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Current Projects
Historic Neighborhoods of Dayton
Lost Neighborhoods of Dayton
1830–1860s Montgomery County Businesses
Big To Do List
- Arnold Homestead North of Dayton on Ohio 201
- Aullwood House and Garden
- Ausenbaugh-McElhenny House 373 Taylorsville Road
- Benjamin F. Kuhns Building 43 South Main Street
- Biltmore Hotel 210 N. Main Street
- Central Avenue Historic District 201—338 Central Avenue
- Central Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
- Classic Theater
- Commercial Building 44 South Ludlow Street
- Conover Building 4 South Main Street
- Daniel Miller House
- Dayton Arcade From Ludlow to Main Street, between Third and Fourth Streets
- Dayton Art Institute Forest and Riverview Avenues
- Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
- Dayton Daily News Building Fourth and Ludlow Streets
- Dayton Fire Department Station No. 16
- Dayton Fire Station No. 14 1422 North Main Street
- Dayton Motor Car Company Historic District 9–111 Bainbridge and 122–124 McDonough
- Dayton Stove and Cornice Works
- Dayton Terra-Cotta Historic District South Ludlow and West Fifth Street
- Dayton View Historic District
- Dayton Women's Club 225 North Ludlow Street
- Dayton Young Men's Christian Association Building (YMCA)117 West Monument Street
- Deerwood Farm 7200 Peters Pike
- Dr. Jefferson A. Walters House
- Dunbar Historic District 219 Paul Laurence Dunbar Street
- Duncarrick Webster and Keowee Streets
- Eagles Building 320 South Main Street
- East Second Street District 3–27 East Second Street
- East Third Street Historic District
- Edwin Smith House
- Exposition Hall, Montgomery County Fairgrounds
- Fire Blocks Historic District Roughly bounded by Jefferson, Fourth, St. Clair and Second Streets
- First Lutheran Church 138 West First Street
- Gummer House 1428 Huffman Avenue
- Hanitch-Huffman House 139 West Monument Avenue
- Holy Cross Lithuanian Roman Catholic Church 1924 Leo Street
- Huffman Historic District
- Hyman Schriber Building
- Incinerator Site Sunwatch and Artcle
- Independent Order of Oddfellows, Dayton Lodge No. 273 8 LaBelle Street
- Insco Apartments Building 255 North Main Street
- Isaac Pollack House
- Jacob H. W. Mumma House
- Jacob O. Joyce House 6 Josie Street
- James Brooks House 41 East First Street
- John R. Reynolds House
- John S. Stengel House
- Kelly Family Home 657 South Main Street
- Kossuth Colony Historic District
- Lafee Building 22 E. 3rd Street
- Lewis Kemp House 4800 Burkhardt Avenue
- Lichliter Mound and Village Site Address Restricted
- Lindsey Building 25 South Main Street
- Marcus Bossler House 136 South Dutoit Street (St Anne's Hill)
- McCormick Manufacturing Company Building
- McPherson Town Historic District
- Memorial Hall
- Montgomery County Courthouse
- Mutual Home & Savings Association Building
- Newcom House
- Nicholas Ohmer House
- Old Post Office And Federal Building
- Oregon Historic District
- Oscar M. Gottschall House 20 Livingston Avenue
- Patterson Homestead
- Paul Lawrence Dunbar House
- Philip E. Gilbert Houses 1012 Huffman Avenue and 18—30 Belpre Place
- Rubicon Farm
- Rudolph Pretzinger House
- Sachs and Pruden Ale Company Building
- Sacred Heart Church
- Saint Anne's Hill Historic District
- Samuel N. Brown House 1633 Wayne Avenue
- Shawen Acres 3304 North Main Street
- Sig's General Store 1400 Valley Street
- South Park Historic District
- South Park Historic District (Boundary Increase)
- Southern Ohio Lunatic Asylum
- St. Adalbert Polish Catholic Church
- St. Mary Roman Catholic Church
- St. Mary's Hall, University Of Dayton
- Steele's Hill-Grafton Hill Historic District
- Stivers High School
- Taylorsville Canal Inn
- Traxler Mansion
- United Brethren Publishing House
- Victory Theater Building
- West Third Street Historic District
- Westbrock Funeral Home
- William C. Oak-Sherman House
- Women's Christian Association 800 West Fifth Street
- Woodland Cemetery Gateway, Chapel And Office
- Wright Cycle Company-Wright and Wright Printing Offices
- Wright Flyer III
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