Prominent New York Times story
On the front page of its National edition, The New York Times published the story "Growing Wikipedia Revises Its 'Anyone Can Edit' Policy", about Wikipedia's "new restrictions" on openness (see related story). Jimmy Wales responds in his blog, with "The New York Times gets it exactly backwards". The story was picked up by numerous other media who reprint Times content, and commented on in several blogs.
Wales discourages citation of encyclopedias including Wikipedia for research purposes
- "Avoid Wikipedia, warns Wikipedia chief" - another Andrew Orlowski special, in The Register
- "Wikipedia: Stop citing our site",
Political editing
The Australian Herald Sun discussed how "Liberals hit back at Wikipedia 'dirt' file", regarding longtime Wikipedia editor Adam Carr (see related story).
Colorado newspaper The Aspen Daily News discussed edits made by participants in Colorado political campaigns in "Candidate supporters use Wikipedia to spin, sling mud".
eBay adds a Wiki
According to "Auctioneer eBay adds 'wiki'for tips about online selling" in the The China Post in Taiwan, eBay has launched its own on Tuesday at the eBay Live conference in Las Vegas. The wiki will allow eBay users to build a communal how-to guide for buying and selling. eBay joins in the ranks of major internet players who have added wiki functionality to their websites in recent months.
Other stories
- Wales discussed being named one of TIME's hundred most influential people with his hometown newspaper: "Wikipedia's creator: I'm not so influential", St. Petersburg Times, Florida
- The balance of the The Coca-Cola Company article criticized by the Atlanta Business Chronicle, a newspaper from Atlanta, Georgia (where Coca Cola headquarters is located), in "Coke gets slammed on Wikipedia". Since the news column was published, Wikipedia has split a separate Criticism of Coca-Cola article away from the main article.
- "Just the facts" in the Canadian newspaper Toronto Star compares Wikipedia with Encyclopædia Britannica.
- "Businesses face a Wiki world", in the Asbury Park Press, discusses the public relations challenge businesses face when their company has an article on Wikipedia.
- "Here come the Wikipedia police" in The Globe and Mail, recounts a journalist's experience of getting busted after vandalizing Wikipedia.
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