Colorado Native Amber Lager is a 5.5% abv amber lager introduced in April 2010 by AC Golden Brewing Company, a subsidiary of Molson Coors. The beer was originally brewed in a 30-barrel brew house located inside the Coors Brewery in Golden, CO. Colorado Native Lagers are the only lagers brewed with Rocky Mountain water, Colorado-grown hops, Colorado-grown barley from the San Luis Valley and the oldest strain of brewer's yeast in Colorado. The beer is available only in Colorado. Brand Facts ETOH: 5.5% ABV, IBUs: 38, Calories: 170 per 12 ounce serving, Beginning gravity: 12.5 Plato, Ending gravity: 2.3 Plato, Yeast: Bottom-fermenting Lager Yeast, Bittering hops: Cascade, Chinook, Centennial, Finishing hops: Cascade, Centennial, Malts: Two-row Colorado Moravian Pale & Caramel,
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