Martin Helme Map all coordinates using OpenStreetMap Download coordinates as: KML GPX (all coordinates) GPX (primary coordinates) GPX (secondary coordinates) There are 350 listed buildings (Swedish: byggnadsminne) in Gotland County. Visby placeholder Outside Visby Image Name Premise Number ofbuildings Year built Architect Coordinates ID Aner vattenkvarn Boge Aner 3:2 1 Late 1800s 57°41′32″N 18°46′02″E / 57.69231°N 18.76731°E / 57.69231; 18.76731 21300000014307 Annas nöje Östergarn Katthammars 1:14 6 1798 57°26′18″N 18°50′44″E / 57.43830°N 18.84555°E / 57.43830; 18.84555 21300000014894 Barlingbo prästgård Barlingbo Prästgården 1:8 3 1902 57°33′54″N 18°27′49″E / 57.56492°N 18.46366°E / 57.56492; 18.46366 21300000014305 Bjärges i Lau Lau Bjärges 1:39 4 1790s 57°17′04″N 18°37′58″E / 57.28435°N 18.63264°E / 57.28435; 18.63264 21300000014746 Boge sockenmagasin Boge Annex 1:2 1 1857 57°41′14″N 18°45′48″E / 57.68717°N 18.76332°E / 57.68717; 18.76332 21300000014310 Bondans på Fårö Fårö Bondans 1:13 7 1800s 57°58′08″N 19°09′11″E / 57.96895°N 19.15296°E / 57.96895; 19.15296 21300000014652 Boters linbastu Anga Boters 1:37 1 1700s or older 57°28′47″N 18°40′58″E / 57.47964°N 18.68279°E / 57.47964; 18.68279 21300000014295 Bottarvegården Vamlingbo Bottarve 1:26 3 1844 56°59′31″N 18°14′48″E / 56.99188°N 18.24668°E / 56.99188; 18.24668 21300000014868 Brucebo Väskinde Stora Bläsungs 1:142, 1:24 6 Mid-1800s 57°41′18″N 18°21′09″E / 57.68820°N 18.35240°E / 57.68820; 18.35240 21300000014875 Bruhns vattenkvarn Lye Lilllrone 1:3 3 1700s 57°18′23″N 18°30′05″E / 57.30652°N 18.50129°E / 57.30652; 18.50129 21300000014762 Burs fattigstuga Burs S:7 2 1816 57°14′32″N 18°30′56″E / 57.24236°N 18.51547°E / 57.24236; 18.51547 21300000014549 Burs prästgård Burs Prästgården 1:11previously 1:1 9 1700s 57°14′47″N 18°30′27″E / 57.24628°N 18.50759°E / 57.24628; 18.50759 21300000014551 Buttle järnvägsstation Buttle Buttlegårde 1:79 7 1878 57°24′33″N 18°29′26″E / 57.40927°N 18.49061°E / 57.40927; 18.49061 21300000014559 By i Eke Eke By 1:1 5 1771 57°09′48″N 18°23′30″E / 57.16328°N 18.39155°E / 57.16328; 18.39155 21300000014574 Båtsman Valles torp Lärbro Glästäde 1:16 2 1861 57°45′38″N 18°46′22″E / 57.76054°N 18.77279°E / 57.76054; 18.77279 21300000014767 Dalhems prästgård Dalhem Prästgården 1:18previously 1:1 4 1100s to 1500s 57°33′11″N 18°31′58″E / 57.55313°N 18.53269°E / 57.55313; 18.53269 21300000014570 Danielssons torp i Backhagen Tingstäde Furubjärs 1:6 3 Early 1700s 57°44′46″N 18°38′15″E / 57.74623°N 18.63751°E / 57.74623; 18.63751 21300000014857 Donnerska huset i Klinte Klinte Strands 1:144 2 1780s 57°23′11″N 18°11′59″E / 57.38651°N 18.19959°E / 57.38651; 18.19959 21300000014721 Dunbodi Dalhem Kaungs 1:6 1 1904 57°33′34″N 18°33′17″E / 57.55953°N 18.55479°E / 57.55953; 18.55479 21300000014566 Duss Bro Duss 1:3 4 1700s 57°40′24″N 18°29′11″E / 57.67343°N 18.48640°E / 57.67343; 18.48640 21300000022279 Endre prästgård Endre Prästgården 1:10; f.d. 2:1 1 Mid-1700s 57°36′35″N 18°27′54″E / 57.60961°N 18.46503°E / 57.60961; 18.46503 21300000014581 Enholmen och batteriet Mojner Boge Mojner 1:8, Othem Enholmen 1:1 5 1858 57°41′41″N 18°49′00″E / 57.69479°N 18.81662°E / 57.69479; 18.81662 21300000016436 Etelhems krukmakeri Etelhem Tänglings 1:73 4 1889 57°19′48″N 18°30′29″E / 57.32987°N 18.50803°E / 57.32987; 18.50803 21300000014583 External links (in Swedish) Bebyggelseregistret Listed buildings in Sweden Blekinge County Dalarna County Gävleborg County Gotland County Halland County Jämtland County Jönköping County Kalmar County Kronoberg County Norrbotten County Skåne County Södermanland County Stockholm County Uppsala County Värmland County Västerbotten County Västernorrland County Västmanland County Västra Götaland County Örebro County Östergötland County No tags for this post. Navigeerimine Raul KirjanenKivisildnik
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