• Comment: This is written as a CV, not as an encyclopedic article. No bragging, and all claims must be backed by a source quoted nearby. Rewrite please. Ldm1954 (talk) 12:32, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Sergei V. Chekanov (born 1969 in Minsk, Soviet Union then Belarus) is a Belarussian-American particle and experimental physicist. He published several books on computations and data analysis.[1] [2] [3]. He obtained his master degree in theoretical physics in 1992 from the Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus) and entered a Ph.D. position at the Academy of Science of Belarus. His main Ph.D. topic was the theory of Quantum chromodynamics (1992-1995)[4]. He received his Ph.D. in experimental particle physics. He holds a Ph.D in experimental particle physics from the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands (1998). As a particle physicist, he worked at DESY laboratory (Hamburg, Germany), CERN laboratory (Geneva, Switzerland) and at Argonne National Laboratory (USA).

Professional activity

In 2020, Dr. S. V. Chekanov was ranked #113 in his discipline according to the H-index, corresponding to a top 30 position among Russian-speaking physicists [5]. According to several metrics of the AD scientific index, Dr. S.V. Chekanov is ranked #40 - #100 (depending on the index type) in the United States.[6]

Dr. S.V. Chekanov works in the field of particle physics at Argonne National Laboratory. He was a member of the L3 experiment/ CERN, ZEUS experiment / DESY and ATLAS experiment / CERN international experiments. According his publication records in ORCID[7], he co-authored about 200 professional papers (most of them are published in peer-reviewed journals) and other articles, including a dozen of experimental papers from large-scale particle-colliding experiments.

In 2022 - 2024, he led a group of scientists at the LHC to publish a first article in particle physics where the entire collision events from the LHC collider were converted into "replicas" with the help of a deep neural network (autoencoder), and then searches for new physics phenomena. [8][9][10] [11].

Software for particle physics

S.V.Chekanov led and implemented several large-scale software projects for high-energy particle physics, such as HepSim Monte Carlo repository[12] for collision events, Jas4pp analysis framework for particle physics[13] and other software packages.

Public activity

As a software designer, S.V.Chekanov he wrote two books on numerical and statistical computations based on Java and Jython programming languages.[14] and Springer International (2016)[15]. The main focus of the books is scientific computing using Java programming language and the usage of Java scripting languages. According to the Springer International, the latter book was top 25% most downloadable books in 2016 and 2017 in the category "Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing". Since the publication of the book, Springer has detected 34k downloads [16] until April 2019. He is also known for promoting open-source scientific computing for science and education as a founder of the jWork.ORG community portal[17].

Since 2020 Dr. S.V.Chekanov was a lead developer for the non-for-profit organization called Knowledge Standards Foundation (KSF)[18], which was founded by Wikipedia ex-founder Larry Sanger As a member of the KSF, he explored the technical design and software implementations of the Encyclosphere which is expected to unite all world's online encyclopedias[19].

Philosophical works

In July 2024, S. Chekanov published a book titled "The Designed World of Information: Unveiling the Incredible Realm Beyond"[20] This work explores the concept of synchronicity, first introduced by Carl Jung, and proposes a method for estimating the probability that synchronicity arises from pure chance and randomness. The book concludes that the synchronicity effect can be seen as evidence for the existence of God, although it does not dismiss the simulation theory. Where science falls short of providing definitive answers, this book offers insights that illuminate our consciousness and its relationship with the informational reality shaping the events and processes of our world. The original text is also available in Russian.


  • The Designed World of Information: Unveiling the Incredible Realm Beyond, S.V.Chekanov, June 2024, ‎ 460 pages, ISBN: 979-8-9906428-3-6, eBook ISBN: 979-8-9906428-2-9
  • Numeric Computation and Statistical Data Analysis on the Java Platform, S.V.Chekanov, 710 pages. Springer International Publishing AG. 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-28531-3
  • Scientific Data Analysis using Jython Scripting and Java, by Sergei V.Chekanov, 440 pages, Springer International Publishing AG, ISBN 978-1-84996-287-2, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84996-287-2_1


  1. ^ Springer author biography (2010), https://www.springer.com/us/book/9781849962865#aboutAuthors (retrieved Ap 2019)
  2. ^ Springer author biography (2016), [https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319285290#aboutAuthors (retrieved April 2019)
  3. ^ Argonne Today, Article "Argonne physicist Sergei Chekanov publishes book on computing", Apr 5, 2016 [1]
  4. ^ Ph.D. Thesis."Local Multiplicity Fluctuations and Intermitted Structure Inside Jets", (2017) ISBN 90-9010518-2, CERN repository http://cds.cern.ch/record/466838/files/Thesis-1997-Chekanov.pdf
  5. ^ The H-index of the top Russian-speaking physicists. http://www.expertcorps.ru/science/whoiswho/ci86?sortby=h (retrieved in Jan 2024).
  6. ^ AD scientific index of S.V. Chekanov. https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist/sergei-v-chekanov/4375765 (retrieved in Jan 2024)
  7. ^ Publications of S.V.Chekanov. ORCID digital identifier. ORCID iD 0000-0001-7314-7247
  8. ^ Press Release | Argonne National Laboratory Machine learning could help reveal undiscovered particles within data from the Large Hadron Collider. By Savannah Mitchem Press Release. Argonne National Laboratory,April 15, 2024
  9. ^ Phys. Org. April 15, https://phys.org/news/2024-04-machine-reveal-undiscovered-particles-large.html
  10. ^ NewWise, https://www.newswise.com/doescience/machine-learning-could-help-reveal-undiscovered-particles-within-data-from-the-large-hadron-collider
  11. ^ ATLAS physics briefing, https://atlas.cern/Updates/Briefing/Anomaly-Detection, (2023).
  12. ^ S.V.Chekanov, HepSim: a repository with predictions for high-energy physics experiments. Advances in High Energy Physics, vol. 2015, Article ID 136093, 7
  13. ^ S.V. Chekanov, G. Gavalian and N. A. Graf, “Jas4pp - a Data-Analysis Framework for Physics and Detector Studies” arXiv:2011.05329, Comp. Physics. Comm. 262 (2021) 107857, ANL-HEP-164101
  14. ^ "Scientific Data analysis using Jython Scripting and Java". Book. By S.V.Chekanov, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-1-84996-286-5, [2]
  15. ^ "Numeric Computation and Statistical Data Analysis on the Java Platform" (Book). By S.V.Chekanov, Springer, (2016) ISBN 978-3-319-28531-3, 700 pages, [3]
  16. ^ Springer download Statistics of the book "Numeric Computation and Statistical Data Analysis on the Java Platform" [4]
  17. ^ jWork.ORG programming portal jwork.org (retrieved in Apr 2019)
  18. ^ The Encyclosphere Team. https://encyclosphere.org/team/ (retrieved Feb 16, 2025)
  19. ^ Larry Sanger, Introducing the Encyclosphere, [5]
  20. ^ Sergei V. Chekanov, The Designed World of Information: Unveiling the Incredible Realm Beyond. Publisher: IngramSpark (2024). Print ISBN: 9798990642836; eBook ISBN: 9798990642829
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