English: A soldier wearing the General Service Respirator (GSR) at the Defence CBRN Centre, Winterbourne Gunner in Wiltshire. With more than half of the contracted 300,000 General Service Respirators (GSR) produced and delivered to Defence, the GSR fielding plan is gathering pace. One target for this plan is to deploy HERRICK 17 as a GSR equipped force and the Defence Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Centre (DCBRNC) has been playing a significant part in achieving this. DCBRNC has provided fielding support for the GSR roll out via their Technical Support Group (TSG) running GSR conversion courses for existing CBRN Trainers and Operational Instructors. Additionally TSG has given subject matter expert support to 4 Mechanized Brigade’s pre-deployment training for HERRICK 17, involving TSG personnel working with Bde elements in Edinburgh, Catterick, Taunton and Ludgershall throughout Aug/Sept 12.
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=A soldier wearing the General Service Respirator (GSR) at the Defence CBRN Centre, Winterbourne Gunner in Wiltshire. With more than half of the contracted 300,000 General Service Respirators (GSR) produced and deli...
A soldier wearing the General Service Respirator (GSR) at the Defence CBRN Centre, Winterbourne Gunner in Wiltshire.With more than half of the contracted 300,000 General Service Respirators (GSR) produced and delivered to Defence, the GSR fielding plan is gathering pace.One target for this plan is to deploy HERRICK 17 as a GSR equipped force and the Defence Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Centre (DCBRNC) has been playing a significant part in achieving this. DCBRNC has provided fielding support for the GSR roll out via their Technical Support Group (TSG) running GSR conversion courses for existing CBRN Trainers and Operational Instructors.Additionally TSG has given subject matter expert support to 4 Mechanized Brigade’s pre-deployment training for HERRICK 17, involving TSG personnel working with Bde elements in Edinburgh, Catterick, Taunton and Ludgershall throughout Aug/Sept 12.
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