (ALO).
Templates for copying
{{ALO|<ID>}} {{ALO|id=<ID>}} {{ALO|<ID>|notext=yes}} {{ALO|id=<ID>|notext=yes}} {{ALO|<ID>|<Page>}} {{ALO|id=<ID>|page=<Page>}} {{ALO|<ID>|<Page>|notext=yes}} {{ALO|id=<ID>|page=<Page>|notext=yes}} {{ALO|<ID>|<Page>|<LinkText>}} {{ALO|id=<ID>|page=<Page>|linktext=<LinkText>}} {{ALO|<ID>|<Page>|<LinkText>|notext=y}} {{ALO|id=<ID>|page=<Page>|linktext=<LinkText>|notext=y}} {{ALO|<ID>|C}} {{ALO|id=<ID>|collection=C}} {{ALO|<ID>|C|notext=y}} {{ALO|id=<ID>|collection=C|notext=y}} {{ALO|<ID>|C|<Linktext>}} {{ALO|id=<ID>|collection=C|linktext=<LinkText>}} {{ALO|<ID>|C|<LinkText>|notext=y}} {{ALO|id=<ID>|collection=C|linktext=<LinkText>|notext=y}}
- Parameter 1 or id= : "objid" parameter of the ALO URL, which is the number after "objid=" until the next "&"
- Parameter 2 or collection= : With C as the second parameter the entry list of a collection is displayed.
- Parameter 2.2 or page= : enables the entry of a specific page in the work. This entry is found in the URL at "&page=".
- Parameter 3 or linktext= : text that is intended to appear instead of "Online".
- notext= : if the explanatory attachment is not intended to appear, for example with numbers. The parameter must only have some content in order to work.
- At http://www.literature.at/viewer.alo?objid=1272&viewmode=overview the number representing the ID is: 1272
- At http://www.literature.at/viewer.alo?objid=1272&viewmode=fullscreen&scale=2&page=3 the number representing the ID is: 1272 and the page number is: 3, it is the same as "Image 3" in the drop-down field
Information page of a work: (if you click the title of the work it links to it)
{{ALO|1272}} {{ALO|id=1272}}
without entering the page number gives:
to a specific page in the work:
{{ALO|1272|3}} {{ALO|id=1272|page=3}}
entering the page number gives:
Alternative link text:
{{ALO|1272|3|My page}} {{ALO|1272|linktext=My page}} {{ALO|id=1272|page=3|linktext=My page}}
with the results:
- page&zoom=3&viewmode=fullscreen My page at Austrian Literature Online
- My document at Austrian Literature Online
- My page at Austrian Literature Online
No explanation:
{{ALO|1272|3|My page|notext=y}} {{ALO|1272|linktext=Online-1|notext=y}}, {{ALO|1272|linktext=Online-2}} {{ALO|id=1272|page=3|linktext=My page|notext=y}}
with the results:
- At http://www.literature.at/collection.alo?objid=1022&orderby=author&sortorder=a the number representing the ID is: 1022
The collection may be clicked at "Part of the collection(s)". There will be found either sub-collections or documents. The ID must be entered exactly as stated after "objid=" and before the next "&".
List of a collection with sub-collektions:
{{ALO|1022|C}} {{ALO|id=1022|collection=C}}
List of a collection with documents:
{{ALO|1271|C}} {{ALO|id=1271|collection=C}}
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