Hi There!


Been around since November 2005 under a previous account which had 4,957 edits. I had the Account Creator permission and spent time as a member of the Accounts and Unblock-en mailing lists helping users stuck behind rangeblocks create accounts back when that was a thing we did. Haven't used that account in about a decade so I thought it best to make a new one rather then raise that one from the dead.

About me

I'm an enthusiast for old technology, maintaining a functioning collection of m68k powered computers, 8-bit computers of various flavors including a functional TRS-80 Model 100 and video game consoles from the 80s and 90s I've modified to load media off solid state storage. I enjoy building functional installations of obsolete operating systems such as CP/M, AppleDOS and various early Unix versions. I had the good fortune to go to High School during the dot-com bubble, a consequence of which was companies throwing around ludicrous amounts of money- including sponsoring courses in public schools. Because of this, I was able to complete the Cisco Networking Academy two year class and get my (since lapsed) CCNA at no cost, as well as learn Linux (specifically Red Hat 7, before the Fedora/RHEL split) via an, ironically enough, Microsoft sponsored course. Part of my interest in helping add to Wikipedia is derived from knowing how much the ability to access education without cost or fee affected the course of my life and inspired an ever-present love of learning.

I spent much of my late 20s and early 30s involved in politics as somebody of exactly zero importance. But it does mean I drew a paycheck from OfA and Everytown for Gun Safety plus a smattering of state and local candidates in the western US. I still host a weekly podcast, a roundtable discussion of Pacific Northwest regional politics. This may mean I have a CoI. I don't think it does, but in the end it doesn't really matter: anyone whose done professional political campaigns has zero interest in them spending their free time arguing about politics with strangers on the internet. So I don't edit those. I do have something of a soft spot for secessionist movements like the Cascadia movement and the State of Jefferson though, so you might find me nosing around those.

Long-term projects

Engaged currently with finding acceptably licensed images of Australian flora to Commons and making sure as many articles as possible have images of the plant they're about. Currently have done dozens of these and have a pretty good workflow down. At some point I'll probably move to doing this for places I actually live. Or have even been.

Just moved Del Riley (clerk) from userspace to mainspace! First actual article I've written in an exceptionally long time. Feel free to drop by and give it a polish, I'm sure there tons to be improved.

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