Original release date
Original ISBN
English release date
English ISBN
1 September 16, 2011[ 4] 978-4-06-384542-6 February 27, 2018[ 5] 978-1632366450
1. "Congratulations, Graduate" (卒業、おめでとう , Sotsugyō, Omedetō )
2. "Aki's Situation" (アキの場合 , Aki no Baai )
3. "Ultra-Strength Recruiting!" (勧誘・メガ・ストロング! , Kan'yū Mega Sutorongu! )
4. "We Need You!"
5. "Cheerleader Rapid Fire" (チア・ザ・マシンガン! , Chia Za Mashingan! )
6. "Troublemaker?" (虎ブルメイカー? , Toraburumēkā? )
7. "We Want to Cheer With You!" (一緒に応援したいです!! , Issho ni Ōenshitai Desu!! )
8. "Ordinary World: Realm of Boredom" (Ordinary World:退屈な世界 , Ordinary World: Taikutsu na Sekai )
9. "The Dirt on Usami" (ウワサのあのコのウワサ , Uwasa no Ano Ko no Uwasa )
2 November 17, 2011[ 6] 978-4-06-376147-4April 17, 2018[ 7] 978-1632366467
10. "Hugging hazard" (抱擁デンジャラス , Hōyō Denjarasu )
11. "The Road to the Third-Years" (Road to the 3年生 , Road to the Surī-nensei )
12. "Everybody Yell Now!" (逆ギレ! エヴリバディ!! , Gyaku Gire! Evuribadi!! )
13. "The Day Before the Big Day" (The day before:その前日に , The Day Before: Sono Zenjitsu ni )
14. "All Night Party!" (ワンナイト・カーニバル! , Wan-naito Kānibaru! )
15. "Screw It!" (勝手にしやがれ! , Katte ni Shiyagare! )
16. "Raw Feelings" (ハダカのココロ , Hadaka no Kokoro )
17. "Cheer!!!" (エール!!!! , Ēru!!!! )
18. "The Girl Who Didn't Want to Leap Through Time" (時をかけたくなかった少女 , Toki o Kaketakunakatta Shōjo )
19. "Destined for Defeat" (必敗のデスティニー , Hippai no Desutinī )
3 January 17, 2012[ 8] 978-4-06-376184-9June 12, 2018[ 9] 978-1632366474
20. "The Up-and-coming Ace!" (アイツは期待の超新人!! , Aitsu wa Kitai no Chō-shinjin!! )
21. "Runaway Love Train" (恋心暴走列車 , Koigokoro Bōsō Ressha )
22. "Heavy Rotation" (ヘビーローテンション , Hebī Rōtenshon )
23. "Usami's Feminine Side" (She is オンナのフェイス , She is Onna no Feisu )
24. "The Ouendan With the Wild Moves" (狂乱麗舞応援団! , Kyōran Reibu Ōendan! )
25. "Let Me Sleep in Your Arms" (抱いてくれたらいいのに? , Daitekuretara Ii noni? )
26. "Ouendan Boot Camp!" (エンダン・ブートキャンプ! , Endan Būtokyanpu! )
27. "A Hard Day's Night" (ハード・デイズ・ナイト , Hādo Deizu Naito )
28. "Walk On" (歩いていこう , Aruite Ikou )
29. "Usami, Hoist by Her Own Petard!" (勇み足ウサミー , Isamiashi Usamii )
30. "Trust Bomb" (信頼関係爆弾 , Shinraikankei Bakudan )
4 April 17, 2012[ 10] 978-4-06-376626-4August 21, 2018[ 11] 978-1632366481
31. "Hold Me, Twilight" (抱きしめてTwilight , Dakishimete Twilight )
32. "A Good Day to Fly" (飛ぶにはいい日だ , Tobu ni wa Ii Hi da )
33. "Left Behind" (おいてけぼり , Oitekebori )
34. "Change the World"
35. "Here and There" (アッチとコッチ , Atchi to Kotchi )
36. "Forget-me-not"
37. "I Miss You When You're Gone" (逢いたい時にあなたは‥‥ , Aitai Tokini Anata wa... )
38. "One Hell of a Kiss" (男殺接吻地獄 , Otokogoroshi Seppun no Jigoku )
39. "Partners?" (相棒? , Aibō? )
40. "Reunion" (再会 , Saikai )
41. "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
5 July 17, 2012[ 12] 978-4-06-376653-0October 2, 2018[ 13] 978-1632366498
42. "Misunderstanding×Misunderstanding" (誤解×誤解 , Gokari × Gokari )
43. "Rooftop Rendezvous" (屋上ランデブー , Okujyō Randebū )
44. "Second Do-over" (セカンド・アゲイン , Sekando Agein )
45. "Give Me Love" (愛をください , Ai o Kudasai )
46. "Dance! Sexual Relations!" (踊れ! 肉体関係!! , Odore! Nikutaikankei!! )
47. "Check Out Who's Checking In" (おまえにチェックイン! , Omae ni Chekkuin! )
48. The Weirdo Ouendan Five (応援戦隊変人ファイブ! , Ōen Sentai Henjin Faibu! )
49. Why I'm Here (今、ここにいる理由 , Ima, Koko ni Iru Riyū )
50. "Our Dear, Glorious Ouendan!" (花の! 花の応援団!! , Hana no! Hana no Ōendan!! )
51. "The Go Get 'Em Cheer" (がんばれがんばれ節 , Ganbare Ganbare Bushi )
52. "Victory Dance!" (勝利の舞!!!! , Shōri no Mai!!!! )
6 October 17, 2012[ 14] 978-4-06-376714-8December 11, 2018[ 15] 978-1632366504
53. "Why, Why Did We" (どうして どうして私達 , Dōshite Dōshite Watashi-tachi )
54. "Play Ball" (プレイボール , Pureibōru )
55. "Overthinking It" (妄想の箱 , Mōsō no Hako )
56. "Isolation" (孤独論 , Kodokuron )
57. "The Bathroom Duel" (便所の決闘 , Benjo no Kettō )
58. "Flashbacks to Another Life" (未体験フラッシュバック , Mi-taiken Furasshubakku )
59. "Usami Magic!" (宇佐美マジック! , Usami Majikku! )
60. "Pontytail and Joyful !" (ポニーテールとじょいふる! , Ponītēru to Joifuru! )
61. "Fun Fun Cheering!" (Fun Fun 応援! , Fun Fun Ōen! )
62. "Kiss Me Now!" (今すぐキスミー! , Ima Sugu Kisumī! )
63. "All We Need Is The Ouendan" (All we need is OUENDAN!! )
64. "The World Beyond" (あの先の世界 , Ano Saki no Sekai )
7 January 17, 2013[ 16] 978-4-06-376768-1March 19, 2019[ 17] 978-1-63236-713-6
65. "Stand of Dreams"
66. "Party's Over..." (宴のあとの‥‥ , Utage no Ato no... )
67. "Dirty Do-Over!" (Again vice! )
68. "Devilishly Charming" (不道徳チャーミング , Fudōtoku Chāmingu )
69. "Clotheslined" (地獄のクロスライン , Jigoku no Kurosurain )
70. "Red Hot Cherry Peppers" (レッド・ホット・チェリー・ペッパーズ , Reddo Hotto Cherī Peppāzu )
71. "The ABCs of Eros" (大人の色恋ABC , Otona no Irokoi ABC )
72. "An After-Halftime Affair " (中入り後の情事 , Nakairi-go no Jōji )
73. "The Imamura Comedy Hour" (今村家新喜劇 , Imamura Keshin Kigeki )
74. "The Creature from the West Building" (西の魔窟に棲む魔物 , Nishi no Makutsu ni Sumu Mamono )
75. "Negativity Monster" (ネガティブ・モンスター , Negatibu Monsutā )
8 April 17, 2013[ 18] 978-4-06-376808-4April 30, 2019[ 19] 978-1-63236-714-3
76. "A Transformation, Before and After!" (激烈! ビフォーアフター!! , Gekiretsu! Bifōafutā!! )
77. "The Misery of Passivity" (無抵抗主義ミザリー , Muteikōshugi Mizarī )
78. "Can't Let You Go" (ほっとけないよ , Hottokenai yo )
79. "Rebel Shakespeare" (反逆のシェイクスピア , Hangyaku no Sheikusupia )
80. "Song and Dance! The Dream Play!" (歌おう! 踊ろう! 夢芝居!! , Utao u! Odoro u! Yume Shibai!! )
81. "Students of the World, Hear Me!" (聞け! 万国の高校生!! , Kike! Bankoku no Kōkōsei!! )
82. "I Want to Die: the Musical ♫" (死にたいミュージカル♪ , Shinitai Myūjikaru )
83. "My Fair Lady" (マイ・フェア・レディ , Mai Fea Redi )
84. "He's Irresistible" (オンナはそれをガマンできない , Onna wa Sore o Gaman Dekinai )
85. "Beautiful Power" (ウツクシイチカラ , Utsukushii Chikara )
86. "The Story Goes a Bit Off the Rails" (物語はちと?不安定 , Monogatari wa Chito? Fuantei )
9 July 17, 2013[ 20] 978-4-06-376859-6June 18, 2019[ 21] 978-1-63236-781-5
87. "Adrenaline-fueled Death Wish" (火事場のしにたい力 , Kajiba no Shinitai Ryoku )
88. "The Leading Role" (センターポジション , Sentāpojishon )
89. "(Video) The Latest High School Musical Isn't What You'd Expect" (【動画有】“しにミュ”がヤバイんだが‥‥ , Dōga Yū: "Shi ni Myu" ga Yabai nda ga )
90. "Please Stop, Mr. Teacher" (およしになってねTEACHER , Oyoshi ni Natte ne Tīchā )
91. "Passion ★ Killing ☾ Serenade" (情熱★冷や水☾せれなーで , Jōnetsu Hiyamizu Serenā de )
92. "I Don't Wanna Be Some Punk!" (オラこんな自分イヤだ! , Ora Konna Jibun Iya da! )
93. "The Naked Truth" (フタリノハダカンボウ , Futari no wa da Kanbō )
94. "The Secret Death Wish Show" (秘密の“しにたい”SHOW , Himitsu no "Shinitai" Shō )
95. "Dead or Alive"
96. "Death Wish Inflation" (しにたいインフレーション , Shinitai Infurēshon )
97. "The Empty Everyday" (何もなかったエブリデイ , Nanimo Nakatta Eburidei )
98. "Happy Scary" (タノシイコワイ , Tanoshii Kowai )
10 October 17, 2013[ 22] 978-4-06-376903-6August 6, 2019[ 23] 978-1632367822
99. "This Last One's For You" (ラストソングはあなたに , Rasuto Songu wa Anata ni )
100. "Parting Words" (贈る言葉 , Okuru Kotoba )
101. "Blissful Teen Identity Crisis" (幸福少女前後不覚 , Kōfuku Shōjo Zengofukaku )
102. "Dramatic Rain" (ドラマティック・レイン , Doramatikku Rein )
103. "All You Need Is Love!" (愛し愛されて生きるのよ!! , Ashi Aisarete Ikiru no yo!! )
104. "Woman, Such a Fickle Creature" (女だってシャボン玉!? , Onna datte Shabondama !? )
105. "Falling Down" (フォーリング・ダウン , Fōringu Daun )
106. "Usami In Wonderland" (ウサミ・イン・ワンダーランド , Usami In Wandārando )
107. "The Unbearable Loneliness of Being" (存在の耐えられない孤独 , Sonzai no Taerarenai Kodoku )
108. "Can't Let You Go" (ほっとけないよ , Hottokenai yo )
109. "Never Mind, Grandma" (ばーちゃんネバーマインド , Bāchan Nebāmaindo )
110. "Cap-cap-cap! Captain!" (ダンダダンダン! 団長!! , Dandadandan! Danchō!! )
111. "Heroes In Blazers" (ガクランヒーローズ , Gakuran Hīrōzu )
11 February 17, 2014[ 24] 978-4-06-376929-6October 1, 2019[ 25] 978-1632368263
112. "The Ouendan Is Too Much!" (応援団なんて無理ナンデス! , Ōendan nante Muri Nandesu! )
113. "Every Captain's Different" (団長十色 , Danchō Toiro )
114. "My Name Is Summerhiko" (我が名はサマ彦 , Waga Na wa Sama Hiko )
115. "Don't Lose Hope!" (負けないで! , Makenaide! )
116. "The Friend of My Friend Is a Stranger" (友達の友達は他人 , Tomodachi no Tomodachi wa Tanin )
117. "Qualifying for Captain" (団長の条件 , Danchō no Jōken )
118. "Divide and Self-own" (内部分裂自家中毒 , Naibubunretsu Jikachúdoku )
119. "Analyze Me!" (アナライズ・ミー! , Anaraizu Mī! )
120. "Love Beyond the Stream" (愛は湯気のかなたに , Ai wa Yuge no Kanata ni )
121. "Streetside Cheer Up!!" (街角 Cheer Up!! , Machikado Cheer Up!! )
122. "A Lonely Runaway!" (孤独のRunaway! , Kodoku no Runaway!! )
123. "You Don't Make My Heart Sing" (あの鐘を鳴らさなかったのはあなた , Ano Kane o Narasanakatta no wa Anata )
124. "Strength of the Heart" (ハートがストロング , Hāto ga Sutorongu )
12 May 16, 2014[ 26] 978-4-06-376984-5December 17, 2019[ 27] 978-1632368270
125. "On Your Mark" (いちについて , Ichi Nitsuite )
126. "Run!" (走れ! , Hashire! )
127. "Hello From the Bottom of Your Lungs" (ハラの底からコンニチハ , Hara no Soko kara Konnichiwa )
128. "Happy to Be a Bunny?" (ウサギはウサギ? , Usagi wa Usagi? )
129. "Came a Long Way?!" (思わず遠くに来たもんだ!? , Omowazu Tōku ni Kita Mon da!? )
130. "Nine Years Later" (9年後 , Nain Nengo )
131. "Alone Again" (アローン・アゲイン , Arōn Agein )
132. "Stand By You" (スタンド・バイ・ユー , Sutando Bai Yū )
133. "Awkward/Other Side" (ドン引き・アザー・サイド , Donbiki Azā Saido )
134. "A Simple Cheer" (当ったり前の応援歌 , Attarimae no Ōenka )
135. "Resurrection of the Blond Wolf" (蘇った金狼! , Yomigaetta Kimu Kinrō! )
136. "Screw a Do-Over!" (アゲインなんてぶっとばせ!! , Agein Nante Buttobase!! )
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