Presidential Seal invented?

What is the source to prove the existance of the Presidential Seal displayed in the article's latest version? There is a National Seal, but not a presidential seal in Brazil. The insignia of the presidency is the Presidential Flag, and presidents usually use the National Coat of Arms in their podiums, but there is no seal of the Presidency distinct from the national seal.


Lula is the 39th president, for Julio Prestes and Tancredo Neves never swear (the first revolution of 1930, the second for getting sick on the eve of possession and soon died)! Rodrigues Alves had a mandate and died before the second term swear! Moreover, even had the Board of Governors and military, accounted for respectively, replace the possession of Julio Prestes, and represent the termination of the mandate of Costa e Silva! That is, 39 presidents have ruled the country, being the last of President Lula, right? I made the same observation in Portuguese Wikipedia!

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