Riccardo Viale
Riccardo Viale

Riccardo Viale is an Italian cognitive scientist, epistemologist and cognitive economist, known for his studies on bounded rationality and the application of cognitive sciences to methodology and epistemology of social science, economic theory, public administration and public policies.

At the end of 80s he developed the cognitive approach to social science, named Methodological Cognitivism and in 2023 the embodied cognition approach to social sciences, named Embodied Individualism. He introduced in 1995 the concept of Cognitive Economics; in 2009 the programme of behavioral public administration; and in 2023 the theory of Behavioral City. Since 2001, full professor of cognitive economics and behavioral sciences at the University of Milan Bicocca[1] and at LUISS,[2] he has been a fellow and visiting scholar at Oxford University; Luigi Bocconi University, Milan; University of California, San Diego; Rice University, Houston; Columbia University, New York; Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin; Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing; Sorbonne University, Paris.


Riccardo Viale graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Psychiatry at the University of Turin. After his doctoral studies from 1985 to 1988 at Oxford in philosophy of science, he became a researcher at the CNR, professor of Logic and Epistemology at the Bocconi University of Milan (from 1988 to 1996), associate professor of sociology of science at the State University of Milan (from 1992 to 2001), full professor of Methodology of Social Sciences and professor of cognitive economics and behavioral sciences (from 2001 to 2023) at the University of Milan Bicocca; permanent professor of behavioral economics at the National School of Administration in Rome (from 2004 to 2016); Since 2006, he has taught behavioral economics at the Department of Political Sciences at LUISS in Rome. He is currently president of Behavioral Insights Bicocca and scientific director of the Master "Behavioral design for public utilities and services"[3] of the University of Milan Bicocca and the Polytechnic of Milan. He is co-editor in chief of Mind & Society- Adaptive Behaviors under Risk and Uncertainty.

Riccardo Viale is the author of many books including:

  • 2024, Elgar Companion to Herbert Simon (with Gerd Gigerenzer and Shabnam Mousavi), Cheltenham, Elgar;
  • 2022, Nudging, Cambridge Mass: The MIT Press;
  • 2021, Handbook of Bounded Rationality, London: Routledge;
  • 2018, Beyond Nudge. Freedom of Choice, Happiness and Behavior, (with a foreword by Cass Susnstein) Bologna: Il Mulino;
  • 2013, Methodological Cognitivism, Vol. 2 Cognition, Science, and Innovation, Springer;
  • 2012, Methodological Cognitivism, Vol 1 Mind, Rationality and Society, Springer;
  • 1992, (reprinted in 2008) Economics, Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution (with H. Simon, M. Egidi and R. Marris), Brookfield: Edward Elgar;
  • 1991, Method and society in science, Milan: Franco Angeli. Simon, M. Egidi and R. Marris), Brookfield: Edward Elgar; 1991 Method and society in science, Milan: Franco Angeli.

Riccardo Viale has held various institutional positions in Italy and abroad. Among others, in 1992 he was coordinator of the Committee on Research and Innovation of the President of the Council of Ministers; in 1990 collaborator of Jacques Delors' Cellule de Prospective at the European Commission; from 2010 to 2014 director of the Italian Cultural Institute in New York[4]; since 2020 scientific head of the Behavioral Insights Team of the Department of Public Function of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.[5] Finally he was Founder and President of the Rosselli Foundation of Turin (from 1988 to 2015); Founder and Secretary General of the Herbert Simon Society (from 2006 to today)[6]; founder, general manager (from 2001 to 2010) and President of scientific committee (from 2018 to today) of Fondazione Cotec per l'innovazione[7]; founder and Secretary General of Triple Helix Association (from 2009 to today).


  1. ^ "VIALE RICCARDO". Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
  2. ^ "Riccardo Viale". Luiss Guido Carli.
  3. ^ "Nudge and Public Policies: behavioral economics and cognitive sciences in public and private organization, communication and regulation NON ACTIVATED". Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. April 24, 2022.
  4. ^ Internazionale, Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione. "Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York". iicnewyork.esteri.it.
  5. ^ "Italy Behavioral Insights Team | Portale della Performance". performance.gov.it.
  6. ^ https://herbertsimonsociety.org/governance/
  7. ^ "Chi Siamo". Cotec.
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