
The link to the Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones interviews should be deleted becuase (a) it is not central to this show (just one interview of thousands), (b) adds little encyclopedic value to this article, (c) that page is up for deletion, and (d) I suspect it is a POV fork. --mtz206 02:51, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for you comment. However, i do not agree with any of the points you maid. I did not creat Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones interviews to have a pov Fork, i created it since it deserves its own article. It would dominate any other article it would be put in, just look at the talk page of Charlie Sheen. I added it to the see also of Showbiz Tonight, since they broke the story in mainstream media, and hence it is higly relevant to the show. I added it to A.J. Hammer since he is the one resposible for the show accepting it, and also since he endorces me Sheen's version. The Ellis Henican link is obvious, since he participiate on a show on the sole reason of commenting the interviews. And please, stop accusing me of doing POINT, it rather upsets me. Peace.--Striver 03:04, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I also agree with Mtz206, the user is trying to promote a POV in a page about a show on CNN.--Jersey Devil 03:34, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The user (me) is trying to link two article that are higly relavant to eachother. Try to watch prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/230306Sheen_CNN.htm this] and www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/250306showbiztonightalex.htm this], and then mainaint the articles are not related. --Striver 12:51, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think POV is the issue. An article about a show should not link to an article about a single interview on that show unless that interview becomes a major news story. As a barometer: The Daily Show does link to John Kerry, but Katie Couric does not link to O.J. Simpson. I think this situation is more analogous to the latter; there should not be a link to Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones interviews here unless those interviews become a major news story - which, right now, they simply are not. --Hyperbole 08:53, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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