Kalthodu is a village in the Byndoor taluk of Udupi district. T As of 2011, Kalthodu has a total population of 5172 people consisting of 2820 male and 539 female residents. The village occupies a total area of 4212.71 hecatres with a population density of 1.228 people per hectare. As of 2011, the total literacy rate was 66.57% which was higher than the national average of 59.5%.[1]

As of 2011, Kalthodu has an employment rate of over 52.11%, 70.17% of whom are employed over 183 days in a year.[1]

In 2022, a school girl was washed away by a swollen stream while crossing a wooden footbridge near Kalthodu which brought to light the lack of infrastructure in the village.[2]

See also


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