Public domain works must be out of copyright in both the United States and in the source country of the work in order to be hosted on the Commons. If the work is not a U.S. work, the file must have an additional copyright tag indicating the copyright status in the source country. Note: This tag should not be used for sound recordings.PD-1923Public domain in the United States//
Original upload log
The original description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikipedia.
2006-12-12 06:00 Mactographer 282×282× (13568 bytes) A detail image from a larger photo of a photographer who appears to be photographing himself in a photographic studio: Wheeler, Berlin, Wis.<br> CALL NUMBER: SSF - Photography--Photographers--1893<br> REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZ62-19393 (b&w film copy n
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2008-06-03T15:04:56Z Svajcr 1536x1062 (280911 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|TITLE: A photographer appears to be photographing himself in a photographic studio: Wheeler, Berlin, Wis. CALL NUMBER: SSF - Photography--Photographers--1893 REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZ62-193
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|A photographer appears to be photographing himself in a photographic studio: Wheeler, Berlin, Wis.}} |Source={{Derived from|Photographer-studio-1893.jpg|display=50}} |Date=1893 |Author=*[[:File:Pho...
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