This is a list of Crayon Shin-chan episodes that aired from 2002 to 2011.[1]
# | Title | Original Airdate | |||||
423 | "Quiet Himawari is dangerous" (Japanese: 静かなひまわりは危険だゾ) | January 11, 2002 | |||||
"Nanako Sister’s Kimono" (Japanese: ななこおねいさんの着物姿だゾ) | |||||||
424 | "Find a yokan" (Japanese: よーかんを見つけるゾ) | January 18, 2002 | |||||
"Masao-kun's Image Change" (Japanese: マサオくんイメージチェンジだゾ) | |||||||
425 | "Action Mask’s new special move" (Japanese: アクション仮面の新必殺技だゾ) | January 25, 2002 | |||||
"A slapstick fuss in the corridor" (Japanese: 廊下でドタバタ大騒ぎだゾ) | |||||||
426 | "The door is broken" (Japanese: ドアが壊れちゃったゾ) | February 1, 2002 | |||||
"I want to eat this potato" (Japanese: こっちのおイモが食べたいゾ) | |||||||
427 | "I want to see cactus and flowers" (Japanese: サボテンの花が見たいゾ) | February 8, 2002 | |||||
"I can’t sleep before the exam" (Japanese: 試験の前は眠れないゾ) | |||||||
428 | "Shopping on a snowy day is hard" (Japanese: 雪の日の買物はたいへんだゾ) | February 22, 2002 | |||||
"The Stakeout Detectives Are Here" (Japanese: 張り込み刑事が来たゾ) | |||||||
429 | "A fateful pass announcement" (Japanese: 運命の合格発表だゾ) | March 1, 2002 | |||||
"A big gathering in the apartment" (Japanese: アパートに大集合だゾ) | |||||||
430 | "Yu-chan’s audition" (Japanese: 優ちゃんのオーディションだゾ) | March 8, 2002 | |||||
431 | "A make-up artist" (Japanese: メイクアップアーティストだゾ) | March 15, 2002 | |||||
(Japanese: 晩ご飯は内緒だゾ) | |||||||
432 | "I will never do it for my bride" (Japanese: 嫁には絶対やらないゾ) | March 22, 2002 | |||||
"Tension including Shinobu tolerant" (Japanese: 張り込みは忍耐だゾ) | |||||||
SPECIAL–31 | "Oedo Land Fire (1994) <again>" (Japanese: 大江戸ランド 火の巻だゾ(1994年)〈再〉) | March 29, 2002 | |||||
"Oedo Land Water (1994) <again>" (Japanese: 大江戸ランド 水の巻だゾ(1994年)〈再〉) | |||||||
"The secret Bo-chan" (Japanese: ヒミツのボーちゃんだゾ) | |||||||
"The drive is throbbing" (Japanese: ドライブはドキドキだゾ) | |||||||
"Red Zukin and Purple Zukin (1997) <again>" (Japanese: 赤ズキンと紫ズキンだゾ(1997年)〈再〉) | |||||||
SPECIAL–32 | "Sci-fi murder cyborg (1997) <again>" (Japanese: SF殺人サイボーグだゾ(1997年)〈再〉) | April 20, 2002 | |||||
"Shiro is a lover" (Japanese: 四郎君に恋人だゾ) | |||||||
"The cherry blossom viewing of the rub villa again" (Japanese: またずれ荘のお花見だゾ) | |||||||
433 | "No good and bad" (Japanese: ダメとヤダは禁止だゾ) | April 27, 2002 | |||||
"The house is finally completed" (Japanese: いよいよお家が完成するゾ) | |||||||
434 | "Lisa Aspirin is back" (Japanese: リサ・アスピリンが帰って来たゾ) | May 4, 2002 | |||||
"Rice with soup is delicious" (Japanese: つゆかけご飯はおいしいゾ) | |||||||
"Hoshi and Deca approach quickly" (Japanese: ホシとデカが急接近だゾ) | |||||||
435 | "Take a walk with the supermodel" (Japanese: スーパーモデルとお散歩だゾ) | May 11, 2002 | |||||
"The director’s magic show" (Japanese: 園長先生のマジックショーだゾ) | |||||||
"Goodbye Yu-chan" (Japanese: さよなら優ちゃんだゾ) | |||||||
436 | "Farewell to Chub rub villa, Chub rub large investigation line" (Japanese: さらばまたずれ荘 またずれ大捜査線だゾ) | May 18, 2002 | |||||
437 | "Come back to my home" (Japanese: 我が家に戻って来たゾ) | May 25, 2002 | |||||
"Shiro is always with me" (Japanese: シロもズーッと一緒だゾ) | |||||||
"Start a new home" (Japanese: 新しい家のスタートだゾ) | |||||||
438 | "Bath with Dad" (Japanese: 父ちゃんと一緒にお風呂だゾ) | June 1, 2002 | |||||
"Teachers’ joint party" (Japanese: 先生たちの合コンだゾ) | |||||||
"I can’t decide on a gift" (Japanese: プレゼントが決まらないゾ) | |||||||
439 | "The secret door in the new house" (Japanese: 新しい家のひみつを発見だゾ) | June 8, 2002 | |||||
"Bo-chan’s Important Thing" (Japanese: ボーちゃんの一大事だゾ) | |||||||
"I Rely on Mom" (Japanese: 母ちゃんはオラが頼りだゾ) | |||||||
Note: This is the last episode to be animated in cels. | |||||||
440 | "Introducing Nupan IV" (Japanese: ヌパン4世登場だゾ) | June 15, 2002 | |||||
"Clean this time" (Japanese: 今度こそキレイにするゾ) | |||||||
"Dad's Kindergarten Visiting Day" (Japanese: 父ちゃんの保育参観日だゾ) | |||||||
441 | "This time it’s really beautiful" (Japanese: 今度こそ本当にキレイにするゾ) | June 22, 2002 | |||||
"Masao-kun elopes" (Japanese: マサオくんが駆け落ちするゾ) | |||||||
"Midnight Fushigi taste" (Japanese: 真夜中のフシギな味だゾ) | |||||||
442 | "A suspicious man appeared" (Japanese: 怪しいオトコが現れたゾ) | July 6, 2002 | |||||
"Go get a frog" (Japanese: カエル取りに行くゾ) | |||||||
"Did you come to play?" (Japanese: 遊びに来た?ってカンジだゾ) | |||||||
443 | "I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s picnic" (Japanese: 明日のピクニックは楽しみだゾ) | July 13, 2002 | |||||
"I’m a master of obento" (Japanese: オラはおべんとうの達人だゾ) | |||||||
"Picnic is a fuss" (Japanese: ピクニックは大騒ぎだゾ) | |||||||
444 | "My Tachi Kasukabe Opera Company" (Japanese: オラ達かすかべ歌劇団だゾ) | July 20, 2002 | |||||
"Tutor comes" (Japanese: 家庭教師が来るゾ) | |||||||
"Dad's Secret Email Friend" (Japanese: 父ちゃんのヒミツのメル友だゾ) | |||||||
445 | "Care for hedges" (Japanese: 生け垣の手入れをするゾ) | July 27, 2002 | |||||
"Uninhabited island survival" (Japanese: 無人島のサバイバルだゾ) | |||||||
"Midnight watermelon play" (Japanese: 真夜中のスイカ遊びだゾ) | |||||||
446 | "Hot and long day" (Japanese: 暑くて長い一日だゾ) | August 3, 2002 | |||||
"A walk with Shiro is hard" (Japanese: シロとの散歩はハードだゾ) | |||||||
"Staying childcare is exciting" (Japanese: お泊まり保育はドキドキだゾ) | |||||||
447 | "Welcome everyone" (Japanese: みんなをお迎えするゾ) | August 10, 2002 | |||||
"After all shaved ice in summer" (Japanese: 夏はやっぱりかき氷だゾ) | |||||||
"Leave directions" (Japanese: 道案内はおまかせだゾ) | |||||||
448 | "Grandpa in Kyushu is tough" (Japanese: 九州のじいちゃんは厳しいゾ) | August 17, 2002 | |||||
"Grandpa stays" (Japanese: じいちゃんがお泊まりするゾ) | |||||||
"Same wherever you go" (Japanese: どこへ行っても同じだゾ) | |||||||
449 | "Shiro’s wedding" (Japanese: シロの結婚式だゾ) | August 31, 2002 | |||||
"Preparing for a typhoon" (Japanese: 台風の準備だゾ) | |||||||
"Part-time job is also difficult" (Japanese: アルバイトも大変だゾ) | |||||||
450 | "Shiro’s vaccination" (Japanese: シロの予防注射だゾ) | September 7, 2002 | |||||
"Mom also likes heroes" (Japanese: 母ちゃんもヒーロー好きだゾ) | |||||||
"I’ve run out of things to change" (Japanese: 着替える物が無くなっちゃったゾ) | |||||||
451 | "I’ll get rid of everything" (Japanese: 何でも片づけちゃうゾ) | September 14, 2002 | |||||
"Shiro and fight" (Japanese: シロとケンカだゾ) | |||||||
"Crab tastes like an adult" (Japanese: カニはオトナの味だゾ) | |||||||
SPECIAL–33 | "Treasure hunter Misae vinegar maiden clan" (Japanese: トレジャーハンターみさえ 酢乙女家の一族) | September 28, 2002 | |||||
"Leader Teacher’s strawberry cake (1999) <again>" (Japanese: 組長先生のイチゴケーキだゾ(1999年)〈再〉) | |||||||
"Masao-kun who is good at imitating (1999) <again>" (Japanese: 物まね上手のマサオくんだゾ(1999年)〈再〉) | |||||||
"Petit Petit Himawari 4" (Japanese: プッチプチひまわり4) | |||||||
"Grass baseball tokkun (1997) <again>" (Japanese: 草野球のトックンだゾ(1997年)〈再〉) | |||||||
"Play with an electric massage machine (1999) <again>" (Japanese: 電気マッサージ機で遊ぶゾ(1999年)〈再〉) | |||||||
"Gundam Robo broke (1999) <again>" (Japanese: カンタムロボが壊れたゾ(1999年)〈再〉) | |||||||
452 | "Red scorpion corps after a long absence" (Japanese: 久しぶりの紅さそり隊だゾ) | November 2, 2002 | |||||
"I got fat" (Japanese: オラ太っちゃったゾ) | |||||||
"Do hair manicure" (Japanese: ヘアマニキュアをするゾ) | |||||||
453 | "Preparing to go out is difficult" (Japanese: お出かけの準備は大変だゾ) | November 9, 2002 | |||||
"Nene-chan’s confession" (Japanese: ネネちゃんの告白だゾ) | |||||||
"I want to take a nap" (Japanese: 昼寝がしたいゾ) | |||||||
454 | "Grandpa’s house in Kyushu is fun" (Japanese: 九州のじいちゃん家は楽しいゾ) | November 16, 2002 | |||||
455 | "Kureshin Unbalance Zone Petit Devil" (Japanese: クレしんアンバランスゾーン プチ悪魔) | November 23, 2002 | |||||
"Stay at Hinabita Hot Spring Inn" (Japanese: ひなびた温泉旅館に泊まるゾ) | |||||||
"Mobile phone is convenient" (Japanese: 携帯電話は便利だゾ) | |||||||
456 | "Entered the Boy Scout" (Japanese: ボーイスカウトに入ったゾ) | November 30, 2002 | |||||
"Boy Scouts are Fun" (Japanese: ボーイスカウトは楽しいゾ) | |||||||
"Kureshin Unbalance Zone Burning Majin" (Japanese: クレしんアンバランスゾーン 灼熱魔人) | |||||||
457 | "Kureshin Unbalance Zone Ooo No Shinnosuke" (Japanese: クレしんアンバランスゾーン オオオのしんのすけ) | December 7, 2002 | |||||
"Mom is a cooking teacher" (Japanese: 母ちゃんは料理の先生だゾ) | |||||||
"Matsuzaka-sensei’s worries" (Japanese: まつざか先生の悩みだゾ) | |||||||
SPECIAL–34 | "Masao-kun’s lost item" (Japanese: マサオ君の落とし物だゾ) | December 21, 2002 | |||||
"Paid leave gets tired" (Japanese: 有給休暇は疲れるゾ) | |||||||
"I’m a golf coach" (Japanese: オラはゴルフのコーチだゾ) | |||||||
"Mom’s yoga is dangerous (1994) <again>" (Japanese: 母ちゃんのヨガは危険だゾ(1994年)〈再〉) | |||||||
"Courier has a hard time (1994) <again>" (Japanese: 宅配便さんはご苦労だゾ(1994年)〈再〉) | |||||||
"Feeling happy in Hotai (1998) <again>" (Japanese: ホータイでしあわせ気分だゾ(1998年)〈再〉) | |||||||
# | Title | Original Airdate |
458 | "This is like youth (Episode 1)" (Japanese: これが!青春らしいゾ(第一話)) | January 11, 2003 |
"Shopping by car with Mom" (Japanese: 母ちゃんと車で買い物だゾ) | ||
"I want a sports car" (Japanese: スポーツカーが欲しいゾ) | ||
459 | "This is like youth (Episode 2)" (Japanese: これが!青春らしいゾ(第一話)) | January 18, 2003 |
"Shiro and fight" (Japanese: シロをレンタルするゾ) | ||
"Aunt Okei’s runaway" (Japanese: おケイおばさんの家出だゾ) | ||
460 | "I’m full with help" (Japanese: お手伝いでお腹がいっぱいだゾ) | January 25, 2003 |
"Lost in bird watching" (Japanese: バードウォッチングで迷子だゾ) | ||
"This is like youth (Episode 3)" (Japanese: これが!青春らしいゾ(第三話)) | ||
461 | "Go buy kerosene" (Japanese: 灯油を買いに行くゾ) | February 1, 2003 |
"Sledding with Masao-kun" (Japanese: マサオ君とそり遊びだゾ) | ||
"This is like youth (Episode 4)" (Japanese: これが!青春らしいゾ(第四話)) | ||
462 | "The Hiccoughs Won't Stop" (Japanese: シャックリが止まらないゾ) | February 8, 2003 |
"Soft-soaping Goes Wrong" (Japanese: おねだりはうまくいかないゾ) | ||
"Keeping Goldfish" (Japanese: 金魚を飼うゾ) | ||
463 | "Phantom yogurt" (Japanese: 幻のヨーグルトだゾ) | February 15, 2003 |
"Exchange application tickets" (Japanese: 応募券を交換するゾ) | ||
"Read elegantly" (Japanese: お上品に読書をするゾ) | ||
SPECIAL–35 | "Dashi Stock Shin-chan" (Japanese: だし取りしんちゃん) | February 22, 2003 |
"Get pocket tissue" (Japanese: ポケットティッシュをもらうゾ) | ||
"Nene-chan is scared when she gets angry (1998) <again>" (Japanese: 怒るとこわいネネちゃんだゾ(1998年)〈再〉) | ||
"Shiro was Me (2000) <again>" (Japanese: シロがオラだっただゾ(2000年)〈再〉) | ||
"Futaba Angel (2000) <again>" (Japanese: フタバエンジェル(2000年)〈再〉) | ||
"Petit Petit Himawari 1 (2000) <again>" (Japanese: プッチプチひまわり1(2000年)〈再〉) | ||
"Petit Petit Himawari 2 (2000) <again>" (Japanese: プッチプチひまわり2(2000年)〈再〉) | ||
"Petit Petit Himawari 3 (2000) <again>" (Japanese: プッチプチひまわり3(2001年)〈再〉) | ||
464 | "Kazama-kun will advance" (Japanese: 風間君は出世するゾ) | March 8, 2003 |
"Home visit today" (Japanese: 今日は家庭訪問だゾ) | ||
"Home visit today" (Japanese: 今日は家庭訪問だゾ) | ||
SPECIAL–36 | "Flow board Shinnosuke" (Japanese: 流れ板しんのすけだゾ) | April 12, 2003 |
"Make yakisoba" (Japanese: 焼きそばを作るゾ) | ||
"Go to rival kindergarten (1998) <again>" (Japanese: ライバル幼稚園に行くゾ(1998年)〈再〉) | ||
"Rival kindergarten children came to scout (1998) <again>" (Japanese: ライバル園児が偵察に来たゾ(1998年)〈再〉) | ||
"Confront rival kindergarten children (1998) <again>" (Japanese: ライバル園児と対決するゾ(1998年)〈再〉) | ||
465 | "Tug of war tournament" (Japanese: 綱引き大会だゾ) | April 19, 2003 |
"Relaxing shopping" (Japanese: のんびりお買い物だゾ) | ||
"Shut out the bikin" (Japanese: バイキンをシャットアウトするゾ) | ||
466 | "Leave Gaugetsu" (Japanese: ゲージツを残すゾ) | April 26, 2003 |
"The ideal face of the director" (Japanese: 園長先生の理想の顔だゾ) | ||
"I'm a Kendo Master" (Japanese: オラは剣の達人だゾ) | ||
467 | "Boys Be Ambitious" (Japanese: ボーイズ・ビー・アンビシャスだゾ) | May 3, 2003 |
"Matsuzaka-sensei with children" (Japanese: 子連れまつざか先生だゾ) | ||
"Learn kendo for free" (Japanese: タダで剣道を習うゾ) | ||
468 | "Masao-kun courage" (Japanese: マサオ君勇気だゾ) | May 10, 2003 |
"Dad’s snacks" (Japanese: 父ちゃんのおつまみだゾ) | ||
"Absolutely go to bargain" (Japanese: 絶対バーゲンにいくゾ) | ||
469 | "Misae Nohara, the last-minute housewife" (Japanese: ギリギリの主婦みさえだゾ) | May 17, 2003 |
"Shiro It’s a big strategy of love" (Japanese: 四郎 恋の大作戦だゾ) | ||
"Sword training is strict" (Japanese: 剣の修行はきびしいゾ) | ||
470 | "Mysterious glasses" (Japanese: ふしぎなメガネ) | May 24, 2003 |
"First kendo" (Japanese: 初めての剣道だゾ) | ||
"Last-minute employee Hiroshi" (Japanese: ギリギリの社員ひろしだゾ) | ||
471 | "Moretsu Attack on Mt. Kasukabe" (Japanese: かすかべ岳にモーレツ アタックだゾ) | May 31, 2003 |
472 | "Musashino Kenta: Introduction to Mom’s Kendo" (Japanese: 武蔵野剣太 母ちゃんの剣道入門) | June 7, 2003 |
"Protect the eggs" (Japanese: たまごをお守りするゾ) | ||
"Beaten rabbit’s counterattack" (Japanese: 殴られウサギの逆襲だゾ) | ||
473 | "Bo-chan’s treasure stone" (Japanese: ボーちゃんの宝の石だゾ) | June 14, 2003 |
"Family restaurant and stress" (Japanese: ファミレスでストレスだゾ) | ||
"I’m Absolutely Byoki" (Japanese: オラは絶対ビョーキだゾ) | ||
474 | "Masao-kun and Bo-chan broke up" (Japanese: マサオくんとボーちゃんが絶交だゾ) | June 28, 2003 |
"I also want a bed" (Japanese: オラもベッドが欲しいゾ) | ||
"Mom’s intention savings" (Japanese: 母ちゃんのつもり貯金だゾ) | ||
475 | "Planet of dog" (Japanese: 犬の惑星) | July 5, 2003 |
"Don’t mess up" (Japanese: 散らかしちゃダメダメだゾ) | ||
476 | "Musashino Kenta: Introduction to Robert’s Kendo" (Japanese: 武蔵野剣太 ロベルトの剣道入門) | July 12, 2003 |
"Kazama-kun’s premier card" (Japanese: 風間くんのプレミアカードだゾ) | ||
477 | "Swimming In the Ocean with Nanako" (Japanese: ななこおねいさんと海水浴だゾ) | July 19, 2003 |
478 | "Country life is great" (Japanese: 田舎暮らしはサイコーだゾ) | July 26, 2003 |
"Everyone can’t sleep tonight" (Japanese: 今夜はみんな眠れないゾ) | ||
"Flowing lunch" (Japanese: 流れるランチだゾ) | ||
479 | "Misae Nohara, a housewife at the last-minute, pool with children" (Japanese: ギリギリ主婦みさえ 子連れでプール) | August 2, 2003 |
"DoCoMo Ajii" (Japanese: ドコもあじぃ〜ゾ) | ||
"Doesn’t seem to have a presence" (Japanese: 存在感があるようで無いゾ) | ||
480 | "Tropical nights are noisy" (Japanese: 熱帯夜はうるさいゾ) | August 16, 2003 |
"Yoshinaga-sensei’s summer vacation" (Japanese: よしなが先生の夏休みだゾ) | ||
"Musashino Kenta: Dojo Yaburi of the Red Scorpion Corps" (Japanese: 武蔵野剣太 紅さそり隊の道場破り) | ||
SPECIAL–37 | "Saturday special Nohara Hiroshi Expedition -Follow the legend of golden business cards!-" (Japanese: 土曜スペシャル 野原ひろし探検隊 -黄金の名刺伝説を追え!-) | August 23, 2003 |
"Last-minute housewife Misae went on a trip" (Japanese: ギギリギリ主婦みさえ 旅行に行きたぁ〜い) | ||
481 | "Misae Nohara, a housewife at the last-minute, is thrilled on a hot spring trip" (Japanese: ギリギリ主婦みさえ 温泉旅行でドキドキよ) | August 30, 2003 |
"Musashino Kenta vs. Kasukabe Defense Corps" (Japanese: 武蔵野剣太VSカスカベ防衛隊) | ||
"Lost in car navigation" (Japanese: カーナビで迷子だゾ) | ||
482 | "Shiro-san SOS" (Japanese: 四郎さんSOSだゾ) | September 6, 2003 |
"Typhoon is coming" (Japanese: 台風が来るゾ) | ||
"Musashino Kenta: Ryuko’s underwaving love" (Japanese: 武蔵野剣太 竜子の一途な恋) | ||
483 | "Masao-kun, one in the world" (Japanese: 世界で一人のマサオくんだゾ) | September 13, 2003 |
"Misae Nohara My mistake is your mistake" (Japanese: ギリギリ主婦みさえ 私のミスはあなたのミス) | ||
"Escort Nanako Sister" (Japanese: ななこおねいさんをエスコートするゾ) | ||
SPECIAL–38 | "Burglars and tycoons" (Japanese: 空き巣とタイケツだゾ) | September 27, 2003 |
"Misae Nohara, the last-minute housewife, can’t find any lessons" (Japanese: ギリギリ主婦みさえ 習い事が見つからない) | ||
"Pencil Shin-chan Shinnosuke even in elementary school" (Japanese: えんぴつしんちゃん 小学生でもしんのすけだゾ) | ||
"Nohara Hiroshi expedition I saw a secretary-only village in an unexplored region!" (Japanese: 野原ひろし探検隊 秘境に秘書だけの村を見た!) | ||
"Bo-chan’s love" (Japanese: ボーちゃんの恋心だゾ) | ||
484 | "Elope with Ai-chan" (Japanese: あいちゃんと駆け落ちだゾ) | November 8, 2003 |
"Shiro’s CM debut" (Japanese: シロのCMデビューだゾ) | ||
"Musashino Kenta: Extreme flow has arrived!" (Japanese: 武蔵野剣太 極端流が来た!) | ||
485 | "Mom goes to the scenario classroom" (Japanese: 母ちゃんがシナリオ教室に行くゾ) | November 15, 2003 |
"Scenario written by Mom" (Japanese: 母ちゃんが書いたシナリオだゾ) | ||
"Toilet man is cool" (Japanese: おトイレマンはカッコいいゾ) | ||
486 | "Nanako’s fiancée" (Japanese: なな子お姉さんの婚約者だゾ) | November 22, 2003 |
"Mom got hooked on a handsome actor" (Japanese: 母ちゃんがイケメン俳優にはまったゾ) | ||
"Musashino Kenta: Kendo Tournament Special Training" (Japanese: 武蔵野剣太 剣道大会の特訓だゾ) | ||
487 | "I’m back right now" (Japanese: ただいま工事中だゾ) | November 29, 2003 |
"Good at buttoning" (Japanese: ボタンつけは得意だゾ) | ||
"Mom’s English conversation" (Japanese: 母ちゃんの英会話だゾ) | ||
488 | "There is Nanika behind the chest of drawers" (Japanese: タンスの裏にはナニカがあるゾ) | December 6, 2003 |
"Play the train" (Japanese: 電車ごっこをするゾ) | ||
"Nene-chan’s rabbit talked" (Japanese: ネネちゃんのウサギがしゃべったゾ) | ||
SPECIAL–39 | "Pencil Shin-chan Do math" (Japanese: えんぴつしんちゃん 算数をするゾ) | December 20, 2003 |
"Goodbye Ai-chan" (Japanese: さよならあいちゃんだゾ) | ||
"Savings can be used" (Japanese: 貯金はつかれるゾ) | ||
# | Title | Original Airdate | |||
489 | "Take a photo of your memories" (Japanese: 思い出の写真を撮るゾ) | January 10, 2004 | |||
"Large sosaku throughout the house" (Japanese: 家中を大ソーサクだゾ) | |||||
"I’m the swordsman Shinnosuke" (Japanese: オラは剣豪しんのすけだゾ) | |||||
490 | "After all it is a kotatsu on a cold day" (Japanese: 寒い日はやっぱりコタツだゾ) | January 17, 2004 | |||
"Find lost items" (Japanese: 落し物を探すゾ) | |||||
"Special training! Special training! Also special training" (Japanese: 特訓!特訓!また特訓だゾ) | |||||
491 | "Fun ski school" (Japanese: 楽しいスキー教室だゾ) | January 24, 2004 | |||
492 | "Showdown! Weird Kendo Techniques Grand Assembly" (Japanese: 対決!剣道大会ヘンなわざ大集合) | January 31, 2004 | |||
SPECIAL–40 | "Dad and Mom swapped" (Japanese: 父ちゃんと母ちゃんが入れ替わったゾ) | February 7, 2004 | |||
"Learn table manners" (Japanese: テーブルマナーを身につけるゾ) | |||||
"Masao-kun is hospitalized" (Japanese: マサオ君が入院だゾ) | |||||
"Action Mask vs. Baron Flower" (Japanese: アクション仮面対フラワー男爵) | |||||
493 | "Action Mask vs. Baron Flower" (Japanese: アクション仮面対フラワー男爵) | February 21, 2004 | |||
"Struggle with Shiro" (Japanese: シロに苦労をかけるゾ) | |||||
"Dad is my beloved wife lunch" (Japanese: 父ちゃんは愛妻弁当だゾ) | |||||
494 | "Hair dryer panic" (Japanese: ドライヤーパニックだゾ) | February 28, 2004 | |||
"Around the age when children want to consult" (Japanese: 子供も相談したい年頃だゾ) | |||||
"My Family will definitely be late" (Japanese: オラん家は絶対遅刻するゾ) | |||||
495 | "Tired of rumbling" (Japanese: ゴロゴロするのは疲れるゾ) | March 6, 2004 | |||
"Be careful with Nene-chan" (Japanese: ネネちゃんには気を使うゾ) | |||||
"Savings are delicious" (Japanese: 節約はおいしいゾ) | |||||
496 | "Beauty Phantom Beauty Akujo" (Japanese: 美女怪人ビューティーアクージョだゾ) | March 13, 2004 | |||
"Help Kazama-kun" (Japanese: 風間くんを手伝うゾ) | |||||
"Temptation cake" (Japanese: 誘惑のケーキだゾ) | |||||
SPECIAL–41 | "One grain is missing" (Japanese: 一粒足りないゾ) | April 3, 2004 | |||
"I want! Chocolate Rin" (Japanese: ほしいゾ!おチョコりん) | |||||
"Line up in a procession ramen" (Japanese: 行列ラーメンに並ぶゾ) | |||||
497 (Special–41) | "Kasukabe: Western in the Wilderness" (Japanese: 荒野のカスカベウエスタンだゾ) | May 1, 2004 | |||
498 | "Nanako Sister’s part-time job" (Japanese: ななこおねいさんのアルバイトだゾ) | May 8, 2004 | |||
"Bear’s handkerchief" (Japanese: クマさんハンカチをソーサクするゾ) | |||||
"This is the neighborhood" (Japanese: これがご近所づきあいだゾ) | |||||
499 | "I’m Amanjak" (Japanese: オラ、アマンジャクだゾ) | May 15, 2004 | |||
"Matsuzaka-woman’s revenge" (Japanese: まつざか女の復讐だゾ) | |||||
"Be quiet in the library" (Japanese: 図書館ではお静かにだゾ) | |||||
500 | "Be quiet in the library" (Japanese: 図書館ではお静かにだゾ) | May 22, 2004 | |||
"Ninja" (Japanese: 忍者でござるゾ) | |||||
"Play with my Dad" (Japanese: 父ちゃんとむりして遊ぶゾ) | |||||
501 | "Hola! Our Trip to Spain" (Japanese: オーラッ! スパイン旅行だゾ) | May 29, 2004 | |||
502 | "My Strawberry" (Japanese: オラのイチゴちゃんだゾ) | June 5, 2004 | |||
"Aiming for talent" (Japanese: タレントをめざすゾ) | |||||
"Dance special training" (Japanese: ダンスの特訓だゾ) | |||||
503 | "Save money if you buy now" (Japanese: 今買うとおトクだゾ) | June 12, 2004 | |||
"Anomalous real playhouse" (Japanese: 変則リアルおままごとだゾ) | |||||
"Hey! Taxi" (Japanese: へーい!タクシーだゾ) | |||||
504 | "The walk is delicious" (Japanese: お散歩はオイシイゾ) | June 19, 2004 | |||
"Make a wood deck" (Japanese: ウッドなデッキを作るゾ) | |||||
"The latest mobile phone is convenient" (Japanese: 最新ケータイは便利だゾ) | |||||
505 | "Is Lara’s Mom a doko?" (Japanese: ララちゃんのママはドコ?だゾ) | July 10, 2004 | |||
"Mee on the right" (Japanese: 座右のメエ〜だゾ) | |||||
"The grudge of cup ramen is scary" (Japanese: カップラーメンの恨みは恐いゾ) | |||||
506 | "Dad Mom project" (Japanese: パパママプロジェクトだゾ) | July 17, 2004 | |||
"Glasses are cool" (Japanese: メガネってカッコいいゾ) | |||||
"Supporting Kawaguchi’s love" (Japanese: 川口さんの恋を応援するゾ) | |||||
507 | "Buy easy yosoyuki" (Japanese: やすいよそゆきを買うゾ) | July 24, 2004 | |||
"Paper robot showdown!" (Japanese: ペーパーロボット対決!だゾ) | |||||
"Tha sea is mufufu..." (Japanese: 海はムフフ・・・だゾ) | |||||
508 | "Everyone goes to the pool" (Japanese: みんなでプールに行くゾ) | August 7, 2004 | |||
"Park debut companion" (Japanese: 公園デビューのおともだゾ) | |||||
"A walk after the rain" (Japanese: 雨あがりのお散歩だゾ) | |||||
SPECIAL–42 | "Go to Kazama-kun" (Japanese: 風間くんちへ行くゾ) | September 4, 2004 | |||
"Kazama-kun Comes Over This Time!" (Japanese: 今度は風間くんが来たゾ) | |||||
"My Nori Rekisho" (Japanese: オラのりれきしょだゾ) | |||||
"Micchi’s ex-boyfriend?" (Japanese: ミッチーの元カレ?だゾ) | |||||
"My lunch is decided by this" (Japanese: オラのお昼はコレに決まりだゾ) | |||||
"Suddenly the tragedy of Shiro" (Japanese: 突然シロの悲劇だゾ) | |||||
SPECIAL–43 | "Hima, no entry" (Japanese: ひま、お出入り禁止だゾ) | October 16, 2004 | |||
"Fishing moat storm is here!" (Japanese: 釣り堀あらし登場!だゾ) | |||||
"It rains, it’s sunny, it’s cloudy" (Japanese: 降ったり、晴れたり、曇ったりだゾ) | |||||
509 | "Sprinkle doll set" (Japanese: ふりかけ人形セットだゾ) | October 22, 2004 | |||
"Buy new shoes" (Japanese: おニューの靴を買うゾ) | |||||
510 | "Great Bento" (Japanese: グレイトなおべんとうだゾ) | October 29, 2004 | |||
"Mom’s nice umbrella" (Japanese: 母ちゃんのステキな傘だゾ) | |||||
511 | "I can’t put out postcards" (Japanese: ハガキが出せないゾ) | November 5, 2004 | |||
"Take the plunge and throw it away" (Japanese: おもいきって捨てるゾ) | |||||
512 | "Toilet training" (Japanese: トイレトレーニングだゾ) | November 19, 2004 | |||
"Become a Kamishibaya-san" (Japanese: かみしばいやさんになるゾ) | |||||
513 | "Dad's 24 Minutes" (Japanese: 父ちゃんの24だゾ) | November 26, 2004 | |||
"Futaba Kindergarten Athletic Meet" (Japanese: ふたば幼稚園大運動会だゾ) | |||||
514 | "The fight of a terrifying woman" (Japanese: おそるべし女の闘いだゾ) | December 3, 2004 | |||
"Kimono is Beauty Four" (Japanese: 和服はビューティフォーだゾ) | |||||
515 | "Children’s movies are hard" (Japanese: お子様映画はつらいゾ) | December 10, 2004 | |||
"Is Matsuzaka-sensei finally getting married?" (Japanese: 松坂先生もついに結婚?だゾ) | |||||
Misae reluctantly takes Shin-chan to a children's matinee and ends up chaperoning some of his kindergarten classmates as well. / English teacher Robert mistakes Ms. Matsuzaka for a ninja and wants to study with her. Misunderstandings arise when Shin-chan "interprets" for him. | |||||
516 | "I like a cold" (Japanese: オラ、カゼっぽいゾ) | December 17, 2004 | |||
"I’ll fix it" (Japanese: コッソリ直しちゃうゾ) | |||||
Shin-chan catches a cold after playing outside naked. Misae does her best to take care of him, but he is not exactly a docile patient. / Masao accidentally destroys Nene's craft project. Can the boys keep her distracted by playing "office" and fix it before she notices? |
# | Title | Original Airdate | |||||||||
517 | "I want to eat this for lunch" (Japanese: お昼はコレが食べたいゾ) | January 7, 2005 | |||||||||
"Warm with Play outside" (Japanese: 外でアソブとあったかいゾ) | |||||||||||
It's payday, so the Nohara family gets into the car and goes off in search of a restaurant, but every place they try is too crowded. / Dismayed that Shin-chan is just sitting around, Misae tells him to go play outside. He gets involved in playing soccer with Kazama and other friends. | |||||||||||
518 | "Masao-kun has done it!" (Japanese: マサオくんがやっちゃった!ゾ) | January 14, 2005 | |||||||||
"Prepare is Ready" (Japanese: 準備はオッケーだゾ) | |||||||||||
?? / Shin-chan gets a new backpack. Excited to use it, he starts packing for a trip, but the family has no plans to go anywhere for another six months! | |||||||||||
519 | "Masao-kun's life" (Japanese: マサオ君のカケモチ人生だゾ) | January 21, 2005 | |||||||||
"Kotatsu's long day" (Japanese: コタツの長い一日だゾ) | |||||||||||
Shin-chan and friends are playing action hero, but Nene invites them to play house. Masao tries to do both at once. / On a cold winter day, Shin-chan and Hiroshi don’t want to do anything but sit at the heated kotatsu table all day. | |||||||||||
520 | "Misae detective (deca) innocent school" (Japanese: みさえ刑事(デカ)純情派だゾ) | January 28, 2005 | |||||||||
"Burning audition" (Japanese: 燃えるオーディションだゾ) | |||||||||||
Misae plays cops and robbers with Shin-chan and gets caught up in the game, resulting in an embarrassing situation. / Shin-chan’s kindergarten class is going to put on a play. As auditions approach, he and his friends wonder which roles they should try out for. | |||||||||||
521 | "Picked up a kitten" (Japanese: 子ネコを拾ったゾ) | February 4, 2005 | |||||||||
"Become an my beauty" (Japanese: オラ美人になるゾ) | |||||||||||
Shin-chan and his friends find a stray kitten in the park. They try to find it a new home but are unsuccessful. / Shin-chan gets into Misae’s cosmetics and makes up his face. He is so pleased with the result that he tries putting make-up on the dog. | |||||||||||
522 | "Hana water does not stop" (Japanese: ハナ水が止まらないゾ) | February 18, 2005 | |||||||||
"Mom makes a cake" (Japanese: 母ちゃんがケーキを作るゾ) | |||||||||||
Shin-chan has a very runny nose so Misae takes him to an ear, nose and throat specialist, even though he doesn’t want to go. / When Shin-chan hears that other mothers bake cakes, he promises his friends his mother will bake a cake for them -- without asking her. | |||||||||||
523 | "Joint party" (Japanese: 合コンするゾ) | February 25, 2005 | |||||||||
"Beware of cute Hima!" (Japanese: かわいいひまにゴ用心!だゾ) | |||||||||||
Kazama and friends go on a playdate with girls from another kindergarten. They all get along well, but leave it to Shin-chan to cause trouble. / Shin-chan can’t figure out why baby Himawari likes to lick one of his action figures, but he has a plan to stop her. | |||||||||||
524 | "Thank you sushi" (Japanese: ありがた〜いお寿司だゾ) | March 4, 2005 | |||||||||
"Teachers' health check" (Japanese: 先生たちの健康診断だゾ) | |||||||||||
It's payday so the family splurges on some expensive sushi, but a meal with two small children is never easy. / The kindergarten teachers undergo their annual physical. Shin-chan manages to enter the examining room and make a nuisance of himself. | |||||||||||
525 | "Bento contest" (Japanese: お弁当コンクールだゾ) | March 11, 2005 | |||||||||
"Answer the interview" (Japanese: インタビューに答えるゾ) | |||||||||||
The children compete to see who can make the most delicious lunch, but some of the children get help from their mothers. / After Kazama’s mother is interviewed on TV, Misae wants to be interviewed, too. She has Shin-chan pretend to be an interviewer so she can practice. | |||||||||||
SPECIAL–44 | "I'm a dog!" (Japanese: オラは犬です!だゾ) | April 1, 2005 | |||||||||
"There is Nanika behind the chest of drawers (2003) <again>" (Japanese: タンスの裏にはナニカがあるゾ(2003年)〈再〉) | |||||||||||
"Dad's diet" (Japanese: 父ちゃんのダイエットだゾ) | |||||||||||
Envious of the way Shiro spends the whole day lying around, Shin-chan decides that he wants to be a dog, but there are disadvantages to a dog’s life. / ?? / ?? | |||||||||||
526 | "Mote Masao-kun" (Japanese: もてもてマサオくんだゾ) | April 22, 2005 | |||||||||
"I'm tired and rejuvenated" (Japanese: ムリして若返っちゃうゾ) | |||||||||||
527 | "Diet from tomorrow" (Japanese: 明日からダイエットだゾ) | April 29, 2005 | |||||||||
"Watch TV Asahi" (Japanese: テレビ朝日を見学するゾ) | |||||||||||
?? / Misae and Shin-chan are touring the TV Asahi studios when Shin-chan raises havoc by intruding on a live broadcast. | |||||||||||
528 | "Hiroshi's crushing days" (Japanese: ひろしのときめきの日々だゾ) | May 6, 2005 | |||||||||
"Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy" (Japanese: ふってふってふってだゾ) | |||||||||||
529 | "I love Micchi" (Japanese: アイ・ラブ・ミッチーだゾ) | May 20, 2005 | |||||||||
"A longing goregous parfait" (Japanese: あこがれのゴージャス・パフェだゾ) | |||||||||||
530 | "Take a walk with Dad" (Japanese: 父ちゃんとお散歩だゾ) | May 27, 2005 | |||||||||
"I can't use the garage" (Japanese: ガレージが使えないゾ) | |||||||||||
531 | "Dad likes balloons!?" (Japanese: 父ちゃんは風船がお好き!?だゾ) | June 3, 2005 | |||||||||
"Ageo-sensei will guide you" (Japanese: 上尾先生がご指導するゾ) | |||||||||||
532 | "I'll grate!?" (Japanese: グレてやる!?だゾ) | June 10, 2005 | |||||||||
"Take turns on your mobile phone" (Japanese: ケータイの番をするゾ) | |||||||||||
533 | "Whistling is huh" (Japanese: 口笛はヒュ〜ゥだゾ) | June 17, 2005 | |||||||||
"Make okonomiyaki!" (Japanese: お好み焼きを作るゾ!) | |||||||||||
534 | "Transformed into Moe-P" (Japanese: もえPに大変身だゾ) | June 24, 2005 | |||||||||
"I don't want to see Matsuzaka-sensei" (Japanese: まつざか先生見ちゃいや〜んだゾ) | |||||||||||
535 | "I will sign" (Japanese: サインしちゃうゾ) | July 8, 2005 | |||||||||
"Himawari goes otolaryngology" (Japanese: ひまわりが耳鼻科に行くゾ) | |||||||||||
536 | "Caring for Mom" (Japanese: 母ちゃんを看病するゾ) | July 15, 2005 | |||||||||
"Go to a hideaway restaurant" (Japanese: 隠れ家レストランに行くゾ) | |||||||||||
Misae has a fever, and Shin-chan tries to take care of her, but he only makes things worse. / Misae takes Shin-chan to a “hidden” restaurant. Thinking it’s a “hiding” restaurant, he plays hide-and-seek while the owner and his wife argue. | |||||||||||
537 | "Troublesome" (Japanese: めんどうくさいゾ) | July 29, 2005 | |||||||||
"Make stilts and ride" (Japanese: 竹馬作って乗っちゃうゾ) | |||||||||||
Nobody feels like putting in any effort today. Misae doesn’t want to make a complicated recipe, and Hiroshi lies around on the floor watching TV. / Hiroshi and Shin-chan make a pair of stilts one Sunday morning. They have fun with a hammer and saw but cause trouble when they’re finished. | |||||||||||
538 | "I want to drink juice" (Japanese: ジュースが飲みたいゾ) | August 5, 2005 | |||||||||
"Docking with Zuckin!" (Japanese: ズッキンでドッキン!だゾ) | |||||||||||
A thirsty Shin-chan throws a tantrum while out shopping with Misae, but Misae refuses to spend money on juice. / Misae has toothache and heads to a handsome dentist’s surgery. But she ends up waiting so long in the waiting room that she misses him altogether. | |||||||||||
539 | "Go to the CD shop" (Japanese: CDショップへ行くゾ) | August 12, 2005 | |||||||||
"Yukata fireworks display" (Japanese: ゆかたで花火大会だゾ) | |||||||||||
Ms. Hasuda starts working at a CD store but all she gets are lousy customers. With Shin-chan running around the store, she is even more annoyed. / The Nohara family goes to a fireworks festival. They enjoy the stalls, but soon they’re bickering over everything. | |||||||||||
540 | "Catch Dorcus hopei" (Japanese: オオクワガタを捕るゾ) | August 19, 2005 | |||||||||
541 | "Tataki ticket" (Japanese: かたたたき券だゾ) | August 26, 2005 | |||||||||
"It's hot" (Japanese: あつくるしいゾ) | |||||||||||
542 | "Atsukuru-sensei is here!" (Japanese: あつくる先生、登場!だゾ) | September 2, 2005 | |||||||||
"Walking date" (Japanese: ウォーキング・デートだゾ) | |||||||||||
543 | "Play soccer" (Japanese: サッカーで勝負だゾ) | September 9, 2005 | |||||||||
"Himawari is on top" (Japanese: ひまわりがのっけちゃうゾ) | |||||||||||
544 | "You can make an expander!" (Japanese: エキスパンダーできたえるゾ!) | September 16, 2005 | |||||||||
"Aroma ~ mood" (Japanese: アロマ〜な気分だゾ) | |||||||||||
545 | "Petit Fire Po" (Japanese: プチファイヤー ポだゾ) | September 23, 2005 | |||||||||
"Make accessories" (Japanese: アクセサリーをつくるゾ) | |||||||||||
SPECIAL–45 | "Sprinkle doll set (2004) <again>" (Japanese: ふりかけ人形セットだゾ(2004年)〈再〉) | October 7, 2005 | |||||||||
"Babysitter is left to me" (Japanese: 子守りはオラにおまかせだゾ) | |||||||||||
"Buy new shoes (2004) <again>" (Japanese: おニューの靴を買うゾ(2004年)〈再〉) | |||||||||||
"Crayon Shin-chan: Fierceness That Invites Storm! The Battle of the Warring States" (Japanese: クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶ アッパレ!戦国大合戦) | |||||||||||
546 | "Nene-chan bent her belly button" (Japanese: ネネちゃんがおヘソを曲げちゃったゾ) | October 28, 2005 | |||||||||
"I got matsutake mushrooms" (Japanese: まつたけをもらったゾ) | |||||||||||
547 | "Getting up early is a great deal for Sanbun" (Japanese: 早起きは三文のトクだゾ) | November 4, 2005 | |||||||||
"Overcome weaknesses" (Japanese: 苦手をコクフクするゾ) | |||||||||||
548 | "Fire at the athletic meet" (Japanese: 運動会でファイヤーだゾ) | November 11, 2005 | |||||||||
"Shiizo-sensei don't stop!" (Japanese: しいぞう先生やめないで!だゾ) | |||||||||||
549 | "I want to eat even with my back" (Japanese: ギックリ腰でも食べたいゾ) | November 18, 2005 | |||||||||
"Goodbye fire!" (Japanese: さよならファイヤー!だゾ) | |||||||||||
550 | "Paint" (Japanese: ペンキを塗るゾ) | November 25, 2005 | |||||||||
"Hima's favorite!" (Japanese: ひまのお気に入り!だゾ) | |||||||||||
When Misae tells Hiroshi he’s getting old and worn out, Hiroshi decides to paint Shiro’s doghouse. He gets “help” from Shin-chan along the way. / Himawari gets infatuated with a handsome actor on daytime TV, but the show soon comes to an end. Sometime later, another person catches her eye. | |||||||||||
551 | "Joint party debut" (Japanese: 合コンデビューだゾ) | December 2, 2005 | |||||||||
"I'll ask you to be alone" (Japanese: 頼むからひとりにしてだゾ) | |||||||||||
When Ms. Ageo agrees to attend her very first mixer as a favor for a friend, Ms. Matsuzaka and the kids help her practice for the real event. / Hiroshi makes his family leave the house so he can concentrate on work, but he finds himself trapped in the restroom with no one around to help. | |||||||||||
552 | "Shiro is also fashionable" (Japanese: シロもおしゃれをするゾ) | December 9, 2005 | |||||||||
"I want to eat yufodu" (Japanese: 湯豆腐を食べたいゾ) | |||||||||||
When Misae mistakes an expensive brand name clothing for pets as baby clothes, Shin-chan starts talking about dressing Shiro up. / Hiroshi and Shin-chan go out in the cold to buy tofu when Misae forgets to buy some for the much-anticipated hot pot dinner that night. | |||||||||||
SPECIAL–46 | "Crayon Daichushingura (Cherry Blossoms) (1998) <again>" (Japanese: クレヨン大忠臣蔵(桜の巻)(1998年)〈再〉) | December 16, 2005 | |||||||||
"Crayon Daichushingura (Snow Roll) (1998) <again>" (Japanese: クレヨン大忠臣蔵(雪の巻)(1998年)〈再〉) | |||||||||||
"I get lost" (Japanese: 迷子になったゾ) | |||||||||||
"I won't lose to the rain, I won't lose to the wind" (Japanese: 雨にも負けず風にも負けないゾ) | |||||||||||
"Yamato of men" (Japanese: 男たちの大和だゾ) | |||||||||||
?? / ?? / Misae tells Shin-chan to take Shiro out for a walk, but he immediately gets sidetracked by a group of female college students running past his house. / ?? / ?? |
# | Title | Original Airdate | |||||||||
SPECIAL–47 | "Giving back to stone statue (1998) <again>" (Japanese: 石像の恩返しだゾ(1998年)〈再〉) | January 6, 2006 | |||||||||
"Penguins repayment (1998) <again>" (Japanese: ペンギンの恩返しだゾ(1998年)〈再〉) | |||||||||||
"Match selling me (1994) <again>" (Japanese: マッチ売りのオラだゾ(1994年)〈再〉) | |||||||||||
"Eat pizza" (Japanese: ピザを食べるゾ) | |||||||||||
"Fill the time capsule" (Japanese: タイムカプセルを埋めるゾ) | |||||||||||
?? / ?? / ?? / Misae goes out to run a quick errand. After leafing through various enticing pizza ads, Shin-chan picks up the phone to place an order by himself. / Shin-chan has a hard time deciding what to put in the time capsule he and his friends plan on opening when they are 20 years old. | |||||||||||
553 | "I ate too much" (Japanese: 食べ過ぎちゃったゾ) | January 13, 2006 | |||||||||
"My Heart is Elite!" (Japanese: オラの心はエリートだゾ) | |||||||||||
Misae decides to go on a diet again when she fails to squeeze her waist into one of her skirts. After a week of self-denial, she checks her progress. / Kazama talks about an important exam while walking with his cram school friends. Suddenly, Shin-chan shows up in front of them in a poop costume. | |||||||||||
554 | "Mom is raising a child" (Japanese: かあちゃんは子育て中だゾ) | January 20, 2006 | |||||||||
"I went to a women's college again" (Japanese: また女子大に行ったゾ) | |||||||||||
Shin-chan wants a handheld digital pet toy, but they’re sold out everywhere. Later, Hiroshi brings one home after winning it in a bingo game. / Shin-chan and his friends get treated to a tea ceremony after barging into a club room at an all-women’s college. | |||||||||||
555 | "Take me to ski" (Japanese: オラをすきーに連れてってだゾ) | January 27, 2006 | |||||||||
556 | "Playing in the snow with Shiizo-sensei" (Japanese: しいぞう先生と雪遊びだゾ) | February 3, 2006 | |||||||||
"Himawari is a princess" (Japanese: ひまわりはお姫さまだゾ) | |||||||||||
Mr. Shiizou visits the kindergarten on a snowy day and plays with the kids. Soon, the playground gets filled with various snow sculptures. / Kazama and the others come over to Shin-chan’s place while he and his sister are home alone. Together, the boys try to entertain Himawari. | |||||||||||
557 | "Go to a procession ramen shop" (Japanese: 行列のラーメン屋に行くゾ) | February 10, 2006 | |||||||||
"Have Matsuzaka-sensei send it?" (Japanese: まつざか先生に送ってもらうゾ) | |||||||||||
558 | "Listen to people" (Japanese: 人の話を聞きなさいだゾ) | February 17, 2006 | |||||||||
"Family ski" (Japanese: ファミリースキーだゾ) | |||||||||||
The Noharas go out to eat at a fancy hotel. Hiroshi teaches his family how to strategically eat at a buffet, but they ignore his advice. / The Noharas go to a ski resort. Hiroshi and Shin-chan put on airs in front of pretty ladies, while Himawari goes gaga for handsome skiers. | |||||||||||
559 | "Mom is a cleaning expert" (Japanese: 母ちゃんはお掃除名人だゾ) | March 3, 2006 | |||||||||
"Go buy a new car" (Japanese: 新車を買いに行くゾ) | |||||||||||
Atsuko comes over for a visit with her daughter Atsumi. Impressed with how tidy the house is, Atsuko asks Misae to teach her how to clean. / The Noharas go shopping for a new car to replace the old one that is falling apart. They find one that they like and take it out for a test drive. | |||||||||||
560 | "Mini Pato's older sister" (Japanese: ミニパトのおねいさんだゾ) | March 10, 2006 | |||||||||
"Dad's important shirt" (Japanese: 父ちゃんの大事なシャツだゾ) | |||||||||||
Shin-chan crosses paths with a rookie police officer who shares his enthusiasm for detective dramas. / Hiroshi gets a “Babaary” brand shirt that Misae bought at an outlet. Misae becomes overly concerned about the expensive shirt getting soiled. | |||||||||||
561 | "Go to a big park" (Japanese: おっきな公園に行くゾ) | March 17, 2006 | |||||||||
"My Auntie Came to Visit" (Japanese: おばちゃんが来たゾ) | |||||||||||
?? / Shin-chan watches a crime drama at Masao’s house. On his way home, he crosses paths with a woman who looks like the killer from the show. | |||||||||||
SPECIAL–48 | "Collect candy toys and shock garn" (Japanese: 食玩集めてショックガーンだゾ) | April 14, 2006 | |||||||||
562 | "Earn Chocobi" (Japanese: チョコビをかせぐゾ) | April 21, 2006 | |||||||||
"Oh No! The Family Just Got Bigger Today" (Japanese: 大変!今日から家族がふえたゾ) | |||||||||||
Misae comes up with an idea to make Shin-chan do his chores after catching him devouring an entire box of Chocobi. / ??? | |||||||||||
563 | "Sogu with the unknown" (Japanese: 未知とのそーぐーだゾ) | April 28, 2006 | |||||||||
"Gutara sisters" (Japanese: グータラ姉妹だゾ) | |||||||||||
564 | "Don't lose Musae-chan!" (Japanese: 負けるな、むさえちゃん!だゾ) | May 5, 2006 | |||||||||
"Kazama-kun and Shiro's walk" (Japanese: 風間くんとシロのお散歩だゾ) | |||||||||||
565 | "Preach to Musae-chan!" (Japanese: むさえちゃんにお説教!だゾ) | May 12, 2006 | |||||||||
"Go out by train" (Japanese: 電車でおでかけだゾ) | |||||||||||
566 | "Formed! New Saitama Red Scorpion Corps" (Japanese: 結成!新さいたま紅さそり隊だゾ) | May 19, 2006 | |||||||||
567 | "Wash" (Japanese: お洗濯するゾ) | May 26, 2006 | |||||||||
"Future Me" (Japanese: 未来のオラ達だゾ) | |||||||||||
568 | "Used for dry cleaners" (Japanese: クリーニング屋さんにお使いだゾ) | June 2, 2006 | |||||||||
"Get rice" (Japanese: お米をゲットするゾ) | |||||||||||
569 | "When 3 Women Gather" (Japanese: 女3人寄っちゃったゾ) | June 9, 2006 | |||||||||
"Go to the driving range" (Japanese: ゴルフ練習場に行くゾ) | |||||||||||
570 | "Excitement at the World Cup" (Japanese: ワールドカップで盛り上がるゾ) | June 16, 2006 | |||||||||
"Get excited with soccer" (Japanese: サッカーで盛り上がるゾ) | |||||||||||
Musae wakes Misae up in the middle of the night to watch a World Cup match and ends up waking the whole family. / ?? | |||||||||||
571 | "Musae-chan's matchmaking" (Japanese: むさえちゃんのお見合いだゾ) | June 23, 2006 | |||||||||
"Trial English conversation" (Japanese: おためし英会話だゾ) | |||||||||||
572 | "Lost friend" (Japanese: 迷子の友だゾ) | July 7, 2006 | |||||||||
"Go to kindergarten with Musae-chan" (Japanese: むさえちゃんと幼稚園に行くゾ) | |||||||||||
Shin-chan gets lost at the amusement park and meets a boy who likes ballet. Together, the two boys give one of the staff members a hard time. / Musae takes Shin-chan to his kindergarten instead of Misae. Shin-chan misdirects her from the back of her bike and makes her take the long way around. | |||||||||||
573 | "Musae-chan way of life" (Japanese: むさえちゃん流生き方だゾ) | July 14, 2006 | |||||||||
574 | "I can't keep up with strangers" (Japanese: 知らない人にはついていかないゾ) | July 21, 2006 | |||||||||
"Copy Take" (Japanese: コピーをとるゾ) | |||||||||||
Policemen visit the kindergarten to give a lecture on crime prevention for kids. Shin-chan learns what to do if an unfamiliar adult approaches him. / After spending some time trying to copy Okei's recipes by hand, Misae takes her kids to the convenience store to get the job done faster. | |||||||||||
575 | "Insect catching beautiful girl" (Japanese: 虫取り美少女だゾ) | July 28, 2006 | |||||||||
"Leave the answering machine to Musae-chan" (Japanese: 留守番はむさえちゃんにおまかせだゾ) | |||||||||||
Shin-chan and his friends go to a nearby forest to catch bugs. A self-proclaimed pretty girl that likes insects challenges the kids to a contest. / ?? | |||||||||||
576 | "Muchu in Koshien" (Japanese: 甲子園にムチューだゾ) | August 4, 2006 | |||||||||
"When 2 Women Gather" (Japanese: 女がふたり集まると・・・だゾ) | |||||||||||
Shinnosuke and the others visit their principal. They start playing tag, but the principal is preoccupied with watching a baseball tournament on TV. / ?? | |||||||||||
SPECIAL–49 | "I produced Yoiko" (Japanese: オラがよゐこをプロデュースだゾ) | August 11, 2006 | |||||||||
"Swimming in the Bath with Nanako (2003) <again>" (Japanese: なな子おねいさんと海水浴だゾ(2003年)〈再〉) | |||||||||||
"The air conditioner is broken" (Japanese: エアコンがこわれたゾ) | |||||||||||
577 | "Brief Panda" (Japanese: ブリーフパンダだゾ) | August 18, 2006 | |||||||||
578 | "Nagure Rabbit Frequently" (Japanese: なぐられうさぎたびたびだゾ) | August 25, 2006 | |||||||||
"The weakest here" (Japanese: ここ一番に弱いゾ) | |||||||||||
Nene gets scared and leaves her stuffed punching bunny at Shin-chan's place after having a nightmare about it. At night, it starts to move on its own. / Masao practices how to do back hip circles, but no one seems to be looking at the right time. Shin-chan and the others hide to secretly observe Masao. | |||||||||||
579 | "I'm 2 Years Old" (Japanese: オラ2歳だゾ) | September 8, 2006 | |||||||||
"Musae-chan vs. Akita's grandpa" (Japanese: むさえちゃんVS秋田のじいちゃんだゾ) | |||||||||||
Part one of the 2-year-old series. Misae and Hiroshi are newlyweds. Hungry little Shin-chan obsesses over the tamagoyaki in Hiroshi's bento box. / Ginnosuke pays an unexpected visit and plays a prank on a napping Musae, thinking she is Misae. Musae then mistakes him for an intruder. | |||||||||||
580 | "First dentist" (Japanese: 初めての歯医者さんだゾ) | September 15, 2006 | |||||||||
"Gin-chan's holiday" (Japanese: 銀ちゃんの休日だゾ) | |||||||||||
Misae takes 2-year-old Shin-chan to a toothbrushing seminar. There, they meet Kazama and the other kids who will be going to the same kindergarten. / Ginnosuke has been going out to play with Musae on a daily basis. When Misae tries to send him back to Akita, he pretends that his back hurts. | |||||||||||
SPECIAL–50 | "Kureshin Paradise! Made in Saitama" (クレしんパラダイス!メイド・イン・埼玉) | September 22, 2006 | |||||||||
"I'm looking forward to tomorrow's picnic (2002) <again>" (明日のピクニックは楽しみだゾ(2002年)〈再〉) | |||||||||||
SPECIAL–51 | "Looking back on this year (1996) <again>" Transliteration: "Kotoshiichinen no furikaeri dazo" (Japanese: 今年一年のふりかえりだゾ(1996年)〈再〉) | October 6, 2006 | |||||||||
"Battle on your mobile phone" Transliteration: "Kētai denwa de batoru dazo" (Japanese: ケータイ電話でバトルだゾ) | |||||||||||
"Lord of the Rings Part 1 Travel Companion" Transliteration: "Rōdo Obu za ika ringu daiichibu tabi no nakama dazo" (Japanese: ロード・オブ・ザ・イカリング 第一部 旅の仲間だゾ) | |||||||||||
"Lord of the Rings Part 2 I don't know the 2 towers" Transliteration: "Rōdo Obu za ika ringu dainibu 2tsu no tō wa shiranai zo" (Japanese: ロード・オブ・ザ・イカリング 第二部 2つの塔は知らないゾ) | |||||||||||
"Lord of the Rings Part 3 Inpressive Complete Edition" Transliteration: "Rōdo Obu za ika ringu daisanbu kandō no kanketsu-hen dazo" (Japanese: ロード・オブ・ザ・イカリング 第三部 感動の完結編だゾ) | |||||||||||
?? / Misae gets into a fight with Musae. Instead of speaking to one another directly, they have a strange argument via text through Hiroshi. / ?? | |||||||||||
581 | "I'm a lucky boy" (Japanese: オラ、ラッキーボーイだゾ) | October 20, 2006 | |||||||||
"Potato digging showdown" (Japanese: イモ掘り対決だゾ) | |||||||||||
Misae and Hiroshi see their energetic 2-year-old son and wish they had a bigger house. They take a look at a house ad, but the price makes them sigh. / Shin-chan and his friends compete against the Rose class on the sweet potato harvest day, but their rivals have a tuber-digging prodigy on their side. | |||||||||||
582 | "Nohara Family 3 Generations" (Japanese: 野原家三代だゾ) | October 27, 2006 | |||||||||
"Call me Grandpa!" (Japanese: おじょうさまとお呼び!だゾ) | |||||||||||
Ginnosuke, Hiroshi and Shin-chan decide to go to a public bath together while Misae is shopping and Musae is at the library. / Nene wishes she had a butler and that she lived in a mansion. She calls Shin-chan and the others over to make them audition to become her butler. | |||||||||||
583 | "The heated pool is a paradise" (Japanese: 温水プールはパラダイスだゾ) | November 3, 2006 | |||||||||
"Shiro does not take medicine" (Japanese: シロがお薬をのまないゾ) | |||||||||||
The Noharas head to a new heated swimming pool. When Shin-chan says he can only dog paddle, Hiroshi tells him he will teach him how to swim properly. / Shiro gets an immunization shot at the animal clinic. While examining him, the vet discovers a skin rash and sends him home with medicine. | |||||||||||
584 | "Red scorpion corps friendship part-time job" (Japanese: 紅サソリ隊友情のアルバイトだゾ) | November 10, 2006 | |||||||||
"Buy a new suit" (Japanese: おニューのスーツを買うゾ) | |||||||||||
Ryuko figures that Mari started working in order to pay for her mother's hospital bills. In order to help her friend, Ryuko gets a job as a waitress. / Hiroshi wants to replace his old, worn-out suit. The Noharas go shopping together, but Shin-chan makes it more of a chore than it needs to be. | |||||||||||
585 | "Autumn excursion panics" (Japanese: 秋の遠足はパニックだゾ) | November 17, 2006 | |||||||||
The kindergarten class is on an excursion to the country, when Shin-chan and Kazama become separated from the others and get lost. | |||||||||||
586 | "It's hard to put out a kotatsu" (Japanese: コタツを出すのは大変だゾ) | November 24, 2006 | |||||||||
"Let Himawari lie down" (Japanese: ひまわりを寝かせるゾ) | |||||||||||
The Noharas decide that it is time to bring out the kotatsu, but Misae explains that it will be difficult to dig it out from the back of the closet. / Misae is dead tired because Himawari won't sleep at night. Kazama and the other kids try to put Himawari to sleep so Misae can rest. | |||||||||||
587 | "Who owns the trash!?" (Japanese: ゴミは誰のもの!?だゾ) | December 8, 2006 | |||||||||
"Musae-chan's lullaby" (Japanese: むさえちゃんの子守唄だゾ) | |||||||||||
Kazama discovers a Moe-P toy in a pile of trash. As he considers taking it home, he is spotted by Shin-chan and his other friends. / ?? | |||||||||||
SPECIAL–52 | "Dad is worried" (Japanese: 父ちゃんは心配性だゾ) | December 15, 2006 | |||||||||
"Collect candy toys and shock garn (2006) <again>" (Japanese: 食玩集めてショックガーンだゾ(2006年)〈再〉) | |||||||||||
Misae and Musae go to an izakaya. Hiroshi starts to worry about Misae being out too late while he stays home to watch Shin-chan and Himawari. / ?? |
# | Title | Original Airdate | |||
588 | "Amiami together" (Japanese: みんなでアミアミだゾ) | January 12, 2007 | |||
"Bicycle is where?" (Japanese: 自転車はどこ?だゾ) | |||||
Shin-chan and his friends see Bo-chan finger knitting at the park. Step by step, Bo-chan tries to teach them all how to work with yarn. / Misae tries to take Shin-chan to kindergarten, but her bike is missing. Everyone looks around to see where Musae left it the night before. | |||||
589 | "I'm worried" (Japanese: 心配がイッパイだゾ) | January 19, 2007 | |||
"Supporting working Shiro" (Japanese: 働く四郎さんを応援するゾ) | |||||
?? / The Noharas make an early morning trip to a big clothing store where they run into Yonro working at a part-time job with a strict boss. | |||||
590 | "I don't like what I like" (Japanese: キライなものはキライだゾ) | January 26, 2007 | |||
"Replace the futon cover" (Japanese: ふとんカバーを取り替えるゾ) | |||||
It's lunchtime at Shin-chan's kindergarten and everyone's lunch has something they dislike in it. They begin to trade, but things get out of hand. / Shin-chan's mom gets him to help replace the family's futon covers, but he keeps running into trouble trying to unzip the covers. | |||||
591 | "Dad's business trip" (Japanese: 父ちゃんの出張をおいかけるゾ) | February 2, 2007 | |||
592 | "Forgotten walk" (Japanese: わすれられたお散歩だゾ) | February 9, 2007 | |||
"First time" (Japanese: 初めてのおわかれだゾ) | |||||
Shin-chan takes Shiro for a walk and runs into Masao, who invites him to the supermarket. The two head inside and leave Shiro out in the cold. / Shin-chan's mom wakes him up in excitement after seeing snow outside. He and Shiro head outside to make a snowman, but there isn't a lot of snow. | |||||
593 | "Make the weather" (Japanese: あ〜した天気にするゾ) | February 16, 2007 | |||
"Musae-chan's Yakiniku Road" (Japanese: むさえちゃんのヤキニクロードだゾ) | |||||
Nanako promises Shin-chan that she'll take him on a picnic tomorrow if it's sunny. Meanwhile, a shoe suddenly hits Kazama's face at the park. / Musae eats a late lunch and complains that the Noharas have been eating too much hot pot. She whines when she learns they'll have yakiniku for dinner. | |||||
594 | "Good hot water" (Japanese: いい湯だゾ) | February 23, 2007 | |||
"I got rid of Masao-kun" (Japanese: マサオくんにはえちゃったゾ) | |||||
?? / Shin-chan stops by Masao's and learns that he accidentally swallowed a mikan seed and is worried that it will sprout. | |||||
595 | "I'm in style world swimming" (Japanese: オラ流世界水泳だゾ) | March 9, 2007 | |||
"The whole family has a fever" (Japanese: 一家そろって発熱だゾ) | |||||
596 | "Mikabozu Mom" (Japanese: 三日坊主かーちゃんだゾ) | March 16, 2007 | |||
"I lost what I was looking for" (Japanese: さがしものをなくしたゾ) | |||||
SPECIAL–53 | "I'm Nohara Shiro" (Japanese: ぼく野原シロのすけです) | April 27, 2007 | |||
When a fairy grants Shiro a wish for helping her out, he turns into a human and starts living with the Nohara family as Shin-chan’s older brother. One such day, Shin-chan goes missing at a picnic. | |||||
597 | "Secretly support Masao-kun" (Japanese: マサオくんをこっそり応援するゾ) | May 11, 2007 | |||
"Himawari's CM audition" (Japanese: ひまわりのCMオーディションだゾ) | |||||
598 | "Help kindergarten" (Japanese: 幼稚園をお助けするゾ) | May 18, 2007 | |||
"I'm in sushi restaurant" (Japanese: オラお寿司屋さんだゾ) | |||||
599 | "New face in kindergarten" (Japanese: 幼稚園にニューフェイスだゾ) | May 25, 2007 | |||
New classmate Sho joins the Sunflower class, but all he does is start fights and cause trouble. He soon becomes the boss of the playground. | |||||
600 | "Ai-chan and Goka play house" (Japanese: あいちゃんとゴーカなおままごとだゾ) | June 1, 2007 | |||
"Clean up with a hero" (Japanese: ヒーローでお片づけだゾ) | |||||
601 | "The day when I became me" (Japanese: オラがオラになった日だゾ) | June 8, 2007 | |||
"Patrol the town" (Japanese: ご町内をパトロールするゾ) | |||||
602 | "Massage gets tired" (Japanese: マッサージは疲れるゾ) | June 15, 2007 | |||
"Alone me" (Japanese: ひとりぽっちのオラだゾ) | |||||
603 | "Nene-chan's important thing" (Japanese: ネネちゃんの一大事だゾ) | June 22, 2007 | |||
"It's a deceased person" (Japanese: おとしものですよぉだゾ) | |||||
604 | "Enjoy Shumi" (Japanese: シュミを楽しむゾ) | July 6, 2007 | |||
"Present for Dad" (Japanese: 父ちゃんにプレゼントだゾ) | |||||
605 | "Become an astronaut" (Japanese: 宇宙飛行士になるゾ) | July 13, 2007 | |||
"Speaking of summer, swimming competition" (Japanese: 夏といえば水泳大会だゾ) | |||||
606 | "Paper bags are very important" (Japanese: 紙袋はすっごく大事だゾ) | July 20, 2007 | |||
"My peppers" (Japanese: オラんちのピーマンだゾ) | |||||
607 | "Delivered deliveries" (Japanese: なくなるお届け物だゾ) | July 27, 2007 | |||
"Stay cool" (Japanese: 涼しくすごすゾ) | |||||
SPECIAL–54 | "Shaved ice is keen" (Japanese: かき氷がキーンだゾ) | August 3, 2007 | |||
"Catch dorcus hopei (2005) <again>" (Japanese: オオクワガタを捕るゾ(2005年)〈再〉) | |||||
"Kamen Rider Den-O + Shin-O" (Japanese: 仮面ライダー電王VSしん王だゾ) | |||||
608 | "Donut shop with a line" (Japanese: 行列のできるドーナッツ屋さんだゾ) | August 10, 2007 | |||
"Shiro's happiness" (Japanese: シロのしあわせだゾ) | |||||
609 | "Omoi watermelon" (Japanese: おもいスイカちゃんだゾ) | August 17, 2007 | |||
"Don't take shelter from the rain" (Japanese: 雨宿りしませませだゾ) | |||||
610 | "Me, kappa and the end of summer" (Japanese: オラとカッパと夏のおわりだゾ) | August 31, 2007 | |||
611 | "Grandpa from Kyushu has arrived" (Japanese: 九州のじいちゃんが来たゾ) | September 14, 2007 | |||
612 | "I tried to get motivated" (Japanese: やる気になってみたゾ) | September 21, 2007 | |||
"Tonight is a barbecue" (Japanese: 今夜はバーベキューだゾ) | |||||
613 | "Play golf" (Japanese: ゴルフで勝負だゾ) | October 26, 2007 | |||
"Shooting Kessaku" (Japanese: ケッサクを撮りまくるゾ) | |||||
614 | "Messed up with a massage" (Japanese: マッサージでくたくただゾ) | November 2, 2007 | |||
"Isoro to Isoro" (Japanese: イソーローにイソーローだゾ) | |||||
615 | "Today is Sunday" (Japanese: 日曜日のオラんちだゾ) | November 16, 2007 | |||
"Lucky girl Nene-chan" (Japanese: ラッキーガールネネちゃんだゾ) | |||||
616 | "Tissue Prince" (Japanese: ハナカミ王子だゾ) | November 30, 2007 | |||
"Try a part-time job" (Japanese: アルバイトしてみたゾ) | |||||
SPECIAL–55 | "Nohara Shijuro" (Japanese: 野原四十郎) | December 14, 2007 | |||
"Crayon Shin-chan: The Storm Called The Jungle (2000) (Director: Keiichi Hara)" (Japanese: クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶジャングル(2000年)(監督:原恵一)) | |||||
Rebroadcasting–SPECIAL | "Oh No! My Family is Just Got Bigger Today! (2006) <again>" (Japanese: 大変!今日から家族がふえたゾ(2006年)〈再)) | December 30, 2007 | |||
"Don't lose Musae-chan! (2006) <again>" (Japanese: 負けるな、むさえちゃん!だゾ(2006年)〈再〉) | |||||
"When 3 Women Gather (2006) <again>" (Japanese: 女3人寄っちゃったゾ(2006年)〈再〉) | |||||
"Grandpa from Kyushu has arrived (2007) <again>" (Japanese: 九州のじいちゃんが来たゾ(2007年)〈再〉) | |||||
"Kamen Rider Den-O + Shin-O (2007) <again>" (Japanese: 仮面ライダー電王VSしん王だゾ(2007年)〈再〉) | |||||
"I'm Nohara Shiro (2007) <again>" (Japanese: ぼく野原シロのすけです(2007年)〈再〉) | |||||
# | Title | Original Airdate | |
617 | "Return home to Akita" (Japanese: 秋田に里帰りだゾ) | January 11, 2008 | |
618 | "Celebration! Nantes!! Departure of youth" (Japanese: 祝!!ナント!青春の旅立ちだゾ) | January 18, 2008 | |
Musae takes Shin-chan to his kindergarten class. While taking photos of the children at the playground, she meets a fellow photographer. | |||
619 | "I'll play with Dad" (Japanese: 父ちゃんと遊んであげるゾ) | January 25, 2008 | |
"Welcome back Musae-chan!" (Japanese: おかえり、むさえちゃん!だゾ) | |||
620 | "Aim for World Champion" (Japanese: 目指せ世界チャンピオンだゾ) | February 1, 2008 | |
"Mom revolution" (Japanese: 母ちゃん大革命だゾ) | |||
621 | "Taking Care of the House With Kazama" (Japanese: 風間くんとお留守番だゾ) | February 8, 2008 | |
"Be careful of what you have left behind" (Japanese: 忘れ物に気を付けるゾ) | |||
622 | "Take a matchmaking photo" (Japanese: お見合い写真を撮るゾ) | February 15, 2008 | |
"Help Masao-kun" (Japanese: マサオ君を手伝うゾ) | |||
623 | "Children's beauty salon" (Japanese: こども美容室だゾ) | February 22, 2008 | |
"Eco! Go out" (Japanese: エコ!でいくゾ) | |||
624 | "Hard under the ladder" (Japanese: ハシゴの下で大変だゾ) | February 29, 2008 | |
"The Refrigerator Broke" (Japanese: 冷蔵庫が壊れちゃったゾ) | |||
625 | "Nene's Illusion" (Japanese: ネネちゃんのモウソウだゾ) | March 14, 2008 | |
"My Doodle is Fine Art" (Japanese: 芸術はおえかきだゾ) | |||
SPECIAL–60 | "A kindergarten child who does not call a storm" (Japanese: ちょー嵐を呼ばない園児だゾ) | April 18, 2008 | |
626 | "Sushi Prince!" (Japanese: スシ王子!だゾ) | April 25, 2008 | |
627 | "Walking" (Japanese: ウォーキングだゾ) | May 2, 2008 | |
"Store pretend" (Japanese: お店屋さんごっこだゾ) | |||
628 | "I got new tea" (Japanese: 新茶をもらったゾ) | May 9, 2008 | |
"I become a bodyguard" (Japanese: オラ、ボディガードになるゾ) | |||
629 | "Secret character lunch" (Japanese: ヒミツのキャラクター弁当だゾ) | May 16, 2008 | |
"I decide" (Japanese: オラたちが決めるゾ) | |||
630 | "And everyone became a criminal" (Japanese: そしてみんな犯人になったゾ) | May 23, 2008 | |
"Find socks!" (Japanese: 靴下を探せ!だゾ) | |||
631 | "Weak to stuffed hodai" (Japanese: 詰めホーダイに弱いゾ) | May 30, 2008 | |
"Dad Left" (Japanese: 父ちゃんが出てったゾ) | |||
632 | "Nene is in Love" (Japanese: 恋するネネちゃんだゾ) | June 6, 2008 | |
"I went to a yakitori shop" (Japanese: ヤキトリ屋さんに行ったゾ) | |||
633 | "It's hard to walk around Shiro!" (Japanese: シロのお散歩は大変!だゾ) | June 13, 2008 | |
"Mom is late" (Japanese: 母ちゃんは遅いゾ) | |||
634 | "Red scorpion corps nursery school" (Japanese: 紅さそり隊の保育園だゾ) | June 20, 2008 | |
"Cut Himawari's claws" (Japanese: ひまわりのおツメを切るゾ) | |||
635 | "Birthday party without appointment" (Japanese: アポなしでお誕生会だゾ) | July 11, 2008 | |
"Gasoline barely" (Japanese: ガソリンぎりぎりだゾ) | |||
636 | "The secret love of the leader" (Japanese: 組長のヒミツの愛だゾ) | July 18, 2008 | |
"The slap lottery!" (Japanese: たたたた宝くじが!だゾ) | |||
637 | "Delicious when you go on a trip" (Japanese: 旅に出るとおいしいゾ) | July 25, 2008 | |
"Rainy Sunday" (Japanese: 雨の日曜日だゾ) | |||
638 | "Shikuyoro at a joint party" (Japanese: 合コンでシクヨロだゾ) | August 1, 2008 | |
"Insect hunter Hiroshi" (Japanese: 昆虫ハンターひろしだゾ) | |||
639 | "See cormorant fishing" (Japanese: 鵜飼いを見るゾ) | August 8, 2008 | |
640 | "Jori Jori feels good" (Japanese: ジョリジョリが気持ちいいゾ) | August 15, 2008 | |
"What a camp" (Japanese: なんちゃってキャンプだゾ) | |||
641 | "Kaminari Gorogoro" (Japanese: カミナリゴロゴロだゾ) | August 22, 2008 | |
"Tan Dad" (Japanese: 日焼けの父ちゃんだゾ) | |||
642 | "I'm not really happy today" (Japanese: 今日はとことんツイてないゾ) | August 29, 2008 | |
"I'm not really happy" (Japanese: わたしもとことんツイてないわだゾ) | |||
643 | "Mom left home" (Japanese: 母ちゃんが家出したゾ) | September 12, 2008 | |
644 | "What if I make up?" (Japanese: 仲直りしたら〜?だゾ) | September 19, 2008 | |
SPECIAL–61 | "Dad and point get" (Japanese: 父ちゃんとポイントゲットだゾ) | September 26, 2008 | |
645 | "Road to athletic meet" (Japanese: ロード・トゥ・運動会だゾ) | October 17, 2008 | |
"I'm from the morning" (Japanese: 朝からいるゾ) | |||
646 | "I'm sick with a cold" (Japanese: お風呂でシュワっとするゾ) | October 31, 2008 | |
"Separate garbage" (Japanese: ゴミを分別するゾ) | |||
647 | "Kindergarten cleanup" (Japanese: 幼稚園のおかたづけだゾ) | November 7, 2008 | |
"Hima's toys" (Japanese: ひまのおもちゃだゾ) | |||
648 | "Sakurada's Sonyodai" (Japanese: 桜田のそにょだい) | November 14, 2008 | |
"Wrinkled yellow handkerchief" (Japanese: しわよせの黄色いハンカチだゾ) | |||
649 | "Book usage" (Japanese: ご本のおつかいだゾ) | November 21, 2008 | |
"We Are Masao's Assistants" (Japanese: マサオくんのアシスタントだゾ) | |||
650 | "Smile? Encho-sensei" (Japanese: 笑う?園長先生だゾ) | November 28, 2008 | |
"Part-time job Mom" (Japanese: アルバイト母ちゃんだゾ) | |||
651 | "I'm worried about singing" (Japanese: お歌でお悩みだゾ) | December 5, 2008 | |
"Mysterious Shinko-chan" (Japanese: 謎のしんこちゃんだゾ) | |||
652 | "Kazama-kun's sympathy" (Japanese: 風間くんのお見舞いだゾ) | December 12, 2008 | |
"Handmade baby clothes" (Japanese: 手作りベビー服だゾ) | |||
653 | "Make money with flea market" (Japanese: フリマで稼いじゃうゾ) | December 19, 2008 | |
"Dad and Shiro's Strolling" (Japanese: 父ちゃんとシロの散歩だゾ) | |||
# | Title | Original Airdate |
654 | "We're All in Kumamoto" (Japanese: みんなで熊本だゾ) | January 9, 2009 |
"The Trio That Gets Each Other" (Japanese: 気が合う三人だゾ) | ||
655 | "Matchmaking in Kumamoto" (Japanese: 熊本でお見合いだゾ) | January 16, 2009 |
"Nohara Family's Open Golf" (Japanese: 野原家オープンゴルフだゾ) | ||
656 | "Find anywhere" (Japanese: どこでも見つけちゃうゾ) | January 23, 2009 |
"Shinko-chan Again" (Japanese: また!しんこちゃんだゾ) | ||
657 | "The Mothers' Summit" (Japanese: ママサミットだゾ) | February 13, 2009 |
"A Little Snow" (Japanese: ちょっぴりの雪だゾ) | ||
658 | "What Master Is Looking For" (Japanese: 師匠のさがし物だゾ) | February 20, 2009 |
"Cleaning With A Rap Song" (Japanese: ラップでお掃除だゾ) | ||
659 | "Shinko-chan Once Again" (Japanese: またまたしんこちゃんだゾ) | February 27, 2009 |
"It Takes More Than A Day To Write An E-Mail" (Japanese: メールは一日にしてならずだゾ) | ||
660 | "Ai-chan Is On A Diet" (Japanese: あいちゃんがダイエットだゾ) | March 13, 2009 |
"We Go On A Trip" (Japanese: オラ、旅立つゾ) | ||
661 | "A wandering husler" (Japanese: さすらいのハスラーだゾ) | April 3, 2009 |
"Shinko-chan's Last Appearance" (Japanese: さいごの?しんこちゃんだゾ) | ||
SPECIAL–62 | "I'm a Lion and King 1" (Japanese: オラはライオンでキングだゾ 1) | April 24, 2009 |
"Art is Oekaki" (Japanese: 芸術はおえかきだゾ) | ||
"I'm a Lion and King 2" (Japanese: オラはライオンでキングだゾ 2) | ||
"Eco! Go out" (Japanese: エコ!でいくゾ) | ||
662 | "Planting Radishes" (Japanese: オラのラディッシュちゃんだゾ) | May 1, 2009 |
"Hide and hide" (Japanese: かくれてかくすゾ) | ||
663 | "Nanako Sister and Answering Machine" (Japanese: ななこおねいさんとお留守番だゾ) | May 8, 2009 |
"Making a Shelf With Dad" (Japanese: 父ちゃんと棚を作るゾ) | ||
664 | "Ai-chan Runs Away From Home" (Japanese: あいちゃんの家出だゾ) | May 15, 2009 |
"Finding A Lost Child!" (Japanese: 迷子を捕まえろ!だゾ) | ||
665 | "Shiro's perch" (Japanese: シロのおとまりだゾ) | May 22, 2009 |
"It's a good place" (Japanese: いいところなのに・・・だゾ) | ||
666 | "Connect clay" (Japanese: 粘土をコネコネするゾ) | May 29, 2009 |
"It's A Secret!" (Japanese: それはヒミツ!だゾ) | ||
667 | "Matsuzaka-sensei is addicted" (Japanese: まつざか先生がハマッたゾ) | June 5, 2009 |
"Leave Himawari in Child Care" (Japanese: ひまわりをあずけるゾ) | ||
668 | "Norinori at the wedding" (Japanese: 結婚式でノリノリだゾ) | June 12, 2009 |
"Driving In The Middle Of The Night" (Japanese: 真夜中のドライブだゾ) | ||
669 | "Love Letter Strategy" (Japanese: ラブレター大作戦だゾ) | June 19, 2009 |
"Replace the rubber" (Japanese: ゴムをとりかえるゾ) | ||
670 | "Thumbs, Hello" (Japanese: 親指さん、こんにちはだゾ) | July 3, 2009 |
"Crayfish Great Escape" (Japanese: ザリガニ大脱走だゾ) | ||
671 | "The criminal is slack!" (Japanese: 犯人はダレだ!だゾ) | July 10, 2009 |
"Gallery Nohara" (Japanese: ぎゃるり野原だゾ) | ||
672 | "Bento Boys" (Japanese: 弁当男子だゾ) | July 17, 2009 |
"Hima's Pool Diary" (Japanese: ひまのプール日記だゾ) | ||
673 | "Clean up with an answering machine" (Japanese: お留守番でおそうじだゾ) | July 24, 2009 |
"Weekly Saitama Prefectural Office" (Japanese: 週刊埼玉県庁だゾ) | ||
674 | "Dr. Kazama" (Japanese: Dr.カザマだゾ) | July 31, 2009 |
"Be quiet at the bank" (Japanese: 銀行ではお静かにだゾ) | ||
675 | "Departure of Mom and Daughter" (Japanese: 屈底母娘の家出だソ) | August 7, 2009 |
"Stone conveys feelings" (Japanese: 石が気持ちを伝えるゾ) | ||
676 | "Giving back the vine" (Japanese: ツルの恩返しだゾ) | August 14, 2009 |
"Find the legendary war fan 1" (Japanese: 伝説の軍扇をさがせだゾ1) | ||
677 | "Shiro's summer heat" (Japanese: シロが夏バテだゾ) | August 21, 2009 |
"Find the legendary war fan 2" (Japanese: 伝説の軍扇をさがせだゾ2) | ||
678 | "Horizontal bar at night" (Japanese: 夜の鉄棒だゾ) | August 28, 2009 |
"Take the world" (Japanese: 天下を取るゾ) | ||
679 | "Memory of Love during the Sengoku Period" (Japanese: 恋の戦国メモリーだゾ) | September 4, 2009 |
"Sengoku is Here" (Japanese: 戦国しちゃうゾ) | ||
680 | "Nene-chan's opponent is hard" (Japanese: ネネちゃんの相手は大変だゾ) | September 18, 2009 |
"I lost the key" (Japanese: 鍵をなくしたゾ) | ||
681 | "Concut" (Japanese: コンカツだゾ) | October 16, 2009 |
"Aim for a home run" (Japanese: ホームランを狙うゾ) | ||
682 | "Four-leaf clover" (Japanese: 四葉のクローバーだゾ) | October 23, 2009 |
"I got potatoes" (Japanese: おイモをもらったゾ) | ||
683 | "Mom vs. Himawari" (Japanese: 母ちゃんVSひまわりだゾ) | October 30, 2009 |
"Shinko-chan often" (Japanese: しんこちゃんたびたびだゾ) | ||
"Hima will do it" (Japanese: ひまがやっちゃうゾ) | ||
684 | "I'm not good at Su Su" (Japanese: スースーが苦手だゾ) | November 6, 2009 |
"Calligraphy is fun" (Japanese: 書道は楽しいゾ) | ||
685 | "The mobile zoo has come" (Japanese: 移動動物園が来たゾ) | November 13, 2009 |
"I care about how to hold chopsticks" (Japanese: 箸の持ち方を気にするゾ) | ||
686 | "Letter to Nene-chan" (Japanese: ネネちゃんにお手紙だゾ) | November 20, 2009 |
"Get along" (Japanese: 仲良くして!だゾ) | ||
687 | "Appear on the one-on-one calendar" (Japanese: ワンワンカレンダーに出るゾ) | November 27, 2009 |
"Power up with false eyelashes" (Japanese: つけまつげでパワーアップだゾ) | ||
688 | "Ageo-sensei's secret weekend" (Japanese: 上尾先生の秘密の週末だゾ) | December 4, 2009 |
"Bazzar in kindergarten" (Japanese: 幼稚園でバザーだゾ) | ||
SPECIAL–63 | "Crayon Shin-chan: The Storm Called: The Adult Empire Strikes Back (2001) (Director: Keiichi Hara)" (Japanese: クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶ モーレツ!オトナ帝国の逆襲(2001年)(監督:原恵一)) | December 18, 2009 |
"Snow Prince" (Japanese: スノープリンスだゾ) | ||
# | Title | Original Airdate |
689 | "Encho-sensei's Misfortune" (Japanese: 園長先生の災難だゾ) | January 8, 2010 |
"I Got a High-class Chocolate!" (Japanese: 高級チョコをもらったゾ) | ||
"What About the Future!?" (Japanese: 将来は!?だゾ) | ||
690 | "Shinko-chan Again!" (Japanese: しんこちゃんまたまた!だゾ) | January 15, 2010 |
"Clean Up the Cardboard Box" (Japanese: 段ボール箱を片づけるゾ) | ||
"What About the Future!? 2" (Japanese: 将来は!?だゾ2) | ||
691 | "Chocobi's Factory Tour" (Japanese: チョコビの工場見学だゾ) | January 22, 2010 |
"Action Mask Towel" (Japanese: アクション仮面タオルだゾ) | ||
"What About the Future!? 3" (Japanese: 将来は!?だゾ3) | ||
692 | "The Trip to Perth is Memorable" (Japanese: 思い出のパース旅行だゾ) | January 29, 2010 |
"What About the Future!? 4" (Japanese: 将来は!?だゾ4) | ||
693 | "Kasukabe Large Set" (Japanese: カスカベ大集合だゾ) | February 5, 2010 |
"I Saw the Housekeeping Agency!" (Japanese: 家事代行屋さんは見た!だゾ) | ||
694 | "Under the Coat..." (Japanese: コートの下は…だゾ) | February 19, 2010 |
"Ask a Shooting Star" (Japanese: 流れ星にお願いするゾ) | ||
695 | "The Drive that Came Out" (Japanese: 出たとこドライブだゾ) | March 12, 2010 |
"I Want to Eat Yakiimo Anymore" (Japanese: どーしてもヤキイモが食べたいゾ) | ||
696 | "Kasukabe Time Patrol Corps I Want to See My Bride" (Japanese: 春我部タイムパトロール隊 オラの花嫁がみたいゾ) | March 26, 2010 |
SPECIAL–64 | "Kasukabe Time Patrol Corps The Secret of the Birth of Me" (Japanese: カスカベタイムパトロール隊 オラ誕生のヒミツだゾ) | April 16, 2010 |
"First Dentist (2006) <again>" (Japanese: 初めての歯医者さんだゾ(2006年)〈再〉) | ||
"Future Us (2006) <again>" (Japanese: 未来のオラ達だゾ(2006年)〈再〉) | ||
697 | "Apply for the Sweepstakes" (Japanese: 懸賞に応募するゾ) | April 23, 2010 |
"Matsuzaka-sensei, Finally" (Japanese: まつざか先生、ついにだゾ) | ||
698 | "Shiro is Going" (Japanese: シロがゆくえふめいだゾ) | April 30, 2010 |
"Returned Office Worker Shinnosuke" (Japanese: 帰ってきたサラリーマンしんのすけだゾ) | ||
699 | "Dream Autograph Signing" (Japanese: 夢のサイン会だゾ) | May 7, 2010 |
"Bo-chan and Himawari" (Japanese: ボーちゃんとひまわりだゾ) | ||
700 | "Far Away from Sugoroku" (Japanese: すごろくは遠いゾ) | May 14, 2010 |
"Dad is Working Out" (Japanese: フィットネス父ちゃんだゾ) | ||
701 | "Decorating the Stroller" (Japanese: ベビーカーをデコるゾ) | May 21, 2010 |
"Escorting Nene-chan" (Japanese: ネネちゃんをエスコートだゾ) | ||
"Decorating" (Japanese: デコるゾ) | ||
702 | "My Answering Machine is Pounding, I'm a Little Scared" (Japanese: お留守番がドキドキだゾ ちょっと怖いぞ編) | May 28, 2010 |
"Go to Hima’s Event" (Japanese: ひまのイベントに行くゾ) | ||
703 | "Kazama-kun's Hair Is...!" (Japanese: 風間くんの髪が...だゾ) | June 4, 2010 |
"Family Restaurant is the Best" (Japanese: ファミレスは最高だゾ) | ||
"Without Knowing..." (Japanese: 知らないうちに...だゾ) | ||
704 | "Rock Soul" (Japanese: ロック魂だゾ) | June 11, 2010 |
"Soccer Taro's Demon Extermination" (Japanese: サッカー太郎の鬼退治だゾ) | ||
705 | "Noisy Pedometer" (Japanese: うるさい歩数計だゾ) | July 2, 2010 |
"Too Big" (Japanese: でかすぎるゾ) | ||
706 | "Shiro-san in Love" (Japanese: 恋する四郎さんだゾ) | July 9, 2010 |
"Protect the Carpet" (Japanese: カーペットを守るゾ) | ||
707 | "Get a Sticker" (Japanese: シールをもらうゾ) | July 16, 2010 |
"Hima and Answering Machine Are Throbbing" (Japanese: ひまとお留守番はドキドキだゾ) | ||
708 | "Goodbye Micchi and Yoshirin" (Japanese: さよならミッチーヨシリンだゾ) | July 30, 2010 |
709 | "The Octopi Are Many" (Japanese: タコさんはたくさんだゾ) | August 6, 2010 |
"Goldfish Scooping Showdown" (Japanese: 金魚すくいで勝負だゾ) | ||
710 | "What Bo-chan Wants" (Japanese: ボーちゃんのほしいものだゾ) | August 13, 2010 |
"Water" (Japanese: 水まきするゾ) | ||
711 | "5,000 Yen Juice" (Japanese: 五千円のジュースだゾ) | August 20, 2010 |
"Chocobi World" (Japanese: チョコビワールドだゾ) | ||
712 | "Chabudai Demon" (Japanese: ちゃぶ台鬼だゾ) | August 27, 2010 |
"Shiro's Day" (Japanese: シロの一日だゾ) | ||
713 | "Walk on the Line" (Japanese: 線の上を歩くゾ) | September 10, 2010 |
"First Coin Laundry" (Japanese: 初コインランドリーだゾ) | ||
714 | "Lunchbox at Home" (Japanese: おウチでお弁当だゾ) | September 17, 2010 |
"Dad's Secret Night" (Japanese: 父ちゃんの秘密の夜だゾ) | ||
715 | "Team Leader Imechen Strategy" (Japanese: 組長イメチェン大作戦だゾ) | October 15, 2010 |
"Akita's Grandpa is Back" (Japanese: 秋田のじいちゃんがまた来たゾ) | ||
716 | "Yuutsu of the Clothes I Got" (Japanese: もらった服のゆううつだゾ) | October 22, 2010 |
"Luxury Cake Shop" (Japanese: 高級ケーキ屋さんだゾ) | ||
717 | "Products with Reasons" (Japanese: ワケあり商品だゾ) | October 29, 2010 |
"Dad's Babysitter" (Japanese: 父ちゃんの子守りだゾ) | ||
718 | "Villains Are Cool" (Japanese: 悪役はカッコいいゾ) | November 12, 2010 |
"Go Mushroom Hunting" (Japanese: キノコ狩りへ行くゾ) | ||
719 | "Buying Children" (Japanese: 子ども買いだゾ) | November 19, 2010 |
"Chasing Nanako Sister" (Japanese: ななこおねいさんを追いかけるゾ) | ||
SPECIAL–65 | "Running an Errand [Re-1992/4/13]" (Japanese: おつかいに行くゾ[再1992/4/13]) | November 26, 2010 |
"Shin-men Hero is Here!" (Japanese: SHIN-MEN ヒーロー登場!) | ||
"Shin-men Hero is Here! (2)" (Japanese: SHIN-MEN ヒーロー登場!(2)) | ||
"It's Hard to Put a Compress" (Japanese: 湿布を貼るのは大変だゾ) | ||
"Crayon Shin-chan 20th Anniversary Ayumi Shin Walk" (Japanese: クレヨンしんちゃん20周年のあゆみ しん散歩) | ||
720 | "Lunchbox Battle" (Japanese: お弁当箱の戦いだゾ) | December 3, 2010 |
"Rabbit Came Home" (Japanese: ウサギが家にやってきたゾ) | ||
721 | "Go to the Multiplex" (Japanese: シネコンに行くゾ) | December 10, 2010 |
"Ranking without Permission" (Japanese: 勝手にランキングだゾ) | ||
# | Title | Original Airdate | |||
722 | "Dead Leaves" (Japanese: 枯れ葉よ〜、だゾ) | January 14, 2011 | |||
"Trial Ai-chan" (Japanese: 試練のあいちゃんだゾ) | |||||
723 | "Teacher's Help" (Japanese: 先生のお手伝いだゾ) | January 21, 2011 | |||
"Full of Remote Control" (Japanese: リモコンがいっぱいだゾ) | |||||
"What's a Spy?" (Japanese: スパイって何?だゾ) | |||||
724 | "Moe-P's Birthday" (Japanese: もえPの誕生日だゾ) | January 28, 2011 | |||
"Shin-men 3 Can's Secret" (Japanese: SHIN−MEN3 カンのヒミツ) | |||||
725 | "With Mochi" (Japanese: おモチつきだゾ) | February 4, 2011 | |||
"Give a Name" (Japanese: 名前をつけるゾ) | |||||
726 | "The Secret Room is Paradise" (Japanese: 秘密の部屋はパラダイスだゾ) | February 18, 2011 | |||
"A Clean Room is Difficult" (Japanese: きれいな部屋は苦しいゾ) | |||||
727 | "Shiro and Messenger" (Japanese: シロとおつかいだゾ) | February 25, 2011 | |||
"Shin-men 4 Hugh's Love" (Japanese: SHIN−MEN4 ヒューの恋) | |||||
728 | "Spy the Roses" (Japanese: ばら組をスパイするゾ) | March 25, 2011 | |||
"Bicycle Commuting" (Japanese: 自転車通勤するゾ) | |||||
SPECIAL–66 | "Spy Clan Nohara" (Japanese: スパイ一族ノハーラだゾ) | April 8, 2011 | |||
"Super Spy Misae" (Japanese: スーパースパイミサエだゾ) | |||||
"Crayon Shin-chan: Super-Dimension! The Storm Called My Bride" (Japanese: 映画『超時空! 嵐を呼ぶオラの花嫁』) | |||||
SPECIAL–67 | "Agent Dad" (Japanese: エージェント父ちゃんだゾ) | April 22, 2011 | |||
"Kamen Rider Den-O vs. Shin-O" (Japanese: 仮面ライダー電王VSしん王だゾ) | |||||
"Help the Aunt Next Door" (Japanese: 隣のおばさんをお助けするゾ) | |||||
729 | "I Want Brothers" (Japanese: きょうだいが欲しいゾ) | April 29, 2011 | |||
"Mom's Diary" (Japanese: 母ちゃんの日記だゾ) | |||||
730 | "Kazama's Dad is Coming Back" (Japanese: 風間くんのパパが帰ってくるゾ) | May 6, 2011 | |||
"Our Imagination Flies" (Japanese: 妄想するゾ) | |||||
731 | "Sukeman Mom" (Japanese: スケバンママだゾ) | May 13, 2011 | |||
"Read Aloud" (Japanese: 読み聞かせだゾ) | |||||
732 | "Flower-filled Strategy" (Japanese: 花いっぱい大作戦だゾ) | May 20, 2011 | |||
"Make a Business Card" (Japanese: 名刺を作るゾ) | |||||
733 | "Catch Big Fish" (Japanese: 大物を釣るゾ) | May 27, 2011 | |||
"Shin-men" (Japanese: SHIN-MEN) | |||||
734 | "Teach How to Keep a Dog" (Japanese: 犬の飼い方教えるゾ) | June 3, 2011 | |||
"I Got the Money" (Japanese: お金をひろったゾ) | |||||
735 | "Pirates of Aribian" (Japanese: パイレーツオブアリビアンだゾ) | June 10, 2011 | |||
"Hip-Hop Dancing" (Japanese: ヒップホップダンスだゾ) | |||||
"Small Me" (Japanese: 小さいオラだゾ) | |||||
736 | "I Envy Shiro" (Japanese: シロがうらやましいゾ) | June 17, 2011 | |||
"Teachers' Shopping" (Japanese: 先生たちのお買い物だゾ) | |||||
737 | "Became a Terretrial Digital" (Japanese: 地デジになったゾ) | June 24, 2011 | |||
"Futu's Schoolgirl Time" (Japanese: フツーの女子高生タイムだゾ) | |||||
738 | "Red Zukin and Purple Zukin" (Japanese: 赤ズキンと紫ズキンだゾ) | July 1, 2011 | |||
"Shin-men" (Japanese: SHIN-MEN) | |||||
739 | "Mysterious Ring" (Japanese: ふしぎな指輪だゾ) | July 8, 2011 | |||
"Dad Works at Home" (Japanese: ウチではたらく父ちゃんだゾ) | |||||
740 | "Prince's Shoes" (Japanese: 王子様のクツだゾ) | July 15, 2011 | |||
"Lunch by Car" (Japanese: 車でランチだゾ) | |||||
741 | "Kazama-kun's Summer Vacation" (Japanese: 風間くんの夏休みだゾ) | July 22, 2011 | |||
"Hammer to the Stroller" (Japanese: ベビーカーにハマッたゾ) | |||||
742 | "General Kid Musae" (Japanese: ガキ大将むさえだゾ) | August 5, 2011 | |||
"Perch in the Countryside" (Japanese: 田舎にとまるゾ) | |||||
743 | "Nene-chan's Sticker" (Japanese: ネネちゃんのシールだゾ) | August 12, 2011 | |||
"Find Treasure" (Japanese: お宝を探すゾ) | |||||
744 | "Kasukabe Ninja Corps Heavenly / Earth" (Japanese: カスカベ忍者隊だゾ 天の巻・地の巻) | August 19, 2011 | |||
745 | "Scary DVD" (Japanese: こわ~いDVDだゾ) | August 26, 2011 | |||
746 | "Let's Play with My Old Clothes" (Japanese: 古着で遊んじゃうゾ) | September 2, 2011 | |||
"Dad's Lunch is Hard" (Japanese: 父ちゃんのランチは大変だゾ) | |||||
747 | "I'm a Professional Baseball Player" (Japanese: オラはプロ野球選手だゾ) | October 21, 2011 | |||
"A Close-up of Himawari" (Japanese: ひまわりを激写だゾ) | |||||
748 | "Forensic Shin-chan" (Japanese: 鑑識しんちゃんだゾ) | October 28, 2011 | |||
749 | "Taiyaki Shop" (Japanese: たいやき屋さんだゾ) | November 4, 2011 | |||
"I Dropped My Wallet" (Japanese: 財布を落としたゾ) | |||||
750 | "When My Car Barks!!" (Japanese: オラの車が吠える時!!だゾ) | November 11, 2011 | |||
"Shin-men "Reverse Gonyo Gonyo Strategy! Part 1"" (Japanese: SHIN-MEN『リバースごにょごにょ大作戦!前編』) | |||||
751 | "What's Inside the Box?" (Japanese: 箱の中身は何でしょねだゾ) | November 18, 2011 | |||
"Shin-men "Reverse Gonyo Gonyo Strategy! Part 2"" (Japanese: SHIN-MEN『リバースごにょごにょ大作戦!後編』) | |||||
752 | "Free Ai-chan" (Japanese: 自由なあいちゃんだゾ) | November 25, 2011 | |||
"Save the Galaxy's Crisis" (Japanese: 銀河の危機をお救いするゾ) | |||||
753 | "Chikuwa and Bean Sprouts" (Japanese: ちくわともやしだゾ) | December 2, 2011 | |||
"Discerning Coffee Shop" (Japanese: こだわりのコーヒーショップだゾ) | |||||
754 | "Let Ai-chan Experience for the First Time" (Japanese: あいちゃんに初体験させるゾ) | December 9, 2011 | |||
"Ageo-sensei, Something Strange" (Japanese: 上尾先生、なんかヘンだゾ) | |||||
Shin-chan's rich classmate Ai shows up to his house unannounced in a limousine and treats his aunt like her servant. / ?? | |||||
755 | "Large Cleaning at the Entrance" (Japanese: 玄関の大そうじだゾ) | December 16, 2011 | |||
"Shin-men "Disappointed with Curry-great Strategy!"" (Japanese: SHIN-MEN 『カレーでガッカリ~大作戦!』) | |||||
- ^ "2001年度". TV Asahi. Archived from the original on 2015-08-19. Retrieved 2015-11-21.
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