Hello SD warn-needed. You tagged a page for speedy deletion, but you did not notify the article's creator that it had been so tagged. There is strong consensus that the creators of articles tagged for speedy deletion should be warned and that the person placing the tag has that responsibility. All of the major speedy deletion templates contain a pre-formatted warning for this purpose—just copy and paste to the creator's talk page. Thank you.

- No Header
{{subst:SD warn-needed|''[name of tagged page]''|''optional message''}}.
- Linked Header
{{subst:SD warn-needed|''[name of tagged page]''|header=1|''optional message''}}.
- Own Header
{{subst:SD warn-needed|''[name of tagged page]''|header=1|header-text=''[header text]''|''optional message''}}.
When used, this template will appear as above. Note that this template must be substituted or else a red error message will appear.
This template must be substituted. Replace {{SD warn-needed ...}} with {{subst:SD warn-needed ...}}.
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