English: Portrait photograph of Prince Albert, Duke of York (later to be King George VI) in the full dress uniform of an RAF group captain and his bride, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, in 1927. [sic.]
Text Appearing Before Image: abstain from the usual foods and physicalactivity which help stimulate peristalsis. In such cases, Saraka aids in toning and strengthening the intestinalmusculature which has become flabby from inactivity. Bland, easily-gliding,lubricating bulk (provided by bassorin) mixes intimately with the feces —softening and smoothing them. Frangula, subjected to a special process, isincorporated in an amount sufficient to induce adequate motility by its gentletonic action. This combination of BULK PLUS MOTILITY makes Saraka a definite aid in regulating bowel habit. The well-formed stoolmoves naturally, without griping, digestive disturbances, or annoying leakage. Saraka is not habit-forming and may be used safely for young and old,and during pregnancy and lactation. Fill in and mail the coupon for a clinical supply of Saraka. ^ti^, SCHERING (CANADA) LIMITED v»/;o p. 0. Box 358 Place dArmes, Montreal ^S7 Please send me sample of Sardka^ and literature Pat. Off. St. & No City Prov MAY, 1939 Text Appearing After Image: T. M, King George VI and Queen ElizabethPhoto: World Copyright, Van Dyke, London
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