你好! Hi there, I'm James. I've been an active editor since June 2010. I was the writer of the Arbitration report for the Signpost from May 2012 to early 2013.
My editing philosophy is varied, but I'm more of a deletionist than an inclusionist. I once left maintenance tags on articles for them to languish indefinitely until someone else could the problem, but I no longer see this as conducive to the overall purpose of the project. I believe users should always make a concerted effort to fix the problems they see insofar as they are able to do so. I believe the spirit of policies and guidelines are more important than the letter and word. I believe that for the project to truly be the sum of all human knowledge we need to embrace diversity. I do not believe that consensus should ever trump common sense and reason. I believe in transparency and the stated goals of the open-source movement. I believe that the powers given to members of the Arbitration Committee and the intervention of the Foundation outside of matters legal actively undermines these goals. I believe that Wikipedia has become a rigid, iron-fisted bureaucracy more concerned with upholding the status quo — one only needs to look at past discussions on Main Page redesign and the pagelong petty arguments over whether or not Main Page photo thumbnails ought to be larger or smaller and the constant moaning and whining over the fact that there are still users with CRT monitors and tiny screen resolutions and that redesigns would unfairly disadvantage them. What is different on the Main Page in-terms of design and layout? Not much. The Main Page in the month of January 2015 is nigh indistinguishable from the Main Page as it was 5 years ago. The consensus-oriented mentality of the community is cancerous and flies in the face of common sense and reason. Wikipedia needs progress, it does not need to be held back because of the incontinence of a few luddites who cling to the status quo.
For complete transparency, I ask that you post messages on my talk page. However, for private or urgent matters please email me. A list of my alternate accounts can be found here.
Some contributions of note:
If a key is signed by this one, it means that I have either met face-to-face or performed an encrypted challenge-response with the user. The fingerprint for this key is A7A8 217C 78B6 718B C208 639C F120 8F94 0A55 3464.
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