This is a list of public utilities.
Natural gas companies
Barbados - National Petroleum Corporation, Barbados National Oil Company Ltd.
Brazil - Comgás
Canada - List of Canadian natural gas companies
China - China Natural Gas, Towngas China
Egypt - EGAS
France - List of French natural gas companies
Japan - List of Japan natural gas companies
Malaysia - Petronas
Pakistan - Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited
Spain - Endesa, Iberdrola, Naturgy, Repsol, TotalEnergies
Taiwan - CPC Corporation
Thailand - PTT
United Kingdom - List of British natural gas companies
United States - List of United States natural gas companies
Electricity companies
Australia - Lumo Energy, EnergyAustralia, Origin Energy, TRUenergy, SEC Victoria (fmr.), Powercor, Click Energy, AGL, Alinta, Citipower, ETSA Utilities, Western Power, Country Energy, Energex, Integral Energy, ActewAGL, Ergon Energy, Power and Water
Bangladesh - Summit Group, Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd, Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh Ltd
Barbados - Barbados Light and Power Company Ltd.
Belgium - Electrabel
Botswana - Botswana Power Corporation
Brazil - Eletrobrás, AES Eletropaulo, CPFL Energia, Celesc, CEMIG, CESP, Copel, Light S.A., CEEE, Energisa
Canada - List of Canadian electric utilities
China - State Grid Corporation, China Southern Power Grid
Cuba - Union Electrica
Czech Republic - CEZ Group
Egypt - Egyptian Electricity Holding Company
Ethiopia - Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
Finland - Fortum
France - EDF, Engie, List of French electric utilities
Germany - E.ON, RWE, EnBW
Greece - PPC (DEI) (Greek Hydro), List of electric power companies in Greece
Iceland - Orkuveita Reykjavíkur
India - List of Electricity Organizations in India, India: NTPC, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.(PGCIL), KPTCL, MSEB, Tata Power, BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd New Delhi, BSES Yamuna Power Ltd New Delhi
Indonesia - Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Italy - Enel, Edison, A2A, ACEA, Hera, Sorgenia
Japan - Kansai Electric Power, Tokyo Electric Power, Chubu Electric Power, Chugoku Electric Power, Hokuriku Electric Power, Hokkaido Electric Power, Kyushu Electric Power, Tohoku Electric Power, Shikoku Electric Power, Okinawa Electric Power, J-POWER
Libya - Gecol
Malaysia - Tenaga Nasional Berhad
New Zealand - Genesis Energy, Mercury Energy, Meridian Energy, Transpower
- Norway - Statnett
Philippines - Meralco
Singapore - Singapore Power
South Africa - Eskom
South Korea - Korea Electric Power Corporation
Spain - Endesa, Iberdrola, Naturgy, Repsol, TotalEnergies
Sweden - Vattenfall
Taiwan - Taiwan Power Company
Thailand - Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Provincial Electricity Authority, Metropolitan Electricity Authority
United Kingdom - EDF Energy, E.ON UK, National Grid, RWE npower, ScottishPower, Scottish and Southern Energy, Drax Power and Good Energy, Ecotricity, Alkane Energy, Ovo Energy
United States - List of United States electric companies
Telephone companies
Australia - Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, Hutchison Telecom(3G network), AAPT, Primus Telecom, Nextgen Networks, Agile Communications, TransACT
Barbados - Liberty Latin America
Botswana - Botswana Telecommunications Corporation
Brazil - Brasil Telecom, Oi, Vivo, TIM, Telefónica Brasil
Canada - List of Canadian telephone companies
Egypt - telecom egypt, orange egypt, vodafone egypt, etisalat egypt
France - List of French telephone companies
Germany - Deutsche Telekom, Arcor AG, Freenet AG, T-Mobile, Vodafone Germany,1&1 Aktiengesellschaft1&1 Drillisch
Greece - Hellenic Telecommunication Organization
India - Airtel, BSNL, MTNL, Vodafone Idea, Jio
Indonesia - Telkom
Ireland - Eircom, BT Ireland, Smart Telecom, Vodafone Ireland, Hutchison 3G, O2 (Telefónica Europe)
Italy - List of Italian telephone companies
Japan - NTT, (NTT East, and NTT West)
Malaysia - Telekom Malaysia
Pakistan - Mobilink, Ufone, Telenor, Zong
Philippines - Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
Singapore - SingTel
South Africa - Telkom
Spain - Telefónica, Orange, Vodafone, Yoigo
Taiwan - Chunghwa Telecom, FarEasTone, Taiwan Mobile
Thailand - TOT, CAT Telecom, True Corporation, DTAC, AIS, JAS Mobile
United States - List of United States telephone companies
Water companies
Australia - Unitywater, Queensland Urban Utilities
Barbados - Barbados Water Authority
Botswana - Water Utilities Corporation
Brazil - Sabesp, Sanepar, Copasa, Semasa
Egypt - Holding company for water and wastewater, Alexandria Water Company
France - SAUR, Suez Environnement, Veolia Environnement
Greece - EYDAP
Ireland - Irish Water
Italy - Hera, Seabo
Philippines - Maynilad Water Services, Manila Water Company, Inc., Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System
Spain - Canal de Isabel II, Grupo Agbar
Taiwan - Taiwan Water Corporation
United Kingdom - List of United Kingdom water companies
United States - List of United States water companies
Steam companies
- Note: some of these companies are still trading, others are listed here for historical interest.
- American District Steam Company
- Boston Heating Company
- Compagnie Parisienne de Chauffage Urbain
- Detroit Thermal
- New York Steam Company, now Con Edison Steam Operations
- Trigen Energy Corporation
Former hydraulic power companies
- Itaipú Binacional *
- Liverpool Hydraulic Power Company *
- London Hydraulic Power Company, defunct since 1977 *
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