I deleted Hitler and his high commanders, including Goring, believed the fire to be the start of a communist plot against Germany. The balance of historiography on this subject concludes that Hitler et al. didn't so much believe it was the start of a Communist uprising; they seized upon it as the perfect pretext for claiming such and dispatching the Communists (and others) to "wild" SA concentration camps, or worse fates. Sca (talk) 22:00, 1 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

BLP tag?

er ....how can anything be libellous when the guy is dead? Sure things can be inaccurate but if whoever added this tag knew anything about the law of defamation they would also know that once dead there is no such thing as libellous statements. You cannot libel the deceased.!

civil servant

Rudolf Diels was a career civil servant, not a politician. I changed his bio blurb to reflect this fact.

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