This category contains articles that have been marked by the Books WikiProject as needing an infobox. Articles are automatically added to this category based on a parameter in the project banner template.
This category has only the following subcategory.
- Novel articles without infoboxes (1,566 P)
Pages in category "Book articles without infoboxes"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 2,248 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Talk:A History of the Jews
- Talk:Abckiria
- Talk:ABD ehk Luggemise-Ramat Lastele
- Talk:Abithana Chintamani
- Talk:About Britain
- Talk:Academic American Encyclopedia
- Talk:Academic Dictionary of Lithuanian
- Talk:Acorn (book)
- Talk:Acts of Peter and Andrew
- Talk:Aenesidemus (book)
- Talk:Æthelstan: The First King of England
- Talk:Against Apion
- Talk:Agrarian Justice
- Talk:Agron (dictionary)
- Talk:Aisling (book series)
- Talk:Aku-Aku
- Talk:Alef-Laam Khomeini
- Talk:Algorismus (Norse text)
- Talk:Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie
- Talk:Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste
- Talk:Allgemeines Deutsches Kommersbuch
- Talk:Almagest
- Talk:Almanac of British Politics
- Talk:Alphabet of the Imagination
- Talk:Alphabetum grandonico-malabaricum sive samscrudonicum
- Talk:Alpine Club Guide
- Talk:Altan Tobchi
- Talk:Alternative Economic Strategies
- Talk:Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte
- Talk:Alumni Cantabrigienses
- Talk:Alumni Oxonienses
- Talk:AMA Manual of Style
- Talk:Amelia Jane
- Talk:America's National Game
- Talk:America's Other Army
- Talk:America's Safest and Most Dangerous Cities
- Talk:America's Western Frontiers
- Talk:American Architects Directory
- Talk:American Beetles
- Talk:American Educator (encyclopedia)
- Talk:American Foreign Policy: Three Essays
- Talk:The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
- Talk:American Journals
- Talk:American Jurisprudence
- Talk:American Machinists' Handbook
- Talk:An Analytic History of Persian Modern Poetry
- Talk:An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought
- Talk:Analyse des Infiniment Petits pour l'Intelligence des Lignes Courbes
- Talk:Analysis Situs (book)
- Talk:Analytic Combinatorics (book)
- Talk:The Anatomy of a Moment
- Talk:Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley
- Talk:Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas
- Talk:Angewandte Psychologie
- Talk:Angst und Vorurteil
- Talk:Animals Drawn from Nature and Engraved in Aqua-tinta
- Talk:Annales Alamannici
- Talk:Annals (Tacitus)
- Talk:Vita Ansgarii
- Talk:Anthology of Twentieth-Century British and Irish Poetry
- Talk:Antigüedades célticas de la isla de Menorca
- Talk:Anuragathinte Dinangal
- Talk:Apno Dharma
- Talk:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography
- Talk:Arbeiderbevegelsens historie i Norge
- Talk:Arbeidernes Leksikon
- Talk:Arcades Project
- Talk:Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich
- Talk:Architecture's Desire
- Talk:The Archko Volume
- Talk:Arithmetic (book)
- Talk:Arithmetica Universalis
- Talk:Aryabhatiya
- Talk:The Ashio Riot of 1907: A Social History of Mining in Japan
- Talk:Ashtānga Hridayam
- Talk:Atari Games & Recreations
- Talk:Atlante Internazionale del Touring Club Italiano
- Talk:Atlantic Canada's 100 Greatest Books
- Talk:Atlas Mira
- Talk:Atlas of Our Changing Environment
- Talk:Atles dels Ocells Nidificants de Catalunya
- Talk:Att vara Per Gessle
- Talk:Au Maroc
- Talk:Aufschlüsse zur Magie
- Talk:Auñamendi Encyclopedia
- Talk:Aurélio Dictionary
- Talk:Aurora Australis (book)
- Talk:The Aurum Film Encyclopedia
- Talk:Ausgewählte Akten Persischer Märtyrer
- Talk:Australian Encyclopaedia
- Talk:Australian Hymn Book
- Talk:The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in Word and Picture
- Talk:Autobiography of Manuel Belgrano
- Talk:Autobiography of Mark Twain
- Talk:Automorphic Forms on GL(2)
- Talk:Autrefois, Maison Privée
- Talk:Awakening Bharat Mata
- Talk:Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians
- Talk:Bankastræti núll
- Talk:Bantu Philosophy
- Talk:Baptist Hymnal
- Talk:Barkham Burroughs' Encyclopaedia
- Talk:Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World
- Talk:The Beetles of the World
- Talk:De Beghinselen Der Weeghconst
- Talk:Behind the Camera: The Cinematographer's Art
- Talk:Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia
- Talk:Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature
- Talk:Benjamin Franklin, Self-Revealed
- Talk:Bergen Byleksikon
- Talk:Bhagavadgomandal
- Talk:Bharatiya Sangeet Vadya
- Talk:Bible Dictionary (LDS Church)
- Talk:Bibliotheca antitrinitariorum
- Talk:Bibliotheca Classica
- Talk:Bibliotheca dissidentium
- Talk:Bibliotheca selecta
- Talk:The Big Red Book of Modern Chinese Literature
- Talk:Big Red Songbook
- Talk:Big Secrets
- Talk:The Biographical Dictionary of British Quakers in Commerce and Industry, 1775–1920
- Talk:Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law
- Talk:Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
- Talk:Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon
- Talk:Biography of Halldór Laxness
- Talk:Birch's Views of Philadelphia
- Talk:The Birds of the Malay Peninsula
- Talk:Black Boys Burning
- Talk:The Black March
- Talk:Black Power and the American Myth
- Talk:Blood of Spain
- Talk:Blood on the Street
- Talk:Bohemian Manifesto
- Talk:Bollocks to Alton Towers
- Talk:Bomb Culture
- Talk:Le Bon Usage
- Talk:Bone Wars (book)
- Talk:Bonus Socius
- Talk:Book of Alternative Services
- Talk:The Book of Azariah
- Talk:Book of Confessions
- Talk:Book of Divine Worship
- Talk:Book of Fees
- Talk:Book of Hours (Milan, Biblioteca Trivulziana, Cod. 470)
- Talk:A Book of Prefaces
- Talk:Book of Pukei
- Talk:Book of Soyga
- Talk:The Book of Squares
- Talk:Borges on Martín Fierro
- Talk:Born to Kvetch
- Talk:Boss General Catalogue
- Talk:The Boston Driver's Handbook
- Talk:Boundaries of Parliamentary Constituencies 1885–1972
- Talk:Bouvier's Law Dictionary
- Talk:Bovrup-kartoteket
- Talk:Bra böckers lexikon
- Talk:Bridgman's Legal Bibliography
- Talk:The British Empire: A survey
- Talk:British Encyclopaedia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences
- Talk:British Hit Singles & Albums
- Talk:British Pharmaceutical Codex
- Talk:British Racing and Racecourses
- Talk:British Rail Corporate Identity Manual
- Talk:British Tortricoid Moths
- Talk:Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
- Talk:Brown, Not White
- Talk:Bullspotting
- Talk:Buried Country
- Talk:Burma Surgeon
- Talk:Burnet: A Life
- Talk:Bushido: The Soul of Japan
- Talk:Butter at the Old Price
- Talk:By the Sun and Stars
- Talk:Bystander: A History of Street Photography
- Talk:Byzantium After Byzantium
- Talk:Byzantium: The Early Centuries
- Talk:C/O Postmaster
- Talk:Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Guide
- Talk:Café Europa
- Talk:Calculating Space
- Talk:Call of Duty (book)
- Talk:The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's Poetry
- Talk:Cambridge Companions
- Talk:The Cambridge Guide to English Usage
- Talk:The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English
- Talk:The Cambridge History of Islam
- Talk:The Cambridge History of Latin America
- Talk:The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire
- Talk:The Cambridge History of Turkey
- Talk:The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages
- Talk:Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology
- Talk:The Cambridge Shakespeare
- Talk:Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought
- Talk:Cambridge Studies in the History of Art
- Talk:The CAMEO Dictionary of Creative Audio Terms
- Talk:Canadian Internet Handbook
- Talk:Canadian Oxford Dictionary
- Talk:Capital and Interest
- Talk:Captivating
- Talk:Cartesian linguistics
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