I'm Alex – an Ukrainian journalist and researcher, interested in:

  • foreign contacts and professional practice
  • publicizing & promoting Ukraine with all its goods or bads - because this large and old European country is unbelievably unknown to the world
  • developing my English (both journalist and colloquial).

Fields of my professional interest are:

  • journalism & political studies (since I'm a graduated and practicing political analyst);
  • geopolitics, global issues, war/military policy, conflicts etc., as well as political aspects of law enforcement;
  • migration & ethnopolitics;

This doesn't restrict the topics of my contributions to Wikipedia (a project which idea I like very much). I start with simplest fact-based pages but gradually challenge all articles relevant to them.

ukУкраїнська мова для цього користувача є рідною.
ruРусскийродной язык этого участника.
en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
pl-1Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie podstawowym.
ieThis contributor uses any browser other than Internet Explorer.

see Wikipedia:Babel

My contributions

My contributions to WP number in thousands, although it was mostly editing of existing Ukraine-related pages. I guess I'm a Wikipediaholic : )).

I'm particularly proud of my humble participation on the following pages:

Everything I've done is wrong!

Transparent informing is one of the best ways of optimizing the public image of your country! (Guess whose gigantic underdeveloped Eurasian country am I talking about).


Thank you friends and co-contributors, especially Mzajac and Genyo.

Thank you enemies for strengthening my commitment.

Thank you everybody for not judging my English too hard : )).

To do

  • Keep those jingo-biased neighbors away from not only the Ukrainian, but also the Soviet-related pages.
  • Bring more order and depth to Military of Ukraine and anything related. A Wikiproject?
  • Develop Kyiv.
  • Bring more order to the Politics of Ukraine, 2004 Ukrainian presidential election, and anything related. Reflect the Constitutional changes - the real thing behind the victory of Yushchenko.
  • Formulate a plan of filling Subdivisions of Ukraine with various local information (like economy, prominent companies and tourist attractions). Recruit more Wikifellows to actually fill all those cities and oblast's with it.
  • Bring some order to Category:Ukrainian historical regions and West-Ukrainian cities, find some cooperative Polish and Romanian guys to avoid edit wars over it.
  • Make the Ukrainian bureaucrats (especially law enforcers) be more transparent to harvest a minimal info on their nation-serving activities ;)


E-mail me freely concerning every issue.

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