Optics is the branch of physics which involves the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it.[1] Optics usually describes the behavior of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light. Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves exhibit similar properties.[1]
- Abbe number
- Abbe prism
- Abbe sine condition
- Aberration in optical systems
- Absorption
- Absorption spectrum
- Acousto-optics
- Acousto-optic deflector
- Acousto-optic filter
- Acousto-optic modulator
- Active laser medium
- Afterglow
- Airglow
- Airy disk
- Albedo
- Alexander's band
- Alpenglow
- Angle of incidence
- Angle of reflection
- Angular magnification
- Anti-reflective coating
- Arago spot
- Asterism (astronomy)
- Asterism (gemmology)
- Aspheric lens
- Atmospheric diffraction
- Atom optics
- Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
- Aura (optics)
- Auroral light
- Avalanche photodiode
- Aventurescence
- Axicon
- Camera
- Camera lens
- Camera lucida
- Camera obscura
- Candela
- Cardinal point (optics)
- Cassegrain reflector
- Cathodoluminescence
- Catoptrics
- Caustic (optics)
- Chatoyancy
- Chemical laser
- Chromatic aberration
- Chromaticity
- Chromaticity diagram
- Chrominance
- Circle of confusion
- Circular dichroism
- Coherence length
- Coherence (physics)
- Coherence time
- Collimated light
- Color
- Colorimetry
- Color science
- Common-path interferometer
- Confocal
- Confocal laser scanning microscopy
- Concave lens
- Concave mirror
- Convex lens
- Convex mirror
- Cooke triplet
- Corner reflector
- Crystal optics
- Dark state
- Densitometry
- Depolarizer (optics)
- Diaphragm (optics)
- Dichroism
- Dichroic filter
- Dichroic prism
- Dichromatic reflectance model
- Differential group delay
- Diffraction
- Diffraction grating
- Diffraction spike
- Diffractive optics
- Digital handheld refractometer
- Dispersion (optics)
- Double-Gauss lens
- Double refraction
- Double-slit experiment
- Dual polarisation interferometry
- f-number
- fabrication and testing (optical components)
- Faraday effect
- far point
- fata Morgana
- Fermat's principle
- fiber amplifier
- fiber optic terms (list)
- fiber optics
- filter (optics)
- Fizeau's measurement of the speed of light in air
- Flat mirror
- fluorescence
- focal length
- focal point (optics)
- focus
- Folded optics
- Foucault's measurements of the speed of light
- Fourier optics
- Fraunhofer diffraction
- Fraunhofer line
- free-space optical communication
- Augustin-Jean Fresnel
- Fresnel equations
- Fresnel lens
- Fresnel number
- Fresnel reflection
- Fresnel zone
- Laser
- Laser construction
- Laser applications
- Laser pumping
- Laser science
- Lasing threshold
- Least distance of distinct vision
- Lens (optics)
- lens designs (list)
- Lensmeter
- Light
- Light bulb
- Light-emitting diode
- Light meter
- Liquid-crystal display
- Liquid scintillation counting
- Luminance
- Luminiferous aether
- Luminosity
- Luminous intensity
- Lumen
- Lustre (mineralogy)
- Lux
- off-axis optical system
- optical aberration
- optical amplifier
- optical axis
- optical axis gratings
- optical bench
- optical coating
- optical coherence tomography
- optical communication
- optical computer
- optical data storage (science of)
- optical depth
- optical disc
- optical distance
- optical engineering
- optical fiber
- optical fiber connector
- optical illusion
- optical instrument
- optical isotropy
- optical lens design
- optical modeling and simulation
- optical path
- optical path length
- optical pattern recognition
- optical phenomenon
- optical processor
- optical resonator
- optical sine theorem
- optical spectrum
- optical theorem
- optical tweezers
- optical waveguide
- optical window
- optics
- optoelectronics
- paraxial approximation
- pattern recognition
- pentaprism
- penumbra
- periscope
- phase (waves)
- phosphorescence
- phot
- photodiode
- photoelectric effect
- photographic lens
- photography (science of)
- photometry
- photomultiplier
- photon
- photonic crystal
- photonics
- photon polarization
- photorefractive effect
- photoresistor
- physical optics
- pincushion distortion
- pinhole camera
- piston (optics)
- plasmonics
- pleochroism
- Pockels effect
- polarimeter
- polarization (waves)
- Polaroid (polarizer)
- population inversion
- Porro prism
- prime lens
- principal focus
- principle of least time
- prism (optics)
- prism compressor
- progressive lenses
- Radial polarisation
- Radiometry
- radius of curvature
- Rainbow
- Raman amplification
- Raman amplifier
- Ray (optics)
- Rayleigh criterion
- Rayleigh scattering
- Ray tracing
- Ray transfer matrix analysis
- Reflecting telescope
- Reflection (optics)
- Refracting telescope
- Refraction
- Reflection coefficient
- Refractive index
- Refractometer
- Retroreflector
- RGB color model
- Rochon prism
- Rotating-wave approximation
- scattering
- Scheimpflug principle
- scintillator
- scintillation (astronomy)
- Sellmeier equation
- Sénarmont prism
- shadow
- slit experiment
- Willebrord Snell
- Snell's law
- spatial filter
- speckle pattern
- speckle interferometry
- spectroscopy
- speed of light
- spontaneous emission
- sprite (optical phenomenon)
- statistical optics
- stereoscopy
- stimulated emission
- Stokes parameters
- sun dog
- sunlight
- sylvanshine
- synchrotron radiation
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