I live in Ekaterinburg , Russia . As of 2019, I'm a freelance translator specializing in biochem, biotech and pharma. My interests include psychiatry and neuroscience . And history of Russia .
I love the music of Bob Dylan , Boris Grebenshikov (Aquarium ), Frank Zappa , Chumbawamba , Umka and Beethoven 's string quartets .
I enjoy skiing and jogging , playing tennis .
My favourite authors are Solzhenitsyn , Updike , Pelevin , Dostoyevsky , Vonnegut .
I participate in the Folding@home project.
My last.fm account is here .
My Wikimedia page .
P.S. Reelin' cookies: If you know a foreign language into which Reelin is not yet translated, start a stub - and I will give you a cookie .
Pages I've started (about 149 thus far)
In no particular order, but generally newest up:
Mild non-BH4-deficient hyperphenylalaninemia
Jennifer Reeser - poet
Riboflavine-responsive exercise intolerance
Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency
Autosomal dominant GTP cyclohydrolase I deficiency
Autosomal recessive GTP cyclohydrolase I deficiency
Protocadherin 19
Pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase deficiency
SET domain containing protein 1A (schizophrenia, autism, etc.)
Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 1 deficiency
Transcorneal electrical stimulation
Branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenase kinase deficiency
DDX3X syndrome
Mitochondrial folate transporter
Dihydrofolate reductase deficiency
Dihydropteridine reductase deficiency
5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase deficiency
Baranchinsky settlement
Robert L. Leahy , cognitive behaviour therapy
Cerebral folate deficiency - was a redirect, I strove to revive it
Lobva settlement in Sverdlovsk Oblast
Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant
Marlene Laruelle
Gordon M. Hahn
Zayd Saidov
Maksud Ibragimov
Group 24 - 29 April 2015
Reftinskaya GRES
Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome
Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
Inhibitory Control Test
Isaakievsky Bridge
Old man Bukashkin
Adult-onset basal ganglia disease
Hudson-Stahli line
Last bell
Scrambler mouse
Pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy
Collapsin response mediator protein family
Cornea plana 1
Cornea plana 2
Epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
Gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy
Subepithelial mucinous corneal dystrophy
Lisch epithelial corneal dystrophy
Granular corneal dystrophy type II
Granular corneal dystrophy type I
Lattice corneal dystrophy type I
Fleck corneal dystrophy
Schnyder crystalline corneal dystrophy
Pyotr Gannushkin
Posterior amorphous corneal dystrophy
Congenital stromal corneal dystrophy
Congenital endothelial dystrophy type 1
Congenital endothelial dystrophy type 2
Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy 3
Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy 2
X-linked endothelial corneal dystrophy
Corneal dystrophy of Bowman layer, type II
Reis-Bucklers corneal dystrophy
J. Wayne Streilein (eye immune system)
Corneal keratocyte - distinct from fish epidermal keratocyte
Pancreatic stellate cell
Macular corneal dystrophy
posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy
KC6 gene (a stub)
Erminio Costa
Ramon Castroviejo - corneal transplantation pioneer
Ribbon synapse
Manifesto of three-day corvee
Vyngapur River
Paris , a village with its own Eiffel Tower.
Oak of Mamre - a copy from Orthodox Wiki
Abraham's Oak Holy Trinity Monastery
Paul R. McHugh
Cajal-Retzius cell
VLDL receptor
Pioneer neuron
Low density lipoprotein receptor gene family
Radial glia
Martinotti cell
Homovanillic acid
Victor Pavlovich Protopopov
Subventricular zone
Subplate zone (brain)
Umka and the armoured car
Chandelier neuron - did a little stub, will try to expand.
Vladimir Alekseyevich Betz - done.
NPAS3 - resides in HAR21 region, linked to schizophrenia; knockout mice show decrease in reelin expression. Did a stub.
ApoER2 - stub.
Shaking rat Kawasaki
Cystatin C - stub.
Subgranular zone - stub.
Neuregulin 1
GAB2 - stub based on a BBC news report.
Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter - stub based on this comment .
Douglas Scott Falconer - tiny stub.
D-amino acid oxidase activator
RGS4 - stub.
DISC1 - stub.
Chakragati mouse - a hasty stub.
NARSAD - stub.
GPR35 receptor; stub
S100B - brain-specific protein; potential neurophathology marker. PMID 17348038 .
myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 1 , Mixed Lineage Leukemia 1 or MLL1 , Mll1 ; may be involved in GAD1 downreg. in schiz. (OMIM? ) gene db at pubmed
biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 , or BLOC-1 , which includes dysbindin .
Kalirin (OMIM 604605), including its isoform Kalirin-7 ; based on a text from schizophreniaforum.org.
Norman-Roberts syndrome , a rare lissencephaly syndrome caused by a mutation in the reelin gene.
VLDLR-associated cerebellar hypoplasia
Huntingtin-associated protein 1
VGF protein - increased expression in schizophrenia (CSF samples). (OMIM )
CABP1 or Caldendrin , a novel Calcium -binding protein.
Yuri Nuller , Yuri Lvovich Nuller , Russian psychiatrist.
GHB receptor - apparently bound by sulpiride and amisulpride .
Frank Ayd , american psychiatrist
Kenyon cell - neurons in insects; little stub
Ganglionic eminence
Pikachurin , a real kewl protein.
Andrei Snezhnevsky , notorious Soviet psychiatrist.
List of people on stamps of Mauritius - never knew I would start that...
Copper Kettle - ..but this one was rather predictable
So Soon In The Morning , a beautiful song, especially in Baez' rendition of 1959
Brahin , a small settlement in Belarus where my ancestors lived.
Braginka river
Willem-Karel Dicke
Border cell (brain)
Myoclonic dystonia
Bullous keratopathy
Zyuratkul' National Park
Articles To Start
- See this Italian consensus document on low-grade gliomas.
- European recommendations on pediatric low-grade gliomas
Changes in keratoconus; marker associated w/ arterial stiffness
SYNGAP1 gene
CC-BY review, 2018 , PMID 29402231
What's the role of L-arginine?
Review - CC-BY
Rather high impact factor
Assoc w/neurodevelopmental disorder
Translate to Russian
"CblE type"
used in phrases like HoloTC assay
Also known as Non-ketotic hyperglycaemic seizures
Or Hypomyelinating leukodystrophies - see a 2020 review
PMID: 37419197 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.116528
- related to Orphan gene ?
See Resolvin
They include Mabry syndrome; their number is estimated at 19 or 21
Article in The Guardian, 2023
Reviewed in PMID 28144933
Amazing case in PMID 8683509 (misdiagnosed as psychiatric for 10 years, then cured)
-- as a standalone from Ketogenic diet
Or as part of Insulin autoimmune syndrome (exists)?
"In a group of healthy adults, those who practiced high-resistance IMST for 30 breaths a day for six weeks saw their systolic blood pressure—the first number in a reading—drop by 9 millimeters of mercury"
Folate supplementation prevents cognitive decline in mouse model (curious)
Signs of putative folate deficiency in patients (see OMIM)
Psychologist, author of books, Uni of Toronto
In some: "psychiatric abnormalities, including depression, bipolar disorder, hallucinations, aggressive behavior, and suicide attempts" (see OMIM)
Might be assoc w/depression
(2021)(REVIEW)(CC-BY) Iron, neuro-bioavailability and depression in eJHaem (IF: 4)
OMIM 617788
linked to autism
CC-BY images
2021 review on Shankopathies in autism
Corrected with folinic acid: case report 2022
"miR483-5p/Pgap2 pathway regulates anxiety"
OMIM 620144 , gene: CACNAC1I
This gene is assoc with both SZ and OCD
"common in early stage bvFTD, arising prior to cognitive and neuroanatomic changes" (Christopher Morrow et al., 2022 )
SLC30A9 gene
Ameliorated by lipoic acid , presumably
"prednisolone should provide a more valid test of the HPA axis in depression" (Juruena et al 2018 )
Discovered galanin
as a standalone
As a separate page?
mir-184 , assoc w/keratoconus
Assoc w/keratoconus
In Glutathione defiency (transient, for instance, with acetaminophen)
Detection of Riboflavin deficiency
The list in this review
Into a separate article. Riboflavin as treatment
FGF3 gene
CC-BY Review 2020
Leukoencephalopathy with thalamus and brainstem involvement and high lactate
EARS2 gene, mitochondrial enzyme
Defects found in 2 patients with CFD
Blunted in schizophrenia, linked to arachidonic acid pathway
Obesity, inflammation
A form of Ohtahara syndrome ?
OMIM 614671
OMIM 614688
Huntingtin gene hypofunction
Write more
Autistic features
rare but curious
Could be assoc w/schizophrenia via rs72657988
Assoc w/psych disorders in offsprings
any link to folate metabolism?
Decreased in SZ, Bipolar
Gene CHD8
putative: inflammation triggered in blood by the cardio-lung-bypass machine
Investigated in ALZ's Disease, Parkinson's
TIAM1 gene
Pregnenolone derivative; might be used in alcoholism
Lasosamide - induced psychosis case
CRMP2 and betaine? O_O
OMIM 617744
Gene - NRF2 , related to keratoconus
??CSF-venous fistula - source
2022 Review of numerous genes/causes: PMID 35328062 (CC-BY 4.0)
Putative neuroprotection in Parkinson's; counters inflammatory cytokine signaling
OMIM 619575
gene - TAOK1
Prompted by a report on a psych forum of depression/halluc. of a guy on cyprofloxacine
Example review (2020) in PubMed
Gene: WDR45
On withdrawal of dopamine medication
CC-BY 2022 review in Cureus
Gene: KDM6B , could be associated with CFD
Mutations in CDC42 which affects dendritic spines
Linked to Early-onset vitamin B6-dependent epilepsy (OMIM 617290)
Is it worth reading? (example article )
convert to standalone?
Muscarinic, for schizophrenia
Includes malondialdehyde, elevated in keratoconus serum
First to attempt DBS in Parkinson's
Autism and other manifestations; one of the genes: CYFIP1
Two OMIM numbers: 613444 and 611913
Alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde
of the book "Plague Cycle"
Possible target of methotrexate in psoriasis
Mutations in CAMKIIα
Autism spectrum
and ODC1 disorder - distinct?
see myoclonic astatic epilepsy , aka Doose syndrome
the RAC3 gene
Gene: MRE11A
protein that might be useful in diabetes
For instance, in deficiency of the mitochondrial folate transporter
gene: ATP2B1
Mutations in the gene might be associated with BH4 deficiency in refractory depression, per Lisa Pan et al., 2020
Variants found in patients with refractory depression and BH4 deficiency by Lisa Pan et al., PMID 32128872
The same snp rs79258645 as in Lisa Pan et al is associated w/keratoconus Layal Fadi Abi Farraj, 2015
Mutations in NR4A2
Exists in German Wikipedia
To distinguish Cushing's from Pseudo-Cushing's
Deficient serine transport into the brain
Disfunction in cerebral folate deficiency
Reviews: 2019 with mention of CFD
See, for instance, table 1 here or a similar table in this CC-BY review (2021)
See Pyridoxine 5′-phosphate oxidase
Possible use in depression: review
?Folate trap in folate metabolism
?Oculomics - research of eye-based biomarkers of non-ophthalmological pathology
Schizophrenia in Translation: Why the Eye?
Mutations in TUBB4A
Might be associated with cerebral folate deficiency
accompanied by cerebral folate deficiency? Folinic acid helps, per PMID 31340680 (review)
Corneal endothelial dysfunction
Cone-rod dystrophy 7
?m.8649_16084del , the second-most common mtDNA deletion in humans
?Theta burst stimulation for depression
LAMM syndrome or Congenital deafness with labyrinthine aplasia, microtia, and microdontia
S-adenosylmethionine carrier , SLC25A26
Intrinsic factor deficiency - OMIM 261000
??Peripheral nerve hyperexcitability
?CASPR2-antibody encephalitis
Tatyana Gnedich , translated "Don Juan" while in Stalin's prison
?Terminal ileitis
?Branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase kinase deficiency and autism
?Long-chain fatty-acid oxidation disorders
?Hypoketotic hypoglycaemia
for instance, in long-chain fatty-acid oxidation disorders
?DDX3X syndrome , developmental delay
??ERIraos , early detection of psychosis
Delta brush -- EEG pattern in neonates, esp. premature
Faciobrachial dystonic seizure in LGI1 encephalitis
LGI1-antibody encephalitis
??Individual alpha peak frequency - in ADHD, prediction of treatment success
??Cobalamin C deficiency -- is it the same as Methylmalonic acidemia ?
??Limbal stem cell deficiency , Corneal epithelial stem cell deficiency
?Benign pancreatic hyperenzymemia , or Gullo syndrome
Homocystinuria-megaloblastic anemia, cblG complementation type - mutations of methionine synthase
Beads task - The beads task (Phillips & Edwards, 1966) is an experimental task designed to examine individuals' reasoning style under ambiguous conditions.
Urrets-Zavalia syndrome
?Washington Early Recognition Center Affectivity and Psychosis , or WERCAP , a screening test for schizophrenia
?Adiponectin deficiency
Ventricular puncture
??Yale Control Over Perceptual Experiences (COPE) Scales
?Effort Expenditure for Reward Task (EffERT)
?Multiple acyl–coenzyme A dehydrogenation deficiency , improved by riboflavin
??Peters Delusion Inventory
??Whisker trimming , Bilateral whisker trimming in model mice; neuroscience
?RBMX2 - could be associated with rare familial bipolar disorder
??16p11.2 deletion syndrome - assoc. w/ autism; lipid FAM57B gene may be infolved in psychiatric dysfunction
??Allyn Walker , pedophilia researcher ("A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity")
???Stellage ganglion block as a standalone? Interesting.
??Campana cell , Campana cells - retinal interneurons allegedly discovered in late 2021
??Stanford neuromodulation therapy for depression
?Biondi bodies -- (Biondi bodies (the “silver rings of Biondi”) are filamentous, ring-like or arc-like structures in the epithelium of the choroid plexus)
?General alexithymia factor score - condensed Toronto Alexithymia Scale for autistic patients
?Amylase awakening response - Changed in anxiety disorders
?Epiplexus cell , Kolmer cell of the choroid plexus
?Carnitine deficiency - has multiple causes
??Food-dependent Cushing's syndrome as a separate article, linked to KDM1A ?
?Hyperamylasemia as a separate article, based on reviews?
NEDHSIL - severe autism, gene: MEF2C
??Small dense LDL
mild non-BH4-deficient hyperphenylalaninemia - see DNAJC12
Poretti–Boltshauser syndrome , mutations of the LAMA1 gene
??CIC-rearranged sarcoma , a subset of Ewing-like sarcomas
??Dietary Inflammatory Index , or DII
??Progressive Encephalomyelitis With Rigidity and Myoclonus , PERM syndrome
?Familial hyperkalemic hypertension - mutations in CUL3
Anterior capsulotomy (psychosurgery) , Anterior capsulotomy for OCD
Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts-2A , HEPACAM gene
?Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 , Spinocerebellar Ataxia 7 - assoc. w/keratoconus
?Branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase deficiency - see BCKDK ; assoc. w/autism
??Cerebral creatine deficiency syndromes -- assoc. with autism-s-d
??Representational drift (in neuroscience)
?Per2AS , noncoding gene of sleep/wake cycle in mice
Carol Donner author of The Magic Anatomy Book
?Encephalitis with Anti-SOX1 Antibodies , Anti-SOX1 encephalitis
??Ketamine bladder syndrome
???Carbonyl stress - or is it covered in Reactive carbonyl species ?
Traboulsi syndrome - corneal issues
??Anticholinergic cognitive burden score, ACB score
??Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome - is the same as Alpers disease?
??DDX3X-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder
??Presence hallucinations in Parkinson's
Metzincin , or Metzincin family of enzymes
Duplication 9p , 9p duplication syndrome
ADAMTSL family
??Ewing-like sarcoma
??CIC-DUX4 fusion sarcoma
Hypothyroid myopathy - Hoffman's syndrome in adults case
OGT-linked Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (OGT-CDG ) discovered in 2021
??Monocyte-to-HDL-cholesterol ratio (MHR), elevated in keratoconus
?Phenylalanine deficiency - iatrogenic condition resulting from strict Phe-restricted diet -- Case (2013)
??BH4 loading test , not sure
?Pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase deficiency , a form of BH4 deficiency
?Miners' nystagmus - early 20th century
Protocadherin 19 , PCDH19
Mitochondrial folate transporter or SLC25A32 - OMIM 138840 ,
??pseudo-methylenetetrahydrofolate syndrome induced by folic acid overdose
?Syndrome of Irreversible Lithium-Effectuated Neurotoxicity
?Childhood Trauma Questionnaire
??Large neutral amino acids relevant to BH4 deficiency, PKU
Seymour Kaufman (1924-2009), biochemist, discoverer of BH4
DNAJC12 deficiency - OMIM 617384
?Phenylalanine loading test can be used to detect disorders of metabolism presenting BH4 without HPA
?Masaya Segawa (1936-2014) - Segawa disease, GTP cyclohydrolase I deficiency
??phenylalanine loading test
5,10-Methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase - deficiency of this reminds of CFD
Pierson syndrome
Howard Allen Pearson (-2016)
Newcastle Mitochondrial Disease Ratings Scale after the city
LIC syndrome -- NSMCE3 gene
Fried syndrome assoc. w/mutations in AP1S2 (a gene assoc with a case of Cerebral folate deficiency )
?Reversal learning - тест на переучивание навыка
?Spadin - Spadin is a synthetic peptide derived from sortilin which was shown to block TREK-1 with high affinity. Spadin antidepressant activity appears to be mediated through PI3K and Akt activation.
Riboflavin transporter deficiency or Riboflavin transporter deficiency neuronopathy
Thiamine-responsive basal ganglia disease (source ) OMIM
NEDAMSS syndrome described in 2018
?Bronchodilator reversibility test in COPD
?The Wessler test in animals has been used extensively for over 40 years as a laboratory measure of in vivo hypercoagulability.
?Intra-Extra Dimensional Set Shift - a take on the Wisconsin Card Test
??Chorioretinal atrophy associated with Cerebral folate deficiency in one case report.
focal electrically administered seizure therapy , or FEAST
Separate Theta-burst stimulation or TBS
?Reward positivity potential, or RewP
Pierson syndrome OMIM 60949
?Familial temporal lobe epilepsy , esp. type 7 assoc with RELN
Harel-Yoon syndrome
?Luft disease - the rarest yet the earliest to be described
CAD deficiency
Hydromethylthionine - used to treat dementia
?Noncoring needle (Huber needle)
cblC type methylmalonic acidemia , CblC type methylmalonic acidemia
Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency - associated (?) with cerebral folate deficiency? case report , case report
???Folate-binding proteins assay
??Unmetabolized folic acid might be harmful in excess
?Methylcobalamin deficiency complementation group G OMIM 250940
?Disorders of intracellular cobalamin metabolism
?Uchida-Kraepelin test requires focused effort and attention
?Autosomal dominant adult-onset demyelinating leukodystrophy - linked to Lamin B1 mutations, OMIM 169500
?Lamin B1 deficiency - in rare cases, depression? (Lisa Pan)
Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty
?STXBP1 syndrome
??Dysfunctional Attitude Scale
?Red blood cell folate - an indicator of the folate status
Adaptinopathy such as the Pettigrew syndrome
Pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate oxidase (PNPO) deficiency
DNAJC12-deficient hyperphenylalaninemia
Glutamate formimidoyltransferase deficiency - elevated folates
MTHFD1 deficiency - rare; may cause cerebral folate deficiency
MTHFS deficiency - very rare, only two cases by 2019
GTP-cyclohydrolase deficiency - a single case of treatment-resistant depression
" is the second most common of the known inherited disorders of folate metabolism" 18 cases
?Cascade immunization for detecting host cell protein (residual)
?Host cell protein analysis using CHO (hamster ovarian cell lines)
?Membrane filtration method in Ph.
?Direct inoculation method in pharmacopoeia
??Mixed melting point - a technique in analytical chemistry
??External standard - a calibration method on par with Standard addition and Internal standard (HPLC)
?Bioequivalence study - ru:Исследование биоэквивалентности
?Sulfated ash and Residue on ignition (pharma)
?Robustness test (in analytical method validation)
?Syndrome of pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone , Syndrome of PRTH
Cavernous sinus syndromes
?Reverse pseudohyperkalemia
?Vertical lathe - ru:Карусельный станок
Plug rolling process , also Stiefer rolling process , after its inventor R. C. Stiefel - ru:Горячая прокатка труб на оправке
Flying shears - ru:Летучие ножницы
Pilger mill - ru:Пилигримовый стан
Fretz-Moon process - production of pipes
?? cortisol/DHEAS-ratio - high in treatment-resistant depression
ru:Оленьи Ручьи - Olenii Ruchii (Park, Russia)
(??) Ectopic ACTH syndrome
ru:Климзо, Борис Николаевич - Boris Klimzo , translator
?Sodium tetrahydroxoaluminate
ru:Восточно-Уральский заповедник - East Urals Nature Reserve (nuclear contamination area)
?Fohl's test to detect sulfur-containing amino acids
1-ethoxypropane or Ethyl propyl ether
?Inorganic esters as a standalone article
Kucherov reaction (from redir) - ru:Реакция Кучерова (acetylene to acetaldehyde using HgSO4)
ru:Павлов, Михаил Александрович - Mikhail Alexandrovich Pavlov
??Thr92Ala polymorphism of DIO2
SLCO1C1 - transports the thyroid hormone T4 across the BBB into the brain. (OMIM )
?Corneal biomechanics - hysteresis, resistance factor, etc.
?Whickham Survey (thyroid disorders)
?Myoedema - hypothyroidism
?Hoffman syndrome Hoffman's syndrome - in hypothyroidism
?Oxidative Stress Index
Laser-Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT)
Laser-Assisted Bioprinting , Laser-assisted bioprinting
May Walk - ru:Майская прогулка
Mikhail Semiryaga - ru:Семиряга, Михаил Иванович (WWII, germany, diplomacy)
?George Magnus - "the age of aging"
?1977 Constitution of Afghanistan - abrogated following the Zaur Revolution (27 April 1978)
???Ramamoorthy Gopalakrishnan - "The Geography and Politics of Afghanistan" (1983)
Mikhail Ionov - ru:Ионов, Михаил Ефремович - military expeditions to the Pamir region in the 1890s
Alexey Levinson - ru:Левинсон, Алексей Георгиевич (sociologist)
??Afghanistan's provincial councils - exist from 2005
Henry E. Hale - Russian studies
National Ulema Council of Afghanistan
Karategin - ru:Каратегин - hist. independent part of Tajikistan; site of insurgency in 1990s
Mirzo Zieev (died 2009) - former Tajik Emergency Minister said to be linked to IMU
Islamic Committee of Russia - ru:Исламский комитет России
Uwe Halbach - de:Uwe Halbach
State Commission for Religious Affairs of Kyrgyzstan
??Kathrin Lenz-Raymann - "Securitization of Islam" (Central Asia, 2015)
Kathleen Collins (author) - "Clan Politics and Regime Transition in Central Asia"
Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the SCO
ru:Чёрный тюльпан (Екатеринбург) - Black Tulip (monument)
Ministry of North Caucasus Affairs , Minkavkaz - ru:Министерство Российской Федерации по делам Северного Кавказа (from 2014)
??Nogai Batallion - ru:Ногайский батальон
Abbas Kebedov - ru:Кебедов, Аббас Кебедович a founder of the 1990 IRP
Bagauddin Kebedov - ru:Кебедов, Багаутдин Магомедович - ideologue of Dagestani Islamist militancy
Alexander Alexandrovich Ignatenko - ru:Игнатенко, Александр Александрович (Islam expert)
?? Ahlu Sunna - ru:Ахлю Сунна (Дагестан, салафиты)
Paul J. Murphy - "Wolves of Islam"
Matthew Evangelista - "Chechen Wars" (2002)
?Stephen R. Bowers - post-USSR, North Caucasus studies
Chechen presidential election, 1997
Chechen presidential election, 2004
?Yoav Karny (Yo'av Karny ) - author of articles and one book on Chechnya (Highlanders )
Chabanmakhi - ru:Чабанмахи
Alexei Malashenko - ru:Малашенко, Алексей Всеволодович (ru Islam researcher)
Jamaat Ansarullah , Tajikistan
Nadir Khachilayev - Russia's Muslim Union
National Strategy Institute (Russia);
Rustam Burnashev - good articles on Central Asia
Adeeb Khalid - de:Abeeb Khalid - history of Central Asia since 1860
Naum Nim - ru:Ним, Наум
National Counterterrorism Committee (Russia) (established in February 2006)
Walter Reich - author of "Origins of Terrorism" (1990)
Kirill Nourzhanov - author of Tajikistan: a political and social history (2013)
Tajikistan's National Reconciliation Commission 1997-2000
1997 Tajikistan Peace Agreement - "General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord in Tajikistan "
Kokand Autonomy - ru:Туркестанская автономия
Kamoludin Abdullaev Камолуддин Абдуллаев - Tajik historian
Usman Ghazi - IMU leader (?)
Free Russia Foundation
Oinihol Bobonazarova - human rights, Tajikistan
Mullo Abdullo Rakhimov - Islamist militant killed in Tajikistan
Tajikistan Council of Ulems or Shuroi Ulamo
People's Front of Tajikistan , or Popular Front of Tajikistan (c.war 1992-7)
1877 Chechnya and Dagestan uprising - ru:Восстание 1877 года в Чечне и Дагестане
Lena Jonson - books on Central Asia
Batken events (1999) - ru:Баткенские события
People's Movement of Uzbekistan - 28 May 2011, Berlin
Islamic Renaissance Party (Astrakhan, 1990-1992 (or 1994?))
Akhmet Yarlykapov - Caucasus expert - ru:Ярлыкапов, Ахмет Аминович
Mairbek Vatchagaev - Chechen historian, Maskhadov rep., several books
Yavus Akhmadov - Chechen historian - ru:Ахмадов, Явус Зайндиевич
Emil Souleimanov - auhtor on Chechen modern history
ru:Межвоенный кризис в Чечне - interbellum crisis in Chechnya , Wahhabism crisis in Chechnya
Philip Shishkin , author of "Restless Valley"
?Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh - Central Asia scholar, author
Gordon M. Hahn - "Russia’s Islamic Threat" (2007)
Jeffrey Haynes - books on religious movements and international relations
Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy - "Opium"
Alexander Marshall - Glasgow Uni., author of "Afghanistan: How the West Lost Its Way"
?Afghanistan-Central Asia Dialogue
David Mansfield (author) - author on Afghanistan
Caspian Anti-Drug Five , Central Asian Anti-Drug Quartet
Sebastien Peyrouse , author of books on Central Asia
George Gavrilis , author of "The Dynamics of Interstate Boundaries", articles on Central Asia
Central Asia Drug Action Programme (CADAP )
Matvei Shaposhnikov - ru:Шапошников, Матвей Кузьмич (refused to use tanks during the Novocherkassk protests in 1960s
Alexander Knyazev - ru:Князев, Александр Алексеевич
Vasili Tyorkin
Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA )
Istanbul Process on Regional Security and Cooperation for a Secure and Stable Afghanistan - Heart of Asia Process (2014 review )
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan Railway
3 Hut Uprising - Kabul, February 22, 1980
Rein Müllerson - author of books on Central Asia
ru:Орлуша - Russian poet
CASA-1000 electricity project
Depictive construction , Depictive predicate - see Secondary predicate
Beads task - Jumping to conclusions; metacognitive
?Salience attribution test , SAT
?Amylase/Creatinine Clearance Ratio - helpful in pancreatitis DDx
?Hyperamylasemia , a standalone page
?Mitokine - inter-mitochondrial signal (putative yet?)
?Cocaine-induced leukoencephalopathy - see Levamisole
ru:Хивинский поход (1839—1840) - Khiva Campaign (1839-1840)
EXBS , Export Control and Related Border Security program
ru:Бой на 12-й заставе Московского погранотряда -
ru:Группа Пограничных войск России в Республике Таджикистан
Helmand River Water Treaty Iran / Afghanistan, 1973-75
Urrets-Zavalia syndrome - questioned by some; linked to keratoconus
Wallis and Matilda - marv Aussie folk band (Pioneers album/Banjo Pat.)
Isopropylbenzene hydroperoxide - rubber production; see Cumen process
Cerebral edema in diabetic ketoacidosis , CEDKA
Glycated albumin - a rival of Hb1ac
Specular microscope - used to visualize corneal endothelium
TGF-beta signalopathies share the mechanism with the Marfan syndrome
?Primary angiitis of the central nervous system , PACNS
?Status dissociatus
Blistering , a quaint treatment for madness in 1800s
multiple pituitary hormone deficiency , MPHD - genes PROP1 or Pit1 (also called POU1F1 )
HANAC syndrome
?Corneal hysteresis
?flow-mediated dilatation
?Granulocyte-Angiotensin System , Granulocyte-angiotensin system
Juvenile-onset dystonia
Baraitser-Winter Syndrome
?Human antigen R , or HuR , is lowered in KC
?sublinical hypercortisolism (->diabetes)
?Hypothalamic hypopituitarism
Monetary Incentive Delay Task , MID task
amorfrutins fight the diabetes
Brown-McLean syndrome
ru:Человек в футляре (фильм) - Chelovek v futliare
Vortex keratopathy
Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome
?Postprandial hypotension
Ophelia syndrome = Hodgkin's lymphoma + Limbic encephalitis
Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome
Floppy eyelid syndrome
+ L-arginine : test of endothelial function
Autoimmune Encephalopathy ? - link
maxillary sinusotomy
? Stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH )
ru:Чулаки, Михаил Михайлович -
Anti-AMPA Receptor Encephalitis
Anti-GABA Receptor Encephalitis
?Idiopathic Hypothalamic Dysfunction
?activity-dependent neuroprotective protein , ADNP
Navajo neurohepatopathy (NNH; 256810)
extremely strange Luft's disease
The disorder has received several names, including acute diffuse lymphocytic meningoencephalitis,2,3 acute reversible limbic encephalitis,4 acute juvenile female nonherpetic encephalitis,1 or juvenile acute nonherpetic encephalitis.
(see Felix Jacob Marchand )
see PMID 11739428 (high-prev. in CAH)
see a review of rests in CAH
Adrenal hemorrhage (?) eMedicine
SKC mouse (keratoconus but doubtable) PMID 11773012
isoketals , isoketal
Neuroprostane , Neuroprostanes
Pigmented paravenous chorioretinal atrophy
S-nitrosocysteine , NO generator
??Superoxide dismutase mimetics
??Nitrotyrosine denitrase
Nitrosoperoxycarbonate (catabolism of peroxynitrite)
?nitrotryptophan 6-nitrotryptophan
ru:Любищев, Александр Александрович - Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubischev
ru:Трофейные бригады - trophy brigades
?presynaptic active zone
?conserved dopamine neurotrophic factor , CDNF
?mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor , MANF
?Wessely ring - Immune Ring of Wessely - Wessely immune ring
?Cholinergic rebound
?middle face patch , face patch system (here )
?mitochondrial membrane potential
Fluorochrome-labeled inhibitors of caspases , FLICA
Endoplasmic reticulum stress
Julius Hallervorden Nazi and Iron overload
?Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA)
Long-Evans Cinnamon rat , LEC rat , a model of Wilson's disease
3-Morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1), NO release
Sorsby's fundus dystrophy (TIMP3 )
Salzmann nodular corneal degeneration
hyperimmunoglobulin E recurrent infection syndrome
Emotion Recognition Task
neuronal nuclear antigen , NeuN
Transferrin family
?MTHFR deficiency (OMIM 236250)
Sticky fixation (brain dev )
GABA-glutamine cycle
Scurfy mouse
?Lipid keratopathies (fish-eye disease etc)
Royal College of Surgeons Rat
?neuroectodermal sphere
György Buzsáki
?Pandit Rajan and Sajan Mishra
Goblet neuron ,Goblet interneuron
?One-carbon metabolism
Dystrophia Helsinglandica
Dystrophia Smolandiensis
?Urrets-Zavalia syndrome
Dependence receptor
HOMER protein family - D'oh
?Corneal sensitivity , Corneal sensitivity test
(Cochet-Bonnet aesthesiometer )
Terrien's marginal degeneration
mention anterior corneal mosaic ?
? crocodile shagreen
? corneal hydrops
Pattern separation (neurogenesis)
Wavefront aberrometer , aberrometer
Wavefront aberrometry , aberrometry
Zoogloea ie Indian sea rice
Endothelial keratoplasty
Descemet Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty , DSEK ,DSAEK
Terrien's marginal corneal degeneration or Terrien marginal corneal degeneration
ru:Бензобарбитал - Benzobarbital
ru:Сикорский, Иван Алексеевич -Ivan Alexeevich Sikorsky
Antidepressant Apathy Syndrome (?)
Corneal melt , corneal melting , Corneoscleral melting
Neurotrophic keratopathy
Diabetic keratopathy ?
Joanna Moncrieff ?
Small leucine-rich proteoglycan family , SLRP family
Peters anomaly OMIM 604229
Grayson-Wilbrandt dystrophy
? Hale's colloidal iron stain
cribriform mesenchyme
Lipid hydroperoxide
α,β-unsaturated aldehydes or alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes or OαβUA , such as 4-HNE
Bullous disease , autoimmune bullous disease
dermal-epidermal junction (?)
? Interstitial neurons (PMID 19543540 )
anti-p200 pemphigoid
gamma-oryzanol from Rice bran oil
Advanced lipoxidation end-products (see AGE )
ru:Ноль (группа) - Nol' (rock band)
Transferrin family
Corneal Langerhans cells (?)
Harboyan syndrome
? sickness syndrome (cytokines and depression)
Small leucine-rich proteoglycans
Mucin ball due to CL wear
Scheimpflug ocular imaging
Mitochondrial oxidative stress (? PMID 18341705 )
Puerarin (NOS, inflammation?)
leukocyte common antigen-related (LAR) subfamily of receptor PTPs , LAR-RPTP PMID 15674434
Millon Index of Personality Styles (MIPS)
neuroleptic-induced deficit syndrome (NIDS ) (PMID 8866773 ) ?
ru:Старик Букашкин - Old man Bukashkin
ru:Кобрин, Владимир Михайлович Vladimir Kobrin
ru:Игры с ножом Russian knife games
TUR syndrome
Polydendrocyte or NG2 cell (??)
The Republic of SHKID
ru:Акмолинский лагерь жён изменников Родины
Nonsynonymous mutation (Nonsynonymous polymorphism ?)
Double bouquet cell (= fusiform cell ?) Important: PMID 15846784
DNA methyltransferase-1 - overexpressed (postmortem: PMID 17259861 ) in psychosis , downregulates GAD67 and Reelin in GABAergic interneurons of schizophrenia and bipolar patients.
GABAergic interneuron - I'm not sure but there seems to be an extensive array of GABAergic interneuron subtypes - 14 subtypes according to Gupta et al, 2000. PMID 10634775
GABA membrane transporter-1 , or GAT-1 - seems to be decreased in schizophrenia.(Also: PMID 15365220 ) Seems also to be increased by antipsychotics in mice: PMID 15467974 . There are clinical studies of GAT-1 inhibitor tiagabine as an add-on in schizophrenia: 1 2 .
or maybe just GABA transporters for a start.
Axo-axonic cell (?)
"Reelin and GAD67 are not the only genes whose expression is down-regulated in GABAergic neurons of SZ and BP+ patients. For example, the expression of GABA transporter (GAT1) (30), parvalbumin (25) or N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor subunits (15) is also down-regulated in GABAergic neurons of SZ and BP+ patients." [1] Got to be investigated. GAT1 and parvalbumin decrease seems to occur in disctinct GABAergic interneuron populations from the reelin-containing cells. So it seems.
Meynert cell - a specialized pyramidal neuron of the visual cortex.
Line bisection task (?) - used to detect visuospatial neglects.
BHLH-PAS superfamily of transcription factors - maybe.
Wide arbor cell (?)
Postsynaptic density 95 or PSD95 , or, more rightly, DISCS LARGE, DROSOPHILA, HOMOLOG OF, 4; DLG4
NMDA subunit NR2A , NMDA subunit NR2B - OMIM links: 1 , 2 .
Abnormal involuntary movement scale , AIMS - measuring tardive dyskinesia .
Continuous Performance Test, Identical Pairs Version , or CPT-IP
PirB - in cahoots with MHC class I; affects neuronal circuitry. [2] ; [3] .
Antisaccade task
P50 sensory gating test (or P50 (evoked potential) ?) - lack of ihnibition in schizophrenia.
Binocular depth inversion (?)
Salvianolic Acid (?)
Miraxion - artificial eicosapentaenoic acid .
Artificial cornea (keratoprosthesis )
Contingent Negative Variation (??)
Maternal deprivation (??)
visual backward masking , motion integration (PMID 17487285 )
Go-NoGo task disruption in ADHD, schizophrenia .
KIBRA protein associated with memory performance. (OMIM )
Kinectin , a microtubule -associated protein.
Oculomotor delayed response task , ODR
Etazolate , PDE inhibitor.
trisynaptic pathway in hippocampus.
preparing to overcome prepotency task , or POP task which is based on Simon spatial incompatibility effect
Social defeat or social defeat stress - may be a risk factor in schizophrenia .
Uchida-Kraepelin test (?)
septohippocampal pathway
RGS proteins (?)
granular retrosplenial cortex (?)
Sprague effect - "an unusual phenomenon known as the Sprague effect. Complete removal of the visual cortex on one side of the brain renders animals unable to see anything in the half of the visual field opposite the surgical site. Yet a tiny cut to the midbrain restores the animal's ability to detect and approach moving entities, even though it still can't distinguish one object from another."
Herpes Encephalitis
Maternal immune activation - behaviour changes in rodents similar to schizophrenia, autism; probably via IL-6 cytokine.
Binding immunoglobulin protein (immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein ), BiP, a.k.a. Grp78
PSE-Catego (?) psychiatric diagnostic system
Glutamate carboxypeptidase III , GCPIII
Glucose Tolerance Factor
fluorodopa 18F , FDOPA
Steroid dementia , Steroid dementia syndrome
kynurenine metabolic pathway
5-hydroxyindole acetic acid , or simply 5-hydroxyindole , a metabolite of tryptophan .
Brachydactyly mental retardation syndrome , OMIM 600430
methylazoxymethanol acetate model of schizophrenia , MAM model of schizophrenia
methylazoxymethanol acetate
Quinolinic acid
dystrophin-associated protein complex , DPC
Biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 2 , BLOC-2
Biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 3 , BLOC-3
Sandy (mouse) or SDY, a dysbindin knockout mouse.
X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (caused by a mutation in NADPH oxidase subunit genes; OMIM link )
Optogenetics (?)
Kendler's Structured Interview for Schizotypy
oriens-lacunosum moleculare (O-LM) interneurons
periventricular nodular heterotopia : In a normal brain, much of the gray matter (consisting mostly of nerve cells) appears on the brain’s surface, while white matter (consisting mostly of nerve fibers, or “wiring,” connecting areas of gray matter) runs deeper in the brain. In PNH, nodules of gray matter sit deep in the brain’s core, in the white matter; they failed to migrate out to the surface as the brain was developing.
Forced normalization (?) - psychotic symptoms associated with seizure control in epilepsy (described here ).
Unertan syndrome - see Ulas family
Default network (brain)
Ivy cells of the hippocampus
Use-dependent plasticity
Animal models of schizophrenia
The cytomatrix active zone (CAZ) is a specialized cellular structure regulating release of vesicles
nail fold (nailfold plexus visibility, NPV, as a sign of schizophrenia assoc. w\neg. symp.)
dopaminergic retrorubral field (?)
cognitive remediation therapy , cognitive remediation
dysgranular cortex (?)
intermediate progenitor cells of subventricular zone which participate in adult neurogenesis.
ventricular zone - below the SVZ; home of radial glia cells
globuli cells of mushroom bodies
Chromosome 3p deletion syndrome
subpial granular layer , important transient structure.
Poivre Atoll
Oligodendrocyte progenitor cell
endothelial cell density , endothelial cell count of cornea (decreased in keratoconus)
specular microscope
atropinic coma therapy ,Atropine coma therapy
Trail Making Test
Spidery neuron
MEDNIK syndrome
Interpersonal Reactivity Index
Pink spots in schizophrenia (0:
Articles to expand and improve
Secondary predicate
Rickets - if "Magnesium-dependent vitamin-D-resistant rickets" is a real thing, add a mention.
Antiphospholipid syndrome - add info on psychiatric presentations (antibodies to annexins? Annexins are linked to p11, which is implicated in depression)
Articles to improve:
Would be great to translate:
Ukrainian music:
Psychiatry etc.:
For depression/anxiety
P11 for its role in depression.
PON1 together with MTHFR affects 5-MTHF metabolism, may be protective in schizophrenia by increasing CSF 5-MTHF
Studied DHPR defiency in 1975-2000 (2016 review )
Nitric oxide a culprit (NO also involved in autism ?)
May be compounded by oxitocin deficiency, causing anxiety
Also improve: add info on falsely elevated free urine 24h cortisol
Curious 2023 meta-analysis
GABA breakdown inhibitor
Assoc with keratoconus
Metabolism changed in depression, other disorders
Articles I've contributed to
Acceptability of sources in medical articles
Questionable sources
Useful pages, FAQs
First get HGNCID here , next populate using this tool here .
I assert to be the same user as commons:User:CopperKettle --CopperKettle 14:03, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
Sherurcij (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) - a thoughful self-description
Tjo3ya (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) Timothy Osborne, a grammarian (Stack Exchange )
Libi Rubinsky (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) - my sister (hi )
TimVickers (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) (director of MolCelBio project)
Lilac_Soul (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) (psychiatry, 1978, Netherlands)
Joachimherz (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) - Joachim Herz , neuroscience, Reelin , lipid signaling
Psychiatrick (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) (human rights, particularly in psychiatry)
LittleHow (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) - good-quality articles on neuropsychology
Jmh649 (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) , a Canadian Doc.
User:Shoemaker's Holiday
User:Fuzzform (neuroscience)
User:Rvfrolov (neuroscience, cell biology)
User:TimVickers (enzymology, PhD; an admin)
User:Scientizzle (cell biology, medicine, pharmacology; an admin)
User:Shelbypark (history of psychiatry, asylums in Australia)
User:Garrondo (psychologist from Spain; FA: Alz )
Xasodfuih (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) (neuroscience\hormones?)
Madhero88 (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) (Jordan; medical student; mad&heroic)
Ekabhishek (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) (India)
Sphilbrick (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) (Connecticut , Bayesian methods)
Rajakhr (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) , critical of psychiatry
Rjanag (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log ) , Chinese (?), psychology
Interesting stuff
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