Musa ibn 'Uqba al-Asadī (Arabic: موسى بن عقبة; 665–758), known with his honorific as Mūsā ibn ʿUqba, was an early Medinan historian and traditionalist, and pupil of Imam Zuhri and was a slave of the family of Zubair. Imam Malik was his pupil in this art and was full of praise of him, and was also an expert on maghāzī, the military expeditions in which the Prophet of Islam Muhammad personally participated.[1]

Kitāb al-maghāzī

He composed one of the earliest Sīrah books, Kitāb al-maghāzī or better known as Maghazi Musa Ibn Uqba. However, the entire work became lost after the 14th century, or 17th century according to a more conservative opinion.[2]

The last person known to have had access to the book was Al-Sakhawi (d. 1497). However, according to Marsden Jones, Diyarbakri(d. 1582) also had access to it, but this claim is disputed, as his works may only give a false impression of him having direct access to the book.[3] The only surviving portion were 18 reports compiled by Ibn Qāḍī Shuhbah(d. 1387) from various sections of the Maghāzī.[2]

In September 2021, the book was rediscovered when two manuscripts (MS 14032, MS 14033) were found in National Library of Tunisia.[2][4] It contained approximately two-thirds of the book, beginning from change in Qibla to Farewell Pilgrimage. The rest of the book still remains undiscovered. In 2023, the book was published for the first time by Bashīr Binʿaṭiyyah Publications in Fez, Morocco. An English Translation was published in 2024.[2]


  1. ^ "Mūsā b. ʿUḳba". Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Brill. 2012-04-24. Retrieved 2021-12-06.
  2. ^ a b c d Mūsā ibn ʿUqbah (2024). The Maghāzī of Sayyidunā Muḥammad. Imam Ghazali Publishing. p. 47. ISBN 978-1-952306-87-7.
  3. ^ Olgaç, Mahmut; Arslantaş, Nuh (2018). "Mûsâ b. Ukbe'ye atfedilen Kitâbü'l-Megāzî". Tarih Dergisi (in Turkish). 67 (1): 20–21. doi:10.26650/TurkJHist.2018.360672.
  4. ^ @OknDA1osdQmhBQJ (September 24, 2021). "بحمد الله، شرع في طبع مغازي الإمام موسى بن عقبة المدني المطرفي (ت 141 ه)، وهي أصح سيرة وأقدمها بإطلاق، بعد أن أعثرنا الله على نسختها الفريدة، ووقع تحقيقها وتخريج أحاديثها؛ وهذا بلا ريب فتح في المعلم السيري، نسأل الله النفع به" (Tweet) (in Arabic). Retrieved 2 March 2025 – via Twitter.

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