George Albert Boulenger (19. oktoober 1858 Brüssel – 23. november 1937 Saint Malo, Prantsusmaa) oli Briti zooloog, ihtüoloog ja botaanik.
Ta kirjeldas 1096 kalaliiki, 556 kahepaikset ja 872 roomajaliiki. Roomajate andmebaasis kehtivad siiani tema kirjeldatud 587 roomajaliiki.[1] BOULENGERESIS FLANDERS
Tema kirjeldatud liigid on tähistatud nimega Boulenger.
Haridus- ja töökäik
Ta lõpetas 1876. aastal Brüsseli Vaba Ülikooli. 1880. aastal kutsus Albert Günther ta tööle Londoni loodusmuuseumi, et ta kataloogiks kahepaiksete kollektsiooni. Aastatel 1882–1920 töötas ta muuseumi zooloogiaosakonnas assistendina.
- 1894 – valiti Londoni Kuningliku Seltsi liikmeks
- 1937 – Leopoldi orden (Belgia)
Mälestuse jäädvustamine
Georg Boulengeri auks kannavad tänapäeval nime järgmised roomajaliigid:
- Agama boulengeri Lataste, 1886
- Amphiesma boulengeri (Gressitt, 1937)
- Atractaspis boulengeri Mocquard, 1897
- Atractus boulengerii Peracca, 1896
- Brachymeles boulengeri Taylor, 1922
- Chabanaudia boulengeri (Chabanaud, 1917)
- Chalcides boulengeri Anderson 1892
- Cnemaspis boulengerii Strauch, 1887
- Compsophis boulengeri (Peracca, 1892)
- Cylindrophis boulengeri Roux, 1911
- Dendragama boulengeri Doria, 1888
- Elapsoidea boulengeri Boettger, 1895
- Epacrophis boulengeri (Boettger, 1913)
- Homopus boulengeri Duerdon, 1906
- Liolaemus boulengeri Koslowsky, 1898
- Morethia boulengeri (Ogilby, 1890)
- Nucras boulengeri Neumann, 1900
- Pareas boulengeri (Angel, 1920)
- Philodryas georgeboulengeri (Grazziotin et al., 2012)
- Rhampholeon boulengeri Steindachner, 1911
- Rhynchophis boulengeri Mocquard, 1897
- Scolecoseps boulengeri Loveridge, 1920
- Trachyboa boulengeri Peracca, 1910
- Trachylepis boulengeri (Sternfeld, 1911)
Publikatsioonid (osaline)[2]
- "The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. Reptilia and Batrachia.", Taylor & Francis, London, xviii, 1890
- "Catalogue of the Reptiles and Batrachians of Barbary (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) : based chiefly upon the notes and collections made in 1880–1884 by M. Fernand Lataste". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, London, 1891
- "Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History)". Volume II. British Museum of Natural History London, 1894
- "Catalogue of the Perciform Fishes in the British Museum. Centrachidae, Percidae and Serranideae". British Museum of Natural History London, 1895
- "Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History)". Volume III. British Museum of Natural History London, 1896
- "The Tailless Batrachians of Europe". Parts I & II. The Ray Society London, 1897
- "Batraciens de la Guinee Espagnoles", Madrid, 1903
- "A contribution to our knowledge of the varieties of the wall-lizard (Lacerta muralis) in Western Europe and North Africa". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, London, 1905
- "Les batraciens et principalement ceux d'Europe", Pariis, 1910
- "A vertebrate fauna of the Malay Peninsula from the Isthmus of Kra to Singapore, including the adjacent islands. Reptilia and Batrachia". Taylor and Francis, London, 1912
- "Snakes of Europe", London, 1913
- "Second contribution to our knowledge of the varieties of the wall-lizard (Lacerta muralis)". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. London 135–230 IIXX, 1913
- "On the lizards allied to Lacerta muralis, with an account of Lacerta agilis and L. parva". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. London 104 VIII, 1916
- "A revision of the lizards of the genus Tachydromus". Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 207–234 II, 1917
- "A revision of the lizards of the genus Nucras Gray". Annals of the South African Museum 195–216 II, 1917
- "Monograph of the Lacertidae", volume 1. British Museum of Natural History London, 1920
- "Monograph of the Lacertidae", volume 2 British Museum of Natural History London, 1921
- "Liste des publications Ichthyologiques et Herpétologiques (1877–1920)", Annales de la Societé royale Zoologique de Belgique. 11-88, 1921
- "Monograph of the Lacertidae", volume 1 Johnson Reprint (1966) New York / London, 1921
- "Monograph of the Lacertidae", volume 2 Johnson Reprint (1966) New York / London, 1921
- Boulenger et al.,"A survey of the fauna of Iraq. Mammals, birds, reptiles, etc. made by members of the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force "D" 1915–1919.", Bombay Natural History Society Iraq & London, 1923
- Boulenger et al.,"Étude sur les batraciens et les reptiles rapportés par M. Henri Gadeau de Kerville de son voyages zoologique es Syrie (avril–juin 1908)". – Voyage zoologique d’Henri Gadeau de Kerville en Syrie (avril–juin 1908). Ballière & Sons Paris, 1923
- ...
- ↑ Peter Uetz & Jakob Hallermann, [1] Roomajate andmebaas veebiversioon (vaadatud 17.01.2014) (inglise keeles)
- ↑ George Albert Boulengeri publikatsioonid, Internet Archiv'e raamatud veebiversioon (vaadatud 17.01.2014)
- Boulenger, George Albert (Belgium-England 1858-1937), Veebiversioon (vaadatud 17.01.2014) (inglise keeles)
- Peter Uetz & Jakob Hallermann, [2] Roomajate andmebaas veebiversioon (vaadatud 17.01.2014) (inglise keeles)
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