This page is not technically correct. According to the player-compiled Tau Lexicon (which sites a GW publication), Tau A to Z and GW's Gue'la Auxiliary Army, Gue'la is the term applied to humans allied with the Tau. I'm going to mark this page as a stub for now, and if changes haven't been made in a week or so return and take a stab at making more comprehensive article.
RCanine 21:34, 4 March 2007 (UTC)
According to my copy of the Tau empire codex, 'la' is one of the suffixes used by the Tau to denote an individuals rank within their caste. For instance, common fire warrior troopers are 'Shas'la' while their team leaders may be 'Shas'ui' and a force commander a 'Shas'el'. Presumably 'Gue' is the prefix used to denote a human (or possibly it just means 'alien'). Thus 'Gue'vesa' means 'human helper' (or 'alien ally' or whatever) and 'Gue'la' means human soldier (or 'low ranking alien'). 10:49, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
According to Imperial Armor Volume III: The Taros Campaign, the proper term for humans who have joined the Tau is "Gue'vessa" and have been shown to be of "la" rank and "ui" rank, thus making them "Gue'vessa'la" and "Gue'vessa'ui". However, in the book Fire Warrior, Tau refer to all non-Tau-allied humans as "Gue'la". This implies that "vessa" (Tau for "helper") is added when a human joins with the Tau. --Fearless Son 02:44, 22 April 2007 (UTC)
Gue'la is applied to the Human race as a whole in Warhammer 40K universe by the Tau race. The Tau-allied humans are called "Gue'vesa", as said above. Term "Vesa" is added to all races-things that are allied (or literally, that are helping) the Tau race (i.e. "Kor'vesa" is the Tau name for Drones (Gun/Shield/etc.)). This (probably) excludes the races that joined the Tau wholly (like the Kroot (arguably "allied as a whole"), Nicassar or Vespid). --Loc.warhammer 14:03, 18 June 2007 (UTC)
I propse NOT to delete this article, but merge it and the other pages, such as Kroot and Vespid allies into the Tau main article. Nemesis646 (talk) 16:13, 8 August 2008 (UTC)
It's important article and it will be even more important to W40K Universe because Tau Empire is colonizing Imperium's worlds. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Lightvsdarkness (talk • contribs) 18:18, 8 August 2008 (UTC)
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