Black lives matter. I'm donating. What are you doing?

heya. i used to take this a lot more seriously - i'm much more jaded these days.

i'm a queer, angry puddle of dysphoria on the internet. i have lots of opinions. here are a few:

  • the wikipedia community consistently disregards the viewpoints of people of colour, trans people, women, and people who do not conform to the gender binary in order to maintain the internal fiction that wikipedia's editor base is entirely white, cisgender, heterosexual men, because accepting this is easier than challenging the internal baises of the website and the western populace at large.
  • the wikipedia community uses "consensus" as an excuse to create a space which silences victims and the oppressed.
  • the wikipedia community is complicit in abuse and harassment.
  • the wikipedia community needs to do fucking better.

(don't call me "he". it's rude.)

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