Wenshui River(Traditional Chinese:汶水溪), located in Miaoli County,[1] Taiwan,[2] is a central government-managed river[3] and the upper stream of the main stream of the Houlong River.[4] Its basin spans Tai'an Township,[5] Shitan Township,[6] and Dahu Township.[7]
The river originates in the southwestern valley of Luchang Dashan[8] at an altitude of 2,618 meters[9] in Meiyuan Village,[10] Tai'an Township. It initially flows southwest, then, after converging with the Dongxishui River,[11] a tributary originating from Dongxishui Mountain,[12] it turns west. It flows through Shangdao,[13] Hushan,[14] and Baguali,[15] then turns southwest at the Bagua'kou area,[16] forming a semi-circular arc opening to the north as it flows through Qing'an [17](the location of the Tai'an Township Office) and Paoshi. After converging with the Dahu River from the south at Wenshui,[18] it is renamed the Houlong River.
- ^ 汶水溪
- ^ 後龍溪水系支流汶水溪治理計畫(第一次修正)
- ^ 中央管河川經濟部水利署治理區段一覽表
- ^ 後龍溪流域
- ^ 汶水溪虎山地景 - | 台灣地景保育網
- ^ 後龍溪水系支流汶水溪治理規劃檢討(1/2) - GPI政府出版品資訊網
- ^ 地理位置
- ^ 汶水溪頭 - 國家文化記憶庫 2.0
- ^ 植物生態評估技術規範
- ^ 台灣中部苗栗、台中、南投溯溪地點介紹
- ^ 虎山踏青不入虎口水雲吊橋朝聖偶像劇場景
- ^ 【親親雪見自然探索】東洗水山健行活動 - 雪霸國家公園
- ^ 汶水溪虎山地景 - | 台灣地景保育網
- ^ 臺灣地景保育網地景登錄點檢索
- ^ 八卦吊橋如彩虹有原住民色彩
- ^ 濱臨山區河岸之雪霸國家公園管理處址安全性評估之探討
- ^ 淺談後龍溪中游地下水調查評估
- ^ 汶水老街
24°27′28″N 120°52′29″E / 24.4579°N 120.8746°E
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