Wikimedia New York City invites you to attend its monthly WikiWednesday Salon on Wednesday, March 17, from 7:00 pm - 8:30 PM. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!
As this WikiWednesday coincides with Saint Patrick's Day, we will have a guest speaker from Wikimedia Community Ireland.
All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct.
- Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021
- Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, with time for breakout rooms from 8 - 8:30
- Location: Online! See "How to connect" below.
How to connect via Zoom
How to connect: To join just follow this url:
If you have not used Zoom before, you will be prompted to download its launcher program. It works on PC, Mac, and Linux. If necessary, you can also connect through Zoom's iOS or Android app, which you can find on the website. As a last resort, you can also dial in by phone, calling (646) 876-9923 and enter the meeting ID (828 3733 0156). Please keep in mind that if you dial in by phone you will be able to listen, but will miss all visuals.
This month's facilitator is DrX.
- Zoom etiquette
- Welcome + Introductions
- Recent Events
- Wikipedia:WikiWomen's History Month, Art+Feminism and m:Gender gap/International Women's Day
- Upcoming Events
- Guest speaker: User:Smirkybec, Project Coordinator of Wikimedia Community Ireland. She will chat about:
- Her work with WCI, with a focus on Irish language Wikipedia - Vicipéid
- Her own personal editing, including a number of Irish biographies with connections to NY as well as Irish culture broadly!
- Wikimedia NYC Discord server
- Share + Discuss (please add any recent Wikimedia projects/events/activities you'd like to share with the group or open for discussion):
- Are there any questions about Wikimedia projects you'd like to ask?
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