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KamikazeArchon (talk | contribs)
*new creation; buildings, etc will be added later.
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Revision as of 09:14, 4 December 2001

A race in Blizzard Entertainment's popular PC real-time-strategy game, Starcraft. Main plotline attributes:

  • Very advanced, relying mainly on Psi and powerful cybernetic technology.
  • Main opponents of the Zerg.
  • Religious; for example, the basic military unit is the Zealot. The Protoss follow a strict code known as the Khala.

Gameplay attributes:

  • High cost per unit produced
  • High unit power
  • Very powerful spells (the Psi Storm is often referred to as the "most powerful damaging spell in the game.")
  • Only race with "shields". All units have shields; when damaged, shields regenerate over time, even faster than Zerg units heal. Shields, however, always take full damage (whereas a target without shields might not take full damage, depending on the damage type and size of the target.) Shields are instantly drained by the Terran Science Vessel's EMP spell.
  • Fastest building method, moderate building location restrictions

Units: Military/land: Zealot Dragoon Reaver -Requires Scarabs to be built inside it. High Templar -spellcaster, no non-spell attack Archon -formed by merging of two High Templars Dark Templar -stealth unit Dark Archon -spellcaster, no non-spell attack, formed from two Dark Templars

Military/air: Scout Corsair -spellcaster Arbiter -spellcaster; all nearby units except other Arbiters become stealthed. Carrier -Requires Interceptors to be built inside it.

Other: Probe -builder unit Shuttle -flying transport unit

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