Martin Helme For more information, see Plan 9 from Bell Labs. Pages in category "Plan 9 commands" The following 59 pages are in this category, out of 59 total. This list may not reflect recent changes. A Ar (Unix) AWKB Basename Bc (programming language)C Cal (command) Chgrp Chmod Cmp (Unix) Comm Cp (Unix)D Dc (computer program) Dd (Unix) Diff Du (Unix)E Echo (command) Ed (software) Eqn (software)F Factor (Unix) File (command) Find (Unix) Fmt (Unix) Fortune (Unix)G Grep GzipH Hoc (programming language)J Join (Unix)K Kill (command)L Lex (software) LsM Mk (software) MkdirN Netstat Nm (Unix)P Passwd Patch (Unix) Pr (Unix) Ps (Unix) PwdR Rm (Unix)S Sed Sleep (command) Sort (Unix) Spell (Unix) Split (Unix) Strings (Unix) Strip (Unix)T Tail (Unix) Tar (computing) Tee (command) Test (Unix) Touch (command) Tr (Unix) TroffU UniqW Wc (Unix) Whatis Who (Unix)X XargsY Yacc No tags for this post. Navigeerimine Raul KirjanenKivisildnik
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