This is a list of heads of state of the region of Kosovo.
Governors of the Vilayet of Kosovo:
- Ibrahim Edem Pasha, 1877–1878
- Hafiz Mehmed Pasha, 1894–1899
- Reshad Bey Pasha, 1900–1902
- Abeddin Pasha, 1902–1903
- Shakir Pasha Numan, 1903–1904
- Mehmed Shefket Pasha, 1905–1907
- Hadi Pasha, 1908
- Mazhar Bey Pasha, 1909–1910
- Halil Bey Pasha, 1911
- Ghalib Pasha, 1912
List of the presidents of the Presidency of SAP Kosovo (1974–1990):
- Xhavit Nimani, 1974–1981
- Ali Šukrija, 1981–1982
- Kolë Shiroka, 1982–1983
- Shefqet Nebih Kollomoni, 1983–1985
- Branislav Skembarević, 1985–1986
- Bajram Selani, 1986–1988
- Remzi Kolgeci, 1988–1989
- Hysen Kajdomçaj, 1989–1990
List of the presidents of Kosovo (from 1992):
- Ibrahim Rugova, 1992–2006 (died in office)
- Fatmir Sejdiu, 2006–2010
- Behgjet Pacolli, 2011
- Atifete Jahjaga, 2011–2016
- Hashim Thaçi, 2016–2020
- Vjosa Osmani, 2020–Present
- Petrit Imami, Srbi i Albanci kroz vekove, Beograd, 2000
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