Article titles on political parties
- Article titles on political parties should be in the original party's name (either Dutch, French or German), due to Wikipedia:Naming conventions (political parties)#Exceptions (item 4).
- Articles should of course contain an English translation in the lead sentence.
- There should be a redirect of the party's name in English (but not in the other languages, since they are usually not translated in Belgium).
- Example: Mouvement Réformateur (French) with a redirect from Reformist Movement and Vlaams Belang (Dutch) with a redirect from Flemish Interest
- For multilingual parties (mainly former parties), the English title should be used
- There should be a redirect from all applying translations (Dutch/French/German)
- Example: Party for Freedom and Progress, People's Party
Article titles on political areas
- These are the English names:
Article titles on political institutions
- Government (with a capital G) for the executive body
- Belgian Federal Government
- Flemish Government (Dutch: Vlaamse Regering) -
- Walloon Government (French: Gouvernement wallon)
- ...
- government (with a lower-case g) for the civil service
- Flemish government (Dutch: Vlaamse overheid), currently not with its own article -
- ?
- Parliament (with a capital P) for the legislative body
Related: names of political parties in result charts or similar things
- The original name should be visible so that it is clear to which language area it belongs
Example: see on Template:Belgian chamber election, 2010
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