Martin Helme Wikipedia:Babelzh該用戶的母語是中文。该用户的母语是中文。en-2This user can contribute with an intermediate level of English.lzh-2此士有志文言。ja-1この利用者は初級の日本語ができます。zh-wuu-1箇个用户能用基本个吴语来交流。箇個用戶能用基本個吳語來交流。yue-1呢個用戶可以用簡單嘅粵語進行交流。ar-0هذا المستخدم لا يفهم حرفا في العربية.ca-0Aquest usuari no entén el català (o li costa molt d'entendre).de-0Dieser Benutzer hat keine usuario no entiende español (o lo entiende muy difícilmente).fr-0Cet utilisateur ne comprend pas le français ou seulement avec des difficultés utente non capisce l'italiano (o lo capisce con notevoli difficoltà).ko-0이 사용자는 한국어를 모르거나, 이해하는 데 어려움이 있습니다.lt-0Šiam vartotojui sunku prisidėti prie projekto lietuviųАчест юзер ну грэеште молдовенеште.pt-0Este usuário/utilizador não entende portuguêЭтот участник не понимает русский язык.sv-0Denna användare saknar kunskaper iผู้ใช้คนนี้ไม่เข้าใจ ภาษาไทย (หรือ เข้าใจด้วยความยากลำบาก)uk-0Цей користувач не розуміє української мови (або розуміє зі значними труднощами).vi-0Người này không hiểu tiếng Việt (hay trình độ rất thấp).Search user languages Happy New Year, Q28! Happy Birthday! Wishing Q28 a very happy birthday on behalf of the Birthday Committee! Chris Troutman (talk) 18:44, 8 August 2022 (UTC) Happy Third First Edit Day! Hey, Q28. I'd like to wish you a wonderful First Edit Day on behalf of the Wikipedia Birthday Committee!Have a great day! Chris Troutman (talk) 16:45, 16 December 2022 (UTC) Happy First Edit Day! Editor Formatter Communicator Copyeditor Neutrality Collaborator Researcher Verifiability Sourcer Advisor Civility Citer WikiLinker Illustrator Adventurer Personal events Date Event Date Event 2020-03-06 10th edit 2020-03-13 i100th edit(User:IN) 2020-12-14 600th edit 2020-12-23 700th edit 2021-01-02 800th edit 2021-01-11 900th edit 2021-01-17 j1000th edit(User:IN) 2021-01-27 1100th edit 2021-01-28 1111th edit 2021-01-30 1200th edit 2021-02-01 1300th edit 2021-02-03 1400th edit 2021-02-05 j1500th edit(User:IN) 2021-02-10 1600th edit 2021-02-16 1700th edit 2021-03-02 1800th edit 2021-04-01 1900th edit 2021-05-13 j2000th edit(User:IN) 2021-06-26 2021st edit 2021-07-24 2100th edit 2021-09-13 2200th edit 2021-10-23 2300th edit 2021-10-30 2400th edit 2021-11-06 j2500th edit(User:Q28) 2021-11-07 2600th edit 2021-11-11 2700th edit 2021-11-15 2800th edit 2021-11-17 2900th edit 2021-11-18 j3000th edit(User:Q28) 2021-11-19 3100th edit 2021-11-22 3200th edit 2021-11-27 3300th edit 2021-11-29 3400th edit 2021-12-01 j3500th edit(User:Q28) 2021-12-04 3600th edit 2021-12-05 3700th edit 2021-12-10 3800th edit 2021-12-15 3900th edit 2021-12-18 j4000th edit(User:Q28) 2021-12-20 4100th edit 2021-12-23 4200th edit 2021-12-24 4300th edit 2021-12-25 4400th edit 2021-12-26 j4500th edit(User:Q28) 2021-12-27 4600th edit 2021-12-30 4700th edit 2022-01-09 4800th edit 2022-01-14 4900th edit 2021-12-18 j5000th edit(User:Q28) 2022-02-08 5100th edit 2022-04-01 5200th edit 2022-04-29 5300th edit 2022-06-06 5400th edit 2022-06-30 j5500th edit(User:Q28/XfD log) 2022-07-03 5600th edit 2022-07-13 5700th edit 2022-07-21 5800th edit 2023-05-09 5900th edit 2023-05-17 j6000th edit(User:Q28) 2023-05-25 6100th edit 2023-05-28 6200th edit 2023-05-29 6300th edit 2023-06-01 6400th edit 2023-06-05 j6500th edit(User:Q28) Subpage(s) Q28/ Q28/! Q28/* Q28/0 Q28/@ Q28/CSD log Q28/Edit Keeper Q28/Edit Keeper.js Q28/PROD log Q28/Short user name Q28/XfD log Q28/common.js Q28/qda.js Q28/raterPrefs.js Q28/redwarnConfig.js Q28/redwarnRules.json Q28/sandbox Q28/twinkleoptions.js No tags for this post. Navigeerimine Raul KirjanenKivisildnik
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