Hello, Wikipedia. I am relatively new around here.
I have a variety of interests, including culture, religion, philosophy, physics, and technology. I am a photographer (check out this interesting blog post about how photography can increase readership on Wikipedia). I have a passion for music, and thoroughly enjoy playing the piano.
Precise language must be used to effectively convey a concept; it bothers me to see statements which employ ambiguous terms. Sometimes the use of unclear terms can be an honest mistake, but other times they can be used in a deceptive context. When gone unnoticed, imprecise language can unconsciously enslave academic communities, religious adherents, investors, or even a population at large.
Pages I created
ExtremeFFS • Jesus Hopped the 'A' Train • American Buffalo (film) • Bernice Cronkhite • Verda Welcome • Marguerite Rawalt
To do
- Get rollback permissions for WP:HUGGLE
- Create some more articles
- Customize monobook.css
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