Paula Doepfner
Paula Doepfner (born in Berlin - July 1980) is a contemporary artist. Her work includes text-based drawings, performances, and objects made of ice, organic matter, and damaged armored glass.[1] She lives and works in Berlin.
Paula Doepfner studied fine arts from 2002 to 2008, at the Universität der Künste Berlin and at the Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London. She studied under Roger Ackling in London and graduated from the masterclass Rebecca Horn in Berlin. She has received numerous prizes and stipends, among others the Hans Platschek prize (2024), the Krull foundation work stipend (2023), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation EHF stipend (2021/22), the work stipend of the Albert Koechlin foundation, Lucerne (2010), and the Else Neumann stipend from the City of Berlin (2008).[2]
Doepfner’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, with institutional solo exhibitions at the Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden (2023), the Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (2022), and the Goethe-Institut, Washington, D.C. (2015). She has participated in group exhibitions at institutions including the Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum at the Charité (2023),)[3] the Museum Reinickendorf, Berlin (2022), and the Linden Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne (2013). Her works are held in private and public collections such as the Kupferstichkabinett Berlin, the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Leipzig, and the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.[4]
Paula Doepfner’s artistic practice comprises drawings, performances, and objects made of ice, glass, and organic matter.[5] The content of her work is drawn from literary texts and documents relating to human rights abuses and the Holocaust. Her drawings consist of minute script on transparent paper; she writes lines of text in tiny letters (ø = 1 mm) to form textual images. The drawings are based on sketches she makes while observing autopsies and brain surgery at the Charité University Hospital Berlin.[6] The strings of text in her drawings are taken from the Istanbul Protocol, a UN handbook on the investigation and documentation of torture and other cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment, and from documentary material on the children of Auschwitz. Paula Doepfner combines these documentary texts with literary works by the likes of Anne Carson, Paul Celan, Joyce Mansour and Robert Musil.
For her glass works Paula Doepfner makes color sketches of regions of the brain, transferring them onto the glass, usually large pieces of glass, with pigment and varnish. She uses armored glass from commercial units and luxury buildings that have been damaged during demonstrations. Some of the glass works hang on the wall, others stand in space.[7]
Paula Doepfner’s ice blocks, which weigh up to 500 kg, either melt into metal trays in the gallery space before evaporating, or run off into the ground when exhibited in public space.[8] Inside the blocks Doepfner freezes paper inscribed with texts. The inscribed pieces of paper are frozen into the center of the transparent ice blocks.
For her sound performances Doepfner works together with a musician, usually a double-bass player. The double-bass player plays just one note in microtonal intervals while Doepfner makes sounds with foliage and dried shrubbery.[9]
Paula Doepfner’s works “incorporate the passing of time and reveal internal organic structures. They are always based on human experience.”[10] Her work deals with the “darkest aspects of human existence”[11] and transforms them “into something almost material, physical, something that’s not just symbolic but also a remnant, a trace of something, of language, of life, even her own life. Neither imagery nor poetry, it’s something that has to be regarded forensically, as fact.”[12]
Solo exhibitions (selected)
- 2023 "Darkness at the break of noon", Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Germany[13]
- 2022 "I went to the crossroads", Akademie der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin, Germany[14]
- 2021 "Today and tomorrow, and yesterday, too, the flowers are dyin' like all things do", Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin, Germany[15]
- 2019 "For the trees to drop" Stiftung St. Matthäus, Berlin, Germany[16]
- 2018 "Next Time I See You", Galleria Mario Iannelli, Rome, Italy[17]
- 2017 "Babe, I’ve left you somewhere in the rain", Una Vetrina, Rome, Italy[18]
- 2016 "Put it right here (or keep it out there)" Kunstverein Reutlingen, Germany[19]
- 2015 "Take It Right Back" Goethe Institute, Washington, D.C.[20][21]
- 2014 "Whatever gets you through the night, it's alright, it's alright", Galerie Tanja Wagner, Berlin
- 2014 "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed", Galerie Laurent Mueller, Paris[22]
- 2013 "Rollin' High And Mighty Traps", S2A, New York; Performance with Steve Whipple
- 2012 "More than I can hide", Kunstverein Östliches Sauerland, Germany
- 2011 "But my nerves were kicking", Ionion Center for the Arts, Kefalonia[23]
- 2011 "Mehr Zeit bedeutet nicht mehr Ewigkeit", Performance with Hakeem Holloway, Berlin Art Junction
- 2010 "Promessus", Galerie Tanja Wagner, Berlin[24][25]
- 2010 "Fallen", Stadtmühle Willisau, Lucerne
- 2009 "Im Schlaf ohne Schlaf", St. Johannes Evangelist-Kirche, Berlin; Performance with Gregor Fuhrmann
Group exhibitions (selected)
- 2023: Das Gehirn, Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité, Berlin[26]
- 2022: Strich um Strich. Zeichnen 2, Galerie ETAGE, Museum Reinickendorf, Berlin[27]
- 2021: All I Think About Is You, Galerie Georg Nothelfer und Kunstsaele, Berlin[28]
- 2021: Deceleration, Ausstellung zum Kunstpreis des Hauses am Kleistpark, Berlin[29]
- 2020: Freitod – Exhibition on the 10th anniversary, Kunstsaele, Berlin
- 2020: Das Blatt, Curated Affairs und Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Düsseldorf/ Berlin
- 2019: Der Funke Gottes, Diözesanmuseum Bamberg[30]
- 2018: Abenteuer Freundschaft, Kunstsaele, Berlin
- 2018: Marianne-Werefkin-Preis 2018, Kommunale Galerie, Berlin[31]
- 2017: Lost in Transition, Kunstforum der TU Darmstadt[32]
- 2017: Berliini – Nastola, Taarasti Art Center, Nastola, Finland
- 2017: Ubi fracassorium, ibi fuggitorium, artQ13, Rom
- 2017: On botany, BLOK art space, Istanbul
- 2016: UM-Festival, Brandenburg
- 2015: #2, Kunstverein Reutlingen
- 2015: The vacancy, Temporäres Kunsthaus, Berlin
- 2014: Ease your window down, Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin[33]
- 2013: Mono-no-aware, Linden Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne
- 2013: Real Naturally, Kunsthalle Lana, Meran
- 2012: Zeichnungen von Bildhauern, Kunstverein Mainz
- 2012: Plants Talk II, Kunstverein Potsdam
- 2012: Zeichnungen, Salon Dahlmann, Berlin
- 2011: Plants Talk, Naturkundliches Museum Witzenhausen
- 2011: Funkhaus Kunstpreis, Funkhaus, Berlin
- 2011: Kunstaktien in den Uferhallen, Berlin
- 2010: glauben, dass…, Shedhalle Tübingen
- 2010: Leben Lieben Leiden, Kunstverein Celle
- 2010: AKA Symbol, Forgotten Bar Project, Berlin
- 2010: Wrong Love, A Foundation, Liverpool
- 2009: Zeigen, eine Audiotour, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin
- 2009: Access All Areas, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin
- 2008: Klasse Rebecca Horn, Schloß Liebenberg, Brandenburg
- 2008: Meisterschülerausstellung, Universität der Künste, Berlin
- 2005: Chelsea College Studentshow, London[34]
Scholarships and awards
- 2024 "Hans Platschek Preis für Kunst und Schrift", nominated by Prof. Marion Ackermann[35]
- 2023 Artist scholarship, Krull Foundation[36]
- 2021/22 EHF Stipend, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin, Germany[37]
- 2015 Artist in residence, Goethe Institute, Washington, D.C., USA[38]
- 2010 Work stipend, Albert Koechlin Foundation, Lucerne, Switzerland[39]
- 2008/09 Stipend, Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium by City of Berlin, Germany [40]
Public collections
- Kupferstichkabinett Berlin (SMB)[41]
- Kupferstichkabinett Dresden (SKD)[42]
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung[43]
- Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum Leipzig[44]
- ^ [1] https://www.monopol-magazin.de/landkarten-der-trauer
- ^ name="Krull Stiftung">[2] https://www.krull-stiftung.de/stipendiaten-projekte
- ^ [3] https://artfacts.net/artist/paula-doepfner
- ^ [4] https://www.krull-stiftung.de/stipendiaten-projekte
- ^ Durs Grünbein. In: Hrsg.: Kunstverein Reutlingen: "Arktisches Violet - 7 Blätter für Paula Doepfner", 2016.
- ^ Dr. Jenny Graser (Kupferstichkabinett Berlin). In: Hrsg.: Museum Reinickendorf: "Strich um Strich. Zeichnen 2", 2022.
- ^ https://kunststueck.podigee.io/3-folge3-doepfner
- ^ https://curated-affairs.de/projekte/das-blatt-paula-doepfner/
- ^ https://stiftung-stmatthaeus.de/ausstellungen/paula-doepfner-fort-the-trees-to-drop/
- ^ https://curated-affairs.de/projekte/das-blatt-paula-doepfner/
- ^ https://kupferstich-kabinett.skd.museum/ausstellungen/paula-doepfner-darkness-at-the-break-of-noon/
- ^ https://www.monopol-magazin.de/landkarten-der-trauer
- ^ "Kupferstich-Kabinett: Studiensaal | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden". kupferstich-kabinett.skd.museum/ (in German). Retrieved 2023-09-15.
- ^ "Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Begabtenförderung und Kultur - Paula Doepfner | Konrad Adenauer Stiftung". kas.de/de/home (in German). 26 April 2022. Retrieved 2022-04-27.
- ^ "Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Begabtenförderung und Kultur - Paula Doepfner | Konrad Adenauer Stiftung". kas.de/de/home (in German). 6 October 2021. Retrieved 2021-11-29.
- ^ "paula-doepfner-for-the-trees-to-drop-1 | Stiftung St-Matthaeus". stiftung-stmatthaeus.de (in German). Retrieved 2020-12-13.
- ^ "autori-paula-doepfner| Una Vetrina". unavetrina.it (in Italian). Retrieved 2020-12-13.
- ^ "paula-doepfner| Galleria Mario Iannelli". marioiannelli.it. Retrieved 2020-12-13.
- ^ "Rückblick | Kunstverein Reutlingen". kunstverein-reutlingen.de (in German). Retrieved 2018-09-19.
- ^ "Washington - Events - Goethe-Institut USA". www.goethe.de. Retrieved 2018-09-19.
- ^ "DC: "Take It Right Back: Works by Paula Doepfner" : GERMAN WORLD MAGAZINE". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2015-05-19.
- ^ "Paula Doepfner — When Lilacs Last in The Dooryard Bloomed — Galerie Laurent Mueller — Exhibition". Slash Paris. Retrieved 2018-09-19.
- ^ "Paula Doepfner Solo Exhibition, Kefalonia 2011 | Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture". www.ionionartscenter.gr. 2 June 2011. Retrieved 2018-09-19.
- ^ "Paula Doepfner | Notes on metamodernism". notesonmetamodernism.wordpress.com. Retrieved 2018-09-19.
- ^ "Galerie Tanja Wagner | Berlin". www.tanjawagner.com. Retrieved 2018-09-19.
- ^ EKBO Katalog https://stiftung-stmatthaeus.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/EKBOart_Katalog_END.pdf?x22709
- ^ https://www.museumsportal-berlin.de/de/ausstellungen/strich-um-strich-zeichnen-2
- ^ https://www.kunstsaele.de/2021
- ^ https://www.hausamkleistpark.de/exhibitions/deceleration/
- ^ https://www.domberg-bamberg.de/fileadmin/images/Dioezesanmuseum/Flyer_Der_Funke_Gottes.pdf
- ^ https://www.vdbk1867.de/werefkin-preis/
- ^ https://artfacts.net/artist/paula-doepfner/230077/biography
- ^ https://www.rosa-luxemburg-platz.net/paula-doepfner-ease-your-window-down/
- ^ https://www.artspace.com/artists/paula-doepfner
- ^ "Hans Platschek Preis für Kunst und Schrift". hans-platschek-stiftung.de (in German). Retrieved 2024-03-11.
- ^ "Stipendiaten & Projekte 2011-2024". krull-stiftung.de (in German). Retrieved 2024-03-11.
- ^ "Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Begabtenförderung und Kultur - Paula Doepfner | Konrad Adenauer Stiftung". kas.de/de/home (in German). 6 October 2021. Retrieved 2024-03-11.
- ^ https://artfacts.net/exhibition/paula-doepfner:-take-it-right-back/1072729
- ^ Hrsg.: Albert Köchlin Stiftung: "Jahresbericht 2010", Luzern 2011.
- ^ http://mueller.tr-jg.com/fr/artistes/view/11/doepfner-paula
- ^ name="SMB ">[5] https://www.smb.museum/nachrichten/detail/neuerwerbungen-von-werken-zeitgenoessischer-bildender-kuenstlerinnen-fuer-das-kupferstichkabinett
- ^ name="Krull Stiftung">[6] https://www.krull-stiftung.de/stipendiaten-projekte
- ^ name="Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung">[7] https://www.kas.de/
- ^ name="Krull Stiftung">[8] https://www.krull-stiftung.de/stipendiaten-projekte
External links
- http://pauladoepfner.com/
- https://www.monopol-magazin.de/landkarten-der-trauer
- https://kunststueck.podigee.io/3-folge3-doepfner
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