Jaiee is a village in Himachal Pradesh, within the Tehsil (administrative district) of Theog, Shimla district, India.[citation needed]
Village Profile
As of Census of India 2001[1]
Area details
Area of village (in hectares) - 52
Number of households - 24
Population data based on 2001 census
Total population - Persons - 116
Total population - Males - 52
Total population - Females - 64
Scheduled castes population - Persons - 7
Scheduled castes population - Males - 3
Scheduled castes population - Females - 4
Education facilities
Education facilities - Available
Number of primary schools - 1
Middle school available within range - Within 5 km
College available within range - More than 10 km
Medical facilities
Allopathic hospitals available within range - More than 10 km
Number of ayurvedic dispensary - Within 5 km
Primary health centre available within range - Within 5 km
Post, telegraph and telephone facilities
Post office available within range - Within 5 km
Number of telephone connections - 3
Approach to villages
Nearest town - Theog
Distance from the nearest town (in kilometer(s)) - 17
Land use (Two decimal) in hectares
Unirrigated area - 15.00
Culturable waste (including gauchar and groves) - 31.00
Area not available for cultivation - 6.00
- ^ Census of India Archived 14 May 2007 at the Wayback Machine
External links
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