A New Testament minuscule is a copy of a portion of the New Testament written in a small, cursive Greek script (developed from Uncial).[1]
Below is the list of New Testament minuscules 2001 to the remaining registered minuscules. For other related lists, see:
- Lists of New Testament minuscules
- List of New Testament minuscules (1–1000)
- List of New Testament minuscules (1001–2000)
- The numbers (#) are the now standard system of Caspar René Gregory, often referred to as the Gregory–Aland numbers.
- Included among the cataloged minuscules are the following types of manuscripts, color coded:
Grey represents continuous text manuscripts containing only New Testament portions |
Beige represents manuscripts with New Testament portions and a catena (quotations from church fathers) |
Light cyan represents manuscripts of single-author commentaries who included the full Scripture text. |
Light red represents manuscripts of single-author commentaries who included both the full Scripture text and a catena. |
Light purple represents manuscripts of commentaries where the Scripture text was abridged. |
White represents manuscript numbers no longer in use. |
- Dates are estimated to the nearest 100 year increment where specific date is unknown.
- Content generally only describes sections of the New Testament: Gospels, The Acts of the Apostles (Acts), Pauline epistles, and so on. Sometimes the surviving portion of a codex is so limited that specific books, chapters or even verses can be indicated. Linked articles, where they exist, generally specify content in detail, by verse.
- Digital images are referenced with direct links to the hosting web pages, with the exception of those at the INTF. The quality and accessibility of the images is as follows:
Gold color indicates high resolution color images available online. |
Tan color indicates high resolution color images available locally, not online. |
Light tan color indicates only a small fraction of manuscript pages with color images available online. |
Light gray color indicates black/white or microfilm images available online. |
Light blue color indicates manuscript not imaged, and is currently lost or ownership unknown. |
Light pink color indicates manuscript destroyed, presumed destroyed, or deemed too fragile to digitize. |
Violet color indicates high resolution ultraviolet images available online. |
† Indicates the manuscript has damaged or missing pages.
P Indicates only a portion of the books were included.
S Indicates lost portions of manuscript replaced via supplement of a later hand.
abs (abschrift) Indicates manuscript is copy.
[ ] Brackets around Gregory–Aland number indicate the manuscript belongs to an already numbered manuscript, was found to not be a continuous text manuscript, was found to be written in modern Greek versus Koine Greek, was proved a forgery, or has been destroyed.
Minuscules 2001–2100
# | Date | Contents | Pages | Institution and refs. | City, State | Country | Images[2] |
2001 | 12th | Romans - 2 Corinthians | 230 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, 63 | Patmos | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2002 | 13th | Theophylact Commentary on 1 Corinthians-Titus | 208 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, 116 | Patmos | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2003 | 15th | Pauline epistles † | 189 | University of Groningen Bibl., Hs. 1 | Groningen | Netherlands | INTF |
2004 | 12th | Pauline epistles † | 158 | Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, T. III. 17 | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Spain | INTF |
2005 | 13th | Acts †, Pauline epistles † | 100 | Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Ψ. III. 2 | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Spain | INTF |
2006 | 10th | Chrysostom Commentary on Romans | 256 | Vatican Library, Reg.gr.4 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[3] INTF |
2007 | 11th | Pauline epistles† | 392 | Laurentian Library, Plut.09.10 | Florence | Italy | BML,[4] INTF |
2008 | 13th | Zigabenus Commentary on the Pauline Epistles | 204 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.636 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2009 | 16th | Acts †, General Epistles †, Pauline Epistles † | 77 | Royal Danish Library, Thott. 14, 2° | Copenhagen | Denmark | INTF |
2010 | 14th | Revelation†, 8:23-14:10 | 8 | Trinity College, Ms. 373, p. 151-166 (Ms. 33) | Dublin | Ireland | INTF |
2011 | 12th | Pauline Epistles† | 199 | National Library, Suppl. Gr. 1264 | Paris | France | BnF,[5] INTF |
2012 | 14th | Theodoret Commentary on the Pauline Epistles | 195 | Library of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Sabas 217 | Jerusalem | LOC,[6] INTF, CSNTM | |
2013 | 12th | 2 Corinthians - 1 Thessalonians† | 109 | National Library, 138 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2014 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 93 | Vallicelliana Library, ms.D. 20 | Rome | Italy | INTF |
2015 | 15th | Revelation 1:1-17:5† | 24 | Bodleian Library, MS. Barocci 48, fol. 51-74 | Oxford | United Kingdom | DB[7] |
INTF | |||||||
2016 | 15th | Revelation | 24 | British Library, Harley MS 5678, fol. 221-244 | London | United Kingdom | BL[8] |
INTF | |||||||
2017 | 15th | Revelation | 16 | Saxon State Library, A. 124 | Dresden | Germany | SLUB,[9] INTF |
CSNTM | |||||||
2018 | 1300 | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 32 | Austrian National Library, Theol. gr. 307, fol. 142-173[10] | Vienna | Austria | INTF |
2019 | 13th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation† | 56 | Victor Emmanuel III National Library, Cod. Neapol. ex Vind. 11 | Naples | Italy | INTF |
2020 | 15th | Revelation | 25 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.579, fol. 22-46 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2021 | 15th | Revelation | 70 | Vatican Library, Reg.gr.68 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2022 | 14th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation 14:17-18:20 | 6 | Vatican Library, Barb.gr.474, fol. 224-229 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2023 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 59 | State Historical Museum, V. 155, S. 66, fol. 405-463 | Moscow | Russia | INTF |
2024 | 15th | Revelation | 36 | State Historical Museum, V. 391, S. 205, fol. 53-88 | Moscow | Russia | INTF |
2025 | 15th | Revelation | 36 | National Library, Grec 19, fol. 91-126 | Paris | France | BnF,[11] INTF |
2026 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 83 | National Library, Supplement Grec 99 | Paris | France | BnF,[12] INTF |
2027 | 13th | Revelation† | 13 | National Library, Grec 491, fol. 281-293 | Paris | France | BnF,[13] INTF |
2028 | 1422 | Revelation | 119 | National Library, Grec 239 | Paris | France | BnF,[14] INTF |
2029 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 294 | National Library, Grec 241 | Paris | France | BnF,[15] INTF |
2030 | 12th | RevelationP | 7 | Scientific Library of the State Gorky University, 1, fol. 203-209 | Moscow | Russia | INTF |
2031 | 14th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 111 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.1743 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2032 | 11th | 1 John 4:3-5:3†; Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation 1:12-2:20, 3:6-6:9, 7:17-9:5, 21:18-22:17† | 19 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.1904 II, fol. 264-282 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[16] |
INTF | |||||||
2033 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 180 | Vatican Library, Chig.R.IV.8 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2034 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 97 | Library of the National Lincei and Corsinian Academy, Cors. 838 (41.E.37) | Rome | Italy | INTF |
2035 | 16th | Fredericii Venetiani Commentary on Revelation | 363 | Laurentian Library, Plut.07.09 | Florence | Italy | BML,[17] INTF |
2036 | 14th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 207 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.656 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
[2036abs] = 2891 | |||||||
2037 | 14th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 169 | Bavarian State Library, Cod.graec. 544 | Munich | Germany | BSB,[18] INTF |
2038 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 83 | Bavarian State Library, Cod.graec. 23, fol. 333-415 | Munich | Germany | BSB,[19] INTF |
2039 | 12th | Revelation | 16 | Owner unknown, (Dresden, Sächs. LB, A 95) | Dresden | Germany | |
[2040] = 911 | |||||||
2041 | 14th | Revelation | 22 | British Library, Add MS 39612 | London | England | BL[20] |
INTF | |||||||
2042 | 14th | Revelation | 27 | Victor Emmanuel III National Library, Ms. II. A. 10, fol. 117-143 | Naples | Italy | INTF |
2043 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 25 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 129 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2044 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 120 | Austrian National Library, Theol. gr. 69[21] | Vienna | Austria | INTF |
2045 | 14th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 83 | Austrian National Library, Theol. gr. 163[22] | Vienna | Austria | INTF |
2046 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 152 | Austrian National Library, Theol. gr. 220[23] | Vienna | Austria | INTF |
2047 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 161 | National Library, Grec 240 | Paris | France | BnF,[24] INTF |
2048 | 11th | Revelation | 22 | National Library, Coislin 256, fol. 207-228[25] | Paris | France | INTF |
[2049] | 16th | Revelation copied from a printed edition | 23 | Hellenic Parliament Library, HPL 45, fol. 232-254 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2050 | 12th | Revelation† 1:1-5:14; 20:1-22:21 | 7 | Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, C. III. 6, fol. 235-241 | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Spain | INTF |
2051 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 83 | National Library, 4750, fol. 303-385 | Madrid | Spain | INTF |
2052 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation† 1:1-4:11; 5:6-7:5 | 32 | Laurentian Library, Plut.07.29, fol. 193-224 | Florence | Italy | BML[26] |
2053 | 13th | Oecumenius Commentary on Revelation | 138 | University Library, 99 | Messina | Italy | INTF |
2054 | 15th | Revelation | 125 | Estense Library, G. 154, a.W.4.21 (III E 1), fol. 122-246 | Modena | Italy | INTF |
2055 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 63 | Estense Library, G. 190, a.V.8.14 (III F 12), fol. 319-381 | Modena | Italy | INTF |
2056 | 14th | Revelation | 86 | Angelica Library, Ang. gr. 57, fol. 1-86 | Rome | Italy | IC[27] |
INTF | |||||||
2057 | 15th | Revelation | 35 | Angelica Library, 32, fol. 171-205 | Rome | Italy | IC[28] |
INTF | |||||||
2058 | 14th | Andreas of Caesarea and Oecumenius Commentaries on Revelation | 28 | Vatican Library, Chig.R.V.33, fol. 44-71 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[29] |
INTF | |||||||
2059 | 11th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 103 | Vatican Library, Vat.Gr.370, fol. 149-251 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[30] INTF |
2060 | 1331 | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 105 | Vatican Library, Vat.Gr.542 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2061 | 16th | Revelation | 11 | Vatican Library, Vat.Gr.1190, fol. 174-184 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[31] INTF |
2062 | 13th | Oecumenius Commentary on Revelation | 29 | Vatican Library, Vat.Gr.1426 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2063 | 16th | Revelation | 114 | Vatican Library, Vat.Gr.1976 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2064 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 71 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.2129, p. 17-158 (p. 1-10: l 561) | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[32] INTF |
2065 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 144 | Vatican Library, Ott.gr.154 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[33] |
INTF | |||||||
[2066] | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation copied from a printed edition | 123 | Vatican Library, Ott.gr. 283 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[34] |
INTF | |||||||
2067 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 86 | Vatican Library, Pal.gr.346 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2068 | 16th | Revelation | 150 | Marciana National Library, Gr. I,40 (1377) | Venice | Italy | INTF |
2069 | 15th | Revelation | 30 | Marciana National Library, Gr. II,54 (981), fol. 1-30 | Venice | Italy | INTF |
2070 | 1356 | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 58 | Skete of Saint Anne, 11, fol. 250-307 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2071 | 1622 | Revelation | 160 | Dionysiou Monastery, 163, fol. 4-163 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
[2072] | 1798 | Commentary on Revelation copied from a printed edition. | 281 | Docheiariou Monastery, 81, p. 13-574 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2073 | 14th | Revelation | 157 | Iviron Monastery, 34 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2074 | 10th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 63 | Iviron Monastery, 379, fol. 83-145 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2075 | 14th | Revelation | 161 | Iviron Monastery, 546 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2076 | 16th | Revelation | 23 | Iviron Monastery, 594, fol. 1-23 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2077 | 17th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 319 | Iviron Monastery, 644 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2078 | 16th | Revelation | 22 | Konstamonitou Monastery, 29, fol. 375-396 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2079 | 13th | Revelation | 45 | Konstamonitou Monastery, 107, fol. 115-159 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2080 | 14th | Acts† 1:13-28:31; General Epistles; Pauline Epistles; Revelation† 1:1-22:16 | 278 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, 12 | Patmos | Greece | INTF |
CSNTM | |||||||
2081 | 11th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 146 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, 64 | Patmos | Greece | CSNTM |
2082 | 16th | Revelation | 21 | Saxon State Library, A. 187 | Dresden | Germany | SLUB[35] |
CSNTM | |||||||
2083 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 113 | Leiden University Library, Voss. Gr. Fol. 48, fol. 135-247 | Leiden | Netherlands | INTF |
2084 | 15th | Revelation | 19 | National Library, Taphu 303, fol. 7 v-26 r | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2085 | 1308 | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 225 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 277 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[36] CSNTM |
2086 | 14th | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 176 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 278 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[37] INTF, CSNTM |
2087 | 15th | Revelation† 3:3-4:8 | 2 | University Library, AN III 12, fol. 97v und 248r | Basel | Switzerland | INTF |
[2088] | ? | Acts, General Epistles | ? | (Manuscript Destroyed) | Zakynthos | Greece | |
2089 | 15th | 2 CorinthiansP 4:14–7:8, 12:2–13:13 | 4 | National Library, 527, p. 1-4.399-402 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
2090 | 16th | Excerpts[38] from Pauline Epistles† | 14 | Ambrosiana Library, N 272 sup. | Milan | Italy | INTF |
2091 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation† 10:8-21:6 | 80 | National Library, 142, fol. 1-80 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2092 | 18th | Romans - Galatians | ? | Esphigmenou Monastery, 94 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
[2093] | 13th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 266 | (Destroyed?) | |||
2094 | 13th | Pauline EpistlesP | 144 | Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Y. II. 20 | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Spain | INTF |
2095 | 13th | Gospels | 210 | Cambridge University Library, Add. Mss. 3326 | Cambridge | United Kingdom | INTF |
2096 | 12th | Matthew †, Mark †, Luke † | 158 | Hellenic Parliament Library, HPL 44 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2097 | 11th | Gospels | 289 | Hellenic Parliament Library, HPL 4 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2098 | 11th | Luke, John | 157 | Fitzwilliam Museum McClean Collection, McClean 3 | Cambridge | United Kingdom | INTF |
2099 | 13th | Gospels | 284 | British Library, Add MS 35030 | London | United Kingdom | BL[39] |
2100 | 13th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 197 | Christ Church, Wake 54 | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
Minuscules 2101–2200
# | Date | Contents | Pages | Institution and refs. | City, State | Country | Images[40] |
2101 | 13th | Zigabenus Commentary on the Gospels | 269 | Bodleian Library, MS. Barocci 28 | Oxford | United Kingdom | DB[41] |
2102 | 15th | Theophylact Commentary on the Pauline Epistles | 401 | Bodleian Library, MS. Barocci 146, fol. 1-401 | Oxford | United Kingdom | DB[42] |
INTF | |||||||
2103 | 12th | Gospel of JohnP | 94 | Bodleian Library, MS. Barocci 225 | Oxford | United Kingdom | DB[43] |
2104 | 12th | Theophylact Commentary on the Pauline Epistles† | 291 | Bodleian Library, MS. E. D. Clarke 42[44] | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2105 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Pauline Epistles | 235 | Bodleian Library, MS. Auct. E. 1. 6[45] | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2106 | 12th | Theophylact Commentary on Mark, John | 293 | Bodleian Library, Auct. T. 2. 1[46] | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2107 | 13th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 238 | Bodleian Library, MS. Cromwell 17[47] | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2108 | 12th-13th | Gospels † | 1 | University of Birmingham Cadbury Research Library, Braithwaite 5 | Birmingham | United Kingdom | INTF |
226 | Lincoln College, Gr. 38 | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF | |||
2109 | 14th | Zigabenus Commentary on the Gospels | 361 | St. John's College, MS 44 | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2110 | 10th | Pauline Epistles | 183 | National Library, Grec 702, fol. 252-434 | Paris | France | BnF,[48] INTF |
2111 | 13th | Gospel of LukeP | 12 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1248, fol. 12-23 | Paris | France | BnF[49] |
INTF | |||||||
2112 | 13th | Gospels | 266 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1282 | Paris | France | BnF,[50] INTF |
2113 | 12th | GospelsP† | >1 | Zoodochos Pigi Monastery (Hagias), 30, fol. 17.22 | Andros | Greece | INTF |
2114 | 17th | Maximus Peloponnesius Commentary on Revelation | 115 | National Library, 141 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2115 | 12th | Acts of the Apostles & Pauline Epistles | 232 | (Lost, formerly Athens, G. Burnias) | |||
2116 | 1687 | Revelation | ? | (Lost, formerly Athens, G. Burnias) | |||
2117 | 12th | Gospels | 259 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, 2 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2118 | 13th | Gospels | 360 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, 1 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2119 | 13th | Matthew† 12:10-26:43; Mark† 1:1-5:21, 14:43-16:20 | 92 | National Historical Museum, 212 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2120 | 12th | Gospels | 263 | Athens University History Museum, 18 | Athens | Greece | MOTB[51] |
INTF | |||||||
2121+[2443] | 11th | Matthew†, Mark†, Luke, John† | 179 | Athens University History Museum, AK 23 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
AU[52] | |||||||
2122 | 12th | Gospels | 281 | Athens University History Museum, 2 | Athens | Greece | AU[53] |
INTF | |||||||
2123 | 13th | Matthew, Mark, Luke† | 163 | Athens University History Museum, AK 24 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2124 | 14th | GospelsP | 2 | Athens University History Museum, 36 | Athens | Greece | AU[54] |
2125 | 10th | General Epistles† and Pauline Epistles† | 270 | Estense Library, G. 196, a.V.6.3 (II G 3), fol. 52-321 | Modena | Italy | INTF |
2126 | 12th | Gospels | 203 | Victor Emmanuel III National Library, Ms. II. A. 38 | Naples | Italy | INTF |
2127 | 12th | Gospels†, Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 1 | Free Library, Lewis E M 044: 27-28 | Philadelphia, PA | USA | FL[55] |
229 | Central Library, Dep. Mus. 4 | Palermo | Italy | INTF | |||
2128 | 14th-16th | Homilies on 2 Corinthians, Galatians† (No continuous text) | 480 | Marciana National Library, Gr. I,35 (1071) | Venice | Italy | INTF |
2129 | 15th | Cyril Commentary on Gospel of John† | 382 | Marciana National Library, Gr. Z. 121 (324) | Venice | Italy | INTF |
2130 | 16th | James - 3 John | 79 | Marciana National Library, Gr. I,63 (968) | Venice | Italy | INTF |
2131 | 15th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 322 | The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, F. 301 (KDA), 10p | Kyiv | Ukraine | INTF |
2132 | 11th | Gospels† | 20 | Russian State Library, F.181.12 (Gr. 12) | Moscow | Russia | INTF |
259 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 801 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF | |||
2133 | 11th | Gospels | 463 | Russian State Library, F.201.19 (Gr. 8) | Moscow | Russia | INTF |
2134 | 11th | Gospels | 340 | State Historical Museum, V. 13, S. 518 | Moscow | Russia | |
2135 | 12th | Gospels | 317 | State Historical Museum, V. 14, S. 519 | Moscow | Russia | INTF |
2136 | 17th | New Testament | 479 | State Historical Museum, V. 26, S. 472 | Moscow | Russia | INTF |
2137 | 17th | Gospels†, Acts†, General Epistles† | 190 | State Historical Museum, V. 27, S. 473 | Moscow | Russia | INTF |
2138 | 1072 | Acts, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles†, Revelation | 398 | Scientific Library of the State Gorky University, 2 (Gorkij-Bibl. 2280) | Moscow | Russia | INTF |
2139 | 13th | Gospels † | 257 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 184 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2140 | 12th | Gospels † | 180 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 204 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2141 | 12th-13th | Gospels | 286 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 206 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2142 | 10th-11th | Gospels | 285 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 210 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2143 | 12th | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 241 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 211 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2144 | 11th | Matthew†, Mark†, Luke† | 139 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 221 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2145 | 12th | Gospels † | 331 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 222 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2146 | 12th | Gospels | 359 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 223 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2147 | 11th-12th | Gospels†, Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 291 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 224 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2148 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 284 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 235 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
[2149]=566 | |||||||
[2150]=1346 | |||||||
[2151] = ℓ 1019 | |||||||
[2152]=609 | |||||||
[2153] = 1209 | |||||||
[2154]=1338 | |||||||
[2155] = 1334 | |||||||
[2156]=925 | |||||||
[2157] = 1329 | |||||||
[2158] = 1206 | |||||||
2159 | 1281 | Gospels | 108 | The Russian National Library Academy of Science, K'pel 76 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
1 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 311 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF | |||
2160 | 1303 | Gospels † | 2 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 314 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | |
[2161]=938 | |||||||
[2162] = 1891 | |||||||
[2163] = 1352 | |||||||
[2164]=712 | |||||||
[2165]=928 | |||||||
[2166] = 951 | |||||||
[2167] = 1238 | |||||||
[2168]=903 | |||||||
[2169]=1348 | |||||||
[2170]=1336 | |||||||
[2171] | |||||||
2172 | 10th-11th | Gospels † | 195 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 509 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2173 | 12th | Gospels | 234 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 511 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2174 | 13th | Gospels | 250 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 513 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2175 | 14th | Gospels, Acts, 1 Corinthians-Hebrews † | 216 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 517 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2176 | 11th | Gospels | 239 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 538 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2177 | 12th | Gospels † | 153 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 539 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2178 | 14th-15th | Gospels | 279 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 540 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2179 | 12th-13th | John † | 8 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 541 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2180 | 13th-14th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles † | 153 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 543 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2181 | 1054 | Gospels | 252 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 643 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2182 | 12th-13th | Gospels † | 319 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 644 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2183 | 11th | Pauline Epistles | 474 | Vatopedi Monastery, 239 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2184 | 13th | Theophylact Commentary on Luke, John† | 102 | Vatopedi Monastery, 251 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2185 | 15th | Theophylact Commentary on Luke, John† | 191 | Vatopedi Monastery, 252 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2186 | 12th | Chrysostom Commentary on General Epistles† Revelation | 94 | Vatopedi Monastery, 333, fol. 83-176 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2187 | 13th | Luke† (Nicetas Catena) | 585 | Vatopedi Monastery, 530 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2188 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels† | 264 | Vatopedi Monastery, 529 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2189 | 12th | Pauline Epistles | 258 | Vatopedi Monastery, 593 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2190 | 12th | Matthew† | 362 | Vatopedi Monastery, 2443 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2191 | 11th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 241 | Vatopedi Monastery, Ms. W. 530c | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
1 | Walters Art Museum, Ms. W. 530c | Baltimore, MD | USA | WAM[56] | |||
2192 | 15th | Theophylact Commentary on John† | 180 | Philotheou Monastery, 85 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2193 | 10th | Gospels | 259 | Iviron Monastery, 247 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2194 | 1118 | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 142 | Great Lavra Monastery, A' 58 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2195 | 11th | Gospels | 352 | Vatican Library, Ross.135-138 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[57][58][59][60] |
INTF | |||||||
2196 | 16th | Revelation | 25 | Great Lavra Monastery, I'48, fol. 395-419 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2197 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 411 | Vatopedi Monastery, 245 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2198 | 11th | Gospels | 217 | Owner unknown | |||
2199 | 11th | Matthew†, Mark† | 49 | Monastery of Olympiotissa, 225 | Elassona | Greece | INTF |
42 | The Russian National Library Academy of Science, Hist. Inst. 38/669 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF | |||
2200 | 14th | New Testament† | 286 | Monastery of Olympiotissa, 79 | Elassona | Greece | INTF |
Minuscules 2201–2300
# | Date | Contents | Pages | Institution and refs. | City, State | Country | Images[61] |
2201 | 15th | New Testament† | 205 | Monastery of Olympiotissa, 6 | Elassona | Greece | INTF |
2202 | 13th | Theophylact Commentary on Matthew†, Luke†, John† | 88 | Monastery of Olympiotissa, 27 | Elassona | Greece | INTF |
2203 | 13th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels† | 232 | Monastery of Olympiotissa, 53 | Elassona | Greece | INTF |
2204 | 15th | Gospels† | 219 | Monastery of Olympiotissa, 51 | Elassona | Greece | INTF |
[2205] = 2659 | |||||||
2206 | 15th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 416 | Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, 2457 | Alexandria | Egypt | INTF |
2207 | 16th | Theophylact Commentary on Matthew†, Mark† | 170 | Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, 100 | Alexandria | Egypt | INTF |
2208 | 14th | Pauline Epistles † | 1? | Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, 372 | Alexandria | Egypt | INTF |
[2209]=2592 | |||||||
[2210]= ℓ1908 | |||||||
2211 | 13th | Gospels | 365 | Kipoureon Monastery | Lixouri, Cephalonia | Greece | INTF |
[2212]= ℓ2049 | |||||||
2213 | 15th | Gospels | 332 | Jakovatos | Lixouri, Cephalonia | Greece | INTF |
2214 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 419 | Center for Slavic and Byzantine Studies, 233 (Kosinitza, 79) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2215 | 12th | Gospels | 223 | Metropolis Library | Larnaca | Cyprus | INTF |
2216 | 12th | Gospels † | 195 | Owner unknown | |||
2217 | 12th | Gospels | 240 | Leimonos Monastery, Ms. Lesbiacus Leimonos 294 | Kalloni, Lesbos | Greece | LM[62] |
INTF | |||||||
2218 | 16th | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 200 | Leimonos Monastery, Ms. Lesbiacus Leimonos 297 | Kalloni, Lesbos | Greece | INTF |
[2219] = 1715 | |||||||
2220 | 12th | Gospels† | 201 | Leimonos Monastery, Ms. Lesbiacus Leimonos 507 | Kalloni, Lesbos | Greece | LM[63] |
2221 | 1432 | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 376 | Museum of Ecclesiastical Art, 5 | Sparta | Greece | INTF |
2222 | 14th | Gospels | 2 | Walters Art Museum, Ms. W. 523 | Baltimore, MD | USA | WAM[64] |
2 | Owner Unknown | ||||||
125 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 138 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[65] | |||
2223 | 1282 | Gospels † | 183 | Agios Lavrentios Church, 15 | Pelion | Greece | INTF |
2224 | 9th | Gospels | 453 | Mega Spileo Monastery, 1 | Kalavryta | Greece | INTF |
[2225] | 1292 | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 154 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 4[66] | Kalavryta | Greece | |
[2226] | 12th | Gospels | 228 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 5 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
[2227] | 14th | Gospels | 229 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 6 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
[2228] | 11th | Gospels | 221 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 7 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
2229 | 11th | Gospels | 301 | Mega Spileo Monastery, 8 | Kalavryta | Greece | INTF |
[2230] | 13th | Gospels † | 121 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 9 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
[2231] | 12th | Mark, Luke, John | 156 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 10 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
[2232] | 12th | Gospels | 159 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 15 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
[2233] | 12th | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles † | 219 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 27 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
[2234] | 13th | Gospels | 226 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 41 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
[2235] | 15th | Gospels † | 298 | Destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 42 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
2236 | 13th | Gospels | 153 | Zoodochu Pigis | Lesbos | Greece | INTF |
2237 | 16th | Matthew † | 23 | Ipsilou Monastery (St. John the Theologian), 13, fol. 129-151 | Antissa, Lesbos | Greece | INTF |
2238 | 13th | Gospels | 255 | Ipsilou Monastery (St. John the Theologian), 54. 55, 42, 113 fol. | Antissa, Lesbos | Greece | INTF |
[2239] | 18th | Commentary on Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles† | 403 | National Library, Taphu 289 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2240 | 1661 | Romans† | 559 | National Library, Taphu 755 | Athens | Greece | |
[2241]= ℓ1390 | |||||||
2242 | 12th | Theodoret Commentary on Acts†, Romans†, 1 Corinthians† | 394 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1299 | Paris | France | BnF,[67] INTF |
2243 | 17th | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 103 | National Library, 222, fol. 144-246 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2244 | 11th-12th | Gospels | 356 | Albania National Archives, Kod. Br. 15 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM |
2245 | 13th | Gospels | 286 | Albania National Archives, Kod. Br. 29 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2246 | 14th | Gospels† | 186 | Albania National Archives, Kod. Br. 26 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM |
2247 | 1312 | Gospels† | 228 | Albania National Archives, Kod. Br. 21/35 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2248 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Pauline Epistles† | 300 | Library of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Saba 149 | Jerusalem | LOC,[68] INTF, CSNTM | |
2249 | 1330 | Gospels†, Acts†, General Epistles† | 372 | Center for Slavic and Byzantine Studies, 193 (Kosinitza, 221) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2250 | 13th-14th | Gospels † | 102 | Center for Slavic and Byzantine Studies, 56 (Kosinitza, 239) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
[2251] | |||||||
2252 | 11th | Gospels | 308 | Albanian National Archives, Kod. Vl. 5 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM, INTF |
2253 | 12th-13th | Gospels | 304 | Albanian National Archives, Kod. Vl. 10 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM, INTF |
2254 | 16th | Revelation | 59 | Iviron Monastery, 382, fol. 468-526 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2255 | 16th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 364 | Iviron Monastery, 503 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2256 | 15th | Revelation 1:1-20:11 † | 26 | Iviron Monastery, 698 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2257 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on Romans-2 Timothy† | 350 | Center for Slavic and Byzantine Studies, 218 (Kosinitza, 132) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2258 | 17th | Revelation | 21 | Iviron Monastery, 589, fol. a'- ka' | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2259 | 11th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation 13:14-14:16† | 5 | Stavronikita Monastery, 25, fol. 325-329 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF LOC |
2260 | 12th | Gospels† | 280 | Monastery of Agia Lavra, 30 | Kalavryta | Greece | INTF |
2261 | 14th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 357 | Monastery of Agia Lavra, 31 | Kalavryta | Greece | INTF
[2262] | 12th | Gospels | 190 | Manuscript destroyed, formerly Mega Spileo Monastery, 2 | Kalavryta | Greece | |
2263 | 12th | Gospels | 278 | Mega Spileo Monastery, 3, fol. 20-297 | Kalavryta | Greece | INTF |
2264 | 13th | Gospels † | Owner unknown | ||||
2265 | 14th | Gospels | 189 | Museum of Ecclesiastical Art, 44 | Sparta | Greece | INTF |
2266 | 14th | Gospels | 253 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 727 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[69] |
INTF | |||||||
2267 | 1830 | Matthew † | 74 | The Russian National Library Academy of Science, K'pel 165 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2268 | ca. 1300 | Mark 1:1-14 † | 1 | Duke University, Gk MS 4 | Durham | USA | DU[70] |
2269 | 12th | Matthew † | 1 | The Russian National Library Academy of Science, K'pel 70 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
[2270] = 2311 | |||||||
2271 | 12th | Gospels † | 1? | Owner unknown (Formerly Istanbul, Russ. Arch. Inst., A 16) | |||
[2272] = 1826 | |||||||
2273 | 14th | Gospels | 323 | The Russian National Library Academy of Science, K'pel 86 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2274 | 14th | Matthew † | 4 | The Russian National Library Academy of Science, K'pel 84 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2275 | 11th | Mark † | 6 | The Russian National Library Academy of Science, K'pel 72 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2276+[815] | 14th | Matthew† | 1 | British Library, Add MS 35123, fol. 469 | London | United Kingdom | INTF |
2277+[816] | 11th | Gospels | 259 | British Library, Add MS 37001 | London | United Kingdom | BL[71] |
INTF | |||||||
2278+[812] | 14th | Gospels | 254 | British Library, Add MS 37002 | London | United Kingdom | BL[72] |
2279 | 14th | Acts†, Pauline Epistles (Romans†), General Epistles | 235 | British Library, Add MS 37003 | London | United Kingdom | BL[73] |
2280 | 12th | Gospels† | 276 | British Library, Add MS 36752 | London | United Kingdom | BL[74] |
INTF | |||||||
2281 | 11th | Gospels | 239 | John Rylands University Library, Gr. Ms. 1 | Manchester | United Kingdom | INTF |
2282 | 11th | Gospels† | 204 | John Rylands University Library, Gr. Ms. 7 | Manchester | United Kingdom | INTF |
2283 | 13th | Gospels | 180 | John Rylands University Library, Gr. Ms. 13 | Manchester | United Kingdom | INTF |
2284 | 13th | Gospels | 324 | John Rylands University Library, Gr. Ms. 18 | Manchester | United Kingdom | INTF |
2285 | 12th | Zigabenus Commentary on Matthew†, Mark†, Luke† | 120 | Esphigmenou Monastery, 38 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2286 | 12th | RevelationK | 44 | Stavronikita Monastery, 48, fol. 63-106 | Mount Athos | Greece | MAR |
2287 | 11th | Gospels | 278 | Agion Theodoron Monastery, 1 | Kalavryta | Greece | INTF |
2288 | 15th | Acts, General Epistles | 104 | Estense Library, G. 13, a.U.2.14 (II A 13) | Modena | Italy | INTF |
Pauline Epistles | 122 | Gothenburg University Library, Cod. Gr. 2 | Gothenburg | Sweden | GUL[75] | ||
INTF | |||||||
2289 | 12th | Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 185 | Vatopedi Monastery, 857 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2290 | 10th | Matthew†S, Mark, Luke, John†S | 203 | British Library, Add MS 37320 | London | United Kingdom | BL[76] |
2291 | 13th | Gospels | 227 | British Library, Add MS 37485, Add MS 37486 | London | United Kingdom | BL,[77] BL[78] |
INTF | |||||||
2292 | 1283 | Gospels | 221 | Austrian National Library, Suppl. gr. 107 | Vienna | Austria | ANL[79] |
[2293]=1282 | |||||||
[2294]=2466 | |||||||
2295 | 11th | Gospels | 241 | John Rylands University Library, Gr. Ms. 2 | Manchester | United Kingdom | INTF |
2296 | 12th | Gospels | 253 | John Rylands University Library, Gr. Ms. 10 | Manchester | United Kingdom | INTF |
2297 | 11th | Gospels | 253 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, 72 | Patmos | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2298 | 12th | Book of Acts, Pauline Epistles | 390 | National Library, Grec 102 | Paris | France | BnF[80] |
INTF | |||||||
2299 | 11th | Matthew† 13:33–17:25; 18:24–24.20; 25:1–31; 26:64–27.14; 27:35–28.20; Mark† 1:20–6:12. | 27 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, BXM 52 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2300 | 13th | Luke† 9:32-11:31 | 8 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, BXM 8 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
Minuscules 2301-2400
# | Date | Contents | Pages | Institution and refs. | City, State | Country | Images[81] |
2301 | 1573 | Gospels | 354 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, BXM 10 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2302 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation† | 71 | Library of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Saba 537 | Jerusalem | LOC,[82] INTF, CSNTM | |
2303 | 14th | Acts†, James†, 1 Peter† | 23 | Library of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Saba 605, fol. 1-15; Saba 617, fol. 1-8 | Jerusalem | LOC,[83] LOC,[84] CSNTM | |
2304 | 13th | Gospels† | 234 | Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Gruber Ms. 50 | Maywood, IL | United States | CSNTM, INTF |
2305 | 14th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 28 | Vatopedi Monastery, 659, fol. 146-173 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2306 | 12th | Matthew† | 8 | Vatopedi Monastery, 889, p. 1-16 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2307 | 11th | Matthew†, John† | 116 | Vatopedi Monastery, 2547 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2308 | 11th | Gospels† | 252 | Humboldt University of Berlin, Kriegsverlust | Berlin | Germany | |
2309 | 14th | Mark†, Luke†, John† | 120 | Vatopedi Monastery, 893 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2310 | 14th | Gospels, Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 158 | Vatopedi Monastery, 867 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2311 | 12th | Luke†, John† | 2 | The Russian National Library Academy of Science, K'pel 85 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
95 | University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Library, MS Graec. a.2 | South Bend, IN | United States | INTF | |||
[2312]=1435 | |||||||
2313 | 11th | John† 6:44-8:35 | 4 | Hellenic Parliament Library, HPL 2551 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2314 | 12th | Gospels | 328 | Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 94 (Litzica 311) | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2315 | 12th | Gospels | 207 | Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 665 (Litzica 312) | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2316 | 14th | Gospels | 120 | Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 360 (Litz 313) | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2317 | 1742 | Gospels | 195 | Romanian Academy, 317 (695) | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2318 | 18th | Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 409 | Romanian Academy, 318 (234) | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
[2319] | |||||||
[2320] | |||||||
2321 | 11th | Gospels | 263 | University of Toronto Libraries: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, fisher2:131 | Toronto | Canada | TFRBL[85] |
INTF | |||||||
2322 | 12th-13th | Gospels † | 263 | University of Texas Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Ms. Gr. 1 | Austin, TX | United States | HRHRC[86] |
INTF | |||||||
2323 | 13th | Gospels†, Revelation† | 311 | Benaki Museum, MS 46 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2324 | 10th | Gospels† | 346 | Yale University Library, Beinecke MS 1145 | New Haven, CT | United States | YUL[87] |
INTF | |||||||
[2325] | |||||||
2326 | 16th | Gospels† | 194 | Drew University, Ms. 10 | Madison, NJ | United States | CSNTM |
[2327]=1359 | |||||||
2328 | 12th | Gospels | 287 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1316 | Paris | France | BnF,[88] INTF |
2329 | 10th | Revelation | 36 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 573, fol. 210-245r | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
[2330] | |||||||
[2331] | |||||||
[2332] | |||||||
[2333]=1810 | |||||||
[2334]=1811 | |||||||
[2335]=1802 | |||||||
[2336]=1803 | |||||||
[2337] | |||||||
[2338] | |||||||
[2339] | |||||||
[2340] | |||||||
[2341] | |||||||
[2342] | |||||||
[2343]=2375 | |||||||
2344 | 11th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline epistles, Revelation | 61 | National Library, Coislin 18, fol. 170-230 | Paris | France | BnF,[89] INTF |
2345 | 14th | Matthew† | 2 | Library of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Nea Syllogi (Photiu), 59d | Jerusalem | INTF | |
2346 | 12th | Gospels† | 273 | Owner Unknown, Formerly Charles Ryrie | CSNTM | ||
INTF | |||||||
[2347]=1701 | |||||||
[2348]=2098 | |||||||
[2349]=905 | |||||||
2350 | 17th | Oecumenius Commentary on Revelation | 27 | Turin National University Library, B.I.15 | Turin | Italy | INTF |
2351 | 10th | Revelation 1:1-14:5† | 45 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 573, fol. 245v-290 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2352 | 15th | New Testament | 389 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 237 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2353 | 13th | Matthew†, Mark† | 20 | University of Michigan, MS 4 | Ann Arbor, MI | United States | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2354 | 1287 | Gospels | 133 | University of Michigan, MS 80 | Ann Arbor, MI | United States | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2355 | 14th | Gospels | 296 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1591 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[90] INTF, CSNTM |
2356 | 14th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 415 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1594 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[91] INTF, CSNTM |
2357 | 14th | General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 16 | Library of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Photiu 48 | Jerusalem | INTF | |
2358 | 12th | Gospels† | 175 | Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | Louisville, KY | United States | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2359 | 15th-16th | JohnP 1:1-17 | 2 | Vatican Library, Barb.gr.372, fol. 3v. 4r | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[92] |
INTF | |||||||
2360 | 11th | Matthew† | 4 | Herzog August Library, Codd. Gud. Graec. 112, fol. 138/141. 144/149 | Wolfenbüttel | Germany | |
2361 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation 4:10-5:6; 6:17-7:2† | 2 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.1205, fol. 144.145 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[93] INTF |
2362 | 14th | Gospels | 376 | Library of the Serail, 125 | Istanbul | Turkey | INTF |
2363 | 11th | Luke† | 1 | University of Michigan, Ms. 12 | Ann Arbor, MI | United States | INTF |
2364 | 12th-13th | Gospels | 492 | University of Michigan, MS 182 | Ann Arbor, MI | United States | CSNTM, INTF |
2365 | 12th | Matthew† | 2 | University of Michigan, MS 173e | Ann Arbor, MI | United States | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
[2366]=895 | |||||||
2367 | 12th | Gospels | 181 | Princeton University Library, Garrett MS. 4 | Princeton, NJ | United States | INTF |
2368 | 10th-11th | Gospels† | 1 | Docheiariou Monastery, 56 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
135 | Walters Art Museum, Ms. W. 527 | Baltimore, MD | United States | WAM,[94] INTF | |||
2369 | 10th | Gospels | 335 | Walters Art Museum, Ms. W. 523 | Baltimore, MD | United States | WAM,[95] INTF |
2370 | 11th | Gospels | 291 | Walters Art Museum, Ms. W. 522 | Baltimore, MD | United States | WAM,[96] INTF |
[2371]=647 | |||||||
2372 | 13th | Gospels† | 234 | Walters Art Museum, Ms. W. 528 | Baltimore, MD | United States | WAM,[97] INTF |
2373 | 10th | Gospels through John 6:8† | 254 | Walters Art Museum, Ms. W. 524 | Baltimore, MD | United States | WAM,[98] INTF |
2374 | 13th-14th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 252 | Walters Art Museum, Ms. W. 525 | Baltimore, MD | United States | WAM,[99] INTF |
2375 | 12th | Gospels | 233 | Walters Art Museum, Ms. W. 531 | Baltimore, MD | United States | WAM,[100] INTF |
2376 | 13th | Matthew†, Mark†, Luke† | 171 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, 83 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2377 | 14th | Revelation 13:10-14:4; 19:21-22:20† | 10 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, MS 117 (fol. 1–10) | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
2378 | 16th | Acts †, General Epistles †, Pauline Epistles † | 234 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, BXM 19705 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
[2379] = ℓ 2004 | |||||||
2380 | 13th | Mark† | 8 | General Theological Seminary, Ms. 4, in G. W. Case | New York, NY | United States | INTF |
2381 | 11th | Gospels | 428 | Museum of Art, Acc. 42. 152 | Cleveland, OH | United States | CMA[101] |
2382 | 12th | Gospels | 309 | The Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.340 | New York, NY | United States | MLAM[102] |
ca. 360 | Dousikou Monastery, 4 | Trikala | Greece | INTF | |||
2383 | 13th-14th | Gospels† | 220 | The Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.378 | New York, NY | United States | MLAM[103] |
[2384]= ℓ 1030 | |||||||
[2385] | 11th | Palimpsest Septuagint fragments | 96 | The Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.745[104] | New York, NY | United States | INTF |
2386 | 11th | Gospels | 195 | The Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.748 | New York, NY | United States | MLAM[105] |
1 | Princeton University The Art Museum, 32-14 | Princeton, NJ | United States | INTF | |||
2387 | 14th | Gospels | 252 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1356 | Paris | France | BnF[106] |
2388 | 12th | Gospels | 230 | Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Gruber 121 | Maywood, IL | United States | CSNTM, INTF |
2389 | 11th-12th | Mark, Luke, John | 201 | Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Gruber 119, 120, 54 | Maywood, IL | United States | CSNTM, INTF |
2390 | 13th | Matthew, Mark, Luke | 161 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1341 | Paris | France | BnF[107] |
2391 | 12th | Luke† | 6 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1355 I, fol. 1-6 | Paris | France | BnF[108] |
2392 | 12th | Matthew†, Luke†, John† | 13 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1355 II, fol. 7-19 | Paris | France | BnF[109] |
[2393]=1826 | |||||||
2394 | 13th | Gospels | 400 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 131 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | United States | TUOCL[110] |
2395 | 13th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels† | 332 | Panagia Zourva Monastery | Hydra | Greece | |
2396 | 12th | Gospels | 165 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 133 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | United States | TUOCL[111] |
INTF | |||||||
2397 | 14th | Gospels | 341 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 135 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | United States | TUOCL[112] |
2398 | 14th | Gospels† | 1 | Diocesan Theological College, Ms. B | Montreal | Canada | INTF |
206 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 132 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | United States | TUOCL[113] | |||
INTF | |||||||
2399 | 14th | Gospels† | 203 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 137 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | United States | TUOCL,[114] INTF |
2400 | 13th | Gospels†, Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 207 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 965 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | United States | TUOCL[115] |
Minuscules 2401–2500
# | Date | Contents | Pages | Institution and refs. | City, State | Country | Images[116] |
2401 | 12th | Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 2 | McGill University | Montreal | Canada | INTF |
152 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 142 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL,[117] INTF | |||
2402 | 16th | Maximus Peloponnesius and Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 194 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 931 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[118] |
INTF | |||||||
2403 | 16th | Oecumenius Commentary on Revelation† 1:1-2:1; 15:1-22:21 | 29 | National Library, 4592, fol. 111-139 | Madrid | Spain | INTF |
2404 | 13th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 376 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 126 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[119] |
INTF | |||||||
2405 | 13th | Gospels | 209 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 130 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[120] |
2406 | 14th | Gospels† | 245 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 134 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[121] |
2407 | 1332 | Gospels† | 328 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 136 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL,[122] INTF |
2408 | 14th | Commentary on Revelation† 5:1-5 | 1 | Bodleian Library, MS. Barocci 48, fol. 18 | Oxford | United Kingdom | DB[123] |
INTF | |||||||
2409 | 13th | Matthew†, Mark† | 55 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 141 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[124] |
INTF | |||||||
[2410]=2266 | |||||||
2411 | 12th | Gospels† | 379 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 828 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[125] |
INTF | |||||||
2412 | 12th | Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 151 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 922 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[126] |
INTF | |||||||
[2413]=2268 | |||||||
2414 | 10th | Gospels | 218 | Public Historical Library of Zagora, 1 | Zagora | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2415 | 11th-12th | Gospels† | 1 | Diocesan Theological College, Ms. A | Montreal | Canada | INTF |
210 | McGill University, Ms. 2 | Montreal | Canada | INTF | |||
[2416] | 12th | miniatures | 5 | Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, 09. 1685-9 | Washington, DC | USA | FG[127] |
[2417]=2460 | |||||||
2418 | 15th | Gospels† | 178 | Public Historical Library of Zagora, 2 | Zagora | Greece | CSNTM |
CSNTM (4) | |||||||
2419 | 13th-14th | Revelation† 3:1-4:8 | 4 | National Library, Supplement Grec 159, fol. 8-11 | Paris | France | BnF,[128] INTF |
2420 | 1296 | Gospels | 297 | Princeton University The Art Museum, 35-70 | Princeton, NJ | USA | PUAM[129] |
2421 | 13th | John† | 2 | The New York Public Library, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division, Ms. 125 | New York, NY | USA | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2422 | 16th | Gospels | 265 | Public Historical Library of Zagora, 2 | Zagora | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2423 | 13th | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 227 | Duke University Gk MS 3 | Durham, NC | USA | INTF |
2424 | 10th | Hebrews† | 4 | Skete of Kavsokalyvia, 2 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2425 | 13th | 2 Timothy†, Titus† | 2 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 943 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[130] |
INTF | |||||||
2426 | 12th | Gospels | 326 | Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Gruber 114 | Maywood, IL | USA | CSNTM, INTF |
[2427] | 19th/20th | Forgery of Byzantine era Gospel of Mark | 44 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 972 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[131] |
INTF | |||||||
2428 | 15th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation† 1:1-17:12 | 69 | National Library, Grec 746, fol. 239-307 | Paris | France | BnF,[132] INTF |
2429 | 14th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation† 1:1-21:12 | 49 | National Library, Grec 1002, fol. 179-227 | Paris | France | BnF,[133] INTF |
2430 | 12th | Gospels† | 183 | Vatican Library, PIB (Banco A. 1. 6) | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2431 | 1332 | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles, and Revelation (with marginal scholia) | 239 | Skete of Kavsokalyvia, 4 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2432 | 14th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 124 | Vatican Library, Ross.766 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[134] INTF |
2433 | 1736 | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation | 136 | Public Historical Library of Zagora, 7 | Zagora | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2434 | 13th | Revelation | 36 | Public Historical Library of Zagora, 12 | Zagora | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2435 | 16th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation† | 52 | University Library, 2. 749 | Salamanca | Spain | |
2436 | 1418 | Revelation | 28 | Vatopedi Monastery, 637, fol. 53-80 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2437 | 11th/12th | Gospels† | 220 | National Library of Brazil, I. 2 | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | NLB,[135] CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2438 | 13th | Matthew 4:25-5:22 | 1 | Owner Unknown | |||
2439 | 14th | Gospels | 286 | Archäologisches Museum, 548 | Ankara | Turkey | INTF |
2440 | 10th | Luke† | 2 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, BXM Frag 8; BXM 19926 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2441 | 14th | Acts†, Pauline Epistles† | 58 | Gothenburg University Library, Gr. 3 | Gothenburg | Sweden | GUL[136] |
INTF | |||||||
2442 | 11th | Gospels† | 170 | Academy of Athens, Siderides 1 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
[2443]=2121 | |||||||
2444 | 13th | Gospels † | 309 | Bible Museum, Ms. 4 | Münster | Germany | CSNTM, INTF |
2445 | 12th | Mark†, Luke†, John† | 116 | Bible Museum, Ms. 5 | Münster | Germany | CSNTM, INTF |
2446 | 12th | Gospels | 320 | Bible Museum, Ms. 6 | Münster | Germany | CSNTM, INTF |
[2447]=798 | |||||||
2448 | 12th | Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 243 | Owner unknown, formerly Athens, Mus. Loverdu, Nr. 125 | |||
[2449] | 17th | Revelation in modern Greek | 29 | National Historical Museum, Hist. Eth. Ges. 71 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
[2450] | 18th | Gospels in modern Greek | 47 | National Historical Museum, Hist. Eth. Ges. 112 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2451 | 11th | Gospels† | 145 | National Historical Museum, 255 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2452 | 15th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 383 | Skete of Saint Anne, 51 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2453 | 11th | Gospels† | 264 | Vatopedi Monastery, 662 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2454 | 14th | Gospels | 239 | Vatopedi Monastery, 894 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2455 | 15th | Gospels† | 182 | Vatopedi Monastery, 895 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2456 | 17th | Gospels† | 143 | Dionysiou Monastery, 668 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2457 | 13th | Gospels† | 64 | Dionysiou Monastery, 590 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2458 | 11th | Gospels | 285 | Dionysiou Monastery, 588 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2459 | 12th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels† | 223 | Archaeological Museum of Almyros, 2 | Almyros | Greece | INTF |
2460=[2417] | 12th | Gospels† | 8 | Bible Museum, Ms. 19 | Münster | Germany | INTF |
CSNTM | |||||||
2 | Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Plimpton Ms. 12 | New York | USA | CSNTM | |||
195 | Zosimaia School, 2 | Ioannina | Greece | INTF | |||
[2461]=ℓ2154 | |||||||
2462 | 14th-15th | Mark†, Luke†, John† | 123 | Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, 19 (475) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2463 | 14th | Gospels † | 210 | Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, 20 (421) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2464 | 9th | Acts† 19:35-28:31; James-2 John; 3 John 1-4†; Romans 1:1-11:28, 16:11-16:27; 1 Corinthians - 2 Thessalonians, Hebrews 1:1-10:19† | 212 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 742 | Patmos | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2465 | 13th | Gospels | 180 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 745 | Patmos | Greece | INTF |
2466 | 1339 | Gospels, Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 293 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 759 | Patmos | Greece | INTF |
2467 | 1421 | Gospels† | 300 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 775 | Patmos | Greece | INTF |
2468 | 11th | Mark†, Luke† | 24 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 777 | Patmos | Greece | INTF |
2469 | 1569 | Gospels | 308 | Library of the Archbishop of Cyprus, 11 | Nicosia | Cyprus | |
2470 | 12th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 626 | Ecumenical Patriarchate, Kamariotissis 23 | Istanbul | Turkey | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2471 | 13th | Gospels | 249 | Library of the Serail, 119 | Istanbul | Turkey | INTF |
2472 | 12th | Gospels† | 289 | Museum of Religious Art, 1/12608 | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2473 | 1634 | Acts, General Epistles | 314 | National Library, Taphu 545 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2474 | 11th | Gospels† | 265 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 1054 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[137] |
INTF | |||||||
2475 | 11th | Gospels, Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 314 | Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Skevophylakion | Jerusalem | INTF | |
2476 | 14th | Gospels | 257 | Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 932 | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2477 | 17th | Gospels† | 230 | Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 933 | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2478 | 12th-13th | Gospels | 224 | The Princes Czartoryski Library, 1870 | Kraków | Poland | Palona[138] |
2479 | 13th | Gospels† | 198 | Municipal Library, 2 Qq C 233 | Palermo | Italy | INTF |
2480 | 16th | John† | 92 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.2348 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2481 | 16th | Mark† | 84 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.2350 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2482 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels, Pauline Epistles | 293 | Municipal Library dell'Archiginnasio, A. 3 | Bologna | Italy | INTF |
2483=[2866] | 13th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 8 | Owner Unknown | INTF | ||
340 | The Schøyen Collection, MS 2932 | Oslo | Norway | SC[139] | |||
INTF | |||||||
2484 | 1312 | Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles† | 269 | British Library, Add MS 38538 | London | United Kingdom | BL[140] |
2485 | 11th-12th | Gospel of Luke † | 2 | British Library, Add MS 41180, fol. 92-93 | London | United Kingdom | BL[141] |
2486 | 15th-16th | Mark 1:1-1:45 † | 2 | Bodleian Library, MS. Auct. F. 6. 1, fol. 279-280[142] | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2487 | 11th | Gospels † | 219 | Bodleian Library, MS. Lyell 91[143] | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2488 | 16th | Matthew†, Mark†, Luke†, Acts† | 181 | Cambridge University Library, Add. Mss. 4173 | Cambridge | United Kingdom | INTF |
2489 | 11th | Gospels † | >1 | Cambridge University Library, Add. Ms. 4541 | Cambridge | United Kingdom | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2490 | 12th-13th | Theophylact Commentary on Matthew†, John†, | 304 | Berlin State Library, Graec. qu. 77 | Berlin | Germany | INTF |
2491=[2850], [2617] | 13th | Matthew 19-23†, Mark 1:14-5:33; 9:14-end†, Luke 1:1-11:46† | 36 | Berlin State Library, Graec. qu. 90 | Berlin | Germany | INTF |
24 | Burgerbibliothek of Bern, Cod. 784 | Bern | Switzerland | INTF | |||
1 | Duke University Library, Gk MS 22 | Durham, NC | North Carolina | DU[144] | |||
1 | Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Med/Ren Frag. 49 | New York, NY | USA | CSNTM | |||
1 | Rick Imlay | Billings, MT | USA | INTF | |||
8 | Princeton University Library, Ms. 63 | Princeton, NJ | USA | INTF | |||
2492 | 14th | Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 178 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1342, fol. 1-178 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[145] INTF, CSNTM |
2493 | 14th | Revelation† | 15 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1692, fol. 122-136 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[146] INTF, CSNTM |
2494 | 1316 | New Testament | 315 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1991 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[147] INTF, CSNTM |
2495 | 15th | New Testament (Matthew† 10:21-28:20) | 222 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1992 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[148] INTF, CSNTM |
2496 | 16th | Gospels | 336 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1993 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[149] CSNTM |
2497 | 17th | Gospels | 196 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1994 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[150] INTF, CSNTM |
2498 | 1622 | Gospels | ? | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1995 | Sinai | Egypt | |
2499 | 13th-14th | Gospels | 204 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 2038 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC,[151] INTF, CSNTM |
2500 | 891 | Gospels† | 206 | Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, K'pel 74 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
Minuscules 2501–2600
Minuscules 2601–2700
# | Date | Contents | Pages | Institution and refs. | City, State | Country | Images[167] |
2601 | 12th | Luke† | 1 | Bodleian Library, MS. Auct. T. inf. 1. 4, fol. 133[168] | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
[2602]=851 | |||||||
2603 | 12th | Gospels | 255 | Chester Beatty Library, CBL W 134 | Dublin | Ireland | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2604 | 12th | Gospels | 378 | Chester Beatty Library, CBL W 139 | Dublin | Ireland | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2605 | 13th | Gospels | 176 | Chester Beatty Library, CBL W 140 | Dublin | Ireland | CSNTM |
2606 | 13th | Gospels | 119 | Chester Beatty Library, CBL W 141 | Dublin | Ireland | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2607 | 13th | Matthew† 14:34-15:28, 27:45-28:20; Mark 1:1-14:51† Luke 1:1-2:20† | 47 | Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Gr 22 | Cambridge, MA | United States | HL[169] |
INTF | |||||||
2608 | 13th | Gospels† | 340 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 202 | Chicago, IL | United States | TUOCL[170] |
INTF | |||||||
[2609]=2474 | |||||||
2610 | 13th | Gospels † | 117 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 62 | Chicago, IL | United States | TUOCL[171] |
INTF | |||||||
[2611]=677 | |||||||
2612 | 13th | Mark, Luke, John, Matthew | 184 | Duke University, Gk MS 5 | Durham | United States | INTF |
2613 | 11th | Gospels | 321 | Duke University, Gk MS 6 | Durham | United States | DU[172] |
INTF | |||||||
2614 | 13th | Gospels† | 272 | Duke University, Gk MS 7 | Durham | United States | DU[173] |
2615 | 12th | Gospels | 248 | Duke University, Gk MS 15 | Durham | United States | DU[174] |
INTF | |||||||
2616 | 12th | Gospels | 280 | Duke University, Gk MS 16 | Durham | United States | DU[175] |
[2617]=2491 | |||||||
[2618]=927 | |||||||
2619 | 17th | Acts†, Pauline Epistles† | 96 | Yale University Library, Beinecke MS 246 | New Haven, CT | United States | YUL[176] |
CSNTM | |||||||
2620 | 13th | Gospels | 258 | Yale University Library, Beinecke MS 308[177] | New Haven, CT | United States | INTF |
2621 | 1380 | Gospels | 177 | Princeton University Art Museum, 57-19 | Princeton, NJ | United States | PUAM[178] |
2622 | 12th | Gospels | 126 | Austrian National Library, Suppl. gr. 164[179] | Vienna | Austria | INTF |
2623 | 11th | Gospels | 262 | National Library, 1 | Ochrid | North Macedonia | INTF |
2624 | 13th | Gospels | 389 | National Library, 2 | Ochrid | North Macedonia | INTF |
2625 | 12th | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles†, Revelation† | 290 | National Library, 13 | Ochrid | North Macedonia | INTF |
2626 | 14th | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles†, Revelation 1:1-18:3† | 178 | National Library, 14 | Ochrid | North Macedonia | INTF |
2627 | 13th | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 97 | National Library, 15 | Ochrid | North Macedonia | INTF |
[2628]=ℓ2127 | |||||||
2629 | 14th | 1 Corinthians - Hebrews† | 74 | National Library, 18, fol. 1-74 | Ochrid | North Macedonia | INTF |
2630 | 16th | Gospels † | 198 | Panachrantos Monastery, 43 | Andros | Greece | |
2631 | 13th | Mark† | 28 | S. Loberdos (Private Collection), 2 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2632 | 12th | John† | 32 | S. Loberdos (Private Collection), 3 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2633 | 13th | Gospels† | 232 | S. Loberdos (Private Collection), 4 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2634 | 14th | Gospels | 187 | S. Loberdos (Private Collection), 5 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2635 | 1568 | Gospels | 291 | S. Loberdos (Private Collection), 10 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2636 | 16th | Matthew†, John† | 286 | S. Loberdos (Private Collection), 13 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2637 | 11th | Gospels | 356 | S. Loberdos (Private Collection), 63 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2638 | 14th | Commentary on Revelation 1:1-15:7† | 19 | Great Lavra Monastery, H' 205, fol. 119-137 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2639 | 13th | Ephesians† 4:9-25; Philippians† 1:14-2:2 | 3 | E. Anemis, 2, Einband | Patmos | Greece | INTF |
[2640]=2108 | |||||||
2641 | 14th | Gospels† | 243 | University of California, Davis, BS2551 A4 no. 2641 | Davis, California | United States | UC-B[180] |
2642 | 11th | Gospels† | 253 | University of California, Davis, BS2551 A4 no. 2642 | Davis, California | United States | UC-B[181] |
2643 | 13th | Gospels , Revelation | 181 | University of California, Riverside | Riverside, CA | United States | INTF |
2644 | 13th | Gospels† | 184 | University of California, BS2551 A2 1100z | Santa Barbara, CA | United States | |
2645 | 13th | Gospels † | 147 | Giromeri Monastery | Epirus | Greece | INTF |
154 | John Rylands University Library, Gr. Ms. 21 | Manchester | United Kingdom | INTF | |||
2646 | 13th | Zigabenus Commentary on the Gospels† | 319 | Christ Church, Wake 51 | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2647 | 13th | Gospels† | 329 | Panagia Hozoviotissa Monastery, 1 | Amorgos | Greece | INTF |
2648 | 15th | Revelation 19:11-21:9† | 2 | Zoodochos Pigi Monastery (Hagias), 43, fol. 243-244 | Andros | Greece | INTF |
2649 | 1108 | Gospels | 254 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, 204 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2650 | 12th | Gospels † | 187 | Byzantine and Christian Museum, 227 | Athens | Greece | INTF |
CSNTM | |||||||
2651 | 1315 | Gospels † | 85 | Gennadius Library, Ms. 1.6 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2652 | 15th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 199 | National Library, 103 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
2653 | 15th | Gospels †, Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 295 | National Library, 2925 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
2654 | 14th | Luke† | 1 | National Library, 2925, fol. 90 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
2655 | 11th | Luke† | 6 | National Library, 2925, fol. 91.92.99-102 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
2656 | 17th | Gospels , Revelation | 316 | National Library, 3110 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM |
2657 | 12th | Mark† | 2 | Athens University History Museum, 34 | Athens | Greece | AU[182] |
INTF | |||||||
2658 | 13th | Gospels† | 216 | Benaki Museum, MS TA 320 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2659 | 16th | Theophylact Commentary on the Pauline Epistles | 310 | Benaki Museum, MS 8 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2660 | 13th | Gospels | 309 | Benaki Museum, MS 45 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2661 | 11th | Gospels† | 157 | Benaki Museum, MS 47 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2662 | 12th | Matthew† | 1 | Vatopedi Monastery, 1213, fol. 82 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2663 | 16th | Revelation | 30 | Dionysiou Monastery, 148, fol. 71-100 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2664 | 17th | Revelation | 41 | Dionysiou Monastery, fol. 53-93 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2665 | 1274 | Gospels | 112 | Docheiariou Monastery, 10 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2666 | 14th | Gospels† | 122 | Docheiariou Monastery, 58 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2667 | 16th | Revelation | 18 | Koutloumousiou Monastery, 165, fol. 267-284 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2668 | 14th | Zigabenus Commentary on Ephesians† | 8 | Great Lavra Monastery, K' 84, fol. 304-311 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2669 | 16th | Revelation | 39 | Great Lavra Monastery, L' 74, fol. 331-369 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2670 | 13th | Gospels † | 260 | Great Lavra Monastery, M' 1 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2671 | 12th | Acts† | 1 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 98,4 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2672 | 15th | Revelation | 35 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 479, fol. 246-280 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2673 | 15th | Gospels | 207 | Village Library, 159 | Dimitsana | Greece | INTF |
2674 | 1651 | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 158 | Monastery of Olympiotissa, 7 | Elassona | Greece | INTF |
2675 | 14th | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 306 | Archaeological Museum, 5 | Almyros | Greece | INTF |
2676 | 13th | Gospels | 298 | Archaeological Museum, 44 | Ioannina | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2677 | 13th | Luke† | 10 | Katerini | Ioannina | Greece | INTF |
2678 | 13th | Gospels† | 176 | Jakovatos | Lixouri, Cephalonia | Greece | INTF |
2679 | 15th | Gospels† | 159 | Hagiassos Panagias, 11, fol. 3-161 | Lesbos | Greece | INTF |
2680 | 13th | Gospels | 332 | Hagiassos Panagias, 12 | Lesbos | Greece | INTF |
2681 | 17th | Revelation | 55 | Leimonos Monastery, Ms. Lesbiacus Leimonos 219, fol. 64-118 | Kalloni, Lesbos | Greece | INTF |
2682 | 13th | John† | 8 | Leimonos Monastery, Ms. Lesbiacus Leimonos 360 | Kalloni, Lesbos | Greece | LM[183] |
INTF | |||||||
2683 | 13th | Gospels† | 198 | Monastery of Varlaam, 1 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2684 | 11th | Gospels | 254 | Monastery of Varlaam, 2 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2685 | 15th | Gospels, Romans, Hebrews | 313 | Monastery of Varlaam, 3 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2686 | 15th | Gospels† | 152 | Monastery of Varlaam, 4 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2687 | 12th | Gospels | 198 | Monastery of Varlaam, Skevophylakion 27 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
1 | National Library of Russia, Gr. 301 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF | |||
2688 | 13th | Gospels | 168 | Monastery of Varlaam, Skevophylakion 35 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2689 | 14th | Gospels | 265 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 35 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2690 | 16th | Zigabenus Commentary on the Pauline Epistles† | 283 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 65 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2691 | 15th | Gospels , Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 342 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 114 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2692 | 15th | Gospels | 356 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 236 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2693 | 11th | Gospels†s | 234 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 245 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2694 | 12th | Gospels | 283 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 253 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2695 | 12th | Gospels | 216 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 255 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2696 | 13th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 220 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 302 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2697 | 13th | Gospels † | 72 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 392, 64 fol., 629, 8 fol. | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2698 | 14th | Romans 1:5-3:17 | 9 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 503 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2699 | 13th | Matthew†, Mark† | 40 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 506 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2700 | 12th | 1 Corinthians† | 2 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 525 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
Minuscules 2701–2800
# | Date | Contents | Pages | Institution and refs. | City, State | Country | Images[184] |
2701 | 14th | Gospels† | 393 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 539 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2702 | 12th | Gospels | 284 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 540 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2703 | 15th | Gospels | 215 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 541 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2704 | 15th | Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 307 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 542 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2705 | 14th | Gospels , Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 260 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 543 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2706 | 15th | Gospels | 185 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 544 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2707 | 13th | Gospels | 328 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 545 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2708 | 16th | Gospels | 360 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 574 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2709 | 1377 | Gospels | 172 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 580 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2710 | 14th | Gospels | 229 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 582 | Meteora | Greece | |
2711 | 16th | Luke†, John† | 183 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 590 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2712 | 12th | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 258 | Monastery of St. Stephen, 4 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2713 | 14th | Gospels | 365 | Monastery of St. Stephen, 11 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2714 | 16th | Gospels | 312 | Monastery of St. Stephen, 12 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2715 | 16th | Gospels | 174 | Monastery of St. Stephen, 39 | Meteora | Greece | |
2716 | 14th | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles†, Revelation† | 197 | Monastery of St. Stephen, Triados 25 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2717 | 13th | John† | 8 | Monastery of St. Stephen, Triados 118 | Meteora | Greece | INTF |
2718 | 12th | Gospels †, Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 286 | Lindos Panagias, 4, fol. 1-166.175-244 | Rhodes | Greece | INTF |
2719 | 13th | Gospels | 239 | Lindos Panagias, 6 | Rhodes | Greece | INTF |
2720 | 12th | Theophylact Commentary on Luke, John†, | 24 | A. Brontis | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2721 | 16th | Gospels | 258 | High School, 392 | Sopoto | Greece | |
2722 | 10th | Gospels † | 264 | Municipal Library, 13 | Tyrnavos | Greece | INTF |
[2723]=2382 | |||||||
2724 | 13th | Gospels | 313 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 7 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2725 | 12th | Gospels † | 163 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 17 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2726 | 13th | Gospels | 194 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 18 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2727 | 12th | Gospels | 239 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 27 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2728 | 15th | Gospels | 453 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 30 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2729 | 15th | Gospels † | 152 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 62, fol. 20-171 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2730 | 14th | Gospels | 275 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 63 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2731 | 14th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 261 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 80 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2732 | 1294 | Gospels | 336 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 90 | Grevena | Greece | INTF[185] |
2733 | 1227 | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles (lacks 1 Corinthians, 1 Thessalonians)† | 252 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 99 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2734 | 1397 | Gospels | 227 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 102 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2735 | 13th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 404 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 109 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2736 | 15th | General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 290 | Zavorda Monastery of St. Nikanor, 125 | Grevena | Greece | INTF |
2737 | 1559 | Gospels , ActsP | 123 | Vatican Library, Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.D.157 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[186] |
INTF | |||||||
2738 | 12th | Theophylact Commentary on Mark | 84 | Vatican Apostolic Library, Vat.gr.642, fol. 97-180 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[187] INTF |
2739 | 14th | Zigabenus Commentary on the Pauline Epistles† | 309 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.1501 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2740 | 15th | Matthew | 1 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.1571, fol. 72 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[188] INTF |
2741 | 11th | 1 Peter† 4:17-5:7 | 1 | Vatican Library, Vat.lat.125, fol. II | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[189] |
2742 | 11th | MatthewP | 2 | Vatican Library, Barb.gr.418, fol. 9.15 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2743 | 16th | Revelation† 1:1-6:10 | 27 | Vatican Library, Reg. gr. 46, fol. 131-157 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF, DVL[190] |
2744 | 12th | MarkP 10:25-35 | 1 | C.W. Adam, Inv. Nr. 2550 | Goslar | Germany | INTF |
2745 | 12th | Gospels† | 1 | Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne, Inv. Nr. 523 | Cologne | Germany | INTF |
308 | Metropolis Library | Larnaca | Cyprus | INTF | |||
2746 | 11th | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 244 | Royal Library of Belgium, IV. 303 | Brussels | Belgium | INTF |
2747 | 15th | Gospels | 238 | St.St. Cyril and Methodius National Library, Gr. 14 | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2748 | 12th-13th | Gospels † | 127 | St.St. Cyril and Methodius National Library, Gr. 7 | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2749 | 12th | Gospels | 240 | Russian Academy of Sciences Branch St. Petersburg, Hist. Inst. 10/667 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | INTF |
2750 | 13th | Mark†, Luke†, John† | 101 | Ecumenical Patriarchate, ehem. Chalki, Theol. Schule, 189 | Istanbul | Turkey | INTF |
2751 | 13th | Matthew† 27:23-27:38, 28:4-28:20; Luke† 7:47-24:53; John† 1:1-17:26 | 94 | The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 902 (Goodspeed) | Chicago, IL | USA | TUOCL[191] |
2752 | 11th-12th | Gospels† | 108 | Gordon College Library, Gr. Ms. 1 | Wenham, MA | USA | INTF |
2753 | 13th | Matthew | 6 | Gordon College Library, Gr. Ms. 1 | Wenham, MA | USA | INTF |
2754 | 11th | Gospels† | 256 | Bible Museum, Ms. 8 | Münster | Germany | CSNTM, INTF |
2755 | 11th | Matthew and Mark† | 370 | Bible Museum, Ms. 9 | Münster | Germany | CSNTM, INTF |
2756 | 13th | Gospels | 195 | Bible Museum, Ms. 10 | Münster | Germany | CSNTM, INTF |
2757 | 13th | Gospels | 272 | Duke University, Gk MS 38 | Durham | USA | DU[192] |
INTF | |||||||
2758 | 1311 | Gospels † | 290 | Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, 891 | Patmos | Greece | CSNTM |
INTF | |||||||
2759 | 16th | Revelation | 85 | Vatican Apostolic Library, Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.C.151, fol. 21-105 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2760 | 12th | Gospels | 260 | Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 1175 | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2761 | 13th | MarkP, LukeP, JohnP | 13 | Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 934 | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2762 | 12th | JohnP | 1 | Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, K 490 (Moravcsik 03) | Budapest | Hungary | INTF |
[2763]=1304 | |||||||
[2764]=2936 | |||||||
2765 | 14th | Gospels | 300 | Bodleian Library, MS. Canon. Gr. 38 | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
DB[193] | |||||||
2766 | 13th | Gospels | 147 | Duke University, Gk MS 31 | Durham | USA | DU[194] |
INTF | |||||||
2767 | 13th-14th | Gospels | 289 | Mus. de arta relig., 32/69081 | Bucharest | Romania | INTF |
2768 | 978 | John | 128 | Bavarian State Library, Gr. 208 | Munich | Germany | INTF, BSB[195] |
2769 | 11th-12th | MatthewP | 4 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.1853, fol. 96-99 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[196] |
INTF | |||||||
2770 | 16th | Matthew | 21 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.1909, fol. 120-140 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL,[197] INTF |
2771 | 13th | Gospels | 272 | Lambeth Palace, MS2795 | London | United Kingdom | LP[198] |
2772 | 13th | ActsP†, General EpistlesP†, Pauline EpistlesP† | 139 | Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, 24 (236) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2773 | 14th | Gospels † | 163 | Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, 18 (342) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2774 | 13th-14th | Gospels , Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 349 | Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, 18 (342) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2775 | 14th | Gospels † | 261 | Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, 22 (905) | Sofia | Bulgaria | INTF |
2776 | 17th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles, Revelation | 250 | Holy Synod of the Church of Greece | Athens | Greece | INTF |
2777 | 14th | Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 217 | Koronis Monastery, 34 | Karditsa | Greece | INTF |
2778 | 12th | ActsP | 9 | Koronis Monastery | Karditsa | Greece | INTF |
2779 | 15th | Gospels† | 349 | Historical Museum of Crete | Heraklion, Crete | Greece | INTF |
2780 | 14th | Gospels† | 288 | Panagias | Vonitsa | Greece | INTF |
2781 | 12th | Gospels† | 199 | Metropolis Library | Pyrgos, Elis | Greece | INTF |
2782 | 11th | Gospels† | 176 | Library of the Metropolis of Samos, 16, 171 fol.; 81, 5 fol. | Samos | Greece | INTF |
2783 | 14th | Gospels† | 316 | Library of the Metropolis of Samos, 23 | Samos | Greece | |
2784 | 11th-12th | MatthewP, MarkP | 36 | Library of the Metropolis of Samos, 26 | Samos | Greece | INTF |
2785 | 12th | MarkP, LukeP | 40 | Library of the Metropolis of Samos, 27 | Samos | Greece | INTF |
2786 | 14th | Gospels | 226 | Prophet Elijah Monastery, 28 | Santorini | Greece | INTF |
2787 | 12th | Gospels† | 306 | Museum of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos (Formerly: Church of St. Luke) | Kykkos | Cyprus | INTF |
2788 | 13th | Gospels† | 181 | Metropolis Library, fol. 70-250 | Kyrenia | Cyprus | INTF |
2789 | 10th | JohnP | 1 | Metropolis Library | Kyrenia | Cyprus | INTF |
2790 | 10th-11th | Gospels† | 227 | S. M. Logidou (Private Collection) | Kaimakli | Cyprus | INTF |
2791 | 12th | Gospels† | 129 | Saint Neophytos Monastery | Paphos | Cyprus | INTF |
2792 | 12th | MatthewP, MarkP LukeP | 8 | Kentron Epistim. Erevnon | Nicosia | Cyprus | |
8 | Mitropolis | Paphos | Cyprus | ||||
2793 | 13th | Gospel of Matthew 22:7–22 | 1 | Bible Museum, Ms. 11 | Münster | Germany | CSNTM, INTF |
2794 | 12th | Gospels†, Revelation 1:1-22:12† | 152 | Duke University, Greek MS 100 | Durham, NC | United States | DU[199] |
INTF | |||||||
2795 | 13th | 1 Peter 4:3-5:6; 1 John 3:12-4:10 | 2 | Austrian National Library, Suppl. gr. 119 | Vienna | Austria | ANL[200] |
2796 | 13th | LukeP | 71 | State Library, Cim I, 7 | Oldenburg | Germany | |
2797 | 14th | ActsP | 8 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, N. E. M 29 | Sinai | Egypt | |
2798 | 12th | MarkP | 7 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, N. E. M 93 | [Sinai | Egypt | |
2799 | 14th | ActsP, General EpistlesP, Pauline EpistlesP | 186 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, N. E. M 120 | Sinai | Egypt | |
2800 | 10th | Matthew†, Mark† | 31 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, N. E. M 171 | Sinai | Egypt |
Minuscules 2801–2900
# | Date | Contents | Pages | Institution and refs. | City, State | Country | Images[201] |
2801 | 12th | JohnP | 16 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, N. E. M 183 | Sinai | Egypt | |
2802 | 11th | LukeP | 1 | Osiou Gregoriou Monastery, 158 B, fol. 24 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2803 | 14th | Gospels†, Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles† | 224 | Skete of Saint Demetre, 53 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2804 | 13th | Gospels | 220 | Chrysopodaritissis Monastery, 1 | Patras | Greece | INTF |
2805 | 12th/13th | Acts, Pauline epistles, General Epistles | 155 | Daniel P. Buttafuoco Library | Woodbury, NY | United States | Christie's[202] |
INTF | |||||||
2806 | 1518 | Gospels | 354 | Saint Vissarionos (Dusan) Monastery, 5 | Trikala | Greece | INTF |
2807 | 13th | HebrewsP | >1 | National Library of Serbia, RS 657 | Belgrade | Serbia | |
2808 | 13th/14th | Gospels | 167 | Kalymnos Municipal Library, 1 | Kalymnos | Greece | INTF |
2809 | 14th | Gospels | 300 | Kalymnos Municipal Library, 2 | Kalymnos | Greece | INTF |
2810 | 1514 | Gospels | 270 | Tatarnis Monastery, 2 | Tripotama | Greece | CSNTM |
2811 | 9th-10th | Gospels† | 158 | School of Theology Library, 1 | Boston, MA | USA | INTF |
2812 | 10th | Gospels | 596 | National Library, Res. 235:302 | Madrid | Spain | BDH[203] |
INTF | |||||||
2813 | 13th | Luke†, John† | 151 | Museum of the Bible, GC.MS.000876 | Washington, DC | USA | CSNTM |
2814 | 12th | Andreas of Caesarea Commentary of Book of Revelation | 94 | University Library, Cod. I.1.4.1 | Augsburg | Germany | UL,[204] INTF |
2815 | 12th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 216 | Basel University Library, A. N. IV. 4 | Basel | Switzerland | INTF |
2816 | 15th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 287 | Basel University Library, A. N. IV. 5 | Basel | Switzerland | INTF, BUL |
2817 | 12th | Pauline epistles | 387 | Basel University Library, A. N. III. 11 | Basel | Switzerland | INTF, BUL |
2818 | 12th | Acts, General Epistles | 245 | New College, 58 | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2819 | 12th | Matthew 6:6–20 | 1 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1035, 13, fol. 28[205] | Paris | France | INTF |
2820 | 14th | 2 Timothy 4:16–22 | 1 | National Library, Supplement Grec 1035, 13, fol. 17[206] | Paris | France | INTF |
2821 | 14th | Revelation | 22 | Cambridge University Library, Dd. 9.69, fol. 295-316 | Cambridge | United Kingdom | INTF |
2822 | 12th | JamesP, JudeP | 2 | British Library, Add MS 11860, fol. 3.7 | London | United Kingdom | BL[207] |
2823 | 11th | LukeP | 1 | British Library, Add MS 11860, fol. 8 | London | United Kingdom | BL[208] |
2824 | 14th | Revelation† | 13 | Orthodoxes Patriarchat, Stavru, 94, fol. 236-248 | Jerusalem | Israel | LOC,[209] INTF, CSNTM |
2825 | 12th | MarkP | 2 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 97a, Nr. 4 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2826 | 12th | MatthewP | 2 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 97a, Nr. 5 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2827 | 11th | MatthewP | 2 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 97a, Nr. 6 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2828 | 12th | JohnP | 1 | Xenophontos Monastery, Ia' ? | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2829 | 12th | ActsP | 5 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 98, 2 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2830 | 14th | 2 CorinthiansP, GalatiansP | 2 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 98, 3 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2831 | 13th | Gospels† | 110 | Vatopedi Monastery, 889, p. 17-236 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2832 | 14th | MatthewP | 6 | Vatopedi Monastery, 889, p. 237-248 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2833 | 11th | ActsP | 4 | Vatopedi Monastery, 889, p. 249-256 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2834 | 13th | EphesiansP, ColossiansP, HebrewsP | 3 | Vatopedi Monastery, 889, p. 257-262 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2835 | 10th-11th | Matthew† 1:20-10:29 | 22 | Benaki Museum, MS 146 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF |
2836 | 12th | MatthewP | 34 | The Schøyen Collection, MS 694/1 | Oslo | Norway | INTF |
London | United Kingdom | INTF | |||||
2837 | 14th | MatthewP | 154 | Russian State Archive, F. 1607, No. 23 | Moscow | Russia | |
2838 | 15th | Matthew†, Luke† | 151 | Austrian National Library, Theol. gr. 277, fol. 77-227[210] | Vienna | Austria | |
2839 | 16th | Titus 1:5-2:10; 2:15-3:7 | 2 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.1190, fol. 1110-1111 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[211] |
2840 | 16th | 1 TimothyP, 2 TimothyP | 19 | Royal Library of Belgium, IV 100, fol. 52-70 | Brussels | Belgium | |
[2841]=1142 | |||||||
2842 | 14th | MatthewP | 3 | Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, X. IV. 6, fol. 8-10 | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Spain | |
2843 | 16th | Revelation 1:1-7:17† | 8 | Orthodoxes Patriarchat, Saba, 373, fol. 392-399 | Jerusalem | Israel | INTF |
2844 | 10th | JohnP | 5 | J.F. Reed Library, ms 3.(16) | King of Prussia, PA | USA | |
2845 | 15th | Revelation | 16 | Bodleian Library, MS. Holkham Gr. 30(54), fol. 307-322[212] | Oxford | United Kingdom | INTF |
2846 | 12th | Revelation | 18 | National Library, Grec 977, fol. 226-243 | Paris | France | BnF,[213] INTF |
2847 | 16th | 1 JohnP†, RevelationP† | 50 | National Library, Grec 1060, fol. 127-176 | Paris | France | BnF,[214] INTF |
2848 | 15th | ActsP | 44 | National Library, Grec 1164, fol. 294-337 | Paris | France | BnF[215] |
2849 | 14th-15th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles, Revelation | 156 | Monastery of Longovardas, ms. 27 (724), fol. 1-156 | Paros | Greece | |
[2850]=2491 | |||||||
2851 | 12th | MatthewP | 1 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 97,5 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2852 | 13th | GalatiansP 6:8-18, EphesiansP 1:1-22 | 2 | The Schøyen Collection, MS 1693 | Oslo | Norway | INTF |
London | United Kingdom | INTF | |||||
2853 | 10th-11th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 170 | Owner unknown. Last: Basel, Bibliothek G. Zakos | |||
2854 | 10th | Gospels† | 131 | Exarchist Monastery of Saint Mary, A. a. 11.13, fol. 1-131 | Grottaferrata | Italy | |
2855 | 12th | Book of Revelation 12:12–13:13 | 1 | The Schøyen Collection, Ms 1906 | Oslo | Norway | INTF |
2856 | 12th | Gospels | 244 | Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, EHAI 949 | Sofia | Bulgaria | |
2857 | 1272 | Gospels | 305 | Kremlin Museum, 11968 oxr. 10567 op. | Moscow | Russia | |
2858 | 12th | Matthew 5:33–6:1; 9:2–15 | 2 | Pushkin Museum, N 4790 | Moscow | Russia | |
2859 | 13th | Gospel of Luke 20:1–22:8 | 6 | Pushkin Museum, N 4792 | Moscow | Russia | |
2860 | 10th | Gospels | 180 | The Van Kampen Foundation, VK 901 | (Unknown) | USA | CSNTM |
9 | Museum of the Bible, G.C.MS.000376.1-9 | Washington, DC | USA | ||||
1 | Adrian Herren | Pensacola, FL | USA | ||||
2861 | 1300 | Gospels | 315 | Duke University, Greek MS 064 | Durham, NC | USA | DU[216] |
2862 | 1150–1174 | Gospels | 176 | Duke University, Greek MS 084 | Durham, NC | USA | DU[217] |
2863 | 12th | Gospels | 262 | Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Typ. 294 (fol. 1- 262) | Cambridge, MA | USA | HL[218] |
INTF | |||||||
2864 | 11th-12th | Revelation | 35 | Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Typ 294 (fol. 263- 297) | Cambridge, MA | USA | INTF |
2865 | 12th | Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 219 | Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Typ 491 (fol. 1-219) | Cambridge, MA | USA | HL[219] |
INTF | |||||||
[2866]=2483 | |||||||
2867 | 14th | John 1:1-3:29 | 8 | National Library, Grec 194 A, fol. 2-9 | Paris | France | BnF[220] |
2868 | 13th | Gospels | 276 | Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 1543 | Bucharest | Romania | |
2869 | 11th | Gospels | 234 | Vatopedi Monastery, Skevophylakion, 1 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2870 | 11th | Gospels | 192 | Vatopedi Monastery, Skevophylakion, 2 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2871 | 12th | Gospels | 127 | Vatopedi Monastery, Skevophylakion, 9 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2872 | 11th-12th | Gospels | 234 | Vatopedi Monastery, Skevophylakion, 10 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2873 | 1281 | Gospels | 201 | Vatopedi Monastery, Skevophylakion, 11 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2874 | 1306 | Gospels, Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles | 338 | Vatopedi Monastery, Skevophylakion, 13 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2875 | 14th | Gospels, | 368 | Vatopedi Monastery, Skevophylakion, 14 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2876 | 14th | Gospels | 183 | Vatopedi Monastery, Skevophylakion, 15 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2877 | 14th | Gospels | 390 | Vatopedi Monastery, Skevophylakion, 17 | Mount Athos | Greece | |
2878 | 12th | LukeP | 1 | Dunham Bible Museum, Houston Baptist University, 09.19 | Houston, TX | USA | CSNTM, INTF |
2879 | 12th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 330 | Corpus Christi College, Gr. 30 | Oxford | United Kingdom | |
2880 | 13th | LukeP, JohnP | 115 | Saint Neophytos Monastery, MS 11 | Paphos | Cyprus | |
2881 | 11th/12th | Matthew 25:6–15.15–24 | 1 | Yale University Library, Beinecke MS 522 | New Haven | USA | CSNTM, INTF, YUL[221] |
2882 | 10th/11th | Gospel of Luke | 46 | CSNTM | Plano, TX | USA | CSNTM, INTF |
2883=[9abs] | 15th | MatthewP | 118 | Bodleian Library, MS. Lyell 95[222] | Oxford | United Kingdom | |
2884=[30abs] | 15th | Gospels | 403 | Cambridge University Library, Kk. 5.35 | Cambridge | United Kingdom | INTF |
2885=[96abs] | 1500 | JohnP | 71 | Castle Library, Ie 14 | Krivoklát | Czech Republic | |
2886=[205abs] | 15th | New Testament | 54 | Marciana National Library, Gr. Z. 6 (336) | Venice | Italy | INTF |
2887=[1160abs] | 1888 | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 537 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 661 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF |
2888=[1909abs] | 16th | Romans 7:7 - 9:21 | 103 | Bavarian State Library, Cod.graec. 110 | Munich | Germany | INTF |
2889=[1929abs] | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Pauline Epistles† | 439 | Bavarian State Library, Cod.graec. 455 | Munich | Germany | BSB,[223] CSNTM Archived 2017-10-04 at the Wayback Machine, INTF |
2890=[1983abs] | 13th | HebrewsP | 104 | Ambrosiana Library, A 241 inf.[224] | Milan | Italy | INTF |
2891=[2036abs] | 16th | RevelationK | 84 | Bavarian State Library, Cod.graec. 248 | Munich | Germany | INTF |
2892 | 10th | Acts† 7:40-28:31; General Epistles; Romans; 1 Corinthians† 1:24-16:24; 2 Corinthians; Galatians† 1:1-3:5, 4:2-6:18; Ephesians - 1 Thessalonians; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-3:6†; 1 Timothy 1:1-4:8†; Titus† 1:5-3:15; Hebrews | 170 | The Van Kampen Foundation, VK 908 | (Unknown) | USA | CSNTM, INTF |
2893 | 13th | 1 Timothy 4:7 - Hebrews 8:8 | 15 | The Van Kampen Foundation, VK 908 fl. 171-185 | (Unknown) | USA | CSNTM, INTF |
2894 | 13th | Gospels | 312 | J. Paul Getty Museum, MS. 65 | Malibu, CA | USA | JPGM[225] |
2895 | 17th | Gospels† | 288 | The Van Kampen Foundation, VK 272 | (Unknown) | USA | CSNTM, INTF |
2896 | 11th | Matthew† 6:5-22; Mark | 39 | The Van Kampen Foundation, VK 862 | (Unknown) | USA | CSNTM, INTF |
2897 | 13th | Gospels | 220 | The Van Kampen Foundation, VK 906 | (Unknown) | USA | CSNTM, INTF |
2898=[278b] | 10th | Matthew† 13:43-17:5 | 9 | National Library, Grec 82, fol. 42-50 | Paris | France | BnF,[226] INTF |
2899=[858b] | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Pauline Epistles | 250 | Vatican Library, Vat.gr.647 | Vatican City | Vatican City | INTF |
2900 | 14th | Matthew† 1:17-28:20; Mark; Luke; John | 221 | Albanian National Archives, ANA 85 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM |
Minuscules 2901–3017
# | Date | Contents | Pages | Institution and refs. | City, State | Country | Images[227] | |
2901 | 13th-14th | Gospels | 422 | Albanian National Archives, ANA 92 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM, INTF | |
2902 | 13th | Gospels | 308 | Albanian National Archives, ANA 93 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM, INTF | |
2903 | 12th-13th | 2 Peter †, John's, Jude, Pauline Epistles † | 108 | Albanian National Archives ANA 98 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM | |
2904 | 11th-12th | Luke 6:45–22:56 † | 31 | Benaki Museum, Fonds Ancien 63 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF | |
2905 | 13th | Gospels | 244 | Benaki Museum, SK 1 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF | |
2906 | 12th | Luke, John † | 48 | Private Property | Nicosia | Cyprus | Frag. | |
2907 | 10th | GospelsS† | 284 | Private Collection | United Kingdom | CSNTM, INTF | ||
2908 | 14th | Matthew and John Gospel fragments † | 4 | Albanian National Archives, ANA Fragment 7 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM, INTF | |
2909 | 16th | Gospels, Pauline Epistles (Revelation copied from a printed edition) | 123 | St. Panteleimon Monastery, 15, f.1-38. 222-317 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF | |
[2910]=2909 | ||||||||
2911 | 14th | Gospels | 259 | Union Theological Seminary, 69 | New York, NY | USA | DS,[228] CSNTM | |
2912 | 14th-15th | Matthew 21:36-28:20; Mark; Luke 1:1-40 | 86 | Albanian National Archives, ANA 76 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM, INTF | |
2913 | 14th | Gospels † | 4 | Albanian National Archives, ANA Fragment 12 | Tirana | Albania | CSNTM, INTF | |
2914 | 11th | John 14:24-15:12; 16:30-17:18 † | 2 | Christ's College, Fragment B | Cambridge | UK | CSNTM, INTF | |
2915 | 13th | Luke 11:52-12:39 | 2 | Municipal Library, 43 | Tyrnavos | Greece | ||
2916 | 13th | Gospels | 270 | Gennadius Library, Gennadius Κ 20 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF | |
2917 | 12th | Revelation | 26 | National Library, Coislin 202 bis (fol. 1-26)[229] | Paris | France | INTF | |
2918 | 1273 | Acts, Pauline Epistles, Revelation | 206 | Vatican Library, Borg.gr.18 (fol. 239-444) | Vatican City | Vatican | INTF | |
2919 | 14th-15th | Revelation | 15 | Vatican Library, Reg.gr.179 (fol. 156-169) | Vatican City | Vatican | INTF | |
2920 | 15th | Revelation | 30 | Marciana National Library, Gr. Z. 10 (394), fol. 382-421 | Venice | Italy | INTF | |
2921 | 15th | Revelation | 20 | Herzog August Library, Codd. Aug. 16.7.4°, fol. 186-205 | Wolfenbüttel | Germany | INTF | |
2922 | 13th | Revelation | 22 | Esphigmenou Monastery, 67, fol. 209-229 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF | |
2923 | 14th | Revelation | 32 | Iviron Monastery, 60, fol. 199-230 | Mount Athos | Greece | INTF | |
2924 | 12th-13th | Revelation 14:10-15:2† | 2 | Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, T. III. 17, fol. 175.176 | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Spain | INTF | |
2925 | 16th | Gospels† | 99 | Gennadius Library, Gennadius 266 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF | |
2926 | 16th | Acts, Pauline Epistles, Revelation† | 74 | Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Saba 676, fol. 1-60.251-263 | Jerusalem | Israel | LOC,[230] INTF, CSNTM | |
2927 | 11th | Gospel of John 4:23-6:7† | 4 | Vatopedi Monastery, 1211, f. 12-15 | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
[2928]=2860 | ||||||||
2929 | 10th | Gospels | 228 | Museum of the Bible, G.C.MS.000139 | Washington, DC | USA | CSNTM | |
2930 | 1331 | Gospels | 178 | Iviron Monastery, 1405 | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
2931 | 1643 | Revelation 16:21-22:21† | 40 | National Library, Supplement Grec 475, fol. 1-40 | Paris | France | BnF,[231] INTF | |
2932 | 10th | John 10:18-31 † | 1 | Yale University Library, Beinecke MS 1114 | New Haven, CT | USA | YUL,[232] CSNTM, INTF | |
2933 | 11th? | Luke 1:1-6 † | 1 | National Library, NLG 118 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM | |
CSNTM | ||||||||
INTF | ||||||||
2934 | 11th-14th | Acts 3:2-5, 8-11; 1 John 2:29-3:3, 5:11-15, 18-21† | 2 | National Library, NLG 2676 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM | |
INTF | ||||||||
2935 | 16th | Mark | 44 | National Library, NLG 2771, 109a - 153a | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF | |
2936 | 1228 | Theophylact Commentary on Romans 7:15–16:24†; 1 Corinthians 1:1–16:16<†; 2 Corinthians 1:6–13:14†; Galatians - Philippians; Colossians 1:1-4:11†; 1 Thessalonians 1:3-5:28†; 2 Thessalonians - Hebrews | 335 | National Library, NLG 3139 | Athens | Greece | CSNTM, INTF | |
2937 | 10th | Gospels | 263 | Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, 122 | Alexandria | Egypt | ||
2938 | 10th-11th | John 2:14-24 | 1 | Tufts University, Welch Collection AC.40.17 | Waltham, MA | USA | ||
2939 | 10th | Gospels†s | 199 | Herzogin Anna Amalia Library, Q 743 | Weimar | Germany | HAAL[233] | |
2940 | 11th-12th | Matthew 28:1-20 | 2 | National Library, 4189, fol. 184-185 | Athens | Greece | ||
2941 | 11th-12th | Matthew 24:38-25:14 | 2 | Berlin State Library, Ms. or. quart. 805, Bl. 1v-2r | Berlin | Germany | ||
2942 | 15th | Matthew | 260 | Yale University Library, Beinecke MS 714 (fol. 15r-121r) | New Haven, CT | USA | YUL,[234] CSNTM | |
2943 | 14th | Luke 3-23†; John 1-11† | 54 | Owner Unknown | Sotheby's[235] | |||
2944 | 14th | John 1:1-25; 8:34-10:34† | 12 | Dunham Bible Museum, Houston Baptist University, 2018.56 + 2019.3 | Houston, TX | USA | ||
2945 | c. 1100 | Gospels | 319 | Braidense National Library, Ms. Donazione Castiglioni 4 | Milan | Italy | ||
2946 | 11th | John 13:27-30 | 1 | Owner unknown (sold 6 July 2016) | Dreweatts[236] | |||
2947 | 12th | Gospels | 421 | Iviron Monastery, 2107 | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
2948 | 1323 | Gospels | 301 | Iviron Monastery, 2110 | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
2949 | 13th | Gospels | 260 | Iviron Monastery, 2105 | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
2950 | 12th | Gospels | 278 | Iviron Monastery, 2113 | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
2951 | 13th | Gospels | 254 | Iviron Monastery, 2112 | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
2952 | 10th | Acts | 72 | Laurentian Library, Conv. Soppr. 191 (f. 1-71) | Florence | Italy | BML[237] | |
2953 | 12th | Matthew 26:59-75 | 1 | Bryn Mawr College, 2012.11.103 | Bryn Mawr, PA | USA | BMC[238] | |
2954 | 12th | Gospels | 293 | Museum of Oltenia, MS. 22 | Craiova | Romania | MO[239] | |
2955 | 16th | Gospels† | 79 | V.A. Urechia Library, Ms. V/2 | Galati | Romania | ||
2956 | 12th | Luke 20:17-21 | 1 | Concattedrale di S. Maria Assunta | Gerace | Italy | ||
2957 | c. 1540 | Theophylact Commentary on John | 214 | Duke University, Greek MS 053 | Durham, NC | USA | DU[240] | |
2958 | 10th/11th | Matthew / John | 7 | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 788B, fol. 2r, 6v, 3r (sic) | Vatican City | Vatican City | ||
2959 | 11th/12th | 1 Peter 4:4-5:4 | 1 | Vernadsky National Library, Ф. V (OTIS), 3620 | Kiev | Ukraine | ||
2960 | 13th | Pauline Epistles | 20 | Vernadsky National Library, Φ. 72 (КГр), 4 | Kiev | Ukraine | ||
2961 | 11th-12th | Theophylact Commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians | 347 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 308 | Sinai | Egypt | LOC[241] | |
2962 | 10th | Paul's Epistles | 309 | Bodleian Library, Auct. T. 1. 7 (Misc. 185) | Oxford | United Kingdom | ||
2963 | 1290 | Gospels | 154 | National Library of France, Suppl. Gr. 1259, fol. 1-154 | Paris | France | BnF[242] | |
2964 | 11th/12th | Matthew, John | 187 | National Library, Gr. 200 | Paris | France | BnF[243] | |
2965 | 1360-1380 | John (Nicetas Catena) | 502 | Regional Museum, MIK 6370 | Mikulov | Czech Republic | MS[244] | |
2966 | 10th/11th | Romans | 2 | Vernadsky National Library, Φ. I (Лм), 137/1 | Kiev | Ukraine | ||
2967 | 12th | Gospels | 309 | Iviron Monastery, (2108) | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
2968 | 12th | Gospels | 278 | Iviron Monastery, (2109) | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
2969 | 12th | Gospels | 326 | Iviron Monastery, (2114) | Mount Athos | Greece | ||
2970 | 18th | Revelation 1:1-21:9 | 52 | Evangelistria Monastery, 71 | Skiathos | Greece | ||
2971 | 14th | Gospels | 198 | Dikigorikos Syllogos Library, 1 | Rethymno | Crete, Greece | ||
2972 | ||||||||
2973 | 18th | Gospels | 108 | Pantokratoros Monastery, 2005 | Mount Athos | Greece | MAR[245] | |
2974 | 14th-15th | Gospels | 285 | Protaton Church, 83, fol. 1-285 | Mount Athos | Greece | MAR[246] | |
2975 | 14th | Matthew (Nicetas Catena) | 143 | Bodleian Library, Auct. E.2.2, ff. 1–109 and 244–277 | Oxford | United Kingdom | ||
2976 | 1316 | Theophylact Commentary on Luke | 15 | National Library, Grec 214, fol. 221-235 | Paris | France | BnF[247] | |
2977 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on John | 183 | National Library, Grec 233 | Paris | France | BnF[248] | |
2978 | 16th | Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 37 | Vallicelliana Library, F. 9, fol. 21-52 | Rome | Italy | ||
2979 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on John | 170 | Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 307 | Sinai | Egypt | LoC[249] | |
2980 | 1552 | Gospel of Luke | 275 | Municipal Library, 13 | Perpignan | France | ML[250] | |
2981 | 16th | Matthew 5:17-35; 7:3, 6, 7, 9-23 | 2 | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2275, ff. 45–46 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[251] | |
2982 | 17th | Zigabenus Commentary on Matthew 1:1-7, 20-25; 2:7-3:1 | 9 | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2275, fol. 155-163 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[252] | |
2983 | 17th | Theophylact Commentary on John 1:5-7 | 1 | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 2275, fol. 184 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[253] | |
2984 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on Matthew | 78 | Yale University Library, Beinecke MS 235, fol. 136r-213v | New Haven, CT | United States | YUL[254] | |
2985 | 15th | Theophylact Commentary on John | 215 | Vatican Library, Vat. gr. 1753, fol. 246-461 | Vatican City | Vatican City | DVL[255] | |
2986 | 14th | Gospel of John 14:19-21:25; 8:3-11 | 39 | University Library, A.III.51 | Basel | Switzerland | ||
2987 | 12th | Pauline Epistles, General Epistles | 268 | Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Y. II. 1 | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Spain | RBME | |
2988 | 14th/15th | Theophylact Commentary on Matthew | 88 | National Library of Austria, Theol. gr. 209, fol. 56-143 | Vienna | Austria | ||
2989 | 13th | Theophylact Commentary on Luke, John | 158 | National Museum, 76 | Ohrid | Macedonia | ||
2990 | 11th | Gospel of Luke | 38 | Angelica Library, Ang. gr. 67, fol. 139-177 | Rome | Italy | IC[256] | |
2991 | Revelation | 144 | National Library of Spain, 4589, fol. 1-144 | Madrid | Spain | NLS[257] | ||
2992 | 14th | Revelation | 50 | National University Library, Peyron, 12 | Turin | Italy | ||
2993 | 12th | Matthew (Nicetas Catena) | 114 | Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, B.III.25 | Turin | Italy | ||
2994 | 11th | Matthew and Luke | 55 | Dikigorikos Syllogos Library, 2 | Rhethymno, Crete | Greece | ||
2995 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 1 | Monastery of Korona, 6 | Karditsa | Greece | ||
2996 | 13th/14th | Acts | 8 | Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, EHAI 908, fol. 231-238 | Sofia | Bulgaria | ||
2997 | 16th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 1 | Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Saba 300 | Jerusalem | |||
2998 | 14th | Theophylact Commentary on the Gospels | 152 | Great Meteoron Monastery, 373 | Meteora | Greece | ||
2999 | 16th | Zigabenus Commentary on the Pauline Epistles | 137 | Bavarian State Library, Cod. graec. 259 | Munich | Germany | BSL | |
3000 | 11th/12th | Gospels | 275 | Herzogin Anna Amalia Library, Oct 452 | Weimar | Germany | HAAL [258] | |
3001 | 1230 | Theophylact Commentary on John | 132 | Herzogin Anna Amalia Library, Fol. 516 | Weimar | Germany | HAAL [259] | |
3002 | 14th | Gospels | 166 | Archbishopric Collection, 65 | Nicosia | Cyprus | ||
3003 | 10th | Gospel of Mark | 3 | Library of the Russian Academy of Science, RAIK 15 | Saint Petersburg | Russia | ||
3004 | ca. 1775 | Revelation | 484 | National Library of Spain, 4836 | Madrid | Spain | NLS [260] | |
3005 | ca. 1775 | Revelation | 125 | National Library of Spain, 4663, fol. 7-132 | Madrid | Spain | NLS [261] | |
3006 | 1717 | Revelation | 39 | Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, EHAI 876, fol. 133-174 | Sofia | Bulgaria | ||
3007 | 10th | Revelation 1:1 | 2 | Laurentian Medicean Library, Pluteo VI.19, fol. 173-174 | Florence | Italy | ||
3008 | 13th/14th | Luke 1:74-2:14 | 1 | Parrocchia di S. Maria del Gamio e delle Armi, frammento 42 | Saracena | Italy | ||
Luke 2:46-3:9 | 1 | Chiesa Monumentale di San Guliano | Castrovillari | Italy | ||||
3009 | 14th | Matthew, Mark, and Luke | 155 | St. John the Theologian Monastery, 304, fol. 162-316 | Patmos | Greece | ||
3010 | 15th | Matthew 1:12-5:7 | 7 | National Library of Austria, Hist. gr. 88, fol. 245-251 | Vienna | Austria | ||
3011 | 15th/16th | Luke 1:26-79 | 3 | Communale Augusta Library, G 11, fol. 79-81 | Perugia | Italy | ||
3012 | 15th | John 1:1-5:6 | 10 | Fitzwilliam Museum, MS CFM 30 | Cambridge | United Kingdom | FM [262] | |
3013 | ||||||||
3014 | 13th/14th | Gospels | 371 | Dousikou Monastery, 121 | Trikala | Greece | ||
3015 | 10th | John 11:57-12:40 | 2 | Bodleian Library, Lincoln College, Ms. Gr. 23 | Oxford | United Kingdom | ||
3016 | 10th | Gospels | 270 | German National Library, Klemmsammlung I,101 (Olim Eing. 1973/532) | Leipzig | Germany | ||
3017 | 10th/11th | Gospels | 242 | German National Library, Klemmsammlung I, 102 (Olim Eing. 1973/531) | Leipzig | Germany |
Folio 121 of Minuscule 2755
2 Peter 1:1–2 in Minuscule 2818
See also
- List of New Testament papyri
- List of New Testament uncials
- List of New Testament minuscules (1–1000)
- List of New Testament minuscules (1001–2000)
- List of New Testament minuscules ordered by Location/Institution
- List of New Testament lectionaries
- List of New Testament amulets
Lists of minuscules (2001–)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2001–2100)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2101–2200)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2201–2300)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2301–2400)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2401–2500)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2501–2600)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2601–2700)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2701–2800)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2801–2900)
- List of New Testament minuscules (2901–)
- ^ Eberhard Nestle, Erwin Nestle, Barbara Aland and Kurt Aland (eds), Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th edition, (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2001).
- ^ The two primary collections of manuscript images include the CSNTM ( "Manuscript Search". Center for the Student of New Testament Manuscripts. 7 July 2010. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) and the INTF ( "Manuscript Workspace". Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) Other hosted images are referenced separately.
- ^ "Manuscript - Reg.gr.4". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Plut.09.10". Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "Supplement Grec 1264". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Hagios Sabas 217. Theodoret of Syria: Commentary on Paul. 14th cent. 195 f. Pa. 31 ft". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "Nicephorus Gregoras, Solutiones quaestionum philosophicarum. Gregory Nazianzen, works. Matthaeus Camariota, works. John of Damascus, works. Rhetorical and theological texts". Digital Bodleian. Retrieved 2017-06-22.
- ^ "Harley MS 5678". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.
- ^ "Mscr.Dresd.A.124". Saxon State Library. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "Collectio theologica de haeresibus". Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
- ^ "Grec 19". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Supplement Grec 99". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Grec 491". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Grec 239". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Grec 241". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Manuscript - Vat.gr.1904.pt.2". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Plut.07.09". Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "Cod.graec. 544". Bavarian State Library. Retrieved 2017-08-13.
- ^ "Cod.graec. 23". Bavarian State Library. Retrieved 2017-08-13.
- ^ "Add MS 39612". British Library. Retrieved 2017-05-31.[permanent dead link ]
- ^ "Commentarius in Apocalypsin". Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
- ^ "Commentarius in Apocalypsin : Cap. 1-72 (Prologus deest)". Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-28.[permanent dead link ]
- ^ "Commentarii in Apocalypsin". Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
- ^ "Grec 240". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Coislin 256". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-09-05.
- ^ "Plut.07.29". Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "Roma, Biblioteca Angelica, Manoscritti greci, Ang. gr. 57". Internet Culturale. Retrieved 2017-09-13.
- ^ "Roma, Biblioteca Angelica, Manoscritti greci, Ang. gr. 32". Internet Culturale. Retrieved 2017-09-13.
- ^ "Manuscript - Chig.R.V.33". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-09-12.
- ^ "Manuscript - Vat.gr.370". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Manuscript - Vat.gr.1190.pt.1". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2018-11-29.
- ^ "Manuscript - Vat.gr.2129". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Manuscript - Ott.gr.154". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2016-08-19.
- ^ "Manuscript - Ott.gr.283". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2016-08-19.
- ^ "Mscr.Dresd.A.187". Saxon State Library. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "Greek Manuscripts 277. Praxapostolos". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
- ^ "Greek Manuscripts 278. Praxapostolos". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
- ^ Parker, D. C. (2008). An Introduction to New Testament Manuscripts and their Texts (PDF). Cambridge University Press. p. 41. ISBN 978-0-511-41419-0. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-02-07. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
- ^ "Digitised Manuscripts". The British Library. Retrieved 2019-05-07.
- ^ The two primary collections of manuscript images include the CSNTM ( "Manuscript Search". Center for the Student of New Testament Manuscripts. 7 July 2010. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) and the INTF ( "Manuscript Workspace". Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) Other hosted images are referenced separately.
- ^ "Euthymius Zigabenus, Commentaries on four Gospels. Etc". Digital Bodleian. Retrieved 2017-06-22.
- ^ "Theophylact, Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles. Gregory Nazianzen, Homilia in resurrectionem. Life of St. Alexius. Etc". Digital Bodleian. Retrieved 2017-06-22.
- ^ "Catena on St. John's Gospel". Digital Bodleian. Retrieved 2017-06-22.
- ^ "MS. E. D. Clarke 42". Bodleian Library. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
- ^ "MS. Auct. E. 1. 6". Bodleian Library. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
- ^ "MS. Auct. T. 2. 1". Bodleian Library. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
- ^ "MS. Cromwell 17". Bodleian Library. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
- ^ "Grec 702". Bibliothèque Nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
- ^ "Fragments de manuscrits". Bibliothèque Nationale. Retrieved 2016-07-08.
- ^ "Supplement Grec 1282". Bibliothèque Nationale. Retrieved 2016-07-08.
- ^ "Lost and Found. The Return of Manuscript 18". Museum of the Bible. Retrieved 2019-07-31.
- ^ "Four Gospels". Pergamos. Retrieved 2019-05-07.
- ^ "Four Gospels". Pergamos. Retrieved 2019-05-07.
- ^ "Gospels". Pergamos. Retrieved 2019-05-07.
- ^ "New Testament-Psalter". Free Library of Philadelphia. Retrieved 2017-06-27.
- ^ "W.530.C, The Four Evangelists and Two Apostles". The Digital Walters. 17 January 2014. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
- ^ "Manuscript - Ross.135". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2016-08-19.
- ^ "Manuscript - Ross.136". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-09-12.
- ^ "Manuscript - Ross.137". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-09-12.
- ^ "Manuscript - Ross.138". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-09-12.
- ^ The two primary collections of manuscript images include the CSNTM ( "Manuscript Search". Center for the Student of New Testament Manuscripts. 7 July 2010. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) and the INTF ( "Manuscript Workspace". Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) Other hosted images are referenced separately.
- ^ "Gospel Book" (PDF). Leimonos Monastery. Retrieved 2019-06-25.
- ^ "Gospel Book" (PDF). Leimonos Monastery. Retrieved 2019-06-25.
- ^ "W.523, Gospel Book". The Digital Walters. 17 January 2014. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
- ^ "Ms. 138, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-02.
- ^ "Monastery of Mega Spileo - Kalavrita". Monasteries of Greece. 18 December 2012. Retrieved 2018-06-18.
- ^ "Supplement Grec 1299". Bibliothèque Nationale. Retrieved 2016-07-08.
- ^ "Hagios Sabas 149. Theophylact: Commentary on Paul. 14th cent. 302 f. Pa. 46 ft". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "Ms. 727, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-02.
- ^ "New Testament, Gospel of St. Mark". Duke University Libraries Digital Collections. Retrieved 2017-06-23.
- ^ "Add MS 37001". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link ]
- ^ "Add MS 37002". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link ]
- ^ "Add MS 37003". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link ]
- ^ "Add MS 36752". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link ]
- ^ "Pauline Epistles". Gothenburg University Library. Retrieved 2017-09-14.
- ^ "Add MS 37320". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link ]
- ^ "Add MS 37485". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link ]
- ^ "Add MS 37486". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link ]
- ^ "Tetraeuangelion". Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
- ^ "Actes des Apôtres et Epîtres". Bibliothèque Nationale. Retrieved 2016-07-08.
- ^ The two primary collections of manuscript images include the CSNTM ( "Manuscript Search". Center for the Student of New Testament Manuscripts. 7 July 2010. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) and the INTF ( "Manuscript Workspace". Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) Other hosted images are referenced separately.
- ^ "Hagios Sabas 537. Apocalypse with Commentary of Andreas of Caesarea. 14th cent. 71 f. Pa. 9 ft". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "Hagios Sabas 605. Four Gospels, Acts, etc. 10th, 12th, 14th cent. 81 f. Pg. & Pa. 10 ft". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "Hagios Sabas 617. Praxapostolos, etc. 14th cent. 241 f. Pa. 22 ft". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
- ^ "The four gospels in Greek : Codex Torontonensis : manuscript". University of Toronto Libraries. Retrieved 2017-09-14.
- ^ "HRC_24" (PDF). Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center. Retrieved 2016-07-08.
- ^ "Bible. N. T. Gospels, 'Hoffman Gospels'". Yale University Library. Retrieved 2017-06-27.
- ^ "Supplement Grec 1316". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
- ^ "Coislin 18". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
- ^ "Greek Manuscripts 1591. Four Gospels". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
- ^ "Greek Manuscripts 1594. New Testament". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
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