Text Appearing Before Image: ls in 892-896 records of 893-895 water of, quality of 152 Woolson, wells at 543 Worth County, city and village supplies in.. 664 geology of 663 topography of 663 undergrormd water of 663-664 wells in 136,663-664 water of, quality of 145 Worthington, wells at and near 310, 311,316,326,327 wells at and near, water of, quality of 144 Wright County, city and village supplies in. 667-669 drainage wells in 667 flowing wells in 666 geology of 619,664 topography of 664 underground water of 665-669 wells in 665-669 water of, head of 666-667 quality of 147 Wyman, wells at 58Q Wyoming, water supply at 437 Y. Yarmouth, geology near 523 wells at and near 532 Yarmouth stage, deposits of 89 deposits of, occurrence and character of 556,574 water in 558 See also Buchanan gravel. Yellow River, spring head of 248 wells near 245 Yield of v/ells, decrease in, remedies for 130-131 decrease in, statistics of 131-134 factors affecting 123-130 measurement of 123 Z. Zearing, wells at, water of, quahty of 163 o Text Appearing After Image: GEOLOGIC MAP OF IOWA SHOWING ARTESIAN CONDITIONS AND ELEVATION OF ST. PETER SANDSTONE
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Norton, William Harmon, b. 1856;
Hendrixson, Walter Scott, 1859- [from old catalog] joint author;
Simpson, Howard E. (Howard Edwin), 1874-1938, joint author;
Meinzer, Oscar Edward, 1876- [from old catalog] joint author;
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