
Appart form the natural population growth, the differences between the two censuses are due to some other complex reasons, like migration and assimilation of Jews or bilingual speakers. According to Hungarian registrations, 100 thousand Hungarian refugees had arrived in Hungary from South Transylvania by January 1941. Most of them sought refuge in the north, and almost as many persons arrived from Hungary in the reannexed territory as moved to the Trianon Hungary territory from South Transylvania. As a result of these migrations, North Transylvanian Hungarians increased by almost 100 thousand. In order to "compensate" for this, a great number of Romanians were obliged to leave North Transylvania.

The above text is copied from (Árpád E Varga, Erdély magyar népessége 1870-1995 között) and it is quite accurate. However, the phrase that follows is just an example of an unfortunate combination of bad English and incorrect information: Most of them was functionaries, who was called out from Old Romani after 1920. The name of the country is Romania, and they were functionaries, rather than was functionaries. And the information itself is incorrect.

I think that we could at least stick to the original text from (Árpád E Varga, Erdély magyar népessége 1870-1995 között), which does not contain this incorrect phrase. I will therefore remove it from the article. --Alexrap 30 November 2005

Oh, i'm sorry for the mistakes, everybody can make them:) But the information that most of the people who were forced to leave was Romanian functionaries from the Regat. If hungarians exiled the romanian workers and villagers, there would not be enough man to perform the labour.

Will you please quote some references for this statement. Even Hungarian historians and demographers recognised that between the two World Wars more people moved from Transylvania into the ‘’Old Regat’’, and not the opposite. To quote a Hungarian source that you seem to know very well (because you copy quite a lot from there), namely (Árpád E Varga, ‘’Erdély magyar népessége 1870-1995 között’’): ‘’ It can be seen that in 1930 only 68,650 persons born in the Transcarpathian region were living in Transylvania. […] On the other hand, in 1930 some 176,381 persons born in Transylvania were registered in the Transcarpathian region. Thus the migration balance for Transylvania was still negative in 1930 […]’’
Why do you copy something from a book and then in the middle you include a sentence that is not even true? What you are doing is both plagiarism and giving incorrect information. --Alexrap 30 November 2005


Saying that all the the population welcomed the Hungarian troops in September 1940 is a very incorrect statement. I thought that Wikipedia is the place where everyone should try to present only real facts. Also, if one wants to present an objective view on the event, then one should mention the Trǎznea and Ip atrocities, when mentioning the enthusiasm of the Hungarian population.

Therefore I think that the following text should replace the existing misleading one. It says both sides of the story in an objective way.

Generally, the ethnic Hungarian population welcomed the troops (as it is visible on the video) and regarded separation from Romania as liberation. The large ethnic Romanian community that found themselves under Hungarian Horthyst occupation had nothing to celebrate though, as in their minds this Second Vienna Award represented the return to the times of the long Hungarian occupation that denied them elementary human rights. Unfortunately, some pitiable events also happened, e.g. on 9th September in the village of Trǎznea (Hungarian: Ördögkút) firefight evolved between the Hungarian troops and the local villagers (125 Romanians and 2 Jews were killed) and on 13th-14th September 1940 in the village of Ip, 159 local villagers were killed by the Hungarian troops. The exact number of the casualties is disputed between some historians, but unfortunately the existence of such events cannot be disputed. --Alexrap 30 November 2005

I did not mention that all of the population welcomed the troops, but most of them. Saying that only the ethnic Hugnarians welcomed the entry is incorrect. The germans welcomed them too. And I have responsible sources that some Romanians also celebrated. And yes, you are right in some villages there were atrocities (I have read the Iron Guardist and some Orthodox priest agitated them)

Please let us know what ‘’responsible sources’’ do you have. And now, honestly, do you think that the Romanians (that by the way, were an absolute majority in the region) were really happy about having to endure a new Hungarian occupation? Most of the sources say that the Germans (who were only about 2.85% of the population) remained neutral as they did not want to upset the authorities. However, they were in very good relations with the Romanians as they were allied in 1848 and they expressed their approval of the 1918 Union with Romania. Also the Romanian constitution gave them several rights, as opposed to the Magyarisation process they had suffered before.
And again, you are very naïve if you really think that the Romanians were happy about the Second Vienna Award.

Can you tell my what is horthysm? I have never heard about a political concept like this. "denied them elementary human rights"? And do you know what did the Romanian government since Trianon? A large number of Romanian was moved to Transylvania to increase the percentage of the Romanians. The Hungarian government never deployed the population. Yes there was strong Hungarian influence. And do you know that Romanian government what rights gave to Hungarians? The number of the casualties is disputed between the historicans. So don't mention any concrete datas, becuse they aren't certified. If you are so ebullient write about the war crimes what are commited by the Soviet and Romanian army in 1944-45 in Northern Transylvania. I'm interested can you write detachedly.

Faithfully: HunTomy

HunTomy could you please bring proofs that dispute what Alexrap is saying. And, oh, stop changing the percentages for August 1940. Things changed slightly since 1930. Algos 21:01, 30 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

denied them elementary human rights means that the Romanians (although a majority in Transylvania) were not represented in the Parliament. However, the Hungarians (a minority) were represented in the Romanian Parliament after 1920. The fact that a large number of Romanians was moved to Transylvania soon after Trianon is incorrect, and I have also referred you to some Hungarian sources that had to recognise the exact opposite. So please, try to inform yourself and to present real facts.
The exact number of the casualties might be disputed. However it is important to know an estimation of them. I have put one estimation, you are free to put another well documented estimation if you like. And don’t forget at least about Ip, as well, when mentioning about Trǎznea. Although there were some more cases.
The Second Vienna Award took place in 1940, and not 1944-45. So please keep these pages relevant to this subject. We can have a debate about 1944-45 somewhere else. --Alexrap 30 November 2005

If you were the first one to write about something on Wikipedia, it does not give you the right to misinform people. Let’s try to keep this encyclopaedia a place where people can find correct information. And please when you copy something, don’t add your own thoughts in the middle of the text, unless what you say is well documented. Also, if you read something from a book, try not to write the exact opposite in here. Last, but no least, please find a calculator and work out what percentages do 968,371 and 1,304,898 represent out of 2,609,007. It is very annoying to see that you keep modifying the percentages. It is not difficult to work them out. If you do not want to believe us, please work them out yourself. --Alexrap 30 November 2005

If you modify it please let me know why, not just change it without a word.

  Steve 2006 06 16

I changed some lines as you can see in the article. I think that's how it is impartial and that is the most close to the truth. If I red it through before, it had the taste that the evil hungarians went in and massacred the innocent romainian population. That's rubbish. If we write down why was the decision sad for the romanions, lets say why was it good for the hungarinas. It is not disputable that there was romanization before the award as it is not discussable that there was magyarization before Trianon. And it is true that many hungarians moved into transilvania after the award, but it is also true that many moved out after trianon becouse they didn't want to live under romanian rule. Thats the same with the other side after the award. It is also true that many romanian moved into transilvania after trianon to dicrease the proportion of hungarians and to promote the assimilation, as hungarians were moved in after the award to decrease the proportion of the romanians on the parts were the romanians had the majority of the reannexed territories. So as I see that's the impartial way.

Modifying (without even logging in) a version of the article that was discussed in here for a long time, by adding incorrect bits of information written in a bad English is not in the Wikipedia spirit. You just modified the text without any discussion and then you want everyone to ask for your opinion before changing it. This is very funny, to say the least. Also, plese leave the discussions on this page in chronological order and sign your comments (using 4 tildes). Alexrap 13:16, 20 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ok so I logged in now so I do it in the proper way. At first I think we could add some additional information about Treznea and Ip in my opinion, and I would add the massacres of Csíkszentdomokos (Sândominic) and Szárazajta (Aita Seacă) as well. I think these should be mentioned as well, if we mention Ip and Treznea. So that's what I will modify now. I think the informations are correct. I found the additional text about Trezna under the title Trezna massacre on Wikipedia, about Ip and Sândominic and Aita Seacă on the site: and in a book which can be downloaded from: You will find these informations in Romanian as well on the web hopefully.

"For example on 9 September in the village of Treznea (Hungarian: Ördögkút), Hungarian troops marching forward were fired at by inhabitants, allegedly incited by the local Romanian orthodox priest. As a retaliation, the Hungarian army started firing at will on the locals, killing many of them and partially destroying the Orthodox church. The death toll:87 Romanians and 6 Jews were killed. On 13-14 September 1940 in the village of Ip (Hungarian: Szilágyipp), Romanian rebellions threw a grenade among the marching Hungarian troops, consequently 4 soldier died. In the reprisal 159 local villagers were killed by the Hungarian troops. In 1940 in Aita Seacă (Hungarian: Szárazajta)on 26.September.1944 the marching Romanian Maniu-gardists killed 13 innocent Hungarian inhabitants. In Sândominic (Hungarian: Csíkszentdomokos)11 innocent Hungarian inhabitants (9 male and 2 female) were executed becouse the Romanian troops found guns in their houses. Hungarians were massacred in Unirea (Hungarian: Felvinc) as well. The exact number of the casualties is disputed between some historians, but unfortunately the existence of such events cannot be disputed."

If I am wrong in something please write it down.

I have several other questions: 1.Why didn't you leave the part where I wrote about the opression of the Hungarians after the Fist World War, and about the Romanization. I think if Magyarization is mentioned, we should mention this as well. 2.Keith Hitchins's opinion is his opinion you cannot say that that was the situatuin. I'm quite sure that there are some experts who think the Award was good sollution. That's why I say you should modify the introduction of that part like: "Historian Keith Hitchins summarizes his opinion in his book"

Sorry for "braking the rules" but I didn't find how to log in before. (Zsakos 16:57, 20 June 2006 (UTC)) (the former Steve) 20.06.2006[reply]

Several points:
1) The information you added about Treznea is incorrect. The alegation that some inhabitants fired against the Hungarian army is nothing but pure fiction. Unfortunately I don't speak Hungarian, so I cannot have a look on the links you gave. For "the other side of the story", you might want to have a look on these books: P. Ţurlea, Ip si Trãznea, Atrocitãti maghiare si Actiune diplomaticã, Ed. Enciclopedică, Bucureşti 1996; Gh.I. Bodea, V.T. Suciu, I Puscas, Administratia militara horthysta in nord-vestul Romaniei, Ed. Dacia, 1988.
2) Treznea is 4km off the road Zalau-Cluj, the main route of the Hungarian Army after the Award. On the day of the massacre, a Hungarian Military Force made a detour from their route in order to enter Treznea. This detour cannot be justified as a routine occupation manoeuvre. When trying to understand the motivation of this detour, most evidence points towards the local noble Ferenc Bay who lost a large part of his estates to peasants in 1920s. It is no coincidence that most of the people killed were Romanian peasants living on his land. The outcome of this detour was that many civilians of all ages were killed. There are absolutely no facts indicating that the Hungarian soldiers were in any way attacked by any locals. There is a paper published in an International referred Journal on this matter: Rethinking History, Volume 6, Number 1, 1 April 2002, pp. 35-55.
3) The information you added is not only incorrect, but also strikingly biased. Please compare: As a retaliation, the Hungarian army started firing at will on the locals, killing many of them and partially destroying the Orthodox church... In the reprisal 159 local villagers were killed by the Hungarian troops. with the marching Romanian Maniu-gardists killed 13 innocent Hungarian inhabitants. The Romanians are always guilty (just because), while the Hungarians are always innocent.
4) I dont undersand the meaning of the sentence: In 1940 in Aita Seacă (Hungarian: Szárazajta)on 26.September.1944 the marching Romanian Maniu-gardists killed 13 innocent Hungarian inhabitants. Is it one sentence or two? Is it about 1940 or 1944?
5) This article is about the Second Vienna Award and its afterwards. 1944 events does not fit into this article, but since you mentioned

Aita Seaca, you might want to kave a look on

6) To answer your 2 questions: This is not the place to talk about Magyarisation/Romanianisation. There are other pages on Wikipedia on these two things. And I have no objection is saying that it is Keith Hitchins' opinion, althought I think that this is already clear enough in the article as the text is a citation from his book, which of course contains his opinions on the matter. -- Alexrap 14:40, 21 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

1) and 2): I cannot accept what you wrote here since I couldn't find any sources on the internet which confirms it. Please tell me a site in English. You cannot say that it is rubbish that the Romanians started the shootout since you weren't there so you cannot now it for sure, and I found only sources which confirmed this. I couldn't find this estimate about 263 victims. I found only about 150.

I already gave you a reference in English. As I said, there is a scientific research article on this matter in an international referred journal, namely Rethinking History. You can find the journal at or . The article on Treznea can be found in Volume 6, Number 1, 1 April 2002, pp. 35-55. Direct links to it:,15,21;linkingpublicationresults,1:104727,1 or;jsessionid=7e32hafkld7y.henrietta . This is a journal where every article is reviewed by international reviewers and not an internet site where anyone can write anything (s)he wants.

3) Please tell me why is it incorrect. The sources what I found are not nationalist they used absolutely correct informations, and in the book I wrote about contains accounts of a witness, who confirmes everything about Aita Seaca. But probably you can find a lot of sources in English reinforcing it. Maybe Romanian sources say something else, but that's the same in the case of Ip and the Hungarian historians. But I dindn't say that the Romanian victims weren't innocent. Most of them were of course. I will correct this.

The site that I provided you on Aita Seaca contains also inforation based on eye witnesses accounts.

4) and this as well.

5) Unfortunately I cannot speak Romanian so I could not read your link about Aita Seaca. But I think that those events has a lot to do with the award and exspecially with the dissolvation of it. These have to be mantioned as well.

First of all, my information on Aita Seaca presents a version which is totally different to what you have written. Both versions will have to be presented in a Wikipedia article. However, as I said, presenting 1944 events in the article about the Second Vienna Award is not a very good idea. It will make the article very long and difficult to read. Give me a logical reason on having them in this article?
  • I would basically agree that this doesn't belong here. On the other hand, I could imagine a category or such bringing together all articles that bear on Transylvania during World War II, so that these can easily be accessed. As for translation, I can attest that the Grupul Independent pentru Democratie article says roughly what it is claimed to say. The relevant passage begins "Din documentele de arhiva rezulta ca, pe 4 septembrie, militari români izolati, aflati în retragere dezorganizata, au fost interceptati de etnici maghiari din Aita Seaca, luati ostateci, torturati si omorâti" ("From the documents in the archive it results that, on September 4, isolated Romanian soldiers in the process of a disorganized retreat were intercepted by ethnic Magyars from Aita Seaca, taken hostage, tortured, and murdered.") If more extensive translation of the passage is needed, I will be glad to provide it, but it sounds like things have moved on from here. - Jmabel | Talk 22:02, 6 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

6) Then this is not a place to talk about the opression of the Romanians, and that they couldn't get the basic rights either. There are other places for this as well.

(Zsakos 17:44, 21 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

The only reference to this issue was given when explaining why the Romanian population did not celebrate the Award. It was just one necessary sentence that was introduced in this article when HunTomy tried to impose a version saying that all the population welcomed the Hungarian troups. Which is of course, nonsense. Alexrap 09:29, 22 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

So it is not needed any more. It doesn't have anything to do with the award. Less then Aita Seaca right?

I will delete the quote as well since it doesn't give any plus information on the matter since all the information can be found in the statistics. All the plus it sais that the award was a wrong decision. As I said this is a personal opinion this is not a place to decide if it was wronmg or if it was good. There are historians who say it was ok and some who say it was bad. So in brief it has nothing to do here.

The thing you wrote about Trezna is not the generally accepted opinion. If you write like this it seems that it is, only the stupid Hungarian experts deny it. I suggest to write only the clear facts here and we can go more into the matter somewhere else (for instance under the title "trezna massaacre") the same with Ip. I will write only the necessary and generally accepted informations here. I will write down some information about Aita Seaca and the other mantioned places since they are direct consequences of the repeal of the award.

(Zsakos 10:59, 22 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

Please stop Huntommy! (Zsakos 17:33, 22 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

I will summarize my point as blunt as I possibly can:
  • the Hitchins quote is valid. Reference it as an opinion if you will (nobody claimed it was not), but note it was based on facts and constitutes an assessement. I suggest it ought to be kept in the text.
  • I admit that I do not have information on killings of Hungarians other than from Hungarian sources! The latter extend the claim to cover, at most, around hundreds of people, without breaking it down into figures, and without bringing proof of planned executions or even repressions. If this article is to make reference to every incident on that scale ("this guy " and "that guy" had "this and that done to them"), and not just Ip and Trăznea, we'd never see the end of it.
  • The "Maniu-Guards" are an idiotic invention of the Soviets, in my informed opinion. No Romanian sources, not even communist ones, make mention of them; neither does any foreign onlooker with any crediantials. They are familiar to me only from a Hungarian site in English which is otherwise a load of revisionist crapola. I have informed myself on the topic as much as I could, and found out that it constituted a rumor started by Soviet agents, who turned Maniu's attempt to organize his party in Transylvania before a Soviet occupation (an attempt to present them with a fait accompli) into a "Fascist instigation". This was not only slandering the main figure of democracy in Romania (and the main opponent of Ion Antonescu), it was also a gross lie from a more factual perspective: in the late 1920s, Maniu was negotiating a revison of Trianon with the Hungarians; he had also been the one to oppose traditional centralism, and had opposed Bucharest for not seeming willing to accept extended rights for minorities (see the Peasants' Party (Romania), where I translated from some sources. Dahn 20:00, 22 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

To Zsakos:

I am sure we can still have a decent discussion without having to revert the article several times. Honestly, I cannot see why do you insist in putting some biased information about 1944 events in an article about the Second Vienna Award. Initially this article only made reference to some major massacres that happened in the autumn of 1940 when the Hungarian Army entered the Northern Transylvania. If you insist in having a more complete list, we can add: Mihai Bravu (1940, 20 Romanian peasants killed by the Hungarian troups), Ciumarna (1940, 11), Almaşul Mare (1940, 13), Zalău (1940, 7), Treznea (1940, 87), Salonta (1940, 1), Sântion (1940, 2), Ip (1940, 157). And if you insist in having 1944 massacres as well, then we should also add: Aita Seacă (1944, 57 Romanians killed by the Hungarian troups), Iara (1944, 98), Moisei (1944, 42).
Also, what I wrote about Treznea is a very objective view of the events. If you can have a look on the reference I gave you (twice up to now), then you will see that the article is written in a totally non-biased way, presenting only facts and incriminating the Romanian comunist regime of trying to mistify those events. Alexrap 09:45, 23 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I cannot write this week since I have to travel away, but could you tell me where did you find thos allaged massacres about 1944? Exspecially about Aita Seaca? It is quite insulting to deny that Hungarians were massacred in Aita Seaca and other places. I think it would be insulting for you if I said that there were no Romanian victims in Trezena since Hungarians were killed there as well. I don't say that since it is not true, but as I see here on the Wikipedia everything looks like that the Hungarians were the bad guys, and only the Romanians had to suffer. Thats bullshit. Thats why I came here on this site as couse I found and still find it extremely biased what is pritty understandable since it was wrote only by Romanians. It is very anti Hungarian and you now that but it is ok for you like this since you are Romanians. Thats why HunTommy wanted to modify it, but sometimes he has too radical opinions I can agree. The article says eveything what bad can be said about the Hungarians, it has an absolutely unnecessary quote judging the award, asserting that it it was a wrong decision. Who are you to decide it? It was bad for you, good for us. As I wrote before all the useable information of the quote can be found in the statistics part. There is no need for this.About Aita Seacă and the others ok I will not put it here I will put it somewhere else where it is more relevant. But I am quite sure that it will be revised soon since only the Romanian opinion is acceptable here. I am a bit fed up with Wikipedia. Next week I will come back to the discussion. And why dou you keep putting back the part "that denied them ethnic minority rights usual in modern societies"? I thought we could agree at least on this that it is unnecessary. Right? At least it seemed like in the former discussions. I delete it now. I know that you will revise it again, but at least I tried... (Zsakos 08:40, 24 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

I agree with this last edit, Zsakos. The statement did not make it clear what it was referring to, and tended to make all possible Hungarian governments between 1867 and 1945 seem like they had the same goal and the same approach. "Usual in modern societies" also clashes with the fact that they were only selectively "usual" in Romania itself (as the Ukrainians can tell you). Dahn 09:22, 24 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
- The content of this page is by no means a Romanian biased one. It was debated for a long time by both Hungarian and Romanian users.
- You can find information about the 1940-1944 massacres in the book Fătu, M., Muşat, M., Teroarea horthysto-fascistă în nord-vestul României (septembrie 1940 - octombrie 1944), Ed. Politică, Bucureşti, 1985.
- You cannot deny that after the Award, the Hungarian Media was flooded with xenophobic messages and that (probably subsequently) the attitude of the Hungarian troops was not a very nice one, to say the least. This article mentioned only two of the 1940 massacres, but we both know that there were many more, most of them not even recorded. I would recommend you to start reading some not biased literature. It is in our interest to have an objective understanding of the past and to look together into the future. How do you think that adding some 1944 information makes this article better? For the record, even in Aita Seaca there were more Romanians killed than Hungarians. And we both know that during our common history there were a lot more Romanians being killed because of their faith/ethnicity. What is the point of starting this contest of "who was the meanest"?
- The part saying "that denied them ethnic minority rights usual in modern societies" was an euphemism introduced by a Hungarian user and I belive it is written in the best possible way from a Hungarian point of view. Do you deny the fact itself or just its place into this article?
- The quote you don't seem to like represents the independent opinion of someone knowledgeable on the Modern History of Eastern Europe and not my opinion. Alexrap 14:10, 26 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

As I see the discussion page it was only discussed by Romanians, HunTommy who cannot modify anything, and me. And it is biased. We could talk a lot about the attitude of the Romanian troops occupying Hungary as well, I have some first hand informations about it from both of my grandmothers and many other old relatives who I talked to. If they could rape someone they did it at least that was the case in their village. Or you can read about that Hungary didn't have to pay compensation to Romania becouse after the First World War the Romanian army pillaged Hungary so much. I just wrote this down to make you aware that the Romanian army was not a "nice one" as well to say the least, and to see the sins of the Romanian army. As for the massacres in Romania I didn't deny those. I don't know why do you keep writing this. But you keep denying the massacres of the Romanian troops. I don't know about any anti-Romanian movements in the Medival ages and later so I dont understand your statement about Romanian victims throught the history. I would gladely read an article in English about your version of Aita Seaca. And I don't know why do you think that I read biased informations only. Probably the articles which are not anti.Hungarian are biased for you. You have no idea what kind of books do I read becouse I didn't share this information with you as I remember so please dont tell me things like:"I would recommend you to start reading some not biased literature. " At first yau say that the Hungarians were extremely brutal army than you talk about the Romanian victims and than you say: What is the point of starting this contest of "who was the meanest" Thats a bit contravertial dont you think? I dont deny that after 1867 there was a movement so called Magyarization. But it has nothing to do here in an article about the Vienna Award as I said on this page hundred times. Or if you insist on keeping it here we can write about the Romanization movement in the interwar period in Transilvania. The magyrization finished more than twenty year before hte award so we can write about the treatment of Hungarian minorities in Romainia twenty year after the award. That was not nice as well as we both know. So in brief this part has nothing to do here. And please tell me which parts of your quote say plus information about the award. It is totally unnecessary and biased. (Zsakos 09:09, 29 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

Actually, I think that an article on the Romanian occupation(s) of Hungary would really be interested. I know only few things about it, and I'm willing to learn and contribute. But these facts do not relate directly to this article. This is about the Hungarian occupation of Northern Transylvania. As for the compensations after WWI: I presume that the huge territorial change was for something in Hungary not having to pay compensations. Dpotop 09:31, 29 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I think that there is no point in making this discussion page longer than it needs to be. However, to hopefully clearify some things:
- I see that you still say thay this article is a Romanian biased one. I certainly don't agree with this statement, as the article present facts, comments from both sides and independent opinions on the award. There are paragraphs in this article written by Hungarian users (including HunTomy). And I honestly believe that my contributions to this article have been objective and non biased. Regardless of the national background, one should be able to have an objective view.
- It is good that we agree at least with one thing: all armies are bad. And yes, I had grandparents as well and I have heard many stories from the Hungarian occupation period in Northern Transylvania.
- My comment on your biased contributions was based on your actions: you changed the text about the Treznea and Ip massacres such that the 93 and 159 villagers, respectively, were those that started the fights and then you added some information about 1944 events where 13, 11 or some innocent Hungarians were killed for no reasons. Although we have international refered accounts about Treznea, you denied them, changed them and added some non-refered sentences about 1944 events written in a non Wiki style. This is why I said that What is the point of starting this contest of "who was the meanest"? And I see nothing controversial in what I have written.
- Again, it is not my quote. It wasn't even me the one that added this quote into the article. However it is true that I believe it is a good one. From what I know (I might be wrong and you can probably tell me more about it), there were more people in Hungary unhappy about the Award than those satisfied.
- Anyway, we already made this discussion much longer than needed. I will take some summer break as well, so Have a good summer everyone! Alexrap 14:04, 30 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

"there were more people in Hungary unhappy about the Award than those satisfied" Come on! Don't be ridiculous!

Again propaganda movie

This is not the place for propaganda movies. Next time I will report a file vandalism against the irredentist annon. He was warned once and if he will not stop he will be blocked. Bonaparte talk & contribs 13:50, 2 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I will support you. Juro 23:07, 2 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'm disputing that is a propaganda movie, i think it's only a documentary film. It is very valuable and rare. If it was a propagana movie, we should demonstate it anyway. This article is for who are interested in the story of the Second Vienna award. And i think this video is useful for them. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 10 Dec 2005

I'm missing context. What film is being talked about here? -- Jmabel | Talk 03:50, 11 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

About this:

That is a typical fascist propaganda film Joe. -- Bonaparte talk 16:49, 11 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

At three-quarters of a gigabyte, non-streaming, I'm not downloading it to find out. -- Jmabel | Talk 01:40, 12 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

User:HunTomy added the movie again in the article. It was already discussed in here that this movie is not appropriate and therefore I will remove it. -- Alexrap 13:20, 20 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I haven't seen this movie yet, I'll try to check it. All state supported movies of the age sound like propaganda for our ears (including the American ones). I must agree however that the website, which consists the movie, is a neo-nazi-like one. Despite that fact, if this movie is an original from the 40's, then it can be seen as a source. -- kelenbp 14:08, 20 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

That is not a neo-nazi page. Only irredentist. That's not the same.


The article is now protected. Please engage in a constructive dialog to describe the controvery around this subject in a manner that is consistent with Wikipedia:Neutral Point of View. When you have arrived to consensus on how to proceed, make a request to unprotect at WP:RFPP ≈ jossi fresco ≈ t • @ 18:12, 7 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

OK. Thank you. -- Bonaparte talk 18:14, 7 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]


Is there anyone who would object to my replacing the rather difficult-to-read prose around population currently in the article with a brief sentence or two and the table currently at Talk:Vienna Awards? I think it is much easier for a reader to compare these numbers in table form. If we have consensus on that, I will make the edit as uncontroversial; if I hear no objection within 24 hours I will assume it to be so. -- Jmabel | Talk 03:56, 11 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I have now done this. -- Jmabel | Talk 03:28, 12 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]


Could someone please give (as neutrally as possible) a summary of what is currently disputed that is requiring protection here? -- Jmabel | Talk 03:56, 11 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

If neither side will explain what they are disagreeing over, I feel I have no choice but to unprotect the page. I will allow another 24 hours before I do so. - Jmabel | Talk 03:29, 12 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I would say that the main problem with this article is that it was reverted too many times by HunTomy, who seems to refuse any argument against his POVs. He was presented with several arguments against specific inaccuracies within the text he tries to impose for this article. I will shortly list some examples of his ignorance:
- In the Award section: there is an estimation of the population living in Northern Transylvania in 1940. This estimation is based on the 1930 Census. HunTomy changes the percentages represented by the different ethnic groups, although anyone with a simple calculator could work out what percentages do 968,371 and 1,304,898 represent out of 2,609,007. To me, it is very strange to see that he really believes that he will get away with changing the percentage, but keeping the data.
- In the Award section: He adds a phrase saying that some demographers believe that the 1930 census overestimated the number of Romanians, without providing any reference to this statement. Also, he deletes a citation from a Hungarian source that recognises the exact opposite, namely that the 1930 census met international statistical requirements in every respect.
- In the Statistics section: He copied a text from (Árpád E Varga, Erdély magyar népessége 1870-1995 között), which is quite accurate. However, he included within this text the following phrase: Most of them was functionaries, who was called out from Old Romani after 1920. This is just an unfortunate combination of bad English, incorrect information and lack of respect for the author of the text. You cannot copy something and then simply include within the text some phrase of your own that also contradicts the original text. I gave him a reference on the discussion page, but he seems to ignore it. In the same book, the author A.E. Varga says: It can be seen that in 1930 only 68,650 persons born in the Transcarpathian region were living in Transylvania. [...] On the other hand, in 1930 some 176,381 persons born in Transylvania were registered in the Transcarpathian region. Thus the migration balance for Transylvania was still negative in 1930. This is what the author says, but HunTomy, adds within the original text a phrase that says the exact opposite.
No, no, and no. The text from Varga was MY contribution, not HunTomy's. HunTomy only added the phrase "Most of them was functionaries, who was called out from Old Romani after 1920." Algos 11:25, 13 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry Algos, I didn't know it was you. In this case, what HunTomy did is even worse. --Alex 13 December 2005, 16:51 (GMT)
- In the Afterwards section: HunTomy keeps adding the link for a film, that, to say the least, is clearly not in the Wikipedia spirit.
- In the Afterwards section: HunTomy refuses to accept that the large Romanian community did not welcome the Hungarian occupation troops. Also he deletes the information about the Ip and Traznea atrocities.
- There are some other simple grammar errors that HunTomy keeps making, as he just reverts the content of the article: at the result, instead of as a result, Miklos Horthy attend the entry, instead of attended the entry etc.
Overall, probably the most annoying thing is that HunTomy refuses any discussion and reverts the article to a form that contains many inaccuracies and presents the events in a very one-sided POV manner. --Alex 12 December 2005, 14:34 (GMT)
As you probably know, we try not to protect articles longterm, so the protection is going to come off soon, one way or the other. Vienna Awards, which was also a subject of the same fight, has been unprotected for about 20 hours, and has not been edited in that time. Given that, I'm really inclined to unprotect this soon. -- Jmabel | Talk 23:44, 12 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I don't like protected pages in Wikipedia, so I hope this page is not protected for long. However, I also hope, that the vandalism stops. --Alex 13 December 2005, 10:34 (GMT)
Well, here goes. -- Jmabel | Talk 03:20, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Odd paragraph cut

I've cut this rather strange paragraph. There may be a point here, and I have no problem seeing this re-added with decent writing and a citation, but this is simply not appropriately written to be part of the article, and was totally uncited.

Treznea massacre was not a single exemple. During the Hungarian occupation this kind of "incidents" where taged as "firefights" between the heavily armed Hungarian Army, the Hungarian local iregulars and the local civilian Romanian and Jewish population. In fact, there is no prove that during the "firefights" the civilian Romanians and Jews used any weapon at all ! In fact, these massacres "produced" more than 1000 Romanians and 200 Jews (most of them women and children) victims and no Hungarian victim.

-- Jmabel | Talk 09:00, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Incomprehensible sentence

"The Hungarian delegation submitted notable territorial claims while the Romanians were disposed for only an inconspicuous territorial allowance conflated significant changing of the population." Incomprehensible. - Jmabel | Talk 07:05, 8 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It means that Hungarians would have been happy to gain all Transilvania, but the Romanians were willing to give only a specific border area, with a population exchange.--Alex:Dan 12:31, 17 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I jut ran up against that exact same sentence--I was doing some more copyedit and then I saw that and was left scratching my head in bewilderment. Thanks for the "translation", Alex Dan. K. Lásztocska 13:31, 31 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I don´t know what´s up with this article, but can´t we just present the facts ? I mean, it´s not a fictional event. --Venatoreng 21:30, 18 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Problem with recently added content

Hi TheThorLat,

Your marked source: Keith Hitchins: Rumania: 1866-1947 page 486 [1]

Your added text: "and 962,000 people or 37% of the population was Hungarian, while according to the Hungarian estimations in 1940 shortly following the Second Vienna Award, about 1,150,000 people or 48% of the population was Romanian and 910,000 people or 38% of the population was Hungarian."

This data is not in the sourced page, even not in the full book, also I do not know about any Hungarian estimation in 1940, but it was a Hungarian census in 1941.

Good, you provided the original text from Hitchins:

That is your own words and not from Hitchins that you invent a Hungarian estimation for 1,150,000 people, then you invent numbers like 910,000 people from nowhere. Wikipedia:No original research OrionNimrod (talk) 21:01, 1 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Hi OrionNimrod, The 1,150,000 people and 48% of the population estimation is about the Romanian population but not about the Hungarian population. Please see page 486 of the source where it says "some 1,150,000 or 1,300,000 Romanians (...) 48% to over 50% of the population (...) depending on whose statistics are being used (...) while about 500,000 Magyars", the author clearly speaks of the Romanians not Hungarians when saying "1,150,000 people". In the next sentences he says "48% to over 50% of the population", further saying "depending on whose statistics are being used".
The 910,000 Hungarians is from this other source which I forgot to mention: "M. Manoilescu had figures from the Director of Statistics, Sabin Manuilă, we repeat them - over 43,000 km2 with a total population of over 2,600,000 inhabitants, of which 1,177,000, namely, 49% Romanians, just over 910,000, namely, 38% Hungarians and 68,300, namely, 3% Germans" - The vienna dictat, 2021, Mihail manoilescu.
In this revert: you also removed varius sentences from [1] study. Including the reference to the study itself. What is the reason for that? you also changed the number from "100.000" to "200,000" when the study says 100,000 came from South Transylvania and about 100,000 others came from Trianon Hungary, meaning 200,000. And removed the word "refugees" from Romanians despite them being labeled as refugee in the source. Among other.
Additionally, you changed the tile "Hungarian Occupation" to "Romanian statistics on abuses commited by Hungarian authorities" despite the numbers not being based exclusively on Romanian statistics. And furthermore, removed a lot of sourced text. TheThorLat (talk) 10:30, 3 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
In addition, I want to discuss these other 2 content removal on Northern Transylvania page: & "but not in the areas that would connect Székely Land to the Hungarian border" is more informative than "and not simply only in certain areas next to the Hungarian border".
I do not understand the reason for this change:
Original - According to a study by Árpád E. Varga, the dissimilar ratios were caused by a combination of complex factors such as migration, the assimilation of Jews, and bilingual speakers. According to Hungarian registrations, 100,000 Hungarian refugees had arrived in Hungary from South Transylvania by January 1941. By then, there were a total of 109,532 Romanian refugees from Northern Transylvania. A fall in the total population suggests that a further 40,000 to 50,000 Romanians moved from North Transylvania to South Transylvania, including refugees who were omitted from the official registration for various reasons. Additionally, Hungarian gains by assimilation were balanced by losses for other groups of native speakers, such as Jews. In the counties of Máramaros and Szatmár, dozens of settlements had many people who had declared themselves as Romanian but now identified themselves as Hungarian, although they had not spoken any Hungarian even in 1910.[2]
Your change: The dissimilar ratios were caused by a combination of complex factors such as migration, the assimilation of Jews, and bilingual speakers.[3] According to Hungarian registrations, 100,000 Hungarian refugees had arrived in Hungary from South Transylvania by January 1941. By then, there were a total of 109,532 Romanian refugees from Northern Transylvania. A fall in the total population suggests that a further 40,000 to 50,000 Romanians moved from North Transylvania to South Transylvania, including refugees who were omitted from the official registration for various reasons. Additionally, Hungarian gains by assimilation were balanced by losses for other groups of native speakers, such as Jews. In the counties of Máramaros and Szatmár, dozens of settlements had many people who had declared themselves as Romanian but now identified themselves as Hungarian, although they had not spoken any Hungarian even in 1910.
Here you removed sourced content ", measures of terror imposed by the new authorities, " with no reason given.
Furthermore you changed "Abuses against Romanians committed by Hungarian authorities" to "Romanian statistics on abuses committed by Hungarian authorities" despite the sources not being exclusively Romanian statistics.
And you removed sourced information regarding massacres commited by the Hungarians. Including, but not limited to Sármásu Massacre:
You said that "Sármásu Massacre and the source is a Holocaust related thing and about Jews, morover that place was not in Northern Transylvania as this area was not returned to Hungary in 1940, but it was part of Romania" but none of that is true:
(1) Sármásu Massacre killed Jews and Romanians.
(2) Sármásu was invaded by Hungary after 1944 when the massacre was commited.
(3) It was commited by Hungarians
Hungarian gendarmes and members of the Hungarian National Guard, led by captain of gendarmes Lánczos László, killed 126 local Jews (out of 142 who were living in the city at the time),[2] as well as 39 Romanians, the latter primarily prisoners of war captured in the battles on the alignment of Oarba de Mureș–Luduș–Gheja–Chețani,[3] during the Battle of Turda.
Date - 5 September–10 October 1944
Attack type - Genocide, ethnic cleansing
Deaths - 165
126 Jews
39 Romanians
Perpetrators - Hungarian National Guard supported by local sympathizers
Motive - Antisemitism, Hungarian irredentism TheThorLat (talk) 10:47, 3 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Hi TheThorLat,
So the source does not contain what you are saying, and then you say that the information comes from Sabin Manuila and Manoilescu, so it is not true when you added to article that it was a "Hungarian estimate".
Quite detailed source, many census and population data:
Btw if we have Romanian and Hungarian census, why we need add another estimations? Morover we can see in the article 3 times that estimation, why? But interestingly you cherry picked only the higher number and ignored the lower one, also Hitchins did not say "1940 Romanian estimation". Census are clear and better.
"As a result of these migrations, North Transylvanian Hungarians increased by almost 100 thousand" page 18
OrionNimrod (talk) 21:34, 5 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with what you say about the census, but your reverts contain a lot more than just the census. What about the other things that you either reverted or modified? you changed a lot more than that.
If the difference between real and natural population growth in the two main ethnic groups is adjusted according to migration gain and loss respectively, the population balance among Hungarian native speakers becomes +160 thousand, while the Romanian figure is –90 thousand. page 19 TheThorLat (talk) 02:42, 9 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Hi TheThorLat,
What is the reason of this edit? [2] the source: [3]
"Far from settling matters, the Vienna Award had exacerbated relations between Romania and Hungary. It did not solve the nationality problem by separating all Magyars from all Romanians. Some 1,150,000 to 1,300,000 Romanians, or 48 per cent to over 50 per cent of the population of the ceded territory, depending upon whose statistics are used, remained north of the new frontier, while about 500,000 Magyars (other Hungarian estimates go as high as 800,000, Romanian as low as 363,000) continued to reside in the south."
Hitchins doest not say "Romanian estimation 1940" as you claim, that is your invention, please follow the rules of Wikipedia: Wikipedia:No original research
Morover, what is the reason that info from Hitchins is 3 times repeated in that not so long article? Do you see that info is already 3 times in the article? Do you see as balance the Romanian 1930 + Hungarian 1941 census result is only once the article? Census is more important that estimations, also your source does not say "Romanian estimation 1940".
Hitchins provide 2 numbers (1,150,000 to 1,300,000 Romanians), but only the higher number of Romanians are emphasized 2 times, which intention shows the cherry picked purpose and unbalance. OrionNimrod (talk) 22:39, 9 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
[4] Not more informative, because the point here is that unlike the other Hungarian border revisions, where the Hungarian bloc was next to the border (like Slovakia, Serbia area), here in Transylvania the Hungarian areas concentrated not only the border area but also on Székelyland (as we can see on ethnic maps) File:Carte ethnographique de L’Europe Centrale.jpg.
Some of your previous contents violate this Wikipedia rule: Wikipedia:Close paraphrasing
"You said that "Sármásu Massacre and the source is a Holocaust related thing and about Jews, morover that place was not in Northern Transylvania as this area was not returned to Hungary in 1940, but it was part of Romania" but none of that is true"
Which is not true? Holocaust/Jewish people? That is a Holocaust source... Sármásu remained in South Transylvania, remained part of Romania, so why it is related to Northern Transylvania? Romanians could nott be victims of the Holocaust? Or do you think a Jew cannot be Romanian? In Hungary the Hungarian Jews suffered by Holocaust, in Romania the Romanian Jews...
"Sármásu was invaded by Hungary after 1944 when the massacre was commited." How does the fact that it was occupied by Hungarian troops in 1944 contradict the fact that it was not returned to Hungary in 1940 and remained part of Romania? Or do you mean that Hungary invaded itself, meaning that Nagysármás illegally became part of Romania in 1920?
"It was commited by Hungarians" Who said not by Hungarians? This is not the topic, but that the event has no relationship with Northern Transylvania or the Second Vienna decision. Wikipedia rule: Wikipedia:Out of scope OrionNimrod (talk) 23:08, 9 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
[5] is more informative, because the point here is that your modification fails to mention that the Hungarians were not the majority in the region between Székelyland and the border.
Is not true that that the Hungarians killed exclusively Jews in that massacre, they also killed Romanians. '(1) Sármásu Massacre killed Jews and Romanians'. Jews can be Romanian, when have I said otherwise? but I said nothing of killing Romanian Jews, I said of killing Romanians.
Once again, who said that it was occupied in 1940? I only said '(2) Sármásu was invaded by Hungary after 1944 when the massacre was commited.' which is true.
What is the reason for the edits on "Hungarian Occupation" here? [6]
What is the reason for the edits on "Massacres" here? [7] TheThorLat (talk) 21:06, 10 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
3 problems with your Hitchins edit:
1: Hitchins doesn't say "1940 Romanian estimation", he just writes about that some statistics, so it violates the rule Wikipedia:No original research
2: In addition, he gives two numbers, but you only writes the larger one, so the correct one would be 1,150-1,300 not to ignore the smaller one
3: You also see that this text appears 3 times in the article like some kind of spam, how many times should it be inserted? Perhaps repeating 5 more times? Once before the census chart, second time in the table, third time in the aftermath section quoted one by one, which would be enough. Do you see?
The text clearly say Hungarians were in border regions and in Szekelyland.
Sarmausu 1944: Wikipedia:Out of scope, that is not Second Vienna Award 1940 + not Northern Transylvania
"Hungarian occupation" Hungary got back that region by new treaty, like Romania got that region 20 years earlier. Should could we call it same way as you want "Romanian occupation"? + Those are Romanian sources about Hungarian incidents Wikipedia:Attribution, well known that strong anti-Hungarian nationalcommunist Romania how distorted everything. You see I did not delete all contents. Would you also mention long details about the activity of Mainu guard, behaded Szekelys, and massacres carried out by Romanians against Hungarians? Or just only 1 sided thing, like you emphasized the bigger number from Hitchins 3 times? Or in other articles when Romanians massarced much more Hungarians and with more brutal way? Korostarkany 1919, Avram Iancu, Horea, etc? Articles should be balanced Wikipedia:Neutral point of view#Balance OrionNimrod (talk) 21:34, 10 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with adding both estimations to the table.
The text with the population census also appear multiple times. No, not 5 more times. It's enough as it is right now.
The text clearly say Hungarians were in border regions and in Szekelyland. But it fails to mention that the Hungarians were not the majority in the region between Székelyland and the border.
Can you specifically mention which Wikipedia:Out of scope issue applies in this case?
Occupation = the act or process of taking possession of a place or area. The term is accurate. + those are not exclusively Romanian statistics thus calling the section "Romanian statistics" is incorrect.
What is the reason for the removal & replacement of text in the "Hungarian Occupation" section? and in Northern Transylvania page here [8] ?
Please, I don't care about your nationalist bravado, this is the first and last time I'm going to address it. You're clearly a nationalist because you believe every Romanian source must be strong anti-Hungarian national communist that distorted everything. This is borderline conspiracy theory. The difference between you and me is that I do not remove content that speaks badly of Romanians, because I'm not offended, history is history, unlike you who wishes to remove content regarding atrocities commited in Northern Transylvania by Hungarians. Calling it anti-Hungarian bias. What you are doing to Hungary is the equivalent of a German removing Holocaust content calling it anti-German bias. I don't care how you feel about it, the fact of the matter is that it happened and there are sources for it, and those sources were listed to you. You also added "however Romania was an allied country at that time" here [4]. Which (a) the source doesn't say that. (b) it's not even true, Romania was not an allied country at that time. So what was your reason for adding that? I kept asking you for a few comments but didn't get an answer. You are the last person who should say "articles should be balanced" given how biased and unbalanced you are. Articles should be balanced, 100% agree, this is why I have this discussion with you, because articles should be balanced and you stand against that. TheThorLat (talk) 13:51, 12 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Hi TheThorLat,
I dont see anywhere in the article that the result of 1930 or 1941 census would be repeated outside the chart as you claim. A census is more better than repeating the same estimation 3 times, once enough. Morover the exact quote from Hitchins is there, which is the best way to show what he says.
Why should we mention where were no Hungarians? It is evident, Hungarians were only where they are mentioned. Morover there are ethnic map which visually show the ethnic regions.
Please read and follow rules: Wikipedia:Out of scope
Sarmausu Holocaust 1944: that is not the event of Second Vienna Award 1940 + even not in Northern Transylvania. What is the business with the Second Vienna Award 1940 that a Holocaust incident and a Hungarian attack was against Romania in WW2 in 1944 outside the area what Hungary got in 1940 (Northern Transylvania)? Out of the topic. Based on your logic, should we list also all Soviet, German, Hungarian, Romanian WW2 military or Holocaust things outside northern Transylvania, or all outside events even many years later than 1940? OrionNimrod (talk) 18:09, 12 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
It cannot be evident if it isn't mentioned. This is why this [9] is more informative.
It is repeated over the chart. The best way is keeping Hitchins's quote for context, but also the table because it's easy to read.
Can you specifically mention which Wikipedia:Out of scope issue applies in this case?
It was right at the border of Northern Transylvania and was committed by the Hungarian Army stationed in Northern Transylvania.
Do you have any further objections of the other points you didn't mention? or should the fact you didn't address them anymore be taken as approval? TheThorLat (talk) 01:35, 13 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
"The Hungarian population was in the unusual situation of being an overwhelming majority in an area of southeastern Transylvania, deep within Romania and far from the Hungarian border (the area, known as Székely Land, is today mainly in Harghita, Covasna, and Mureș counties), and not simply only in certain areas next to the Hungarian border (as in the case of Czechoslovakia and Bačka or Baranya). The solution decided upon was to gouge a claw-shaped corridor through northwestern Romania, including a large Romanian-populated area, in order to incorporate this Hungarian-majority area within Hungary."
As we can see the from region census data and this French-British map’Europe_Centrale.jpg the area between Hungarian border and Szekely land was a mixed population, both Romanians and Hungarians. Of course many Romanian populated regions was reverted back to Hungary in that area which connect Szekely land. You can see that info is in the text. OrionNimrod (talk) 12:53, 13 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
The issue still stands. It doesn't specific that between Székely Land and the Hungarian border was that large Romanian-populated area.
I know that the info can be found in other sections of the page. The problem however is with that misleading paragraph. TheThorLat (talk) 09:41, 14 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I rephrased the text to make it more understandable, the large-Romanian populated area is also in the text: "Hungarians were the majority in border regions outside the post-Trianon Hungarian borders in Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia. Deep within Romania, far from the Hungarian border, in the region of eastern Transylvania known as Székely Land, the Hungarian population found itself in the unusual situation of being an overwhelming majority. By the Second Vienna Award, the solution decided upon was to carve out a claw-shaped corridor with mixed population through northwestern Romania, which included a large Romanian-populated area, in order to incorporate this Hungarian-majority region into Hungary." Btw the census data is also clearly shows it was large Romanians in the region.
The chart is about the detailed Romanian and Hungarian censuses, 5x2=10 data from each census, while you have only 1 data from Hitchins (of course you emphasized the higher number and keep silent about the lower one...), and Hitchins did not say clearly which statistic from who, despite you invented even with a date "Romanian estimation 1940 + Hungarian estimation 1940" Why? And you invented a random number of Hungarians out of fog. The census numbers nowhere repeated in the text, but only in the detailed chart, while Hitchins quote is in the text with the numbers, dont need to repeat only 1 number in a chart which has already a complex 5x2=10 data and the purpose of the chart is comparison of those detailed censuses. Both Hungarian and Romanian results are presented. OrionNimrod (talk) 10:20, 14 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
That does not address the issue. This is how it can be made more understandable:
"The Hungarian population was in the unusual situation of being an overwhelming majority in an area of southeastern Transylvania, deep within Romania and far from the Hungarian border (the area, known as Székely Land, is today mainly in Harghita, Covasna, and Mureș counties), but not in the areas that would connect Székely Land to the Hungarian border (as in the case of Czechoslovakia and Bačka or Baranya). The solution decided upon was to gouge a claw-shaped corridor through northwestern Romania, including a large Romanian-populated area, in order to incorporate this Hungarian-majority area within Hungary."
I proposed adding both.
Do you have further objections the other points you stopped mentioning? TheThorLat (talk) 03:03, 15 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Hi TheThorLat,
Bad faith accucations with sockpuppetry + collect bunch of Romanian editors against me is your new strategy of you to remove a Hungarian users? Could you tell me what does mean exactly "Hungarian irredenists notes" by me? Or for you instantly became everbody "Hungarian irredentist" who recognize that you make (of course pro-Romanian) fantasy numbers in a chart.
Could you tell me exactly what was edit war of me with these edits?
Those new contents were not debated between us: I swtiches 2 images and 2 chapters, I added a map, I added % besides numbers, I removed a treaty legal text which is in the main article
I rephrased the sentence to make it more clear as your request to mention large number of Romanians between the border area and Szekely land. What was your problem with that modification what you requested?
"After World War I, the multiethnic Kingdom of Hungary was divided by the 1920 Treaty of Trianon, to form several new states, but Hungary noted that the new state borders did not follow ethnic boundaries. Hungarians were the majority in border regions outside the post-Trianon Hungarian borders in Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia. Deep within Romania, far from the Hungarian border, in the region of eastern Transylvania known as Székely Land, the Hungarian population found itself in the unusual situation of being an overwhelming majority. By the Second Vienna Award, the solution decided upon was to carve out a claw-shaped corridor with mixed population through northwestern Romania, which included a large Romanian-populated area, in order to incorporate this Hungarian-majority region into Hungary." OrionNimrod (talk) 22:07, 17 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Could you tell me exactly why you changed the name "Hungarian Occupation" into "Romanian statistics on abuses commited by Hungarian authorities" despite the sources provided not being exclusively Romanian statistics?
Could you please tell me why you removed the source "William Totok, Eastern Rehabilitation Fever. The case of Albert Wass , in: observatorcultural Cultural Observatory, edition 02.09.2003" and its content?
Could you tell me why you removed the Zilah picture?
Could you please tell me why you removed the source and content regarding the numbers of refugees and of the mass expulsions?
In essence, could you please tell me why you removed 80% of the Hungarian Occupation section?
I rephrased the sentence to make it more clear and you reverted the edit. Then you suggest a variant that doesn't address the issue. What is your problem with the text your originally reverted?
"The Hungarian population was in the unusual situation of being an overwhelming majority in an area of southeastern Transylvania, deep within Romania and far from the Hungarian border (the area, known as Székely Land, is today mainly in Harghita, Covasna, and Mureș counties), but not in the areas that would connect Székely Land to the Hungarian border (as in the case of Czechoslovakia and Bačka or Baranya). The solution decided upon was to gouge a claw-shaped corridor through northwestern Romania, including a large Romanian-populated area, in order to incorporate this Hungarian-majority area within Hungary." TheThorLat (talk) 01:09, 18 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
You did not answer: Could you tell me what does mean exactly "Hungarian irredenists notes" by me?
You reverted [10] [11] Those new contents were not debated between us: I swtiches 2 images and 2 chapters, I added a map, I added % besides numbers, I removed a treaty legal text which is in the main article. Reason for reverting these things?
I think that is a more clear explanation for mentioning large Romanians as you requested, I think you agree that Northern Transylvania was a mixed Romanian-Hungarian (about 50-50 if we overlay both censuses), and it was Hungarian majority around Hungarian border and Szekely land, but between was mixed, and many regions was Romanian majority but many Hungarian majority (like Kolozsvar(that is not Szekely land)).
"After World War I, the multiethnic Kingdom of Hungary was divided by the 1920 Treaty of Trianon, to form several new states, but Hungary noted that the new state borders did not follow ethnic boundaries. Hungarians were the majority in border regions outside the post-Trianon Hungarian borders in Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia. Deep within Romania, far from the Hungarian border, in the region of eastern Transylvania known as Székely Land, the Hungarian population found itself in the unusual situation of being an overwhelming majority. By the Second Vienna Award, the solution decided upon was to carve out a claw-shaped corridor with mixed population through northwestern Romania, which included a large Romanian-populated area, in order to incorporate this Hungarian-majority region into Hungary."
I did not delete 80%, I left many contents, I had a good reason for removal, as a relevant part was not about the event in Northern Transylvania like Sarmasu.
I like your source[12] for Hungarian atrocities against Romanians: :D what is this? :) your best reliable academic source ?
The majority were Romanian or Romania-related sources, in fact the content is about atrocities, so a more specific title suited. May be then Romanian "sources", instead of "statistics".
Zilah image? That section was not about the Hungarian takeover of Northern Transylvania, but about ethnic tensions, atrocities, so that picture is not really illustrative there.
The case of Albert Wass is a highly controversial issue, a post WWII story from the strongly anti-Hungarian nationalcommunist Romania, mainly politically motivated issue, not the best fit for Second Vienna Award article + United States authorities refused to extradite Wass to Romania claiming the lack of solid evidence.
I would better prefer a more objective summarization which would both present either Hungarian and Romanian expulsions, refugees and also how many people opted to be another citizen, which was a legal possibility for the inhabitans. OrionNimrod (talk) 22:24, 21 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
You removed content about the attrocities commited by Hungarians in the Second Vienna Award & Northern Transylvania pages, and when I keep asking you about it you keep dodging the answer, what do you think that sounds like?
I don't think that is a more clear explanation for mentioning large Romanians, what is the reason you do not like my original paragraph?
Explain those good reasons then. Could you specifically explain those good reasons? TheThorLat (talk) 09:59, 24 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ Árpád E. Varga, Studies of the demographic history of Transylvania.
  2. ^ Árpád E. Varga, nepes.htm Studies of the demographic history of Transylvania.
  3. ^ Árpád E. Varga, nepes.htm Studies of the demographic history of Transylvania.
  4. ^ Nicholas M. Nagy-Talavera, Anatomy of a Massacre

RFC Second Vienna Award & Northern Transylvania

There are nine questions, three concerning Second Vienna Award and six concerning Northern Transylvania:

SvA 1. Should the statistics table contain the 1940 Romanian estimations?
SvA 2. Should the migration of Hungarians in Northern Transylvania after 1940 be mentioned?
SvA 3. Should the "Hungarian Occupation" section be kept in the original form?
NT 1. Should intro paragraph A or B be kept?
NT 2. Should version A or B of Árpád E. Varga's text be kept?
NT 3. Should "measures of terror imposed by the new authorities" be mentioned?
NT 4. Should it be called "Abuses against Romanians" or "Romanian statistics"?
NT 5. Should text not in the source be added for Nicholas Nagy-Talavera, Anatomy of a Massacre?
NT 6. Should it be mentioned that the massacres started 3 days after the occupation and after 2 weeks increased in intensity?

TheThorLat (talk) 10:57, 24 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, given that our disagreements come to a standstill, I would like to create an RFC for these 2 particular edits on the Northern Transylvania & Second Vienna Award pages, they both touch similar subjects.
Second Vienna Award [13]
Northern Transylvania [14]


1. OrionNimrod is against adding the 2 population estimations from 1940 in the table for statistics.
His reasoning is that the 1930 & 1941 censuses are more relevant.
My reasoning is that there is no reason not to add statistical information to the statistics section and all relelvant information should be added. Especially when there were massive population changes between 1940 - 1941:
"Apart from natural population growth, the differences between the censuses were caused by other complex reasons like migration of Hungarians in Northern Transylvania and the assimilation of Jews and bilingual speakers. According to Hungarian registrations, 100,000 Hungarian refugees had arrived in Hungary from South Transylvania by January 1941, and almost as many Hungarians arrived from Trianon Hungary in the redeemed territories. As a result of these migrations, the number of North Transylvanian Hungarians increased by almost 100,000. To compensate, many Romanians were obliged to leave North Transylvania. Some 100,000 had left by February 1941, according to the incomplete registration of North Transylvanian refugees that was carried out by the Romanian government. A fall in the total population suggests that a further 40,000 to 50,000 Romanian refugees who were omitted from the official registration moved from North Transylvania to South Transylvania. Hungarian gains by assimilation were further balanced by losses for other groups, such as Jews. The shift of languages was most typical among bilingual Romanians and Hungarians, however, in Máramaros and Szatmár, dozens of settlements had many people who had declared themselves as Romanian in 1930 but identified as Hungarians in 1941 although they had not spoken any Hungarian even in 1910.[1]" (Hungarian author)
"There were also mass expulsions of ethnic Romanians across the new border imposed by the Second Vienna Award, the expulsions were practiced until 1944 when the Hungarian authorities were expelled by the Soviet army. By January 1941, there were a total of 109,532 Romanian refugees from North Transylvania, by 1943 a total of 218,919 expelled Romanians, and by 1944 there were over 500,000 Romanian refugees from North Transylvania.[2][3]" (Romanian author)

2. The text from the Hungarian author was slightly altered by OrionNimrod. Please see the paragraph starting with "Apart from natural population growth" in the edit.

For example:

Apart from natural population growth, the differences between the censuses were caused by other complex reasons like migration of Hungarians in Northern Transylvania and the assimilation of Jews and bilingual speakers. (original text)
Apart from natural population growth, the differences between the censuses were caused by other complex reasons like migration, the assimilation of Jews and bilingual speakers. (OrionNimrod's edit)
Please see the removal of the "complex reasons like migration of Hungarians in Northern Transylvania" despite the source saying that there was a large migration of Hungarians in Northern Transylvania.

Second example:

"almost as many Hungarians arrived from Trianon Hungary in the redeemed territories." (original text)"
"almost as many persons arrived from Hungary in the redeemed territories as those who moved to the Trianon Hungarian territory from South Transylvania." (OrionNimrod's edit)
The source itself says that they arrived from Trianon Hungary in the newly aquired territories. OrionNimrod's edit despite being longer for no reason say that they moved to Trianon Hungarian from South Transylvania, which is not the same thing that the source says.


3. The title "Hungarian Occupation" was replaced with "Romanian statistics on abuses commited by Hungarian authorities" despite, if you look at the sources, not being exclusively Romanian statistics. A name which also violates a neutral point of view.

Original text: : "After the Hungarian occupation of Northern Transylvania in August 1940, the Romanian population was targeted for reprisal actions by the Hungarian authorities.[4]

Hungarian troops marching in Zalău (Zilah) on 8 September 1940

By 1941, there have been a total of 919 murders, 1,126 maimings, 4,126 beatings, 15,893 arrests, 124 desecrations, 78 individual and 447 collective home devastations of Romanians by the Hungarian authorities. Additionally, Romanians were deported to working camps, in Püspökladány 1,315 North Transylvanian Romanians were deported at the end of September 1940, a number well above the camp's maximum capacity. In the same month, other working camps for Romanians were established at Someșeni and Florești, near Cluj.[5]

There were also mass expulsions of ethnic Romanians across the new border imposed by the Second Vienna Award, the expulsions were practiced until 1944 when the Hungarian authorities were expelled by the Soviet army. By January 1941, there were a total of 109,532 Romanian refugees from North Transylvania, by 1943 a total of 218,919 expelled Romanians, and by 1944 there were over 500,000 Romanian refugees from North Transylvania.[6][3]
During this period, Romanian schools also suffered. On the territory of the ceded part of Transylvania, there were 1,733 Romanian-language schools. After the Second Vienna Award, by 1941 there was only one Romanian-language school left in North Transylvania, in Năsăud.[3]
The Hungarians of Transylvania largely supported the behavior of the Hungarian administration, because they considered it retribution for Trianon, hoping that at the end of the war, Adolf Hitler would return the whole of Transylvania to Hungary. Along with the military, numerous ethnic Hungarians participated in the massacres against the Romanian population. They devastated, desecrated, and demolished the foundations of Romanian churches and schools. In addition, they robbed and set fire to the homes of Romanians, tortured and killed Romanians.[7]
However, in a few cases, there were also Hungarian locals who were involved in rescuing Romanian families. Among them is the case of Iosif Gáll, who saved several Romanians from death during the Treznea Massacre. Or Sarolta Juhász from Mureșenii de Câmpie, who was killed while trying to protect the family of the Romanian priest Bujor.[8]"

Text after OrionNimrod's edit:

: By 1941, there have been a total of 919 murders, 1,126 maimings, 4,126 beatings, 15,893 arrests, 124 desecrations, 78 individual and 447 collective home devastations of Romanians by the Hungarian authorities. Additionally, Romanians were deported to working camps, in Püspökladány 1,315 North Transylvanian Romanians were deported at the end of September 1940, a number well above the camp's maximum capacity. In the same month, other working camps for Romanians were established at Someșeni and Florești, near Cluj.[9]

During this period, Romanian schools also suffered. On the territory of the ceded part of Transylvania, there were 1,733 Romanian-language schools. After the Second Vienna Award, by 1941 there was only one Romanian-language school left in North Transylvania, in Năsăud.[3]
However, in a few cases, there were also Hungarian locals who were involved in rescuing Romanian families. Among them is the case of Iosif Gáll, who saved several Romanians from death during the Treznea Massacre. Or Sarolta Juhász from Mureșenii de Câmpie, who was killed while trying to protect the family of the Romanian priest Bujor.[10]
Not only were a lot of sources deleted from the article, but a lot of relevant information was also removed from the article.


1) In the intro paragraph it was not mention the ethnic situation in Northern Transylvania: namely, a Hungarian majority at the border with Hungary, a Hungarian majority in Szekelyland, and Romanian majority in areas between Szekelyland and the border regions with Hungary. As you can see here:

Borders of 1941 Hungary, with ethnic make-up according to the 1910 census.

I made this text to explain the sitaution

"The Hungarian population was in the unusual situation of being an overwhelming majority in an area of southeastern Transylvania, deep within Romania and far from the Hungarian border (the area, known as Székely Land, is today mainly in Harghita, Covasna, and Mureș counties), but not in the areas that would connect Székely Land to the Hungarian border (as in the case of Czechoslovakia and Bačka or Baranya). The solution decided upon was to gouge a claw-shaped corridor through northwestern Romania, including a large Romanian-populated area, in order to incorporate this Hungarian-majority area within Hungary." (my text)
OrionNimrod reverted it, and when asked about it, he suggested this text instead:
"Hungarians were the majority in border regions outside the post-Trianon Hungarian borders in Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia. Deep within Romania, far from the Hungarian border, in the region of eastern Transylvania known as Székely Land, the Hungarian population found itself in the unusual situation of being an overwhelming majority. By the Second Vienna Award, the solution decided upon was to carve out a claw-shaped corridor with mixed population through northwestern Romania, which included a large Romanian-populated area, in order to incorporate this Hungarian-majority region into Hungary." Btw the census data is also clearly shows it was large Romanians in the region. (OrionNimrod's version)
When I asked him what was wrong with my original text he did not answer. But I suspsect is has to do with the reason that in his edit he says "with mixed population through northwestern Romania", which if you look at the map. There was mixed population everywhere: at the border, in the middle, in Szekelyland. The point was that in that mixed population there was a Hungarian majority in the border, Romanian majority in the middle, Hungarian majority in Szekelyland. Saying "Hungarian majority at the border, mixed in the middle, Hungarian majority in Szekelyland" is just violating the neutrality of the article.
Keep in mind that in 1940 Romanians had a slight ethnic majority and the Hungarian only became a majority in 1941 following events described by Varga E., Árpád (Hungarian author). In this context, saying "Hungarian majority at the border, mixed in the middle, Hungarian majority in Szekelyland" is very biased.

2) He changed this:

According to a study by Árpád E. Varga, the dissimilar ratios were caused by a combination of complex factors such as migration, the assimilation of Jews, and bilingual speakers. According to Hungarian registrations, 100,000 Hungarian refugees had arrived in Hungary from South Transylvania by January 1941. By then, there were a total of 109,532 Romanian refugees from Northern Transylvania. A fall in the total population suggests that a further 40,000 to 50,000 Romanians moved from North Transylvania to South Transylvania, including refugees who were omitted from the official registration for various reasons. Additionally, Hungarian gains by assimilation were balanced by losses for other groups of native speakers, such as Jews. In the counties of Máramaros and Szatmár, dozens of settlements had many people who had declared themselves as Romanian but now identified themselves as Hungarian, although they had not spoken any Hungarian even in 1910.[11] (original text)
The dissimilar ratios were caused by a combination of complex factors such as migration, the assimilation of Jews, and bilingual speakers.[12] According to Hungarian registrations, 100,000 Hungarian refugees had arrived in Hungary from South Transylvania by January 1941. By then, there were a total of 109,532 Romanian refugees from Northern Transylvania. A fall in the total population suggests that a further 40,000 to 50,000 Romanians moved from North Transylvania to South Transylvania, including refugees who were omitted from the official registration for various reasons. Additionally, Hungarian gains by assimilation were balanced by losses for other groups of native speakers, such as Jews. In the counties of Máramaros and Szatmár, dozens of settlements had many people who had declared themselves as Romanian but now identified themselves as Hungarian, although they had not spoken any Hungarian even in 1910. (OrionNimrod's edit)
I do not know the reason he moved the source up there. He refused to tell me. All the text from this paragraph is from this source. It's a weird edit. I suspsect the reason for it is so that he can come back later and removed those other lines by saying they are "unsourced".

3) In the Massacres section:

Original text: "Military abuses, measures of terror imposed by the new authorities, illegal arrests, torture, lynchings, summary executions, "
OrionNimrod's edit: Military abuses, illegal arrests, torture, lynchings, summary executions
The text in bold is from the source. Yet he removed it with no reason given.

4. Replaced title: from "Abuses against Romanians committed by Hungarian authorities" to "Romanian statistics on abuses committed by Hungarian authorities" where once again the sources aren't exclusively Romanian statistics.

5. In the section "The reactions of the Hungarians to the atrocities committed under the Hungarian occupation"

The Hungarians of Transylvania welcomed the decisions of the Second Vienna Award, hoping that at the end of the war, Adolf Hitler would return the whole of Transylvania to Miklós Horthy.[13] (original text)
The Hungarians of Transylvania welcomed the decisions of the Second Vienna Award, because they considered it a remedy for the Trianon injustice, hoping that at the end of the war, Adolf Hitler would return the whole of Transylvania to Miklós Horthy, however Romania was an allied country at that time.[14] (OrionNimrod's edit)
In this case, everything added by OrionNimrod is original research. The source does not say "because they considered it a remedy for the Trianon injustice" is 100% made up by him. The source also does not say ", however Romania was an allied country at that time" once again 100% made up by him, and while the 1st original research is a matter of debate, this one is not even factually true, Romania was in fact, not an allied country at the time.

6. In the section "Hungarian rule"

"Hungary held Northern Transylvania from September 1940 to October 1944. In 1940, ethnic disturbances between Hungarians and Romanians continued after some incidents following the entrance of the Hungarian Army, culminating in massacres such as the Treznea and Ip. Three days after the entry of the Hungarian occupation army, a series of massacres against the Romanian civilian population began. In the first two weeks, approximately 1000 Romanians perished. After the first two weeks they increased in intensity.<ref name="gard">" (original text)
Hungary held Northern Transylvania from September 1940 to October 1944. In 1940, ethnic disturbances between Hungarians and Romanians continued after some incidents following the entrance of the Hungarian Army, culminating in massacres at Treznea and Ip in the first two weeks approximately 1000 Romanians perished.<ref name="gard"> (OrionNimrod's edit)
The part were "After the first two weeks they increased in intensity" was removed by OrionNimrod, despite this being mentioned in the source. And that the massacres began in the first 3 days "Three days after the entry of the Hungarian occupation army, a series of massacres against the Romanian civilian population began" is also mentioned in the source.

— Preceding unsigned comment added by TheThorLat (talk • contribs) 10:57, 24 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

@TheThorLat: what is your brief and neutral statement? At over 19,000 bytes, the statement above (from the {{rfc}} tag to the next timestamp) is far too long for Legobot (talk · contribs) to handle, and so it is not being shown correctly at Wikipedia:Requests for comment/History and geography. The RfC may also not be publicised through WP:FRS until a shorter statement is provided. --Redrose64 🌹 (talk) 20:05, 24 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Summoned by bot, and I agree, too long. Helpful background perhaps, which could have been put in a collapse template maybe, but not as the full text of an RfC. Ping me if it gets fixed though and I'll try to render an opinion. CaptainEek Edits Ho Cap'n!20:37, 24 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
@CaptainEek: a brief and neutral statement was added. TheThorLat (talk) 07:10, 25 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Seems to have worked, except that you began it with a list, which is cautioned against by WP:RFCST - entry beginning "For technical reasons ...". I've added a line to prevent that problem. --Redrose64 🌹 (talk) 09:15, 25 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

(Summoned by bot) I think this RfC is unlikely to generate much feedback, as it is not a concise question that can be readily examined, but a very lengthy and non-neutral analysis of an editor's issues with a series of edits. The list of nine questions are not standalone questions, they require the context of the following text. - Aoidh (talk) 03:23, 26 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

I have issues making them concise due to the nature of the RfC, it's not a single subject but rather minor things on multiple subjects that need context. It's not a series of edits but rather of reverts. I made those edits, and then OrionNimrod reverted them and occasionally added his own insertions. For the non-neutral part I do not know what is non-neutral about them, I presented both versions in their entirety. TheThorLat (talk) 14:34, 26 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

I think this RFC would've benefited significantly from trying to narrow down what is actually in dispute before jumping to it instead of both of you just blanket reverting everything the other does, but I've spent enough time trying to parse it I guess I'll go through what I see:
A1) The statistics you are trying to add are WP:SYNTH based on one estimate of the Romanian population which you've just taken the upper and lower bounds as the Romanian and Hungarian estimates respectively, and one estimate of the Hungarian population apparently from a source you never cited in your edits. For that matter though I'm really unclear where the currently included 1940 estimate comes from; it's not on the page cited in the text and doesn't seem like it would be elsewhere.
A2) It doesn't matter if the migration of Hungarians is specifically mentioned in the first example; it is later explained in detail that it is referring in fact to both Hungarian and Romanian migration (or population transfer). The second example should say Hungarians, not 'persons', since the source is talking about Hungarians specifically in that part.
A3) (See below)
B1) The version explaining that the Hungarian majorities were "not in the areas that would connect Székely Land to the Hungarian border" is plainly more informative and clearer. The word 'carved' is more neutral and less emotive than 'gouged' for describing the map-tinkering though.
B2) The only reason the author being described at the start vs in a footnote would matter is if there was concern over the text being WP:WIKIVOICE which there doesn't appear to be. This should not have been included in the RFC, it does not matter.
A3,B3-B6) The edits/reversions made by OrionNimrod to content on Hungarian abuses in the territory appear to be tendentious and should not be kept IMO. Describing the Treaty of Trianon as the "Trianon injustice" in B5 seems particularly egregious. The only one of these I can see a justified reason for is B3, in which "measures of terror imposed by the new authorities" is clunky and redundant. That shouldn't be read as a sweeping declaration that I think there's no change that could be made to the rest of it but it needs to be justified by something. Chaste Krassley (talk) 22:42, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Chaste Krassley, I listed here my problems with the edits: Talk:Second Vienna Award#Problem with recently added content I would like to emphasize this strange source which is in the edit of TheThorLat: OrionNimrod (talk) 22:47, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I read that comment section when attempting to parse the RFC, it didn't remove my concerns with many of your edits to the content on Hungarian abuses.
That's obviously a dead link that's reverted to a domain owner's spam, though you wouldn't need to misrepresent it to show it's not appropriate for use as a source, so I'm not sure why you are. Chaste Krassley (talk) 23:22, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ Árpád E. Varga, Studies of the demographic history of Transylvania.
  2. ^ " The Vienna Dictate. Hungarian atrocities against Romanians ". Archived from the original on 2009-10-30. Retrieved 2021-11-15.
  3. ^ a b c d "George Barițiu" Cultural-Scientific Society, History of Romania. Transilvania , vol. II, cap. VII Transylvania in the Second World War , George Barițiu Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1997, page 24
  4. ^ William Totok, Eastern Rehabilitation Fever. The case of Albert Wass , in: Cultural Observatory, edition 02.09.2003
  5. ^ Sr. Cluj-Napoca Archive, Cluj County Prefecture fund. Confidential - presidential documents, 1940, file 54,98,255,511
  6. ^ " The Vienna Dictate. Hungarian atrocities against Romanians ". Archived from the original on 2009-10-30. Retrieved 2021-11-15.
  7. ^ Nicholas Nagy-Talavera, Anatomy of a Massacre: Sărmaș 1944. Simon Wiesenthal Center.
  8. ^ Testimonies about the massacres in Ip and Traznea - article published in the Gardianul newspaper, edition from 02.09.2008
  9. ^ Sr. Cluj-Napoca Archive, Cluj County Prefecture fund. Confidential - presidential documents, 1940, file 54,98,255,511
  10. ^ Testimonies about the massacres in Ip and Traznea - article published in the Gardianul newspaper, edition from 02.09.2008
  11. ^ Árpád E. Varga, nepes.htm Studies of the demographic history of Transylvania.
  12. ^ Árpád E. Varga, nepes.htm Studies of the demographic history of Transylvania.
  13. ^ Nicholas Nagy-Talavera, Anatomy of a Massacre: Sărmaș 1944. Simon Wiesenthal Center.
  14. ^ Nicholas Nagy-Talavera, Anatomy of a Massacre: Sărmaș 1944. Simon Wiesenthal Center.
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