Although all Wikipedia contributors release their work under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license, I additionally waive all rights to all my contributions to any namespace under the Creative Commons Zero waiver 1.0 (CC0 1.0). Thus any content written solely by myself (not edited significantly by others) can be used without any form of attribution, and derivative works need not be freely licensed; this applies to contributions to any page including articles, discussion pages, sandbox pages, and project pages. I make no license statement regarding images or contributions on other wikis here.
Committed identity: 74363a4b28b00cf21be0a0ff09351da57e31cd8e94184ac31d550d516905c45407619123962c536dd8b7a0029ed522114a1d491ddbf0f44dae0cd78a433afaf3 is a SHA-512commitment to this user's real-life identity.
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