This is a discography of the Mongolian heavy metal band Hurd.
Studio albums
The Best Collection I
The Best Collection I is Hurd's debut album. Recorded between the years of 1993–1995, and released along with The Best Collection II, it is considered to be one of the first heavy metal albums in Mongolian music history. It contains such hit songs as Chimeegüi irekh durlal, Saikhan büsgüi and Eejdee, which are hugely popular among Mongolian music lovers, and are frequently included in the live set.
5 songs from The Best Collection I were re-arranged and played acoustically during the 1998 Unplugged concert.
Hurd released their first music video for Chono, where the band is seen playing the song near an abandoned factory. It also contains numerous battle scenes from a 1945 movie about Tsogt Taij. It is told that the band members grew quickly tired and behaved impatiently during the filming, as they were not yet familiar with the process.
Mongolian traditional music instruments were used for the recording of Bakharkhal, most notably the Morin khuur. This song is among the first in a long list of patriotic songs written by Hurd.
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Чоно" | Kh.Lkhagvasuren | Dambyn Ganbayar | Chono | 4:51 |
2. | "Алив бос" | R.Mönkhsaikhan | D.Ganbayar | Aliv bos | 4:42 |
3. | "Нар сар" | L.Enkh-Amgalan | T.Naranbaatar | Nar sar | 5:29 |
4. | "Чимээгүй ирэх дурлал" | N.Khongor | Dambyn Otgonbayar | Chimeegüi irekh durlal | 3:39 |
5. | "Сэрүүн бухимдал" | P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbayar | Serüün bukhimdal | 7:49 |
6. | "Залуу нас" | B.Luvsanjurmed | D.Otgonbayar | Zaluu nas | 4:31 |
7. | "Эх орны төлөө" | L.Tümürbat | D.Otgonbayar | Ekh orny tölöö | 6:33 |
8. | "Сайхан бүсгүй" | Kh.Davaadash | Sangaagiin Ishkhüü, D.Otgonbayar | Saikhan büsgüi | 4:54 |
9. | "Өөрийгөө би" | L.Enkh-Amgalan | T.Naranbaatar | Ööriigöö bi | 3:54 |
10. | "Ээждээ" | D.Boldbaatar | S.Ishkhüü, Namsraijavyn Naranbaatar | Eejdee | 4:25 |
11. | "Бахархал" | A.Zandangarav | D.Ganbayar | Bakharkhal | 6:23 |
12. | "Шартаж үхлээ" | B.Galsansukh | D.Otgonbayar | Shartaj ükhlee | 5:05 |
Additional personnel
- S.Ishkhüü - keyboards
- Kh.Bayarbold - technician
- A.Bayarmagnai - technician
The Best Collection II
The Best Collection II is Hurd's second studio album. It was recorded and released in conjunction with The Best Collection I, and as a result the two albums are sometimes seen together as a double album.
Compared to its counterpart, the style and lyrical theme of The Best Collection II is somewhat darker (dealing with night, darkness, fear, cemetery, ...), and the songs are rather fast-paced, with Khar darsan züüd being one of the fastest songs in Hurd's repertoire.
The hugely successful Tsergiin bodol ("Soldier's Thoughts") is considered a classic and allowed the band to reach celebrity. The song was written by Dambyn Ganbold in 1978, while he was in military service, his fellow soldiers helping him up on the lyrics. [1] It is told that, during a performance in an all-star concert, Hurd had a 3-song setlist that included Tsergiin bodol, but under popular demand they ended up playing the song three times in a row. Other famous songs from the album include Baga nas, Zurag shig büsgüi and Nulimsaa tevch'ye.
Hurd's 1998 Unplugged acoustic concert includes no less than 8 songs from The Best Collection II.
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Болтугай" | N.Chuluunbaatar | Dambyn Otgonbaatar | Boltugai | 4:05 |
2. | "Хар дарсан зүүд" | R.Mönkhsaikhan | D.Ganbayar | Khar darsan züüd | 3:59 |
3. | "Сохор номин" | P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbayar | Sokhor nomin | 4:17 |
4. | "Бага нас" | T.Bat-orgil | D.Otgonbayar | Baga nas | 6:38 |
5. | "Цэргийн бодол" | D.Ganbold | D.Ganbold | Tsergiin bodol | 4:40 |
6. | "Хэрээ мэд" | B.Luvsanjurmed | D.Otgonbayar | Kheree med | 3:51 |
7. | "Харанхуй" | D.Banzragch | D.Otgonbayar | Kharankhui | 4:20 |
8. | "Зураг шиг бүсгүй" | D.Amgalan, D.Otgonbaatar | S.Ishkhüü, D.Otgonbayar | Zurag shig büsgüi | 4:40 |
9. | "Миний дайсан" | B.Luvsanjurmed | D.Otgonbayar | Minii daisan | 3:34 |
10. | "Нулимсаа тэвчье" | S.Ishkhüü | D.Otgonbayar | Nulimsaa tevch'ye | 5:18 |
11. | "Булш" | P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbayar | Bulsh | 6:27 |
12. | "Миний Монгол" | B.Galsansükh | D.Ganbayar | Minii Mongol | 4:01 |
13. | "Шөнө" | Sh.Mönkhbat | D.Ganbayar | Shönö | 3:37 |
Additional personnel
- S.Ishkhüü - keyboards
- Kh.Bayarbold - technician
- A.Bayarmagnai - technician
Ödör Shönö
Ödör Shönö (Mongolian: Өдөр шөнө, "day and night") is Hurd's third studio album.
It is the only album where the band has changed its name to "Erel-Hurd", the album being the beginning of their 8-year partnership with Erel company. The name "Erel-Hurd" also appears on the compilation cassette Shildeg duu from that same era.
Tanygaa dursana was written by D. Ganbold, who also authored the hugely successful Tsergiin bodol from The Best Collection II. The track contains a recording from 1978 of D. Ganbold singing Tsergiin bodol.
Süns zalrakhui was not listed on the original release of the album, leading fans to give it the title Önö ertnii uyees (Өнө эртний үеэс) before the release of the Black Box boxset in 2013, where the official name of the song was finally revealed. On the original 1999 release, the track was track 4, but it was moved to the end of the album on the Black Box and the 30th anniversary reissue.
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Дүлий хорвоо" | T.Erdenetsogt | D.Otgonbayar | Dülii khorvoo | 3:54 |
2. | "Гүйдэлтэй газар" | J.Batsükh | D.Otgonbayar | Güideltei gazar | 3:55 |
3. | "Чи минь байгаа болхоор" | Sh.Jargalsaikhan | D.Otgonbayar | Chi min' baigaa bolkhoor | 4:12 |
4. | "Сүнс залрахуй" (Moved to the end of the album on all reissues since the Black Box) | D.Ganbayar | D.Ganbayar | Süns zalrakhui | 4:54 |
5. | "Хоёулаа үгүй" | T.Erdenetsogt | D.Otgonbayar | Khoyulaa ügüi | 3:39 |
6. | "Жаргалтай нүдэнд нулимс зохихгүй" | D.Otgonbayar | D.Otgonbayar | Jargaltai nüdend nulims zokhikhgüi | 3:23 |
7. | "Аян замд" | T.Erdenetsogt | D.Otgonbayar | Ayan zamd | 5:23 |
8. | "Ээж минь" | D.Otgonbaatar | D.Otgonbaatar | Eej min' | 4:55 |
9. | "Цагаан шонхор" | B.Galsansükh | D.Ganbayar | Tsagaan shonkhor | 5:13 |
10. | "Тэр цаг" | P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbayar | Ter tsag | 4:27 |
11. | "Уур хилэн" | D.Otgonbaatar | D.Otgonbayar | Uur khilen | 5:03 |
12. | "Аавдаа би хайртай" | I.Chilaajav | S.Ishkhüü | Aavdaa bi khairtai | 5:16 |
13. | "Өдөр шөнө" | D.Otgonbaatar | D.Otgonbaatar | Ödör shönö | 4:05 |
14. | "Ханьдаа дуулъя" | R.Gerel | D.Otgonbayar | Khan'daa duulya | 4:46 |
15. | "Таныгаа дурсана" | D.Ganbold | D.Ganbold | Tanygaa dursana | 4:24 |
16. | "Урагшаа" | B.Luvsanjurmed | N.Naranbaatar | Uragshaa | 3:56 |
Myangan Jild Gants
Myangan Jild Gants (Mongolian: Мянган жилд ганц, "once in a thousand years") is Hurd's fourth studio album.
In this album, besides their usual rock ballads and heavy metal songs, Hurd has made their first attempts of writing nu metal material. That can be attested by such songs as Üg sons or Gar utas, as some of the singing is rapped and there is some use of turntables. Hurd would continue the rap rock theme on their song "Sain muu", on the followup album Mongold Törsön.
Khelekh n' khegjüün is the fastest and also the shortest song in all of Hurd's catalog. Shine jil is an outtake from the Best Collection sessions and previously appeared on The Best Collection 3.
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Хүн" | Bayandalai | D.Otgonbayar | Khün | 4:31 |
2. | "Атаархал" | Bayandalai | D.Otgonbayar | Ataarkhal | 5:54 |
3. | "Бүсгүй" | Kh.Chilaajav | S.Ishkhüü | Büsgüi | 5:00 |
4. | "Өнгөрсөн шөнө" | D.Ganbayar | Öngörsön shönö | 4:15 | |
5. | "Та" | Sumya | D.Otgonbayar | Ta | 5:08 |
6. | "Чамайгаа үнсье" | Khishigjargal | D.Otgonbayar | Chamaigaa üns'ye | 3:41 |
7. | "13-н ааш" | Sumya | D.Otgonbayar | 13-n aash | 4:33 |
8. | "Үг сонс" | D.Otgonbaatar | Üg sons | 4:42 | |
9. | "Очиж чадаагүй" | Gerel | D.Ganbayar | Ochij chadaagüi | 4:25 |
10. | "Яалаа ийлээ" | Kh.Chilaajav | T.Naranbaatar | Yaalaa iilee | 4:25 |
11. | "Шинэ жил" | Kh.Chilaajav | D.Otgonbayar | Shine jil | 4:08 |
12. | "Санаж байна" | S.Ishkhüü | Sanaj baina | 5:20 | |
13. | "Ганцаардал" | Sumya | D.Otgonbayar | Gantsaardal | 4:52 |
14. | "Гар утас" | Kh.Chilaajav | D.Otgonbayar | Gar utas | 3:43 |
15. | "Үнэгүй юм" | Bayandalai | D.Otgonbayar | Ünegüi yum | 5:16 |
16. | "Хэлэх нь хэгжүүн" | Sumya | D.Otgonbayar | Khelekh n' khegjüün | 2:09 |
Additional personnel
- Kh.Nergüi - engineering, mixing
- Kh.Bayarbold - technician
- B.Batbayar - technician
- B.Bat-Erdene - technician
- N.Byambadorj - technician
Mongold Törsön
Mongold Törsön (Mongolian: Монголд төрсөн, "born in Mongolia") is Hurd's fifth studio album.
According to the band's comments in the Enhanced CD section, they wanted to make a softer sounding album and try out different rock music genres. For the first time, Hurd has written songs in rock and roll style. Also notable is the collaboration with hip-hop artists Ice Top, Digital and 2 Khüü on Sain muu. Nutag min' ünertdeg features two famous Mongolian wrestling champions G. Ösökhbayar and D. Mönkh-Erdene.
The band also comments that Mongold Törsön was specially dedicated to all the Mongolians living abroad. Indeed, the overarching theme of the album is family, homeland, and national pride.
In 2004, Hurd's tour supporting Mongold Törsön in Inner Mongolia was cancelled, as reportedly the Chinese authorities feared civil unrest. [2]
The song Rock n' roll was later retitled to Namaig toogoogüi büsgüid bayar khürgeye (Намайг тоогоогүй бүсгүйд баяр хүргэе).
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Монголд төрсөн юм" | P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbayar | Mongold törsön yum | 4:31 |
2. | "Нулимс дуслахгүй хайр" | D.Chimgee, P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbaatar | Nulims duslakhgüi khair | 4:49 |
3. | "Хүлээсэн сэтгэл" | P.Enkhbaatar | S.Ishkhüü | Khüleesen setgel | 4:54 |
4. | "Даанч дэндүү" | Kh.Chilaajav | D.Otgonbayar | Daanch dendüü | 4:12 |
5. | "Хайрын сарнай" | Sh.Gürbazar, J.Batsükh | D.Otgonbayar | Khairyn sarnai | 4:22 |
6. | "Бүүвэй аялна" | Sh.Gürbazar | L.Balkhjav | Büüvei ayalna | 5:19 |
7. | "Rock n' roll" | Kh.Chilaajav | T.Naranbaatar | 4:11 | |
8. | "Хүү нь гомдоогүй" | Sh.Gürbazar | L.Balkhjav | Khüü n' gomdoogüi | 6:16 |
9. | "Нутаг минь үнэртдэг" (featuring G.Ösökhbayar and D.Mönkh-Erdene) | J.Mönkhbat | B.Ganbold | Nutag min' ünertdeg | 4:18 |
10. | "Би дурлаж байна" | Sh.Gürbazar | D.Otgonbayar | Bi durlaj baina | 3:50 |
11. | "Ээж хайрхан" | D.Otgonbayar | Eej khairkhan | 5:07 | |
12. | "Сайн муу" (featuring Ice Top, Digital and 2 Khuu) | Ice Top, Digital, 2 Khuu | D.Otgonbayar | Sain muu | 4:25 |
13. | "Харуусал" | S.Erdene | S.Ishkhüü | Kharuusal | 5:31 |
14. | "Хэзээ ч битгий" | P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbaatar | Khezee ch bitgii | 4:41 |
15. | "Манайд ирээрэй" (Not on the original album despite being listed, only appears on the Black Box reissue) | G.Mend-Ooyoo | R.Enkhbazar | Manaid ireerei | 4:22 |
16. | "Монголоороо гоёдог" | Sh.Gürbazar | D.Otgonbayar | Mongolooroo goyodog | 4:31 |
Züirlekh Argagüi
Züirlekh Argagüi (Mongolian: Зүйрлэх аргагүй, "uncomparable") is Hurd's sixth studio album.
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Алаг нүдэн" | T.Erdenetsogt | D.Otgonbaatar | Alag nüden | 3:56 |
2. | "Энд нэг л биш ээ" | B.Oidov | D.Otgonbayar | End neg l bish ee | 3:05 |
3. | "Яг л чам шиг" | Sükhzorig | D.Otgonbayar | Yag l cham shig | 5:48 |
4. | "Зэвүүн харц" | B.Oidov, P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbaatar | Zevüün kharts | 4:16 |
5. | "Алт" | B.Oidov | D.Otgonbaatar | Alt | 4:33 |
6. | "Зөрөөд өнгөрсөн бүсгүй" | D.Otgonbayar | Zörööd öngörsön büsgüi | 4:31 | |
7. | "Намуухан орчлон" | T.Erdenetsogt | D.Otgonbayar | Namuukhan orchlon | 5:36 |
8. | "Ер бусын сүм" | T.Erdenetsogt | D.Otgonbaatar | Yer busyn süm | 4:03 |
9. | "Би дуртай" | Ts.Khulan | D.Otgonbaatar | Bi durtai | 4:41 |
10. | "Цоглог оюутан" | B.Oidov | D.Otgonbayar | Tsoglog oyutan | 4:10 |
11. | "Би амьдарч чадна" | B.Oidov | D.Otgonbayar | Bi am'darch chadna | 5:04 |
12. | "Тоотой санагдах юм" | Kh.Purev | S.Ishkhüü | Tootoi sanagdakh yum | 6:46 |
13. | "Зүйрлэх аргагүй" | Kh.Chilaajav | D.Otgonbayar | Züirlekh argagüi | 4:03 |
14. | "Нүүдлийн кино театр" | B.Oidov | D.Otgonbayar | Nüüdliin kino teatr | 5:22 |
15. | "Хонгор сэтгэл" | B.Bayandalai | D.Otgonbayar | Khongor setgel | 5:32 |
16. | "Хөгшин атаман" | B.Oidov | D.Otgonbaatar | Khögshin ataman | 4:46 |
Additional personnel
- D.Lkhagvaa - technician
- N.Bondoo - technician
Khairyn Salkhi
In November 2009, the band has announced through their official website the upcoming release of their seventh studio album, Khairyn Salkhi (Mongolian: Хайрын салхи, "wind of love"). [3]
The album took 1 year to be finished and contains 12 songs that revolve around the theme of love. Its cover was uploaded, but only a few homemade cassette and CD-R copies of the album circulated. At least one (semi-)official silver CD pressing was done in Inner Mongolia, although it is very rare and the only copy located does not have any identifying marks on it. The album was finally given an official release in 2013 in the Black Box boxset.
The songs Nogoon shugüi and Chamaig zorino date back to at least 1998, being recorded at the concert at Top Ten nightclub in Ulaanbaatar that was immortalised on the 1999 album Unplugged. On the initial tape copies, Nogoon shugüi was labeled as Durlaj üzsengüi.
Track listing
No. | Title | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Зүүд биелэх болов уу" | Züüd biyelekh bolov uu | 4:28 |
2. | "Хайрын салхи" | Khairyn salkhi | 4:14 |
3. | "Хагдрах цэцэг" | Khagdrakh tsetseg | 5:30 |
4. | "Тансаг гоо бүсгүй" | Tansag goo büsgüi | 3:38 |
5. | "Хайрын нулимс" | Khairyn nulims | 4:59 |
6. | "Эндүүрэл" | Endüürel | 3:59 |
7. | "Тавилан" | Tavilan | 3:38 |
8. | "Чамайг зорино" | Chamaig zorino | 5:08 |
9. | "Ногоон шугүй" | Nogoon shugüi | 3:48 |
10. | "Дурлалд битгий яар" | Durlald bitgii yaar | 4:58 |
11. | "Нэг ангийнхан" | Neg angiinkhan | 5:22 |
12. | "Амьдаръя" | Am'dar"ya | 3:57 |
Narlag Divaajin
Narlag Divaajin (Mongolian: Нарлаг диваажин, "sunny paradise") is Hurd's eighth studio album, released as a double album in 2016.
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Монгол" | B.Gankhürel | Dambyn Otgonbayar | Mongol | 5:33 |
2. | "Сануулсаар байтал" | B.Boldsaikhan | D.Otgonbayar | Sanuulsaar baital | 4:14 |
3. | "Нандин хайр" | B.Gankhürel, Luvsanravdan | D.Otgonbayar | Nandin khair | 4:41 |
4. | "Сэмэрч нураагүй" | B.Gankhürel | Sangaagiin Ishkhüü | Semerch nuraagüi | 3:49 |
5. | "Нарлаг диваажин" | P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbayar | Narlag divaajin | 5:40 |
6. | "Яарсангүй" | S.Shürentsetseg | D.Otgonbayar | Yaarsangüi | 5:17 |
7. | "Найзууд" | B.Lkhagvasüren | D.Otgonbayar | Naizuud | 4:16 |
8. | "Амгалан оршиг" | Sh.Gürbazar | Kh.Mönkh-Yertünts | Amgalan orshig | 4:44 |
9. | "Өнгө төгөлдөр" | P.Kherlen | D.Otgonbayar | Öngö tögöldör | 3:20 |
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Бүсгүйчүүд инээмсэглэ" | Kh.Tergel | D.Otgonbayar | Büsgüichüüd ineemsegle | 4:08 |
2. | "Хатан эрдэнэ" | B.Batregzedmaa | D.Otgonbayar | Khatan erdene | 5:10 |
3. | "Гэгээн гуниг" | S.Ishkhüü | Gegeen gunig | 4:21 | |
4. | "Чин зүрх" | O.Dashbalbar | D.Otgonbayar | Chin zürkh | 3:54 |
5. | "Амин цэцэг" | Sh.Ur'khan | D.Otgonbayar | Amin tsetseg | 5:19 |
6. | "Амар мэндийн дуу" | Dambyn Otgonbaatar, B.Gankhürel | D.Otgonbaatar | Amar mendiin duu | 5:31 |
7. | "Амьдралын эхлэл" | T.Nansalmaa | S.Ononbat, D.Otgonbayar | Am'dralyn ekhlel | 4:08 |
8. | "Бид чоно" | D.Tsoodol | Dambyn Ganbayar | Bid chono | 4:38 |
9. | "Хатан эрдэнэ (instrumental)" | D.Otgonbayar | Khatan erdene (instrumental) | 5:05 | |
Total length: | 83:48 |
7,000,000,000 or Doloon Terbum (Mongolian: Долоон тэрбум, "7 billion") is Hurd's ninth studio album, released in 2021.
The title song Doloon terbum features Uka.
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Долоон тэрбум" (featuring Uka) | T.Nansalmaa | D.Otgonbayar | Doloon terbum | 3:31 |
2. | "Багаа хуул" | Battsengel | D.Otgonbayar | Bagaa khuul | 4:11 |
3. | "Гэгээн гоо" | B.Boldsaikhan | D.Otgonbayar | Gegeen goo | 4:12 |
4. | "Хагархай хэнгэрэг" | B.Gankhürel | D.Mönkhbat | Khagarkhai khengereg | 3:48 |
5. | "Орхиж чадахгүй" | Ü.Khürelbaatar | D.Otgonbaatar | Orkhij chadakhgui | 4:18 |
6. | "Норсон зүрх" | B.Gankhürel | D.Otgonbayar | Norson zürkh | 5:01 |
7. | "Хүнд суртал" | D.Ganbayar | Khünd surtal | 4:00 | |
8. | "Дэргэд минь байгаарай" | L.Erdenetsetseg | D.Otgonbaatar | Derged min' baigaarai | 4:16 |
9. | "Хурд" | N.Dügeree | N.Naranbaatar | Khurd | 5:52 |
10. | "Сайхан хайр" | B.Batnasan | S.Ishkhüü | Saikhan khair | 4:45 |
Total length: | 43:52 |
Additional personnel
- N.Naranbaatar - recording engineer
- G.Battüvshin - recording engineer
- Maxim Komov - mixing and mastering
Compilation albums
The Best Collection III
The Best Collection III is an album by Hurd, composed of various B-sides and previously unreleased songs.
Ekh oron features late B.Damchaa, a famous Mongolian actor. Khamag Mongol features pop singer Sarantuya and former Chingis Khaan singer D.Jargalsaikhan.
Ekh oron, Manlailan devegchiin duu and Bi Mongoltoigoo adilkhan were released as a single in 1999. Züüdend irsen eej was released in 1999 as a B-side to the Aavdaa bi khairtai/Bayangol düüregtee örgökh duu single, while Shine jil was released later in 2001 on Myangan Jild Gants.
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Эх орон" (featuring B.Damchaa) | Kh.Chilaajav | D.Ganbayar, D.Otgonbayar | Ekh oron | 5:04 |
2. | "Буцааж нэхэхгүй хайр" | Kh.Chilaajav | S.Ishkhüü | Butsaaj nekhekhgüi khair | 5:13 |
3. | "Төөрөг" | B.Galsansükh | D.Otgonbayar | Töörög | 5:32 |
4. | "Зүүдэнд ирсэн ээж" | Kh.Davaadash | S.Ishkhüü | Züüdend irsen eej | 3:44 |
5. | "Манлайлан дэвэгчийн дуу" | D.Danzan | D.Otgonbayar | Manlailan devegchiin duu | 5:34 |
6. | "Би Монголтойгоо адилхан" | Sh.Gürbazar | L.Balkhjav | Bi Mongoltoigoo adilkhan | 5:56 |
7. | "Алтан нутаг" | D.Törbat | D.Otgonbayar | Altan nutag | 4:18 |
8. | "Шинэ жил" | Kh.Chilaajav | D.Otgonbayar | Shine jil | 4:09 |
9. | "Эцэг өвгөдийн нутаг" | Ubaa | G.Pürevdorj | Etseg övgödiin nutag | 6:26 |
10. | "Би аавтай хүн" | Chinzorig | L.Balkhjav | Bi aavtai khün | 5:44 |
11. | "Хамаг Монгол" (featuring Sarantuya and D.Jargalsaikhan) | Kh.Chilaajav | D.Otgonbayar | Khamag Mongol | 5:14 |
Live albums
In the fall of 1998, Hurd played a series of sold-out acoustic concerts at a now-defunct Ulan Bator nightclub, Top Ten. One of these concerts was recorded and released as Unplugged. The album features 8 songs from The Best Collection II, 5 from The Best Collection I and 3 previously unreleased songs.
Chamaig zorino is the only Hurd song written by singer D.Tömörtsog. Eejdee örgökh duu is a well known Mongolian folk song.
Chamaig zorino and Nogoon shugüi were recorded in the studio a decade later for Khairyn Salkhi.
When the album was originally released, Chamaig zorino and Kharankhui were indexed as one track. When the album was reissued in the Black Box boxset in 2013, the two songs were separated.
Track listing
No. | Title | Lyrics | Music | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Хар дарсан зүүд" | R.Mönkhsaikhan | D.Ganbayar | Khar darsan züüd | 5:25 |
2. | "Чоно" | Kh.Lkhagvasuren | D.Ganbayar | Chono | 4:08 |
3. | "Чимээгүй ирэх дурлал" | N.Khongor | D.Otgonbayar | Chimeegüi irekh durlal | 6:22 |
4. | "Чамайг зорино" (previously unreleased) "Харанхуй" | D.Tömörtsog D.Banzragch | D.Tömörtsog D.Otgonbayar | Chamaig zorino Kharankhui | 4:55 4:01 |
5. | "Ногоон шугуй" (previously unreleased) | Nogoon shugui | 3:37 | ||
6. | "Сайхан бүсгүй" | Kh.Davaadash | S.Ishkhüü, D.Otgonbayar | Saikhan büsgüi | 4:45 |
7. | "Нулимсаа тэвчье" | S.Ishkhüü | D.Otgonbayar | Nulimsaa tevch'ye | 5:14 |
8. | "Шөнө" | Sh.Mönkhbat | D.Ganbayar | Shönö | 4:39 |
9. | "Алив бос" | R.Mönkhsaikhan | D.Ganbayar | Aliv bos | 5:35 |
10. | "Ээждээ" (featuring S.Ishkhüü) | D.Boldbaatar | S.Ishkhüü, N.Naranbaatar | Eejdee | 4:59 |
11. | "Ээждээ өргөх дуу" (previously unreleased) | Eejdee örgökh duu | 4:06 | ||
12. | "Миний дайсан" | B.Luvsanjurmed | D.Otgonbayar | Minii daisan | 4:06 |
13. | "Зураг шиг бүсгүй" | D.Amgalan, D.Otgonbaatar | S.Ishkhüü, D.Otgonbayar | Zurag shig büsgüi | 5:16 |
14. | "Цэргийн бодол" | D.Ganbold | D.Ganbold | Tsergiin bodol | 5:43 |
15. | "Миний Монгол" | B.Galsansükh | D.Ganbayar | Minii Mongol | 4:25 |
Additional personnel
- S.Ishkhüü - vocals on Eejdee
- S.Nergüi - engineering
- Kh.Bayarbold - mixing
Video albums
Talarkhalyn Kontsert
Talarkhalyn Kontsert or "The Gratitude Concert" was one of Hurd's biggest outdoor shows, which took place at the Sükhbaatar Square on Naadam day. It was a free concert celebrating the band's 10th anniversary, held before a crowd of 80,000 to 100,000 people, [4] which is a record for Mongolia.
On June 26, 2009, the band released a DVD of this show and organized a release party at the Grand Khan pub in Ulan Bator.
Track listing
No. | Title | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Эхлэл" | Ekhlel (intro) | |
2. | "Болтугай" | Boltugai | |
3. | "Монголд төрсөн юм" | Mongold törsön yum | |
4. | "Чамайг зорино" | Chamaig zorino | |
5. | "Очиж чадаагүй" | Ochij chadaagüi | |
6. | "Хүн" | Khün | |
7. | "13 ааш" | 13 aash | |
8. | "Чимээгүй ирэх дурлал" | Chimeegüi irekh durlal | |
9. | "Хайрын сарнай" | Khairyn sarnai | |
10. | "Зураг шиг бүсгүй" | Zurag shig büsgüi | |
11. | "Нулимсаа тэвчье" | Nulimsaa tevch'ye | |
12. | "Чи минь байгаа болхоор" | Chi min' baigaa bolkhoor | |
13. | "Цэргийн бодол" | Tsergiin bodol | |
14. | "Хөгжмийн номер" | Khögjmiin nomer (instrumental) | |
15. | "Намайг тоогоогүй бүсгүйд баяр хүргэе" | Namaig toogoogüi büsgüid bayar khürgeye | |
16. | "Ээждээ" | Eejdee | |
17. | "Миний аав адуучин" (previously unreleased) | Minii aav aduuchin | |
18. | "Миний Монгол" | Minii Mongol | |
19. | "Эх орон" | Ekh oron |
Additional personnel
- D.Ganbayar - percussion, drums
- Mönkh-Erdene - keyboard
Unplugged II
In December 2005, Hurd played a second acoustic concert, dubbed Unplugged II, at The Cultural Palace of Ulan Bator. In 2009, a DVD with the video footage of that concert was released.
A previous lower quality version of this DVD was released in 2006 for promotional purposes only, but had a limited distribution.
In 2012, the audio from this concert was released on iTunes.
Track listing
No. | Title | Transliterated title | Length |
1. | "Сэрүүн бухимдал" | Serüün bukhimdal | |
2. | "Бага нас" | Baga nas | |
3. | "Очиж чадаагүй" | Ochij chadaagüi | |
4. | "Бүүвэй аялна" | Büüvei ayalna | |
5. | "13 ааш" | 13 aash | |
6. | "Үнэгүй юм" | Ünegüi yum | |
7. | "Жаргалтай нүдэнд нулимс зохихгүй" | Jargaltai nüdend nulims zokhikhgüi | |
8. | "Бүсгүй" | Büsgüi | |
9. | "Би Монголтойгоо адилхан / Би аавтай хүн" | Bi Mongoltoigoo adilkhan / Bi aavtai khün | |
10. | "Нулимс дуслахгүй хайр" | Nulims duslakhgüi khair | |
11. | "Болтугай" | Boltugai | |
12. | "Хүү нь гомдоогүй" | Khüü n' gomdoogüi | |
13. | "Аавдаа би хайртай" | Aavdaa bi khairtai | |
14. | "Чи минь байгаа болхоор" | Chi min' baigaa bolkhoor | |
15. | "Алсын хараатай амьдрал" (previously unreleased) | Alsyn kharaatai am'dral | |
16. | "Хайрын сарнай" | Khairyn sarnai | |
17. | "Намайг тоогоогүй бүсгүйд баяр хүргэе" | Namaig toogoogüi büsgüid bayar khürgeye | |
18. | "Шинэ жил" | Shine jil |
Additional personnel
- D.Ganbayar - mandolin, melodica, percussion
- Amgalan - classical guitar
- Mönkh-Erdene - keyboard
- Buyan-Arvijikh, D.Navaantseren - accordion
- Nyamtuya, Saranchimeg, Odontsetseg - backing vocals
- ^ "Д.Ганбаяр : Цэргийн бодол 30 нас хvрлээ" (in Mongolian). Archived from the original on 2011-07-22. Retrieved 2009-10-11.
- ^ Brooke, James (2004-11-26). "The Mongolians Are Coming to China! With Heavy Metal!". The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-10-11.
- ^ "Хайрын Салхи шинэ цомог" (in Mongolian). Retrieved 2009-12-03.
- ^ "Хурдын талархалын концерт" (in Mongolian). Archived from the original on 2011-07-22. Retrieved 2010-03-07.
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