Editors should feel free to make note here of pairs or groups of colleagues with confusingly similar names, or colleagues they have confused in the past, so next time they can figure out just who it is they're vaguely remembering. Diffs to wacky comedies-of-mistaken-identity are especially valued.

The {{Confused?}} template – which renders like this[Confused editor?] and links to this page – is available for calling attention to editors who may be confused.

Editors finding themselves frequently confused (sometimes known as redirect-class Wikipedians[JK]) may consider using a distinct custom signature to help better establish their identity.

  1. 0xDeadbeef and Deadbeef
  2. 28bytes, Q28
  3. 331dot, 333-blue, Bbb23, Sro23
  4. 78.26, 7&6=thirteen, 3family6
  5. A. B., Another Believer[1]
  6. Aca, Acaalexaca, Aka, Ата (all sysops on different Wikipedias)
  7. Acroterion, Aquillion
  8. Alaexis, Alexis Jazz
  9. Alien333, Thebiguglyalien
  10. Alison, AlisonW[2]
  11. AlphaBeta135, AlphaBetaGamma
  12. AmirahBreen, Abdallem[3]
  13. AndyTheGrump and Andy Dingley and Pigsonthewing (signs as Andy Mabbett) and Andrewa and Andrew Davidson and Anne drew
  14. AngusWOOF and EpicPupper
  15. Anomie, The Anome and The Gnome
  16. Anarchyte and Anachronist
  17. Antandrus and Arcturus
  18. Aza24 and AzaToth
  19. Asmodea Oaktree, Oaktree b
  20. Barkeep, Barkeep49
  21. Barek, Berek,[4] Berig
  22. Bawolff, Snowolf, Seewolf (all sysops on different projects)
  23. BDD, DGG, BD2412,[5] B3251
  24. Beland, Begoon (because "Beland" and "Begoon" are close to indistinguishable, and easily confused... must be those first 2 letters, or word length, or both? Bewildering...) ? And then there's Bagumba...
  25. Belle, Bellezzasolo, Bielle
  26. Berean Hunter, Bearian, and Bearcat (Bearcat confirms that this has actually happened for realz); thence Hashar/Cat, Sarr Cat, Sherwood Cat, SchroCat
  27. (Beyond My Ken, Before My Ken, and Between My Ken [all the same user]) and BMK or Bmk
  28. Biblioworm, bibliomaniac15
  29. Bilby, BilCat, Bilorv
  30. (Bishonen, Bishzilla, Bishapod) and Bsherr
  31. Blackmane, Black Kite, Black Falcon
  32. Blubabluba9990, Blablubbs, Beeblebrox
  33. Blue Square Thing, Squared.Circle.Boxing
  34. Bobherry and Ronherry
  35. Borsoka, Bsoyka
  36. Bradv, Newyorkbrad (both on Arbcom c. May 2020)
  37. Buaidh and Buidhe
  38. Burmeister and Burmiester[6]
  39. Buster7 and BusterD
  40. Butwhatdoiknow and WhatamIdoing[7] and Anythingyouwant
  41. C.Fred and CFredkin
  42. Calton and Colin
  43. CapnZapp, CaptainEek, Captain Galaxy, CAPTAIN MEDUSA, CAPTAIN RAJU, Colonel Wilhelm Klink, Colonel Warden, GeneralNotability (This is the Army, Mr. Jones)
  44. Captainllama and Grandpallama I made this mistake just now (also, Captainllama could be in the previous group too)
  45. Casliber, Casprings
  46. Cassianto, Casspedia, Cassiopeia, Cecropia
  47. Cavalryman and Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry
  48. Celestinesucess and Celestianpower
  49. CentreLeftRight, Lefcentreright, RightCowLeftCoast, TheImaCow
  50. Chess, Choess, EnPassant, Pawnkingthree (Queen's gambit declined)
  51. Chiswckchap and Chiswick Chap[8]
  52. Chriscf and Chris troutman
  53. ChrisWx and Tails Wx
  54. ChrisTheDude and Chris the speller
  55. Coffee, TheCoffee, CoffeeCrumbs, Coffeeandcrumbs (no, we are not making those last two up), Espresso Addict, CaffeinAddict
  56. Colin, Colin M
  57. Collect, CollectiveSolidarity
  58. CommonKnowledgeCreator, CommunityNotesContributor
  59. Count Iblis, Deacon Vorbis
  60. Coretheapple, Closeapple, Coolabahapple
  61. Courcelles and Carcharoth (both (former) Arbs, both speak with the same somber "professional" voice in discussions); Casliber; Carcharoth and Corachow
  62. Cryptic, Cryptic Canadian
  63. Cullen, Cullen328[9]
  64. Cyberpower678, Cyberfan195, Cyberpower7
  65. Czar, Czarking0
  66. DandelionAndBurdock (signs as "D'n'B") and R'n'B
  67. Daniel, xDanielx, Daniel Case, Daniel Quinlan
  68. Dank, DankJae
  69. Danny, Denny and Demmy (Wikipedian of the Year 2012)
  70. Davey2010, Davey2116
  71. David A and Davide King
  72. DeCausa and DeFacto
  73. Deepfriedokra, Devokewater
  74. Dicklyon, Dimadick
  75. dinoguy2, Dinoguy1000
  76. DoctorWho42, TheDoctorWho
  77. Dondervogel 2, Thunderbird2
  78. Doug Weller and Dweller[10] and Dwheeler
  79. Dr.K. and DrKay[11]
  80. Drmies, Drm310 and Mr Miles
  81. Dreamy Jazz and Alexis Jazz
  82. Dumelow and Dumuzid
  83. DuncanHill and Duncan.Hull
  84. EdJohnston, EdJF, EdChem, Ed! and The ed17
  85. Ealdgyth and Cwmhiraeth
  86. Edgar181, Eddie891, Ed6767 and Editorofthewiki (commonly known as "Eddy")
  87. EEng, AlexEng, PackMecEng, EngFram, EngineeringEditor
  88. ElKevbo, El C, El cid, el campeador, ElSidCampeador, The C of E, El Cid (Sid Caesar, Billy the Cid, &c.)
  89. EPIC, Epicgenius and EpicPupper
  90. Erik, ErikHaugen, Eric and Eric CorbettDO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE!
  91. Essjay, Hazard-SJ, Sj, Sjö, and ŠJů
  92. Extraordinary Writ, Writ Keeper[12]
  93. FAdesdae378 and Fadesga
  94. Femke and Femke 01
  95. FlightTime and FlyingAce
  96. FloNight, Floquenbeam (who conjectured It's possible this is how I inexplicably got elected to ArbCom)[13]
  97. Flyer22 Frozen, Flyer22 Reborn, Flyer22 (all the same editor) and SportingFlyer
  98. Fram and Framawiki
  99. Frosty, Frostly, Frost (all three users are current or former page movers); NoFrost (former ruwiki AfD-closer)
  100. Ganeshk and Ganesha811
  101. Galobtter, Gorthian
  102. Generalrelative, GeneralNotability,[14] General Ization, GeneralizationsAreBad, TheGeneralUser
  103. Gen. Quon, Qono
  104. Geni, Geniac and Jeni
  105. Gigs and Giggy
  106. Giraffer and Giraffedata
  107. Goszei and Gluonz
  108. Gog the Mild and Hog Farm, similar first words and frequent activity in shared editing areas
  109. GorillaWarfare and NuclearWarfare
  110. Graham, Graham11, Graham87, Graeme Bartlett, Graham Beards, GraemeLeggett
  111. Grayfell, GrayStorm, Graywalls, Greyjoy (cf. Primergrey)
  112. Guy Macon, Guy M, and JzG (signature Guy) link
  113. HighKing and HighInBC
  114. HurricaneEdgar, Hurricane Noah, -noah-
  115. Ianmacm and ian.thomson
  116. I dream of horses, IdreamofJeanie
  117. InedibleHulk, Ineffablebookkeeper, The Inedible Bulk
  118. Insertcleverphrasehere and AddWittyNameHere
  119. Iridescent, Iridescence, Interstellarity
  120. Isaacl, Vanisaac
  121. Itxia, IXCat, and Ixtal
  122. Jay, Joy (both admins) and JJay, JayJay
  123. JBW (formerly JamesBWatson) and JWB and JayBeeEll (signature JBL)[15] and Jbhunley (signature Jbh) and Johnpacklambert[16] and JoelleJay
  124. Jerm, Jorm
  125. JIP, Jip Orlando
  126. JJPMaster, JJMC89
  127. John, Johnbod, John from Idegon, Johnuniq, John Vandenberg, John M Wolfson, John of Reading, Jon (WMF)
  128. John of Reading, Tom.Reding (both top-30 WP:NOE)
  129. Jo-Jo Eumerus, JoJo Anthrax
  130. Joseph2302, Sir Joseph
  131. Jpgordon, JPxG, JPG-GR, JzG, JFG, and Jeff G.
  132. JustSomeRandomGuy32, SomeGuyWhoRandomlyEdits
  133. Kashmiri, LéKashmiriSocialiste
  134. Ace of Spades, King of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, Kingofaces43
  135. L235, L293D, L3X1
  136. Avilich, Levivich, Leitmotiv, Lepricavark (too many L's and V's)
  137. Leaky caldron, theleekycauldron[17]
  138. Leschnei and Lectonar
  139. Lightbreather, Lightmouse, Light show
  140. LouisAragon, LouisAlain
  141. LuK3, Luk3, Luk
  142. LunaEclipse, LunaEatsTuna, LunaHasArrived
  143. Mandruss, Mandarax, Maxaxax, Masem, Maile
  144. Martinevans123, Robevans123
  145. Mastcell, MastCell
  146. Math: Factotem and Primefac (Primefactotem would be too powerful); Primefac, PrimeHunter(link), and Primergrey (honorable mention: AntiCompositeNumber); Pi, Pi.1415926535 and PiRSquared17
  147. Masem, Mason
  148. Mathglot, Mathsci
  149. Maxim, Maxim.il89[18]
  150. MB, M-B
  151. Meters, 4meter4
  152. Minorax and Mandarax
  153. MjolnirPants and TenPoundHammer
  154. Mjroots,
  155. Modernist, Mattisse
  156. Moonriddengirl, Megalibrarygirl
  157. MrLinkinPark333, Ritchie333, Seppi333, HAL333
  158. MrsSnoozyTurtle, Mr.weedle
  159. Muboshgu, Bagumba
  160. MX, MrX, MrX Horror, Mr Ernie, Mr rnddude
  161. Mychemicalromanceisrealemo and My Chemistry romantic
  162. M7, Mykola7 (both Meta-Wiki admins), SM7 and Mz7; for the latter also JzG and MZMcBride
  163. Nthep, Necrothesp
  164. Nick, Nick-D, NickK,[19] NickCT, Nick Moyes, Nick Thorne, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (signature: Nearly Headless Nick)
  165. Nigej, Nigel Ish[20]
  166. Nintendofan885, PokestarFan (CentralAuth)
  167. North8000, Northamerica1000
  168. Nova Crystallis, Novem Linguae, Novo Tape
  169. Nyttend, Nythar
  170. Oculi, In ictu oculi
  171. Oshwah, Oshawott 12
  172. Parrot of Doom, TheRedPenOfDoom
  173. Pizzaplayer219, LaundryPizza03
  174. Pharos, Pharaoh of the Wizards
  175. Piotrus and Pietrus[21]
  176. Pr4ever, PF4Eva
  177. Premeditated, Premeditated Chaos
  178. Presidentman and UnitedStatesian
  179. Primefac, PrimeHunter link, and Primergrey
  180. Qwerfjkl, 1234qwer1234qwer4[22]
  181. RandomCanadian, RandomGnome, RaboKarbakian (CentralAuth)
  182. Randykitty, Randy Kryn, Korny O'Near[23]
  183. Ratso Rizzo, StuRat
  184. Ravenpuff, RationalPuff, Ravenswing, .Raven, Ravensfire
  185. Redrose64, Red Rose 13, Rosiestep
  186. RedSoxFan274, RedSoxFan2434
  187. Rich Farmbrough and his brother DavidFarmbrough
  188. Rich Smith, RoySmith
  189. RickinBaltimore, Ricky81682
  190. Ra'ike and Rillke (both Commons admins in a large timeframe and German-speaking)
  191. Robertsky and Robert McClenon
  192. Robofish, Ruhrfisch, Sciencefish, Tryptofish, Tks4Fish, EvilxFish, PigeonChickenFish, Zfish118
  193. Roger Davies, Rogerd
  194. ARoseWolf, Roxy the dog
  195. Sagaciousphil, Sphilbrick, Phil Bridger, PhilKnight
  196. Sahaib, Sahaib jan
  197. Salvio giuliano, Salavat
  198. SarekOfVulcan, Spock of Vulcan, Lieutenant commander Spock
  199. Schierbecker, SchreiberBike
  200. Schazjmd, Sdrqaz, Spartaz, Sdkb, Sadko
  201. Scorpions13256, Scorpions1325 (same user), Scorpion0422
  202. SD0001, Dl2000 and S0091
  203. SeoR and Ser! (both edit in Irish topics)
  204. Sideswipe9th and Spinixster, Spinster, Discospinster
  205. Siroxo and Silcox
  206. Sir Sputnik, SpacemanSpiff and Spinningspark
  207. Skyring, GoldenRing, GoldRingChip
  208. Skyshifter, Skysmith
  209. Slugger O'Toole, Brews ohare
  210. Smokefoot, SmokeyJoe
  211. Snowded, Snow Rise, GiantSnowman, Snowmanonahoe, Snowolf, SnowFire[24]
  212. SNUGGUMS, Snooganssnoogans, Smasongarrison, Huggums537
  213. Spencer, Stephen
  214. Stang and Stanglavine (both Wikidata admins in a certain timeframe)
  215. Steel, Steel1943, Steelkamp, Steelpillow
  216. Störm, Storm598 and Sturm
  217. Sulfurboy, Sirfurboy
  218. Tamwin, Tamzin
  219. TAnthony, T. Anthony
  220. Tegel and Teles (both stewards)
  221. TheresNoTime, ToBeFree
  222. Thryduulf, Thrydwulf[25]
  223. Tjsmith, TJMSmith
  224. Toddst1, Todd.st, Toddy1
  225. TonyBallioni, Tony1, Tony May, TonyTheTiger, Tony Webster
  226. TrademarkedTarantula, That Tired Tarantula
  227. United States Man, UnitedStatesian (see the participants list for WP:2010s)
  228. Varnent and Vermont (both WMF-affiliated queer Wikimedians active on Meta)
  229. Vchimpanzee, valereee, Vallee01 and Vaselineeeeeeee (for those who take the middle out of a sandwich and only eat the two slices of bread)
  230. Whispyhistory, WhisperToMe
  231. Whoop whoop pull up, Whoop whoop beep beep
  232. Winged Blades of Godric, WereSpielChequers, Winged Blades of Gothic, The Blade of the Northern Lights
  233. WikiEditor1234567123, --WikiUser1234945--
  234. WMSR, WWGB
  235. Wnt and WaltCip
  236. Wordsmith and The Wordsmith
  237. Xeno, Xaosflux (both bureaucrats)[26]
  238. Yamla, Ymblanter and Yngvadottir (There's yttrium, ytterbium, actinium, rubidium ...)
  239. Zaathras, Zaereth
  240. Zero, Zero0000, and Patient Zero
  241. Zippybonzo and Zppix
  242. Zzuuzz, Zzyzx11, Zoozaz1, Zzyxzaa26, Zzzs

Editors who find this confusing

  1. Blaze Wolf
  2. LilianaUwU
  3. Rusty Cat

Editors who are happy to be confused...

... as long as their names are not included in the list above[27]

  1. Objective3000, Object404
  2. Ched (ignorance is bliss)
  3. Flibbertigibbets (positive outlook & happy to be confused)

Editors who have been confused

  1. SmokeyJoe
  2. usernamekiran
  3. casualdejekyll

Editors who are dazed and confused

  1. voorts

Editors who don't find this confusing and probably, most certainly, never will

  1. TrademarkedTarantula
  2. TrademarkedTWOrantula – My name's not that confusing...

See also

Historical note

This page was originally called Wikipedia:List of editors with really, REALLY confusingly similar names (like Dr.K. and DrKay), but it was changed to Wikipedia:Editors with confusingly similar names to avoid anyone feeling picked on. Then to be more general, it was changed to Wikipedia:Editors you might confuse. After further confusion, the title settled on Wikipedia:Editors who may be confused.


  1. ^ "Wikipedia:Village pump (policy): Difference between revisions". en.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 15 September 2023.
  2. ^ "Wikipedia:Administrators' Noticeboard". en.Wikipedia.org. Retrieved 13 June 2023.
  3. ^ "User:Abdallem reported by User:Alexis Jazz".
  4. ^ Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/IncidentArchive611#This could be confusing ...
  5. ^ "User:BDD". en.wikipedia.org.
  6. ^ "Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents: Difference between revisions". en.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 19 October 2024.
  7. ^ link
  8. ^ "Difference between revisions". Retrieved 2024-03-27.
  9. ^ link, User:Cullen#Other_Wikipedia_users_named_Cullen
  10. ^ "User:Dweller/weekend: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia". En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
  11. ^ "Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents". en.wikipedia.org. 23 May 2020.
  12. ^ Special:Diff/1049223458
  13. ^ "Wikipedia talk:Editors who may be confused: Difference between revisions". Wikipedia. 2020-06-07. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
  14. ^ diff
  15. ^ "User talk:EdJohnston". en.wikipedia.org. 21 May 2020.
  16. ^ This diff
  17. ^ "Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/theleekycauldron 2". en.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 13 August 2023.
  18. ^ this diff
  19. ^ uk:Special:Diff/21831341
  20. ^ "Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents: Difference between revisions". Retrieved 6 November 2022.
  21. ^ "Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Ernesto van Peborgh (2nd nomination): Difference between revisions". Wikipedia. 2020-07-02. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
  22. ^ Special:Permalink/1026956618#scriptManager 2
  23. ^ "Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents: Difference between revisions". en.wikipedia.org. 8 March 2023. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  24. ^ "User talk:WaltCip - Difference between revisions". En.Wikipedia.org. Retrieved 6 August 2021.
  25. ^ "User:Thryduulf: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia". En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
  26. ^ "Wikipedia Talk:Administrators: Difference between revisions". En.Wikipedia.org. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
  27. ^ Special:Diff/996016141
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