My name, Jujutsuan (/dʒuːˈdʒuːtsuːɑːn/joo-JOOT-soo-ahn), is inspired by my love of the martial art of jujutsu (Japanese: 柔術)—mostly the vastly superior in every way traditional Japanese style, though I occasionally dabble in the excessively rule-bound, "points"-based, and unrealistic more sport-like Brazilianknockoff of a still vastly superior knockoff style, too. If you'd like, call me Juju (/dʒuːˈdʒuː/joo-JOO) for short.
How'd I get from "jujutsu" to "Jujutsuan", you ask? It's taken from the title of a book, The Complete Jujitsuan by William H. Garrud, one of the first English-language books on jujutsu. I took the liberty of correcting the antiquated i to u, which is to my knowledge accepted as the more accurate transliteration. I favored "jujutsuan" over the more commonly used "jujutsuka" for similar reasons—from what I understand, though the suffix "-ka" (か) denotes someone who does a certain thing, it is not proper, despite its common use even in Japanese, to form the compound "jujutsuka" by parallel construction with "judoka" etc., whereas "-an" is the correct construction.[1] On a less technical level, the form's obscurity also lends some uniqueness to the name.
For some reason, it seems a lot of Wikipedians seem to have trouble spelling it. These are some of the more comical variations on my name I've seen so far. A round of applause to the responsible editors for making Wikipedia more fun:
The Crusadestudent days
My original name, Crusadestudent, lasted from my arrival at Wikipedia on 9 April 2016 until I changed to my current name on 31 May 2016. The inspiration for this name was a course I was taking at the time on—you guessed it—the Crusades. If I recall correctly, I first created my account to fix some typos or mistakes I saw on some articles I was reading while studying. Much to my dismay, however, as I stuck around lots of other editors got the wrong idea and started calling me "the crusader", both to my digital face and behind my digital back (insofar as that's possible on public Wikipedia talk pages). At first I went along with it, even appending Deus vult! to my signature (and later changing it to Deus vult (aliquid)! [Latin for "God wills (something)!"] when it was implied I was endorsing genocide),[5] thinking I'd just take it in good humor. But soon enough it became clear that several of these editors were simply using it as an opportunity for an underhanded insult, so I decided to change to something that represented my personality rather than what I happened to be doing the day I signed up.
For your contributions to Wikipedia and humanity in general, you are hereby granted the coveted Random Smiley Award. Originated by Pedia-I.--Zfish118⋉talk 18:16, 1 June 2016 (UTC)
Dear Jujutsuan, thank you for being understanding after our discussion about sidebars and footers. I really appreciated your kind response, especially you taking my point into consideration. With regards, AnupamTalk 21:27, 30 June 2016 (UTC)
^@twinkletoesCT (13 July 2008). "What do you call a BJJ practicioner?". The UnderGround. Mixed Martial Arts LLC. Retrieved 22 July 2016. If this were an article, this would totally not pass WP:RS.
^Which reminds me—if you think the Crusades were a genocide, and/or nothing more than unprovoked Western / Christian imperialist violence, crack a real book and learn the complexities of the situation. I'd recommend starting here,[2] here,[3] and here.[4]
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