10 FAs, over 40 GAs, and over 200 DYKs.
Here are some of the pages I wrote:
- Jonathan Swift – Drapier's Letters, Sermons of Jonathan Swift
- Christopher Smart – Jubilate Agno, A Song to David, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, The Parables of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Hymns for the Amusement of Children, The Hop-Garden, The Hilliad, Christopher Smart's asylum confinement, Hannah, Abimelech
- John Keats – John Keats's 1819 odes (Ode on a Grecian Urn,Ode on Indolence, Ode on Melancholy, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Psyche, To Autumn)
- John Milton – De Doctrina Christiana, Reception history, Religious views, Relationships, Poetic style, Early life, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes
- 1645 Poems (Christ's Nativity, The Passion, Upon the Circumcision, Arcades, L'Allegro, Il Penseroso)
- Antiprelatical tracts (Of Reformation, Of Prelatical Episcopacy, Animadversions, Reason of Church-Government, Apology for Smectymnuus)
- Divorce tracts (Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, Judgement of Martin Bucer, Tetrachordon, Colasterion)
- Political works (Tenure of Kings, Eikonoklastes, Defensio Secunda, Civil Power, Ready and Easy Way)
- Samuel Johnson – A Dictionary of the English Language, Life of Mr Richard Savage, Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets, Letter to Chesterfield, Birmingham Journal (eighteenth century), Messiah, London, The Vanity of Human Wishes, Irene, The Plays of William Shakespeare (including Miscellanious Observations, Proposal, and Preface), Health, Early life, Ethical views, Literary criticism, Politics
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge – Early life, Easter Holidays, Dura Navis, Songs of the Pixies, Pain: Composed in Sickness, Monody on the Death of Chatterton, On Receiving an Account, Lines Written at Shurton Bars, The Destruction of the Bastile, Lines on an Autumnal Evening, Religious Musings, To the River Otter, To Fortune, Ode on the Departing Year, On Quitting School, To a Young Ass, The Destiny of Nations, France: An Ode, The Fall of Robespierre (with Robert Southey), Hymn Before Sunrise, Kubla Khan
- Conversation poems (Dejection: An Ode, Fears in Solitude, Frost at Midnight, Reflections on Having Left a Place of Retirement, The Eolian Harp, The Nightingale: A Conversation Poem, This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison, To William Wordsworth)
- Sonnets on Eminent Characters ("To Erskine", "To Burke", "To Priestley", "To Fayette", "To Kosciusko", "To Pitt", "To Bowles", "To Mrs Siddons", "To Godwin", "To Southey", "To Sheridan", "To Lord Stanhope")
- Henry Fielding – Amelia, The Covent-Garden Journal
- Samuel Richardson – The History of Sir Charles Grandison
- Percy Bysshe Shelley – Prometheus Unbound, "Mont Blanc", "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty"
- William Wordsworth – William Wordsworth's early life, The Matthew poems, We are Seven, Lucy Gray, Ode: Intimations of Immortality
- William Blake – Nebuchadnezzar, The Ghost of a Flea, Illustrations of On the Morning of Christ's Nativity, The French Revolution, A Vision of the Last Judgment, "The Mental Traveller", An Island in the Moon
- Prophetic works – Continental prophecies (America a Prophecy, Europe a Prophecy, The Song of Los), The Book of Urizen, The Book of Los, The Book of Ahania, Vala, or The Four Zoas
- William Blake's mythology – Tharmas, Enion, Urizen, Ahania, Urthona, Enitharmon, Luvah, Vala
- Characters – Los, Orc
- William Hazlitt – Characters of Shakespear's Plays
- T. S. Eliot – Four Quartets (Burnt Norton, East Coker, The Dry Salvages, and Little Gidding), Gerontion
- Alfred Tennyson – Mariana, "The Deserted House", Oenone, The Lotos-Eaters, St Simeon Stylites, The Day-Dream, Sir Galahad, "Break, Break, Break"
- Thomas Gray - Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
- Lawrence Sterne – Sermons of Lawrence Sterne
- Richard Blackmore – Lorna Doone
- Anthony Trollope – Irish Novels, Orley Farm
- Leigh Hunt – Juvenilia, Hero and Leander, Bacchus and Ariadne, Literary Pocket-Book, The Calendar of Nature, The Feast of the Poets, The Descent of Liberty, The Nymphs, The Story of Rimini, and The Palace of Pleasure
- Robert Southey – The Fall of Robespierre (with Samuel Coleridge), Joan of Arc, Madoc, Thalaba the Destroyer, Curse of Kehama, Roderick the Last of the Goths
- William Harrison Ainsworth – Rookwood, Jack Sheppard, Guy Fawkes, The Tower of London, Old St. Paul's, The Miser's Daughter, Windsor Castle, St. James's
- William Butler Yeats
- Edmund Burke – Letters on a Regicide Peace
- Mary Elizabeth Braddon – Lady Audley's Secret
- William Molyneux
- George Eliot – Middlemarch
- Ludovico Ariosto – Orlando Furioso
- Jane Collier – An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting, The Cry: A New Dramatic Fable
- George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron – Nicolo Giraud, George Gordon Byron's early life
- John Millington Synge
- Rudyard Kipling
- Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford
- Mark Twain – The Awful German Language
Others outside of literature:
- Printers – Benjamin Motte, Sr., Benjamin Motte, John Harding (printer)
- 18th century disputes: Actor Rebellion of 1733, Motte v. Faulkner, Paper War of 1752-1753
- BLP – Rosalind Picard, Steve Windom, Irving Hexham and Karla Poewe
- List of journeys of Pope Benedict XVI
- The Catholic University of America
- Romantic poetry, Romanticism
- Endymion (mythology)
- Treaty of Tripoli
- 18th century
- Ada Lovelace
- Criticism – Scrutiny, Donald Greene
- St. John's Lodge, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- Painters/Illustrators – Bartolommeo Coriolano, William Britten, George Cruikshank (Artist and the Author)
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