Wei Guan

Just to let you know, at the bottom it says Cheng Bing is a fictional character but he is actually a real person. Biography to prove it. [編輯] 程秉   程秉字德樞,汝南南頓人也。逮事鄭玄,後避亂交州,與劉熙考論大義,遂博 通五經。士燮命為長史。權聞其名儒,以禮征,秉既到,拜太子太傅。黃武四年, 權為太子登娉周瑜女,秉守太常,迎妃於吳,權親幸秉船,深見優禮。既還,秉從 容進說登曰:"婚姻人倫之始,王教之基,是以聖王重之,所以率先眾庶,風化天下, 故《詩》美《關睢》,以為稱首。願太子尊禮教於閨房,存《周南》之所詠,則道 化隆於上,頌聲作於下矣。"登笑曰:"將順其美,匡救其惡,誠所賴於傅君也。"病 卒官。著《周易摘》、《尚書駁》、《論語弼》,凡三萬餘言。秉為傅時,率更令 河南征崇亦篤學立行雲。 —Preceding unsigned comment added by Wei Guan (talk • contribs) 01:57, 25 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

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